WEATHE] RALLY FAIR TODAY I ol A6F AWN -A6- I R I OHIO STATE VOL. XXXIII. No. 23 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, RIDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1922 EIGHT PAGES PRICE FIVE CEN fln UDE T-S T c 0 Bu'I Lloyd George nd Cabinet Ousted -HALF OF j ENGLISH M\IISTRY RESIGNSASTORIES WITHRWSUPPORT EARLY FALL OF CONSERVATIVE GOVERNMENT CONSIDERED PROBABLE ANDREW BONAR LAW URGES UNITED PARTY Defeat of Coalition by 186-87 Vote Causes Great Excitement When Announced (By Associated Press) London, Oct. 19.-Andrew Bo- liar Lamw las consented to form a minn;,stry in succession to the min- istry of Premier Lloyd George. London, Oct. 19-The London cabinet crisis is full of possible future complications for all. other governments including the United States. However, a clear understanding of what is ahead, depends very largely upon the progress made by Premierdesig- nate Bonar Law in his attempt to for a new cabinet. (By Associated Press) London, Oct. 19.-The government of Prime Minister Lloyd George re- signed this afternoon. The Lloyd George coalition received its death blow at the hands of the Conservative Party, when the Con- servative members of the House of Commons ad. government ministers at their meeting in the Carlton Club today voted, 186 to 87, to appeal to the country as the Conservative Par- ty. This created a situation of the --atest political confusion and un- certainty the country had known for many years. Announcement of the vote of the Conservatives was preceded by re- ports from the 'Carlton Club that Aus- ten Chamberlain's statement had fail- ed to satisfy the meeting, and that An- drew Bonar Law had spoken in favor of maintaining the independence .of the Conservative Party. Mr. Bonar Law's speech was said to have a great influence on the meet- lug. 'There were some heated scenes in- side the club, because, though the Carlton is headquarters of the Con- servative Party only those Conserva- tive members of the House of Com- mons who had supported the Coali- tion, with, members of the House of Lords who are members of the cabin- et were invited to the meeting. Several Members Barred Austen Chamberlain, the govern- mental leader in Commons, addressed the meeting first. Stanley Baldwin, president., of the Board of trade, who leads the Con- servative members of the cabinet op- posing Mr. Chamberlain, followed. Bonar Law Heard After two or three lesser lights in the, party had spoken, Andrew Bon- ar Law, who was the official party leader before he retired on account of ill health, took the floor. There has been much speculation as to whether he would participate in the debate, and predictions had been made that if he spoke he would try to reconcile the Coalitionists and the anti-Coali- tionists and prevent a party split. Mr. Chamberlain received an ova- tion when he rose to address the meeting. He spoke strongly along the lines of his recent Birmingham speech, appealing for the unity of the party he supported. Stanley Baldwin and Col. Pretty- man opposed the continuance of the Coalition. They suggested a decision should be postponed under the meet- ing of the Unionist Association. Sir Henry Craig, Scotch Uniopist, also op- posed an immediate decision in sup- port of the Coalition. Urgds Independent Party One of those who attended the meeting said that Mr. Chamberlain was given a patient hearing, but that his position was plainly unpopular. Lord Balfour spoke in support of the government leader. Mrv Bna~r Law's plea for prevent-I T1lE COACH PLACD A 1141 LIT SCHOOL IIAS LABGESLT GAIN; LOSS 'IN EN'INEERIUNG COLLEGE SHOWS GAIN ;OF 428 OVER YEAR PREVIOUS iter Cheeks Will Be. Made, Before Pknllcatlon of Spring Bulletin Preliminary estimation of the total enrollment for the' University for the year 1922-1923 has reached 11,410 stu- dents, according to Registrar Arthur. G Hall wii iakes the prelinin ary count' 'each' year. The second count will,be made onor about November.1I and the final cotit will be takei just before the.:University'catalogu goes 'IN- VAD..E O'llio CIT Coach itelding H. Yost. for 21 years Michigan's Varsity