I 1111 X' the yearlings som e of the m ore ims- p r e t f a u s of e i u l e an instructs thei- on the nmanner of be- Vhavior in cases prann to thiem. VISITrNG EDITORS I]iNEED ROOMS -Ni UILDING OF G--IANT ,Uo.S. DI I I -RLI .rR Maw An almanac that gives a day to dayj The press club housing committee progress of the University and of all' reports that they will be able to fill great events connected with it is al1 more rooms with visiting newspaperl so included in the issue.; editors Oct . 26-28. -- - Landladies having vacant rooms are AT THE T EA TERS estd to telephone J. A. Burs-ley, I THEDea ofStudents, promptly, in orderI that the visiting newspaper men mayf A'r 1I'1 N EYbe assigned to quarters in adlvance of WHINEYtheir arrival. If this is done the i ,,, housing commttee will be materially thlen 'Lightnin" flashed upon as;sisted in its work, it is said. Broad way more than four years ago, _______ an overnight hit at the Gaiety theater, Wear your tags today. . i t ie. long run record of the famed play- 1 r.entad wanis held by "A'Trip to China RIDER'S PEN SHOP tcwm'