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October 18, 1922 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1922-10-18

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.. i , ' .

VOL. XXXIII. No. 21,






;. .


12 Men Initiated
I n t o Barristers

Passengers On Illfated Pacific Steamer,
"City Of Honolulu," Owe Lives To Radio

Vivid Vehicles
To Invade Ohio

Peaceful Settlement of Near
Crisis Due to Policy of


An injunction was issued yesterday
afternoon restricting the wonen of
the campus from further participa-
tion in practices in which they are
alleged to have been implicated. The;
occasion of the restricting order was
the initiation of 12 new members into
the ranks of Barristers, senior hon-
orary law . society, which took place
on the steps of the Library.
A session then followedin the court
room and in Barristers hall. At 6:15
o'clock a banquet was given in hon-
or of the new members. Herbert E.
Wilson acted as toastmaster and short
talks were given by Frank M. Parishj
Clyde Y. Morris, Ralph Carson and
Professor Goodrich.
The initiates were: Elwyn -G. Day-
les, Gerald K. O'Brien, Clyde Y. Mor-
.ris,. Maurice R. Norcop, Lewis R.
Williams, Mahlon J. Macgregor, Wil-
liam R. Walsh, Laylin K. James, Wes-
4ey L. Newton; Jr., Roy Noonan, Chal-
mers L. McGaughley and Ralph Moore
Car son:

It rattled down State street in such
loud, gorgeous raiment that passers-
by stopped in their tracks, with
mouths agape, to stare at it-an aged
but spry Lincolnette arrayed in al
the, glory of bright ocean blue and
sunset gold. Fore and aft, to port
and starboard, great block M's blazed
fbrth. And, then and there, each by-
stander awarded the job his or her
unofficial vote for the position of
head Elizabeth in the flivver caravan
that will head for Columbus next Fri-
day afternoon.
The car decoration is spreading like
the flu, garage dealers say. One stu-
dent is driving a large, used car
about, bearing in big letters the fol-
lowing inscription: "Take me to Co-
lumbus for seventy-five dollars. I'm
r'arity'to go!" Similar car-poster
schemes are common, say the garage

Accident Thought Due Primarily to
Pulling Out of Fabric
of Envelope

In answer to the query, "The World
-Whither Now," Sir Gilbert Parlier in#
his lecture last night in Hill auditor-
ium emphasized the international
character of every individual and of
the United States as -a whole, pledged
his faith to the English labor party
and the people, suggested the promo-
tion of a world .economic conference,
and urged his large audience to "Give
the world a, chance."
"The United States is concerned
which way the world will go, whether
he or she wills it, or not, he or she is
international," declared Sir Gilbert
initially. He supported his thesis by
pointing out the relation of the indi-
vidual to manufacturing and finally to
the trade between nations.
Stresses Individual Responsibility
"You are internationally concerned
with the rest of the world and the rest
of the world is in a very bad way,"'
continued the speaker.: He indicated
how we had lost 115,000 men in the'
war, England 674,000, and Fraice 1,-
374,000, and how these countries not
only suffered food and . other priva-
tions during the warabut were now
undergoing severe strain. "Can you
not understand why England and
France feel the war so much?" Park-1
er queried in the light of the-condi-
tions he portrayed.
Sir Gilbert prophesied that the la-
bor party of England is the coming
government. "I do not fear it. I do not
welcome a labor government, but I
do not fear it. The coalition goern-.
ment was effective in time of war but
in the time, ofPace i.destroyed or-
ga- 4d- lyCOation -