mentor will. tomorrow pit his warriors against th -Wilce eleven in the grid classic of the West. Read Carefully-Verified DetilsOf olmbus Ti OfCo' '" Special Tra is to Colnb s-Pull- mans: First Ti'ain GoIng Leave Ann Arbor station 12 tonightI city time: (Opened at- 1 city time).. Arrive Columbus 4:45 Central time1 (one hour slower than Ann Arbor' time). All persons must be out of train by 9 o'clock. C. T. Cars: Nos. 1, 2, 19, 3, 7, 4, 6, 20. include 3 cars for women, 2 for band, 2 for business men, and 2 for men, students. Leave Union station Columbus" 10:30 o'clock C. T. Saturday night. Arrive Ann Arbor 4 o'clock C. T. Sunday morning. Cars: same as going with addition' al two. cars for team. Second Pullman Tgrain: Leaves and arrives 15 minutes lat- er than first. Cars: Nos.. 10,211,12,3, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 21 and 22. Return: Leaves Union. station 1-1:40 oclockI C. T. Saturday night. Arrives Ann 'Aibor 5:15 o'clock C. T. Sunday morning.' Day CoacPes Leaving Saturday a. m. First all-coach special leaves Ann Arbor station 6:30 o'clock city time. Other three. at intervals of 15 min- utes. Women's train, third, leaves at 7 o'clock." Return: First: leaves Union station, Colum- bus, at 6:30 -o'clock C. T. Saturday night. .Other three at 'intervals of 15 minutes.- ' Arrives Ann Arbor 12 C. T. (1 city time) Saturday night. Poor Prospects In Cross Country Results of the campaign to get men out for cross country are far from en- couraging, according to the coaches in charge. Although some very fair material has turned out, the number of men has been small. Only about 50 men are now running with Coach Sul- livan in the afternoons, and Steve Far- rell has not more than 35 on the Var- sity squad. Unless more men turn up soon, the campaign, which has hitherto been a mild one, will be pushed to greater Conceasions on train sold by C. A. Ross, '24E, and I. lM. Birks '24E. For Motorists: Road to Columbus (Continued on Page Two) URNS STUDENT BODY WILL rJs ity und(, (]-eerl eadler,, ijmen and Reserves Will b to Ohio State Fresh. Sent COMMITTEE PRAISES SPIRIT OF ENTIRE STUDENT BODY Michigan's Varsity band, cheerlead- ers, 45 men from the freshman foot- ball squad and 35 from the reserves will take th trip to Colu mbus for the battle against the Hawkeyes Sat- urday afternoon, as a result of Tag Day, held on the campus Wednesday and Thursday by the Sphinx and Triangle clubs. Returns from the drive after the contrilutions received at the mass( meeting last night had been counted,! amounted to $1,448, and it. is estimat- ed that 200 more will be received by noon today from fraternities and sor- orities which have not yet'sent in their contributions . Subscriptions have been offered by the merchants of the -city, but these will not be' called for unless the sum' on hand proves n- adequate, The 80 men from the reserves and all fresh squads who will niake the trip will be selected by Coach Edward J. Mather at 2:00 o'clock this after- noon in the athletic association of- fices. These men, with the cheer- leaders' squad, will board the special. Columbus train provided for them at 6:00 o'clock Saturday morning. Between the hours of 9 and 10 o'- clock and 11 and 12 o'clock members. of the Sphinx and Triangle clubs will be stationed in front of the Library and at both ends of the diagonal walk to accept the late returns from the{ fraternities and sororities and from all others who may wish to contrib- ute. 'Men will also be sent to the houses which have not yet made known the amounts of their contribu- Itio'ns. to press .net spring. This estimate includcs the registra- tion of a'Cof the schools ald college' of the TDiversity' aswe1 :as estimated net enrollme t' of ie SAmmer Ses- sion, just past; and extra-mnural (ex- tension studepts, etc.)' registration. Also the estimated. enrollment for the remainder oft 'the year, is inclued;in this count. LIt School Uns 44 vaIn. . Last year' the'literary college had an enrollment of 4844 iniudipg :the extra-mural people. ,Thi year the at- tendance-inrthis sohool ,reacis '5277 including' tle extra-mural :students. The engineering