IOR W. ELECT A. A. TO OFFICERS HARTMAN (COLUMBUS, OHIO) Not in years has the opening of a] new musical comedy created so much, interest as has been shown in theI coming engagement of "Up in the Clouds," to be sean at the Hartman theater, Columbus, Ohio, Oct. 20 andl 21, produced under thetpersonal di- rcection of Joseph M. Gates, who has* given to the public such well remem- bered successes as "Three Twins,", "The Girl of My Dreams," "Take It from Me," and many others. The book is by Will Johnstone, the brilliant author of "Take It from Me," who has supplied the cast with scin ti!lating dialogue and whimsical hum- or that is only equalled by the charm- ing music of Tom Johnstone, who has also furnished several of the catchy i airs well known to the'ears of the AIm- erican ,theater going public. "Up in the Clouds" comes from its long run at 44th Street theater, New York, where it scored an emphatic hit. Intramural Items Speedball afforded many of yester- day's Ferry field visitors an enjoy- able afternoon inspite of cold weath- er. The play was much mproved over that shown in the, first round and every team played a fast, snappy pass- ing game. Delta Upsilon went down to their second defeat at the hands of Alpha Sigma Phi, by a score of 10 to 7 Sig- ma Chi won their second straight game by carrying the ball' off with a fast rush before the eyes of DeltaI Sigina Chi, who were on the small end of a 10 to 3 score. Delta Tau Delta and Delta Chi had won a game apiece before they played yesterday and their game was to de- termine the probable supremacy, of their league. Delta Tau, Delta won the scrap, 6 to 4, after a hard fight. Only one accident marred the after- noon. '.Klein,' Varsity baseball star, receiving a wrenched ankle in the Phi Sigma Delta-Sinfonia game which was * won by the former, '8 to 3.I Phi, Gamma Delta won their game with Zeta Beta Tau in an easy man- ner, score 11 to 0. The passing of the, winners was the surprise of the aft- ernoon, the losers being outguessed at times. Kappa Beta Psi pulled out of, a slump and defeated Theta Chi 6 to 2. The Intramural athletic. office an- nounced the following games in the interfraternity speedball tournament for this- afternoon: At 3:30 o'clock-League six, Cygnus vs; Sigma Phi Epsilon; Xi Phi Phi vs; Delta Kappa Jpsilon. League 7, Kap- pa Nu vs. Phi Gamma Delta. At 4:30 o'clock-Lambda Chi Alpha vs. Zeta Zeta Tau. League eight, Phi Upsilon vs. Delta Tau'Upsilon; - Phi Chi draws f, byc. Won Saturday In Mt. Clemens Race : rx l Organizing and electing officers for the Junior Women's Athletic associa- tion will be the purpose of an import-{ ant meeting of the members which is to be held at 4 o'clock tomorrow af- ternQon in the middle parlor of Bar- bour gymnasium, according to Eliza- beth B Cain, '24, who has charge of the junior organization. Membership in the Junior Athletic 'association is open to all university women who have less than 100 honor points to their credit. These women who have not yet signed'up are urged to attend the meeting and to join at that time by paying the membership fee of 25 cents. COMMISSION ON TYPEWRITERS mann, Dorothy Greenwald, BlancheI TO GO TO LEAGUE BENEFIT Kynast, Marian Willis, Nanette Carna- han Elizabeth Lauver, Lorella Hollis, Demonstrating a portable typewrit- and Dorothy Bishop. er will be the work of Women's League Marriage of Ex-Student is Announced representatives all this week at the j Announcement has been made of the Womens League booth in University marriage of Gladys Belle Gage, ex- hall. Special arrangements have been 1'25, to Lewis Dibble, of Flint. , The made with the University representa- marriage took place at the home of tives of the National Typists' associa- the bride's parents in Flint. tion for students who are interested in portable typewriters to leave their PERSONA STATIONERY names at the booth. The Women 's League 'will receive a commission on PRINTED OR BLANK all typewriters sold through itswork- ers. . Double Sheets . A t a I Cor. A REAL GOOD MEAL CHOP SUEY - STEAKS Everythisig good at Ann Arbor Chop Suey 314 S. State-Second Floor MILL AUI'IURIUM DENISHAWN v7 I hiuu 614x 634 folded Envelopes to -match wI.uU Wyvern Initiate Junior Women Wyvern; junior girls honorary so-. ciety, initiated fifteen new members yesterday afternoon at the Pi Beta Phi house The initiates were Mary Wil- ey, Elizabeth Cain, Miriam Wicksall, Hope Hampton, Dorothy Wylie, Velma Carter, Pamela Brown, Charlotte Er- Your name and address printed in blue or blapk ink. Fine bond paper, exceptional offer. Send check or money order to -STANDARD PRINTING OO. YPSILANTI, MICH. BtQ r i R r .. . Michigan Song Books, Book Ends, Wahr's.-Adv. Books, Memor - and Jewelry at d .:j.' \\ THO'we're not going to Columbus, we're mighty lucky to be able to watch Mich- igan win play by play on the e/ Big Electrical Scoreboard Auspices Alumni Association and Women's League 1 HILL AUDITORIUM, kmm i Igoe= I L'F,- Out of every ticket sold the Women's a percentage. League gets, Fifty Cents. andbe i 7 Wrigle the swee aids app digestioni every ,meal beniefid. RY y"s satisfies Ietite and Sa lsur "hypem Sit aftays resght. r The Pulitzer Trophy Lieutenant R. L. Maughan, a U. S. army pilot, secured this coveted tro- phy by flying at an average rate of 229 miles an hour. Good typewriters for sale or rent at reasonablerrates. Also portable Underwoods and Remingtons for sale. S. A. Moran, Room 2, 2nd floor, 711 N. Univ.-Adv.a E. K Imported and Domestic WOOL HOSIERY To +carr; 75c to $2.00 TH E PAIR with you sonablie f r Anni 0 f Arbor Custom Shoe F SHOES MADE r *V H. W. CLARK 534 FOREST 'actory a' 0a '-1 Cj CV 0 U 1s 4 i ' L TNKER & COMPANY So."State at William St. The Home of Better Clothes and! Furnishings at Fair Prices Always 5 cents !he the package $ealed liht Kept Rtu Him C79 i , ,r i' apt aoi{c, laol5u-'} JO( I . s k - i -: . ,, ,. U - I,, ='_i It Is YOUR Privilege and Duty to Vote in, the Coming Elections I I, L Men's Republican Headquarters Club Women's Republican Club Headquarters Third Floor, Michigan Union Women's Corridor, First Floor, Michigan Union ilL Call in regard to Registration and Absentee Ballots