Team, Varsity Tind, and Cheerlead-
ers Will Be cn Hand for
Gathering at 7:30



out tpe wrr .:.Four million. volunteer-
ed in War work before'the concrip
tion. When the American and Brit-
ish working man is convinced, he will
do again just as he did - during the
Near East Peace Due to France
Turning toward the Near East cris-
is, Parker laid the responsibility of
the situation on the effort to keep the
Turks out of Turkey. In. doing this,
said the speaker, the Turks, the most
fanatic men in religion and national
spirit in the world, had to be dealt
with. "If I had been Mustapha Ke-
mal, I would have done exactly what
he did. If Turkey did not get back
into Europe there would 'have been
another world war," said Sir' Gilbert.
"The present settlement is.due to
France," continued Parker. "The dif-
ference between the policy of France
and England in this respect is that
France believes in alliances, while
England, like the United States, does.
not cultivate them."
In treating the economic situation
of the world, Parker praised Herbert.
Hoover and called him the "man most
trusted in Europe today." . Sir Gilbert
supported Mr. Hoover's idea that the
United States must not forget the
world war debts which the other na-
tions owe to her, and declared "Eng-
land does not want the United States
to forego the debts. Hoover says the
world must pay its debts. I say so,
too. But bankrupt nations cannot
pay their debts.'
Parker pointed out that Germany
cannot pay her debts until her ex-
ports exceed her imports and .that.
further, Germany does not have the
immense agrarian and mineral. re-
sources of the Saar Basin, Alsace-
Lorraine, and a part of Poland.'
Calls for Economic Conference
In the light of these serious .finan-
cial conditions Parker urged the call-
ing together of a world economic
conference to solve as its problems
the settlement of the amount Germany
should pay and the amount the allies
and the other nations that owe the
United States should pay America.:
Sir Gilbert further emphasized that
the physical salvation of the world is
trade After outlining these condi-
tions Parker asked: "In this crisis of
the world's history, what are you go-
ing to do? 'The World-Whither
In reply Sir Gilbert stood for no
cancellation of debts and the idea that
every nation of the world should
abide by the judgment of such an eco-

Costume Will Be Accepted .us OfficIal
on the Approval of the
Student Body
As a result of action taken last Fri-
day by the Student council, new uni-
forms have been purchased for :the en-
tire cheerleading sgiuad. The uniform
is to consist of a white V~neck sweat-
er with "Michigan" across -the chest
in blue letters. The trousers will be
white flannel with a yellow and blue
stripe along the side. A blue and
white toque will complete -the cos-
tlme. If this uniform meets:with the
approval of the student -body, the
prdper action will be ,taken to -,make
this the official uniform for the fu-
ture. The cheerleaders ..will- make
their first appearance ,in the new uni-
forms tomorrow night when they wil
lead the cheers, at the big pep ,meet-
ing to be held in Hill auditorium.
William.H. Frankhauser, '23L, who
has been appointed head of the cheer-'
leader ,squad for this year said, with i
regard to the plans for the Ohio .State
game, that the cheerleaders wanted
Yellow and Blue, and the Victors be-
fore the game. "We are counting on
the support of all Michigan men and
women," said Frankhauser. -"These
songs will be sung several times dur-
ing the game, and there is no reason
in the world whyjwe should not sing
them right. I am anxious to have all
students familiar with them before
the game starts."
One of the features of the cheer-
leaders' program is to be a cheer
leading team composed of J. A. Ba-
con, '24,: E.- L. Newhall, '25, and W.
H. Frankhauser, '23L. The scheme of
having a team of cheerleaders, work
together has been tried in previous
years, -blt has never beeni continued,
consistently for any length of time.
The squad intends to - make this a
regular part of their program.,The
team will make its first appearance
Evans To Play In
oday's oncert

llfa-ted ship "City of Honolulu"
Two hundred and seventeen passengers of the Pacific steamer "City of Honolulu" today owe their lives to
darto. When the ship caught fire in- mid-Pacific, radio summoned rescue ships and though the steamer burned
to the water's edge not a life was lost. The freighter "'West Faralon" was the rescue ship. The burned hulk is
now being towed to Los Angeles.



