r .
in*iv 'I! b 177_1
Pooish Preasantry
Favors PilsudskiIIJVECHRS
For High Office
Reformer Sued
For Crusa ding
Against Books
F. A. .Refuses to Reognlze Faster
Tihe ade by ieutenanit
(By Associated Press)I
Mt. Clemens, Oct. 18.-Brig. Gen.
William Mitchell, assistant chief of,
the U. S Army Air service, today set'
a new official world's speed record
when he flew over a one kilometre
course at Selfridge field at an aver-
agespeed of 224.05 miles an hour in
four heats. The tests were timed by
representatives . of the Federation
Aeronautique Internationale thus mak-
ing the record official.,
Drives Curtiss
General Mitchell drove the Army
Curtiss plane which last week won
the Pulitzer trophy, and in which
Lieutenant Maughan later drove un-
officially at a speed of 248.5 miles an1
hour. While Lieutenant Maughan's
speed at that time. was faster' than
that of today and was under U. S.,
Army regulaions, no representative
of the Federation Aeronauttique In-
ternationale was present, a fact that
prevented this mark from standing as
an official world's speed record.
The former world's record, recog-
nized by the Federation, was made in
France last year by Sadi Le. Cointe,
who piloted his machine at an aver-
age of 205 miles an hour.
Flies Four Heats
General Mitchell in the tests todayI
flew twice with and twice against the
wind. On the two tests with the
wind he. averaged 243.83 miles an
hour, 'espectively. Against the wind
hissaverage was 204.29, and 206.15t
miles an hour.
Secretary Supporting Townsend
Race for lRe-electioni to
Students Urged to Turn in Sales Re-
ports and Wear TagsC
"Yesterday's Tag Day on the Michi-
Marshal Pllsudski
The Peasant party is.up
Marshal Pilsudski, president
and, for re-election. . The Co
tives favor Ignatz Paderewski
(By Associated Press)f
Detrcit, Oct. 1S.-Too much regu-
lation of the country's railroads is
responsible for the inability of the
roads to meet the transportation de- l
mands of the country,andthis failure
of the rail systm cost the producers
and consumers of necessities of life
a sum equal to the cost of administer-
mg the federal government, Herbert
Hpover said in one of his two ad- ; John.
dresses here today. sw of the S
?portingFavors Townsend Vice an
Scretary Hoover completed here a I Comstoc
of Pol-series of speeches in behalf of Sena- suit bro
nserva- tor Charles E. Townsend, who seesk publishe
i, noted re-election to the senate in Novem-' ian, and
ber- uisher.
- eDiscussing the rail situation as it ities ag
now relates to grain and coal ship-. which h
Greater .Uniformity in AdmiuIstra tion
of Student Funds Proposed at
Conference Yesterday
Proposed changes in the adminis-
tration of the student loan funds were
Informally discuised( at th f
ments, Mr. Hoover said, "The Amer-1
ican roads ihgve been so over-regulat-
ed during the last score of years tiat
they find it difficult to finance the
cost of acquiring rolling stock and
equipment necessary to keep pace
with the ear-increasnig industrital
and agricultural needs of the coun-
Car Shortage Wasteful
"Every year there has developedE
a serious car shortage, and as a re-
sult there is today in New York a
five.per cent premium per bushel on'
wheat for export, due to the inabil-I
ity of the railroads to move grain in
sufficient quantity to meet foreign de-
mand. This premium does ndt add to
the wealth of the farmer hut is a di-
rect ,charge against his just profit.
ated cat
class ofl
ings' of f
erary cif
nrivalid b
r"AM yIgan campus was a great success"
Iwere the words of Donald Steketee,
'24, chairman of the committee ap-
pointed by Sphinx and Triangles, for
Jelin S. slmnier I the campaign to raise money to send
S. t, e w Yorss head the Varsity band, cheerleaders and ,
y s sr ppression ofy reserves to Ohio State Saturday. He
dsuccessor to the 'late Anthony
k, is defendant in a $65,000 stated that if the returns from the
ought by Boni and Liveright, fraternities and sororities are as sat-
rs, Miss Mary H. Mark. librar- isfactory ,as the campus solicitation
Thomas Seltzer, another pub- has been, a large number of freshman
The suit is basedon his ativ and reserves will be permitted to go.
ainst the circulation of .books It was the original plan of the com-
e considered "not nice." mittee to send 35 reserves and 45
Will Sell Tonight
Although the men in charge of the
drive are satisfied with the results of
the campaign, in order that as many
as possible of the reserves may be
sent to Columbus all those who have
not yet purchased tickets will be giv-
en an opportunity to do so at .the big
pep meeting that is planned by the
Soph Lits, Fresh Engineers Student council in Hill auditorium for
ominate Candidates For this evening.