college lost consid- erably in its attendance over a year ago. Last. year it had 1935, students enrolled. -This year its total is 1,775, showing a loss of 160 students, .the- decrease iri'-attendance probably due to the improved industrial conditions. medical-school. Last .year its enroll- ment was5-47, niot including ,however, as this year, these students who might possibly 'have studied homoeopathy in its place. -The Nurses' Training school also shows an increase from..173 to 196. Public Health nursing registra- tion- went from 4 a year ago to .1 this year. - The law school has an increase over its attendance of a year ago. With a total of 419 the school shows a net gain of 44 students. - Dental School Loses The Dental school lost four in its enrollment this year. With 396 to its credit last year, the registration fell to 392 this year. The School of Education has. an in- crease in its attendance.over a year ago of from 148 to 191 of this year. Adding an estimate of two huidred' for each year of extra-mural students, the attendance is brought up to 348 last year and 391 this year, the gain being the same. Graduate -school en- rollment increased from 399 to 438. Taking a total of enrollments of all the colleges both last year and this, shows these results. Total en- rollment last- year, after 120 had been subtracted for double' registration, 9082, and this year, after the same procedure with 130, 9510. Total Gain 428 To these numbers is . added esti- mated net" attendance' at the respect- ive Summer Sessions. , By net attend- ance is meant the number of students who 'attend or' the Summer Session and do not return- for work during the academic session. In this case the number is- 1300 fdr each;eat, briig- ing the totals up to 10,382 and 10,- 810 respectively. To this is added the estimated net later registration which included those who register for the second semester. The estimated iet grand totals for the two years then-4 beome-10,982 for last year and 11,410 for this year. Last year the actual grand total was 11,120, exceeding the estimated grand total by 138. Research Club Elects Offcers Officers for the University Research club, elected' last night at its first meeting of the academic year, are Prof. 'Jesse S. Reeves, 'of the political science department, president; Prof. Albert M. Barrett, director of the RECORD SEND-OFF (IVFN T THrI TEAM IN GIANT MASS' I MEETING BAND WEARS NEWLY PURCHASED UNIFORMS peedl of Uctroit Alumni Followed by March to Michigan Central Station Filling Bill audktorium to capacity, ore of the most enthusiastic gather- ings of Michigan students in the his- tory of the school met in a send-off pep meeting to the- Varsity last night. From the opening of, the gigantic -meeting at 7:15 o'clock wth the p'ay- ing of the "Victors" by the Varsity' b-pd, to the singing of the "Yllow and the Blue," the 5.000 students gathered together showed unusual spirit and pep. ' mmediiiely follwing tlie meeting the band led a parade of the entire gathering to the Michigan Central depot, where the team was cheered as it boarded the cars tht will take it to -Columbus. Ba-nd in Snappy Uniforus j The pep meeting opened when the band, appearing for the first time in their new uniforms .played the "Vie.- tos."- Thomas Lynch, '25L told briefly the purpose of the meeting, stating the slogan that has come in- I to use -on the campus and among the alunni, namely, "Beat Ohio." He then introduced J. Fred Lawton, '11, the first alumni speaker of the evening. -"Michigan expects that every man this day will do his duty," was the keynote of the talk with which Law- ton .typified the spirit manifested at the meeting. He went on to describe how he did not consider that a man coming from the field on Saturday with enough life and vigour left in him to do more than stand, had done his duty. 