Forty-eight men were chosen for
this year's vocal section of the Var-
sity Glee club last night at the final
meeting of the committee in charge
of selecting members for the club.
Out of 156 tryouts the committee
found it difficult to choose so few. It'
selected the following men:
Tenors: B. G. Booth, '24L, R. C.
uhmsey, '23, B. K. Swartz, '23;
Charles I. Campbell. '25L, W. C. Knox,
'24L, R. L. Wood,'25A, C. R..Jones,'23,
F A. Roth, '23E, George. Qua, '25, C.
A. Towsley, '23, E. W. Dunn, "2L,
and R. T. Hatt, '23.:
, Second tenors: R.. A. McFarland,
'23, W. J. Nichols, '23, L. M. Bates,-'24,
A, C.. Goetz, '25, J. H. Tuttle, .'23, A.
B. Connable, '25, Howard Henderson,
'25, J. Q. Waddell, '25, W. L Howell,
'23E, E. W. Brownbridge, '25, C. D.1
Clavette, '25E,. and L. A. Brunsting,
First Bases:. D. B. Chubb, '24, H.
L. Bright, '25, Edward Murane, '25L,
Fred Sparrow, '25, V. H. Sauble, '25E,
T. H. McEachern, '25, H. A. Jones,
'23L, J. W. McGrae, '23, C. B. Cum-
mings, '25, H. F. Barrett, '24, J W.
Justice, '25E, and H. A. Storms, '24E.
'Second bases: G. L. Bowie, spec,
H. M. Stephen, '24, N. W. °MlcCormick,-
'23, K,1 S. Anderson, '23, H E. Belle,
'23, J. A. Dryer, '24, W. G. Hartle, '24E,
W. W. Spanagel, '25E,-D. N. Reid, '24,
Kenneth Wigle,'24, Ted Slatery, '23,
and K. R. Keydel, '25E.
The first rehearsal will be held at
T o'clock tomorrow night in the As-
sembly Hall, at which time the presi-
dent of the organization will be elect-
ed. The men named above are re-
quested to be,-,at the', rehearsal
promptly. . -
Sigma Delta Chi, national profes-
sional journalistic fraternity, will
meet at 7:30 o'clock this evening at1
the Union to complete plans for the
Melville E. Stone banquet, scheduled
for Oct. 28. The society will be
host to the members of the Univer-
sity Press club of Michigan, who
meet in convention here Oct. 26, 27

Take YourBand.
With You,
Today is Tag Day on the Michi-
gan campus. It .1s a day which
Sphinx- and Triangles campus
honor societies, will endeavor to
make long remembered as one on
which Michiga'n men and wqmen
pledged their support to their,
team -and. - chool by idnanimoisy
subscribing- toward a fund to send
the Varsity band, cheerleaders
and reserve 4ootbafl men to- io
State .Saturday afternoon, when
Michigan ,batlesnthe Buckeyes
-on their own grounds..
Last year in addition to sendingf
'the band to Madison when Mfehi-
gan playe the Wisconsin eleven,
a large share of the freshman and
reserve squad were givem free
transportation and, expense mon-
ey by means ofb -,,Band Bounce
and -popular subscription on the
campus. It is thought that by
means of the Tag Day this double
demand on the student body will
be eliminated and yet accomplish
the purpose desired
"Each tag you see means that
the wearer has invested 50 cents
in a Michigan victory" is the slo-
gan of the campaign committee.
Matinee Musicale will hold its- first
meeting of the year at 3:30 o'clock,
this afternoon in the assembly hall of
the Union. The musical entertain-
ment -will be provided by the Detroit
String quartet, an organization of
musicians in the Detroit Symphony
orchestra. These members are: first
violin, Ilya Schkolnik; second violin,
William G. King; viola, Herman
Kolodkin; and violoncello, Philip Ab-
bas. These men have played together
for several years and their ensemble
is pronounced by Ossip Gabrilowitsch
to be "on a par with the finest cham-
her music organizations now before
the public."I
Admission to the meeting will be
given to members upon presentation
of their membership cards. All oth-
ers may attend by purchasing tickets
which are on sale at Wabr's book
store at $1 apiece.

"Any students who have not yet
bought their tickets to Columbus and
ate intending to go by- train, should
make their reservations today," was
the statement given out yesterday by
H:. S. Bradley, ttaffic manager of the
Ann Arbor railroad. This -is to guar-
antee for everyone who is ging down
a seat on one of the train. -
p cto date enough tickets have been
purchased to fill _sk trains, two of
which are Pullman sections and the
others day coaches. 'his number, it
Is thought will be sufficient to take
care of all the students who already
have purchased seats, but if there is a
last minute rush of students wio have
just . decided to' -go "after all, the
chances are that a good many will be
Accordingly the Ann Arbor railroad
wishes that the students would decide
immediately whether they are going
or not not so that in case enough
more tickets are sold to warrant it,
extra trains will be on hand when
leaving time comes. The railroad will
take care of any number that desires
to go to the game, if it only has ample
time to make up the trains.
Opening its 39th year, the Comedy
club will present two one act plays,
"The Bear" by Anton Chekov, and
"Three" by-C. G. Ely, at 7:30 o'clock
this evening in Sarah Caswell Angell
hall. "The Bear" was produced dur-
ing the past summer session by Pro-
fessor R. 0. T. Hollister in his play
production class and met with decid-
ed approval by all those who witness-
ed the performance. "Three" was pre-
sented about a year ago by the Play-
ers' Club of Detroit and was written
by C G. Ely, one of the club's mem-
Members who have been prominent
in dramatic work on the campus will
be seen in the casts of both plays.
Those _members who will delineate
the various roles of "The Bear" are
M'atte Proudfoot, .'23, Charles Living-
stone, '25, and Louis'Stoneman,'23. In-
cluded in the cast of "Three" will be
Howard Stimpson, '24, C. J. Dres-
bach, '24, and Catherine Greenough,
"All students should take notice of
the fact that today is the last time
that class distinction will be recog-
nized with reference to the alloting of
the Michigan-Wisconsin tickets," said
Harry Tillitson, director of the ticket