O'ffices , The Band bounce that had . been
originally planned .,for this evening
R, WASSERMAN NO 'IN has .been done away with, according
[ACE FOR 25 PRESIDENCY Ito Carlton Pierce, '24M, bemause it
would have interfered with the. plans
lits, of the council for its pep meeting.
ltsophoinore Tits, andU "Thee plounce. has; been the. means of
n engineers yesterday nomin- sendngnte as on i mernsrip
ndidates' for their respective'endig the band on its former trips
lcor5 for the yerTeoet in past years" says Pierce, "but In -
leers ,TinaneS& me elt- asmuch as the Student council is be-'i
asses were the thiir& held, the hind the mnovement to send the band
mnietings Having been, held" toOhi ,State it will not now be neces-
by the Student counil d v- to .:er. ,
Coach Yost Gives,
"If the Athletic association is
to be able to continue~ securing
special trains with reduced rates
ffor the students for oat-of towns:
games, it is very necessary that-
every one going on these trains,
co-operate with the association in
seeing that the property rights of
the railroad people are respected.
"Very naturally, it could not*be
expected thatthe railroad eo
panties will continue to extend
these privileges and such low
rates as we now have if thought-
less pa ssengers abuse their prop-
erty. T:his is a common sense
problem. There should be no'
,in destroying the property
of others."
Thousands of Rooters to Fill Trains
heading Toward Columbus
Combining what is planned to be
the largest pep meeting in the This-
tory of Michigan with a send off of
the Varsity eleven, the meeting that
will be held tonight in Hill auditorium
should be -the greatest. affair of its
nature ever staged in the University,
according . to statements made last
night by the committee tn charge of
the arrangements.
As a preparation for the Ohio
State-Michigan football game on Sat-
urday, this pep meeting has been call-
ed by the Student council for 7:15
o'clock tonight. The team will be
present with the coaches and train-
ers until 8:30 o'clock, when they will
leave'.'to catch the train to Columbus.
At this time the whole meeting will
adjourn and the band will lead a pa-
rade to the .Michigan Central depot,
ivhere a final send off will be given
the team. The train will lc-ave at
9:07 o'clock.
Brunim to Talk
Speakers for the evening have been
announced as Prof. John Brumm, of
the department of rhetoric and jour-
nalism, representing the faculty, and
J. Fred Lawton, '11, and James Scher-
nierhorn, Jr., '18, who will speak from
the standpoint of the 'alumni..Lawton
has been well known as a speaker
at Michigan pep meetings since the
time of his graduation. He, is a for-
mer Varsity football man, and one of
the composers of "Varsity." Scher
nrlerhorn was president of-.hish pr~adua
Famous Men Send in Telegrams
Team About to Leave for 0. S.
U. Contest
i ity (t laa 1U e con er-
ence .of deans which was held yester-
day i the office of President Marion
! L~ I O PR L.. Burton. A committee headed by
S19T j Dean John R. Effinger, of the literary
nnrrENC N D college, introduced the' proposed
CHiOFCE ACCORDING TO' CLASSES' At she. present, time student loan
FOR WISCONSIN CONTEST funds: are admiinisteredIn raany -dif-
CLOSES NOV. 8 f~erent ways: Ordinarily pperclass-'
men alone 'aie eligible. Usuah there
Women's League -hi Charge of. Ticket
Sale For 0. ,1U. Game.
lack of attendance. The. candidates
inatedat the meetings hel& yes-
aterday will stand, accordt to a
statemient issued last night- by the
With the meetings held yesterday
ali classes of the University have
completed their nominations with the:
In correction of a stateintnt ap-
pearing in yesterday's' "Daily saying'
that preference of seats for the Mich-
igan-Wisconsin game wo'uld close last.
night, the Athletic association ticket
office announces that it is the class'
distinction for' the Illinois game, not
the Wisconsin game, that will no
longer control and thaf students may
have their choice of seats according
to classes for the latter contest up
until 6 oclock on Wednesday, Nov. 8.,
The preference privilege for theI
Illinois game tickets closed lastl
night but there are still several hund-
red seats left which students mas
have regardless of class. As it is an-
ticipated that the tickets will be sent
out early in the week, students who
desire seats are urged to get their ap-
plications in 'immediately. .
