Friendship, True FellowshipMark AI.llN P FG Is lJIUMIIII I ILUJ "riendship, comnraderie, the true!4 spirit of good fellowship-these t the things I note and most appreciate} CLOD CONVENTION rationyesterday' s EV ERAi1 HUINDRED) NI MSPAPBit. - of Marion R. Herseman, member of __N .;'('0V F:NEi: g AN-N ARBOR the West Virginia legislature. He is, O(04.BER 26 entered here as a senior at the Law, -- - ischool. Herseman" is the youngest jMARCOSSON'S LECTURE state' legislator in the United States. FEATURE OF PROGRAM "Amsteull smuha m o rjre enlaw cdol covet a knowlcd9E oil _. w __ _the miwstern way of thinking andl AUTO ROUTINGS TO For those whlo merely wis~h inform- .-, S U O TANA LE sdnas to whih cities and villages Go .. dC?; ermine the route, maps are enr- loc in the lette~r retu rnet1. T .e, fSneciazl bulletins giving in detaili a w. a routes traffic the fob satisnatorLpy routing for automiobile~s lowi ng communicmties, from Toledo: from.IDetroit to Columbus have been Perry }burg,Boin Green, Portage, lrepared by the 1MiJiga n State High- Cyg'et, Van Lm'ren, Ib'indlay, Carey, v.Ta deartent nd ay e obaindftoy eH, Uper andusky, Little San-' way epatmen an ma be btaneddusky, Marion, Waldo, Norton, ?Dela- by writing to the department at ILans- w are, Worthington, and Columbus. incr. Mihand eriosing a self-ad-_____ ____ drssed stamped envelope. The bullet-' Special rates for students at Y. M. ins are preparedl in the form of a "log," describing the route in detail, C. A. Sixty foot white tile swimming together with a sketched mape. pool.-Adv. VONE A PALACE 'OF S a,,VEETS Just Ease of Vas Gas Station xity Sponsrs Thursdy M.1elvil e K St~ie; couci1 'of the EA~- Ssociated er.sp, and, i fftimer general mxranage ,wil be '~iFen te. first day ':of the conferenc-i of ,te Unver~ity, Press club 6t Micxigan'to beield here October 26, 27, 2, and will be the honor guest at the Sigma Delta Chi dinner Thursday evening. Members ofj ' the- Press club will be the guests of the University Oratorical association at Mr. Marcosson's lecture on "The Changing East," to be given Wednes- day evening, Oct. 2, but the confer- ence will not start until 'Thursday. General discussion as to the aca- demic and practical aspects of the Journalistic curriculum will , take place at. the first meeting" Thursday afternoon.,In addition, S. E. Thoma-' pon, business .m nagr of the Chicago 'iTrbun, and'4 a..rMUchign, aumns, 'sill speal .oxna tpic of spealiter, I'mt to the .business side of a newspa- 4cr office. ¢ .Sigma Delta Chi, national journal- , stir fratarnity. aistkrAnl ;Aror; .spn- fors the t, Th asday' eveiting, diner which 4wia1, ,b Bald "ijnthe icgan- Union Aiugriun,MVelvife .Stoe ~will be 1110no,gust , and:1 .pin ipa. espeaker, and Prof. Fred N3. Scott wvill act as toastmaster. Fielding H. Yost will also be present. Friday morning's program will feature three faculty men, namely; Robert M. Wenley, who will discourse $,on the subject, "An 'Ancient ,to Mod- erns"; Prof. John D. Waite, of the law school, whose topic is "Newspa- pers and Crime"; and Prof. Thomas HIL Reed, of the political science de- tpartment, who will speak on "The' Press and Public Opinion." Friday afterpoon will' be devoted to 'two or more program features, th tfirst of .'Viich 'tl 'e the s eech of #} resd t 1avi ' Friayof1 Mlvic xxgai ~Agricu1Mr fCo1 t ge, 'l iAwib o special interest to the mn of th eekcly section of the state press. Cas- - lobe i# zor1t, ith 4jpeI nrjIly ,ra through f le ieeita iewll'I pSnl; ~paper on 'tie suject oTf he'Jgrniiula tion -of a code of journalistic ethics urfor American newspaper offices. ~ri- (llay nigh4 is the night of the comple- lnetary dinner, given the visiting edi- ors, by the University authorities, in he Michigan Unionf 'wTan Presiet urton will addres hi newspaper lien on "Thxe Unive I4ogram." Saturday morning will b' evoted tos ransaction of, Press club business,t nd to an inspection of the building; peration~ ,of the nivprsity 9atr- hegu is f F1i e t 'Ilkost at the' During the"convention the Press club members will inspect the pilas for a proposed building to house the }department of journalism at the Uni- versity. Thy pans are the result of two years of co~operation between the University Press club and the "Univer sity authorities. President Arthur W.d Stace, of Grand Rapids, has called au meeting of the Michigan Associated Press editor-' ial' association for Friday noon. This organization is composed of the man- s ging editors of the Associated Press papers of the state. SStuart H. Perry of Adrian, pxresi- ~dent of the Michigan Dailies assoia- Ion, .(h larger .ailies of the state) Wbas called a special meeting of tisI ussocition for Thrsday noon, when ;a luncheon programn will he held at the Union. President C. -A. Finch f Monroe, has called a meetig, of the Aylichigan League °of lloie~ a~ ; smaller daily papers of the stte for the same times. President F. D1. 