'In Lawton's opinion the winner of the game will be the team that "gives the most to its school." "And to do one's duty," he concluded," "one must give his all to Michigan." Lawton Cracks Gambling Lawton also spoke briefly on gambling and implored against it, speaking, he stated, from the finan- cial view of an Ohio State supporter., "We are going down there Saturday," he said, "with a brush and a mop and a bucket of water, and we are going to clean up." Professor- Brumm, of the depart- ment of rhetoric and journalism said, "I come not as a faculty'man, but vs an alumnus of the University of Mich- igan." He expressedY his pride in the fact that he was a member of the alumni body of the school. "I want to see that crowd at O. S. U. so dynamic, so full of pep, that' they will fill the air with the spirit of Michigan," Professor Brumm said. "A pep meeting of the nature of this and a gathering of students such as (Continued on Page Two) . FORMER SECRETARY TO LLOYDGEOHRETO SPEAK Phillip Kerr, secretary to Premier :Lloyd George during the world war, will deliver a lecture on the topic "Some Present International Prob- lems" -at 4:15 o'clock this afternoon in Room B of the Law building under the auspices of the political science department. Prof. Jesse S. Reeves of the political science department heard Mr. Kerr speak this summer on "The Bitisi Outlook on International Problems" this summer at the Wialiamstown Institute 'of Politics In addition to the lecture at 4:15 o'clock this afternoon, open to the general public, Mr. Kerr will talk to the graduate students of the political science and history departments at 9 o'clock tonight in Room 110 of the Library., Mr. Kerr arrived here yesterday af- ternoon, and, during his stay, he will be the guest of Professor Reeves. Education Seniors Must Pay Dues All memhers of thp. Rpmnr i...-.of, THE BEST TEST -- I Trh , mioK s CeAe ies ; thetl Uanl- v e' slty o Michgan utils week-ena :1"i~, g zMn.;ii" "c ';""" sta.1i, ' Ihit"v< no air haevr about 0111 teamtiliting I~its tests1 couro g-eimsly aam. sueccessfull'. Thiey iili huonov Mlichdgan. lNevei li ,.ndl dly, vil1 inh University 1- ianr d il . thos iv!'' bo.'E ha" mu-' ant goP Sspectauor to supc-ri tho team and to clher the players on to Vic- {y: I kngw no iciga student r vciuls' dc ibeely iarm fi-higan. I limo niS iimini that not one c. you miden to br ng ham- andf dig-race on your iln' Mer' TIhiPr liactieJl situations which are - I lble to develop on the trip, how- eve' , nay test yOU to the breaking lioiat, inuaS 4 p wIll !-:ata toa rhe".a^ndb bfo e you rRililZ it the hai nagn is_ one. So the wise ne'lhod wiilI be etern I Vigilance' Posi 'i'iy' 1'r-!se to take one step t S . t'e wrnug' ath.. A clen'-cut deteeamination now 'will .see yo tiroiigh.. A failure to comply with ra,ITjcad re'gulatios, the. use of il-s legal bzeveragas, general conduct no'; becoming an intelligent man Sor tself-re spetinig wo mn will bring serious discredit upon Mich- , igan ntill r'b your successors of prlvileges wh.Ich 'you erave, 'and might seriously affect the' welfare of the University I belieV in you unreservedly I ask you earnety and 'loyally to he fine, vigorous, manly and wo.- only reprrsenia ives of the Uni- versity which I regar! as second to none in America.. May you hive; a trio which in the years to come1 wIll be Oae of the proud and Otor-i Ished emnories of your college day". 1. L. BURTON. TURK CRISIS LAM FIXED ,BY IPARKER English Author Declares All Nations Are Responsible For Trouble In Near East URGES MOSLEM EXPULSION FRO 3! EUROPEAN TERRITORY "We are all responsible for the Turkish situation," declared Sir Gil- bert Parker yesterday morning in dis- cussing the Near East crisis at the residence of Prof. William H. Hobbs, of the, geology department., Prof. Francis W. Kelsey, of the La- tin department, discussing the same question two weeks - ago said: Kelsey Accuses French "After all has been said that can be said in favor of Mustapha Kemal and l the nationalist movement, the fact re- mains that the tragedy of Smyrna and the other horrors of recent acts are directly chargeable to the French. Had the French stood with Great Britain in the maintenance of a broad and humane policy regarding the con- trol of Constantinople and the Straits it would have been easy, with time, to work out with the national govern- ment at Angora a solution which would have spared the world