More than 4,000 student .applica-.
tions for .the Wisconsin game have
already been received. Allotment of
tickets. according to class preference
will be continued for this game until
Wednesday, Nov. 8, ten days before
the game.
H ubbs to Study Tide-Pool Fishes
Mr. Carl L. Hubbs, curator of fishes
in the University Museum, has been
sent to California for several months.
He will study the distribution of tide-,
pool fishes.
is a standing committee to govern.
the diposal of each loanhi nd fI
iS exception of the freshman dents.' A
which the President is a. member, to- i WILL GIET PERCENrTAGE # meetingof this class 'was also sched-
gether with the dean of the depart- -uled for yesterday but a lack of at-
Tickets for the grid graph repro- tendance forced it to be called off.
'ment concerned. dutoXf1h1ho tt am hc
T h uction of the Ohio State game which The meeting will be held at "a later
Thre propoe cnges a rfrathe will be shown Saturday afternoon in time.
purpose of making the admninitration Hill auditorium were placed on sale ,' Lits Rav Same
of telasmrun for dfo by the Women's league yesterday at
tking the burden of the work from by' hWmn Meeting at 4 in the auditorium of
the shoulders of the President. All ahrs and Graham's bookstores, at University hall, the junior lits voted
of the funds which have, in the pastl arbour gymnasiumn d the league to retain the nominees.decided upon
been donated to this cause with spe-T boothinniversity ha. at the first meeting of the class. These
I cife instruction as to their uses will The Womens league has complete candidates are as follows: president,
I be unaffected by the tropused new charge of the ticket sale on this date. Hugh Duffield and Arch Gray; vice-
bunfetdby tepop ' e wny ecn fth rcesfrom Hg ufedadAc ry ie
arrangement, unless the donors so Twenty percent of the proceeds from president, Blanch Kynast and Helen
request. The wishes of the donors of the total sale will go for the fund for Delbridge; secretary, Iforothy Mait-
these funds will be respected in their the Women's League building. Tick- land and Susan Fitch; 'treasurer,
entiretyets will be 50 cents each. hoert Mitchell and Robert Young.
Leasty lo prve h ic fweek a h adeblIae on.
Thedeans also approved the idea of t at the Vanderbilt game .. in the meeting of the sophomore
campus guides, the purpose of which the electric score board was used and lits held at 4 o'clock in Newberry hall
will be to escort ahy guests or-strang- by means of a ecial wire leased di- it was decided not toyretain the pre-
ers over the campus and to make reetly from the field i Nashville, ev- vious nominees. The new ballot pre-
their' stay in -Ann Arbor as congenial ery play was shown on the board. al- s:
as pssile. t i planedmost at the instant that it actually pared is as follows: pxesident, ;Her-i
as imsible. It is planned that these sst bert Steger and Fredrick Wasserman;
guides sball be available at all times took place.
The grd rap w ic, te Aumn vcepresident, Jeane Briggs :.and Ed-
and that their appointment will come The grid graph which the .Alumni v a Kadow; secretary Margaret Hays
through the regular employment chan- association now.has is.one of seven a
nels of the University,. the student now i existence in the country. Last and Alice Powell; treasurer, Ray Bill-
I theseth niebesidesh, sudthenw ington and Morris Reed.
employment bureau in the office of the Saturday three of these, besid'esthe26EMen Meet
Dean of Students. It was also sug- one in Hill auditorium were in oper- The meeting of the freshman en-
gested at this time that the old guide ation giving the play by play scoresg neers was held at 11 o'clock the
book institution should be continued of various intercollegiate games time of their regular weekl assem-
and that the books be brought up to throughout the United States.I
date with the insertion of all material In speaking of the success of the bly. Candidates decided upon are as
follows: president, William Mathie-
necessary. grid graph as demonstrated here last
Saturday,Robert'A.Campbell,treasur- son and William Coleman; vice-presi-
Satdent,,HarryrMc A, CandbPaulKeller;r-
er of the University, said, "It is one dent, Harry McDuff and Paul Keller;
of the most interesting things I have secretary, W. C. Tippy and. Francis
rA uazence everseen. To my mind it is certain- O'Brien; treasurer, Nelson Phelps and
Reports Requested
The' committee in change of the
jTag Day' drive requests 'that frater-
nities and sororities .hand in all con-
tributions by noon today in order:
that a final estimate of the' number
of men to be taken may be made. Thin
may be done by seeing Donald Steke-
tee, '24, at the Gargoyle offices 'in the
t Press building: Students are request-
ed to wear their tags today and at
the meeting tonight.
