ursli 1111 lr 0v111 A r ln-VICT\ PT -VII rilc+va 1 NTERTAINED A'TED____V4 ME IgP~,4n., L D,+,+ etc. at -Adv. Acstore. Bands, etc. at Bookstore.-Adv. ~~~~~~~1 (I Manuscripts for the Junior Girls' play are due Oct. 25. They may be submitted to Helen Delbridge on or before that date. Phi Lambda Theta girls' honorary educational society, will meet at 8 o'- clock this evening, at Betsy Barbour residence. Every member is requested to be present. Tryouts for Mummers will be held fr'om 3 to 5:30 o'clock today and to- morrow in Sarah Caswell Angell hall., Tryouts are requested to come pre- pared to give a reading. Tryouts for Portia Literarysociety, will be held at 7:15 o'clock' tomorrow evening in room 302 Mason hall. This is the last tryout that will be held for some time. Freshmen are eligibld for this activity. Today's rehearsals for "The Knight of The Burning Pestle" will be held as follows: 3 o'clock Act I, scenes 1, 2; Act II, scene 4; 4 o'clock Act I scenes 3, 4; Act II, scenes 2, 3, 5, 6. The rehearsals are held in Sarah Cas- well Angell hall. All junior girls who received escort invitations to the freshman tea which is to be given this afternoon at the ,home of Mrs. Marion LeRoy Burton, are asked to call for their advisees and accompany them to the affair. Announcement is made that the shoe shining parlor at Helen Newber- 'ry residence is now open to all women on the campus. Invitations for a tea to be given at 4 o'clock this afternoon at the resi- dence of the President have been sent. out by Mrs. Marion L. Burton and Dean Jean Hamilton. About one third of the women of the freshman class and their junior advisors are to be entertained today at the tea which is the first of a series bf three teas to be given for the fresh- men women. Junior advisors are asked to call for their advisees.f i . A rJL. nuJua.i a . r l. .uJJa.L L LL, abet curLP of training in public nursing, and Dr. John Sundwall, director of the depart- ment of Student's Physical Welfare, are in Cleveland attending a conven- tion of the American Public Health association, which is being held there Monday,kTuesday and Wednesday of this week. Corduroy Coats $6.50 up. Wild and C,-Adv. DRIVE TO O.s . U. ._A 7 - Passenger Studebaker '17 (BIG SIX) Completely Overhauled FIVE GOOD TIRES. L00W.6PRICE6 A TERMS CALL 806-J AFTER 61 Engineers' and Architects' Materials Stationery, Fountain Pens, Loose Leaf Books Cameras and Supplies Candies, Laundry Agency, Tobaccos J University Girls"Glee club will hold their first rehearsal at 4:30 o'clock 'Tuesday afternoon, Oct. 24. Both old and new membedrs who are eligible will be notified this week. Women Entertain Dean Dean Jean Hamilton will be the din- ner guest tonight of members of the Chi Omega sorority. f Helen Newberry residence will en- tertain Dean Hamilton, the officers of the Women's League, and Neva Love- well, '22, at dinner tomorrow night. Dance at Ypsi every Friday even- ing, 8:30.-Adv. Corduroy Coats $6.50 up. Wild and Co.-Adv. on Easy Terms any typeri eu setl et from the privilege of the purchase price all rental paid dur- ing the first six months, should you at any time decide to buy the thype writer. Or you can buy on small monthly payments. FREE TRIAL Any a nyou select on ten days' free trial. If you are not satisfied for any reason whatever, you send it back at our expense. MACESTake your choice of all Sthe latest models, Under- wood, Self-starting Remington, Silent L. C. Smith, etc. Every machine is in perfect condition-rebuilt by otr exclusive Young Process, and backed by our iron-clad guarantee. You are satisfied or your money is refunded. SAYE 54O /We save you from oa% SAVE !5 up on all machines. And' yu choose your typewriter from the largest selected stock in America. Write for our illustrated catalog, low , prices and convenient terms. Young Typewriter Co, 15 West Lake St., Dept. 476, Chicago WEDNESDAY--THURSDAY 1 - IRN - "LUCKY DANe Eddie Ptol In "AP'N KIDD" Ccmely: Call 445 Huron St. Taxi. 25c.-Adv. I J i i 0 ... Store hours daily from 8:30 to 5:30 Saturday, 8:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. 0 Store hours daily from 8:30 to 5:30 Saturday, 8:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. 111 South University Ave. . . The crowning touch of chic - the autumn and winter chapeau! The girl who goes to class wearing a soft velour hat adorned with a smart little quill of a harmonizing color will always appear correctly dressed. And for the more formal occasions there are metal trimmed hats that are as fashionable as the long frocks Gold and silver metal trimmings are very popular for dress and semi-dress hats. Subtly flattering is the touch of fur about one's throat! The smart fur choker or scarf will add a ver- tan charm to the fall suit-or i the day is warmer a choker will make the woolen frock comforta- ble. A well chosen fur piece will bring out the color of the wearer's eyes and will seem to add the touch of "finesse" o much desired. There's a wealth of style in fur chokersl 'iI '1I AT THE THEATERS ii Today-Screen. Arcade--Guy TBates Post in "The Masquerader;" comedy and news. Majestic-Dorothy Phillips "Hurricn : j 's Gal;" also Mer- maid coinedy. Orpheum-Richard Talmadge in "Lucky Dan;" comedy and news. "Wuerth-"Remembrance," with a~n all star cast; and comedy. This Week-Stage Griiik (Detro t)-Vivian Mar- an Lynn Overman in "Just Married." Shubert-Michigan (Detroit) - Lc ompany in "apy Togs for Campus Wear Must Be Sm art and Servic'eable A College Girl must have so very many things and yet she must be able to supply her needs with an economy of time for in her busy life there is little opportunity for exten- sive shopping tours. Here are many suggestions for necessary items that are already for the College Girl. ;, d,. V }' ii The last word in hose has been said in these new sport stockings. Wide striped sports hose worn with College Girl oxfords will add a touch of style to the class costume. And for dress wear there are silk hose, dainty shades to match the light frocks and darker colors to go with the deeper shades. :-;J .. 71 A WINTER WRAP is ready to greet .her in the ready-to-wear section. There are dressy affairs with fur collars and mnore tailored ones, ranging in price from s$0.0up. JERSEY SILK KNICKERS to wear beneath the heavy winter frock are quite necessary. There are all dark shades and these knickers have elastic bands at the waist and knees. They are priced $2.98. A WARM BATHROBE that will be very comfortable to wear while studying may be of corduroy or of a Beacon blan- ket. These bathrobes are priced from $4.95 up. A WOOL SCHOOL FROCK may be of tricotine or Poiret Twill or even of eponge. Tailored modes are most appro- priate for class wear and there are many models from which to choose. Priced from $25.00 up. The long ear rings - the new bracelets , - the novelty rings - all have a definite charm. The ten- dency in the new styles of coiffure to allow the ear to show a bit makes it desirable to add attrac- tive ear-rings:. novelty bracelets make the short sleeves appear stylish -iind what girl will not enjoy wearing the new jewelry? The new; pumps step proudly in as part of Ohe autumn mode! There are so iiiany styies that mateh the nefw fro'k fashions. There are black tid grown s&tins-with hig heels for Gress wear. For street wear there are low heeled, heavy walking shoes and low heeled lighter weight pumps that will not look Out of place in- side as well ay on the street. Good typewriters for sale or rent at reasonable rates. Also portable Jnderwoods and Remingtons for sale, & A. Moran, Room 2, 2nd floor, 711 N., jJniv.-Adv. s L 0 Umbrellas - they may serve for rainy dasy, but they're sunshiiny in. color. There are silk umbrellas in many different colors to. match 'the various winter wraps. Braided leather handles are listed as 'being "quite right" although many of the 'umbrplas have the Ivory or amber handles. Matinee 2- :30 Adults 20c Kiddies 10c z i t .w c x } i 7::. Lingerie Must Be Comfortable The well dressed girl wears a "Boysh- form" brassier - they are so comfortable' and yet so stylish in appearance. These brassiers may be had in coutil or in satin and are priced from 89c to $3.00. A "Raydio" girdle will answer the pur- pose of a corset for it gives the necessary support and at the same time is not stiff enring. This girdle is made of brocade and elastic and is priced $4.00. Evening 7.8:4 Adults :35c Kiddles 10c" LAST TIME TODAY , ..:4 ' "°f _ °, . ,. r r, s, S , ,. , ' .V , . ; . , a 5 . . c3'"U There Are Many Occasions A, .4 For Sports Attire I Autumn brings many occasions that require-sports . attire! There are Iways V I II. hikes, picnics and parties for which the College Girl will want smart zports attire. ' , Frocks of Style , 'u lid.' ' The vogue for slip-over sweaters has ex- tended into the fall and winter season and there are many slip-over sweaters of brushed wool and Shetland yarn. For out-of-door occasions there are heavier sweaters with roll collars. Prices range from $1.79 to $9.75. Plaited skirts make attractive companions for sweaters land sports jackets. Dark colors have lighter stripes and ihany nov elty materials have been used effectively in making these skirts. They are priced from $5.95 up. Frocks of:Beauty For Teas For Dances THURSDAY - SATURDAY Eliot Dexter AND Claire Windsor In the College Girl's. life there are many social occasions-teas, din- ners, and other affairs - and for these she must have a gown that is at once becominx and stylish. The vogue for mnatelasse effects, the Bertha style in collars, the beaded trimmings - all of these things have been used effectively A...- r r ,i l 7 Frocks that will gayfully fit into the dance season may be of velvet with a bit of metal trimming - of soft canton crepe. In a draped ef- fect, or. If the occasion is formal of : crisp taffeta with an adorable ornrment - on the girdle. There are so many leasurable casiois in the. Coliege year1 the wardrobe must : be well plied in order to furnish just ,' IN 11 G