Plans for' a monstrous pep meet-,
ing, to be held Thursday night in Hill
auditorium on the eve of the depar-
ture of the Varsity football team and
thousands ofstudents for the Ohio
State .struggle, have been announced.t
In preparation for the contest, the
Student council plans to make this the
most spirited - and determined pepl
gathering in the history of the Uni-
versity. Speeches, short and vigor-
ous, calculated to inspire and unite
the thousands of students in just one3
purpose, to beat Ohio, come first on?
the program. Instead of selectingr
one or two speakers to address the
assembly, the council has asked ai
number of men to each get up, and in
their most brisk and eective way to
help put the Michigan fighting spirit
into every Michigan man and oman.t
The meeting is set for 7 30 'clo k.
The doors of Hill auditoru ' pen at
7 o'clock. The Varsity band'will b
on the stage prepared to lead in "Tlil
Viztors," 'Varsity," and the other
fighting songs of Michigan."T'hf'cheett
leaders will be out in full force.ready13
to make Hill auditorium resoundE
with cheers.
Everything points to a record-
breaker in attendance and spirit. The t
team which boards the special traint
with coaching staff and trainers at1
8:15 o'clock en route for Columbusl
will be present at the meeting untilI
the time for departure. They will be
seated in the front row of seats ofl
the ground floor of the auditorium.
Upperclassmen - who care -to serve
as advisers on the Upperelass~' Ad-
visory committee are asked to fill out
the coupon below, and to send it to
the Union in care of James E. Duffy,.
'24, chairman of the Upperclass Ad-
visory committee. The necessity, for
more men on the committee is due1
to the fact that many of the men whof
signed up last spring for work on the

-V [T,",XT?1 TLY

(By Associated Press) -
San Antonio, Texas.-The giant dir-
igible, C--2, the U. S. Army biggest and
best blimp was totally: destroyed by
fire as it was being taken from the
hangar at Brooks field here this morn-
ing, injuring seven of the eight men
The C-2 was clear of the nangar
when a puff of wind drove the huge:
bag along the ground permitting it to
swing against the door of the hangar.
The bag was torn, and the inrush of
air, ignited the dirigible. An explosion
soon followed and almost immediately
the C-2 was consumed and the air-
craft was left a mass of smoking,
tangled wreckage.
Seven Injured
The injured are Major F. A. Strauss,
commander; Serg. A. D. Albrecht en-
gineer; Maj. John' MacThompson,
8th corps areo hdq.; Capt. Nelson
Walker, Dan Daines, newspaper re-
porter, and 'Serg. Harry Bills. 0. A.
Anderson, pilot of the ill-fated craft,
escaped without injury.
The C-2 was on a return trans-con-
tinental flight from Ross field, Cali-
fornia, to Langley field, Va.
That a croso wind was not respons-
ible for the restructiqn by fire of the
dirigible but that the accident was
due primarily to the pulling out of the
fabric of the envelope was the state
ment made by Major Strauss, com-
mander of the ship,*this afternoon.
The ship, which Major Strauss said
was valued at possibly $70,000, irig-
inally cost the goveinment $270,000.
'A q lasses,:with the exception of
the freshmnan-lits, vho have not , as
yet made their nominations for class
officers will meet-today. Junior lits
who have not., as yet made their nom-
inations for class officers will meet to-
day. The junior lits will meet at 4
o'clock this afternoon in University
hall. Sophomore lits will meet at
Newberry hall at the same time.
Freshman dents will also hold their
nominations at 4 o'clock in the West
lecture room of the Physics building.
The Student council urges the mem-
bers of these classes to be present at
their meetings The junior and sopho-
more Tits havealready had two meet-
ings for the purpose of nominating of-
cers; but owing to small attendance
have been unable to take any action.
Pr6f. Alfred '0. Lee, freshman men-
t or ,for~ the engineers, announces that-
'26 engineers will nominate their class
oficers at 11 o'clock today in room
348, Engineering building, during their
weekly assenib-ly.
At a special meeting of the inter-