"Each tag you see means that the
wearer has invested 50 cents in a
Michigan victory" is the slogan of
the campaigg committee.
Daily Travels
North, South,
The Michigan Daily is a confirmed'
globetrotter. Consultation of the sub-
scription files showed that each is-.
sue travels to such widely separated
points, as Ontario and Mexico, Nova
Scotia and Argentina. Former Dean
Myra B. Jordan receives her copy
daily over in Genoa, Italy. There are
subscribers in every state in the Un-
ion. Every University in the United
States receives a copy.
Many prominent persons are listed
in the subscription files. Among them
are Governor Groesbeck and other
state officials, a Wall Street banker,
several congressmen, and each mem-
her of the Board of .Regents. The
Daily total subscription is now slight-
ly over 4,100, a marked increase over
the subscription at this time last year.
Prominent Michigan alumni thruout
the country, aroused over the impend-
ing clash between their Alma Mater
and the gridixon warriors of Ohio
State, have 'vired words 'of encourage-
ment to those who are about'to car-
ry the' Maize and Blue into their op-j
ponents' territory.
kThe telegrams, received' by the
IBoosters' club, give words of assur-~
ance to the team that it 'will expend
every energy in the battle. They al-
so contain messages of inspiration to.
the Yostmen.
From Sisier
"New York, N. Y.
"Let the opening of the Great Ohio
'State Stadium be remembered.as any-
I other big athletic achievement for
Michigan. Best of success for a big
George H. Sisler.,"
"The Secretary of the Navy,
"My message to the team, as they
leave to take Ohio's measure, is this:
Team work is what counts, and wins.
The whole is greater than any part.
Let's put victory above individual
achievements, and bring glory to the
team, the whole eleven of 'em, andI
Sincerely yours,
Edwin Denby."
"Office of the President,
"Yale University
"New Haven, Conn.
"I would suggest as a message to
the , Michigan team the following:
Michigan expects her sons to play the
game toe the very limit of their
strength, to be at all. times jealous.
of her reputation for highminded'
sportsmanship and fair play, to be
modest in victory and generous in
Yours very truly,
James R. Angell.".
Judge Day' Wires
"Washington, D. C.
"I need hardly say my very best
Vishes accompany the Michigan
eleven when they line up for battle
with the football team of the Ohio
State university. From all I can
learn Michigan is sending a team
worthy to represent it in this impor-
tant engagement. I hope and believe
that in its lexicon there is no such
word as 'fail' written, or to be writ-
ten. The Michigan spirit and prowess'
will carry it to certain victory, not-
withstanding it is to compete with a
team from my native state, where,
but for Michigan, my hope and prefer-
ence for victory would naturally rest.
You cannot fail.
Very truly yours,
William R. Day."
Denishawn Tickets
To Be Sold Tonight
Tickets for the Denishawn dancers'
concert to be given Oct. 26 in Hill
auditorium under the auspices of the
University Glee clubs will be on sale
beginning at 6:45 o'clock this evening h
in Hill auditorium. The ticket sale !
will be held there tonight for the con-
venience of those who attend the pep
t7 rwn open' at 7 o'clock and the
Weeti'mg.W~ill open pronmptly at 7:15.
It is necesary: that students are on
'tie die to the shut time of the
meeting made necessary by the leav-
ing of the team.
theerleaders and thO band, appear-
ing for the :first time in their new
uniforms, will lend enthusiasm to the
affair. The band will be seated upon
the stage and will"lead the students
in the Michigan songs that will be
sung at Ohio State. The cheerleaders
will alto lead the students in the
yells to be used at Columbus.
'The pep meeting to be held tonighty.
should surpass any affairs of a like
nature in the history of the Univer-
sity, the committee in charge predicts.