untold suffering and loss. Without the ac- tive support of the French, Mustapha Kemal could never have taken Smyr- na or menaced Constantinople. "It will be a crime against civiliza- tion, if, through the disagreement of the so-called Christian nations and the political machinations of short- sighted diplomats, the Turks, even un- der the nationalist. banner, are ever again allowed to gain any measure of governmental control of the European side of the Bosphorous." Parker Disagrees With, this attitude Sir Gilbert, how- ever, disagreed markedly, laying the responsibility for the Turkish situa-I tion upon all the nations of the world, C inehiiino n a nw n~n Up a co4,' thatn *th SIX SPECIAL TRANS CHARTERED TWO THOUSAND'WILL MOTOR 10,000 ALUMNI W I L L JOIN ARMY OF ROOTERS Lrgest Aggre O ofr Itnerant SupapoRters In history of Uni versify . More han one-half the student body of Mchigan, the largest body of Michigan rooters which ever journey- ed to a foreign field, will make the trip to Columbus to witness the an- nual erid classic between Michigan and Ohio State. This long-heralded battle to be fought tomorrow will be seen by 16,- 000 Michigan alumni and students. Approximately 6,000 students have purchased tickets of the Athletic as- sociation here and it is estimated that many more have obtained tickets in other ways. Six thousand tickets were sent . out by the association to both students and alumni. Six special trains will carry this huge aggrega- tion of rooters to Columbus. , First Train at Midnight All of the reservations for berths on the two specials that leave tonight have been sold; The first train leav- 'ug at midnight will carry 9 cars, and the' secon, departing 15 mInutes lata or, will be equipped with 11 cars. P r- sons may occupy the cars at 10 o'clock city time.' The first sleeping car ape- isl will carry the, -band, , n ers of the faculty, business mti, 3 carload of women, and cars for men.f- Almost 3 000 roiud trip tickets have been sold by the railroad officials. It is thought that the number of tickets sold will reach 4,000, as tickets for the four all-coach trains that leake tomorrow may be purchased up to the tine of departure of the trains. The first of these will leave at 6:30 city time-and the others will leave at in- tervals of 15 minutes. The third train will be entirely, for women and will leave ' the Ann Arbor station at 7 o'clock. All specials will leave from the Ann Arbor station. - Complete de- tails of the time of departure and ar- rival of all trains to Columbus and back to Ann Arbor may be found' on another place on this page. Best Road Maped . Automobiles will carry the remain- ing 2,000 or more to the game. Motor- ists will leave at all times of the day today to make the trip by auto. Cars painted . with Michigan colors, and all makes and descriptions will start out. Many students have rented cars for the trip and many have purchased second-hand cars to get to the game. The best route to Columbus has been marked out by the Toledo and Colum- bus auto clubs and is being designat- ed by signs of a football with an ar- row through it, saying "To Stadium." The complete log of- the road is given (Continued on PAge Two) VARSITY 09A0D LEAVES ASSEMBLES AT LANE iCALL AT 10 A bCLOCK FOR MARC TO 0 A ckhembhng in front of Lane hall at 10 o'clock this evening, the Varsity Iband of 72 pieces, uder the leader- ship of Capt. Wilfred Wilson 'and Drum-Major L.awton will' march to the AnnArbor railroad depot whore they will board a 12 o'clock train for the Ohio State football game.a A strenuous day has been arranged for the band while it is In the Oni capital. Following its arrival there at 7 o'clock Saturday morning, the band :will march to the hotel at 9 o'clock. At 10:30 the band will march to the University where the procession will leave Townsend hall at 11:30 o'clock The exercises dedicating the new Obic stadium will take place shortly after this, and the opening of .the game-at 2 o'clock will find the Michigan band on the field, arrayed in its splendid new uniform:: Dinner for the band has been plan- ned for 5:45 o'clock. At 9 o'clock the