'Ks- ter, of Ionia, has ,called a meeting of "the Michigani Press association, week.- ly newspapers of the state, during the conference. President Charles 'T. An- dre'ws, of the. Students Press club, campus organization, will aso con-' vene his members to serve the confer- ence in any way possible. doing things, averred Mr. 1-ersemnan. "Out here things seem mnore alit e. "'T tbought seems. more spontaneou' thani ixnthe,44st. I like the,'get-there' spir- it one finds among the students." wwY Mr. Hersem n was elected to ). l g s a u e o ra e t V r i i in 12sh rl af e hi gr d a i n f o th!University of his state. W hile in the s legislature he has been active in the ~ promotion* of measures aimed to bet-' p ter education. His term expires Jan- uary, 1923, and he will not seek re- 'Moir Iti . llersman~z election as hie wished to complete his law studies,"' he said.J Marion R. Hlersmnan, America's "I have not decided :whether I will yongs state legislator, attFndts the return to a political career after grad- ; Law. school. uating," said Mr. Herseman, "anid I will not be certain on that point un- D.II' hsbe onetdwt til I receive my degree." D.unstyofetrascognnecewth During the war Mr.' Her's lan serv- teUiest fStastr ic h ed a a sec~.dlietennt f }e ~occuiation ;of, Alsace by: the French. ;f atry. 'Hie is, a mmber' of' 'Kappaiedh~~a 'Sigma, uation?.l frater~nity. 1' ncy uniersity,France. BRUSHES-- MNY KINDS AT LOWEST PRICES FLOOR WAL SAIR, PAINT SCRUB STOVE WINDOW TOILET CLOTHES HAIR TOOTH ITHEY'REGOIG'AST!I 3 V'' ' a fllA~ll? ' iLL PLEN' OF VO ) EATS ON SE X v BOOS-- SEER AL KND Off'GOOD VALUES 'HIS ISITTODA Dr Andre P. Bouin, prod essor of ,medicine in the University of Strass- burg, Ap~ace, ;ai~d kxnown .throughop.0 Europe 4s' Ta, le fing mnember ofi lie medical profession, will conclude his visit here as the guest of Dr. C. Carl j 1-luber of the Medical school and re- turn. to New York Wednesday. Dr. -Bouin is in this country as a member of the French commission brought to this country by the ltocike feller institute for the purpose ofI *studying American medical education. The various members of the French commission visited different promin,. ent medical schools throughout the country, Dr. Bouin choosing Michigan.. txrateiiizt~e Club 'to Jicorg-nnizei Tonight IAll memnbers of the gradu tte schiool afid their azi e : vJnie oat- 'tend 'the first meetinrg of the Cry dtate club t be held at 8 o'clock tonight, at 13,arbour gymlnasiui. IDean .Alfred H3. hlIo ,d of the. Graduate school -will r t>Pelk t ,the ert nizat~oi A geneiral ieorganizatib-n'of the 'societ+ will take lc.Michigan Daily and Chimes for $4.50. gsIIusr:RT Nightsa 50-75-.$1.00 MI GHIGAN Pop. Mats. Tues.,7hurs Opposite Caillac Hc.tei Main 770 In~lar Hay's Brillant Comedy , Romic, andI augbtcr Told in Gay and (1Sp ark ling NEXrW Ei'K-"ETAST IS WCL.ST" AND OILS' OIL D)UST FLOOR CEILING GOCEDAR OIL LIQUID WAX OL POLISH LIQUIDVENEER MOPPOIS 'John ~~e'DlotS.ei-Kna City CastI FRIDAY and SATURDAYI Twy.1Mtne ardylct912 A r? . rli , CA!'APUS Theatre N o 4 Showing DOWNTOWN i t -- - -/ 209-211 EAST WASHINGTON STREET The Host. Amaig rani We ave'Ler $hown, a '' '{! to '1 - l v ,p G i ,r",'r ' . <' ; ''I.c For 1nche~~i ordinnr A Piat Heapedi wit 1,IjF. . r .. ' : _ Baked eas01.2c, .., " " ., a 1$ g "'" { A'"{{~ y 0y mean i wIn~ XA[E say V 'they're the finest, most expensive beasthat-can he purchased. Baked xwith pork in our own huge ovens after the good old fashioned Bos- ton style. They Tform a health.- ful, appetizing, economical for any meal. Try them today at 12c. , , LA3 TIES TODA A rippng Tale of the Sea EM ' 3S STIN UI1SHUACTOR H ti R' ' JY ATE' C r m, A Ls 3 It AN~D A GREAT Mermai TJE. Pf' ALS -R&EN "IP MT'iIN E1E;.Y-23c EVEN ING S- 3 5 Ivlicg .r . 'fe, ot.voia, A. I Bebe Daniels i."PIINK GODS") CHM-4 N1 0RETUR NS PLAY'BY PLAY SAT U DYAFTE 00K COMING S'UNIAY Theodore Roberts in "the Old Homestead" Anee mi~eP. dramla of tile leader of Smltne men, iwho ,,.,s lost; his don. Eveking 2:00 le, whl)o twav, founid;^ and his 7:00 3:30-wie, -wNho dd aot Jinowv. ' 8 :30 ALST. JOHN N "THE CITY CHAP" I 61 2 East Lib~erty I __ CMI FIIAY-- "LITTLE MISS SMILES" SIHLEY MASON IVAIl, C ' r f Salurd6y .1.SHOWS z Pe m. SPECIAL Mid.o-G 10 ATTRACTION rCPLIMBUS. MAIL ORD~ERS accomanied by remrittance in full a,,nd self-adilressed envelope mill be honored in order of re~eipt.'31i1 SUTIE to spcif'y IICI performance Saturday desired. Make all ,riitfmnces and send oviders to R. F. B3od a, MXaim- ager Hartman Theatre, Colman us, Oio. Prices: 1.0,$.Ge, $2.20, $2 .Th In- cl u ding tax. aa NEWYORK PRODUCT -s I x r k oil kv t 1 A I-~