With enthusiasm so evident among
the student body, evidenced by the
number who will follow the team to
the .game, the attendance at the meet-
ing should be large,
6,00 Tickets Sold
Up to the time of closing last night
nore than 6,000 round trip railroad
fares 'for Columbus had been sold by
the ticket office of the Ann Arbor rail-
road in the Union. Already two Pull-
man trains have ,been completely fill-
ed; and four trains of day coaches or-
dered to take ca'e of those going
down Saturday morning.
The company wishes to announce
that no more Pullman reservations
can be made as everything is taken
up, but that seats for the day trains
'Vill be on sale up to the time of
leaving. 1t urges the students who
are intending to go, however, to buy
their. tickets now so that there will
be. no overcrowding of the coaches
*hen' the trains leave.
The foilr.trains which will carry the
majority of. Michigan's rooters down
Saturday will'leave Ann Arbor start-
ink} at 5:30 o'clock central time in.
the morning, and- running 15 minutes,
apart. The third train will be for
women only, leaving the Ann :Arbor
railroad station at 6 o'clock Central
time Saturday morning. It will ar-
rive in Columbus at 11 o'clock Central
time the same morning. Three sleep-
ers for women will also go down on
one of the trains Friday night.
All members of the vocal section of
the Varsity Glee clubs, whose names
were announced yesterday, will meet
at 7 o'clock this evening in the as-
sembly hall of the Union for rehears-
al; according to Frank L. Thomas, di-
rector of the club.
Evans Wins Ove
At Twilight Organ Recital
ly the most realistic way there is of
viewing a football game outside of
the game itself and I sincerely hope
that it will be kept at the University
for the future."
With a manifested mastery in high
organ technic Harry Russel Evans re-
newed his place in the hearts of his
admirers" yesterday afternoon at the
regular Twilight Organ recital
Mendelssohn's Prelude in D 'Minor
was a most appropriate opening num-
ber showing- a splendid upward sweep
-than a contrasting middle 'move-
ment .played so sincerely and direct-
ly as to appeal to the discriminating
The new press of The Mich-
igan Daily will be tested for
speed Saturday afternoon, when
the O. S. U. football extra will
listener. "The Young Prince and the
Young Princess" was simply played
witha rythmic accompaniment in
,pedals over which the violin played
a. plaintive melody.; Well adapted to~
the organ "was Wilor's Fanfare .in D
-its sprightly measures and fluent
style being well played.
"Song of Sorrow" by Nevin was
I played with a wonderful conception
Of tone values. As it increased in in-
tensity new themes developed unex-
pectedly and then returned abruptly
to original registration. The distant
peal of chimes and their faint echoes
formed the melody of the right hand
while it was sustained by a legato;
movement in the left.
The favorite number was the Adag-
io in B Minor by Widor. one of the:
Robert James. The circulation always increases as
Elections in all of the classes nam- the year progresses, according to the
ed above will be held Friday. The lit- Business department.
erary classes will vote in the booth
in the lower hall of University hall,
the freshmen engineers on the second
floor, corridor of the Lngineering L II N GYM STARTS
Progress of First Year Men Will Be
Three University students who were
injured in an auto accident on. the
Detroit road Tuesday were reported
to be in good condition and recover-
ing rapidly last night. Those injured
are Joseph R. Stadfield, '23, Harold
R. Stadfield, '26, and Elwyn G. Harry-
man, '25. A report that a fourth stu-
dent had been seriously hurtcould
not be confirmed Wednesday night.
The accident occurred on Tuesday
afternoonnwhen +h estudents were re- E
I Checked on Charts
Seniors Must Get
Photo Slips Soon Iwith an enrollment slightly exceed-
ing that of last year, freshman gym-
Seniors are not calling for their nasium classes started Tuesday
'Michiganensianphotograph slips fast More care will be given this year to
enough, according togSheldon Ms the "chart system". Each student
Brong3,burdiness managerdof the will be given a chart upon which his
''3 'Ensian. Only 50 seniors have ,gymnasium entrance record will beE
called for their orders so far, Brown kept. From time to time similar
declared. tests will be made to ascertain the
Senors should call at the 'Ensian progress made by the student.
office any afternoon between 2 and 5
o'clock to receive orders entitling Lansing Club Meets
them to an 'Ensian style ninture hv Plans for the recention of the