The next concert in the Twilight
Organ series will be given at 4:15
o'clock this afternoon in Hill audi-
torium. Harry Russell Evans of the
organ department of the University
School of Music will give the follow-
ing program:
Prelude in D minor.. ..endelssohn
Mendelssohn is one of the few great
composers .who have written music
for the organ.
Adagio in B minor...... ..Widor
Charles }Marie Widor (1845-) is or-
ganist of St. Sulpice, Paris, and,
professor at the Paris Conserva
tore. His 10 symphonies are
among the greatest works ever
written .for the organ.
Song of Sorrow (Requested). ,)Nevin"
The Young Prince and Young
Princess .....Rimsky-Korsakoff
This is the third movement of the
symphonic suite "Schebrazade" in-:
spired by the Arabian Nights
Tales. For the most part this
movement is a violin solo, but the
clarinet, flute and trumpet are
heard frequently. The composition
was arranged for the organ by Har-
ry Russell Evans.
In Moonlight...............Kinder
Fanfare in D.....,......Lemmens
Jacques Lemmens was born in Bel-,

c t h n t d h fraternity council held last night at
committee have not returned, or have the Union last night, Dean Joseph
changed their addresses and have not A. Bursley warned students against
notified the committee. . estruction of property and stealing
Many of the freshmen who were rides on the special trains to be run
sent names of upperclass advisers to Columbus this week end. He said
have been sent names of new ad- that it had been exceedingly hard to
visers because of mistakes in the ad- procure the specialx service on ac-
dresses of men assigned' to them, or count of previous carelessness by
because the men assigned to them are students.
not attending the University this An appeal by L. W. Snell, Jr., '23,

"Fresh Peaches", Frontispiece,
Typifies Initial Gargoyle Issue

year. -in behalf of the Athletic association
and the University as a whole for
more men to turn out for the cross
I desire to serve on the- Up- country team was app-roved by the
Seass Advisory committee conferenca, anitwas suggested that
-Name -- - - delegates get as many men as possi-
SAddress.. bleufronitheir own houses to ttn
ClIass ................It, ut. --
Department .. . . . . ..Paul E. Watzol, '23, suggested that
.Phhne number -..{I-he singing of the "Yellow. and Blue"
be improved and stated that . The
Daily would probably publish the
PHILLIP KERR TO SPEAK ON - song in full so that it might reach


Freshmen will be featured in the
- initial issue of the Gargoyle, campus
himor magazine, which will be placed
on sale on the campus tomorrow. The
greater number of the articles .in the
magazine will be on the subject of- the
The frontispiece, a full page picture
entitled, "Fresh Peaches," is the work
of James House '23. Other prominent
artistic features in the number are a
portrait drawing of Prof. R. M.
Wenley, of the philosophy depart-'
ment, a page showing the reception

explained and illustrated for the bene-
fit of the first year men.
An organization known as the
Frosh club is also explained in the is-
sue. The- motto that the Gargoyle
proposes is "Love one another," and
pea green is suggested, for the col-
or. "Aunt Lena's Bedtime Story" is
published in conjunction with the
page devoted to the club. 'The story is
written in a narrative style under-
stood to be most intelligible to the,
freshmen. In the preface the year-
lings are warned that the story is too1

Phillip Kerr, wartime secretary to"
Premier Lloyd George, will arrive'
here Thursday afternoon to deliver
a series of two lectures Friday and
Saturday, Oct. 20 and 21, under the
auspices of Prof. Jesse S. Reeves of
the political science department.
"Some Present International Prob-

Party Nears Internal Wreck
(By Associated Press)
Paris.-The French Communist
Party is near a wreck; members say
the rank and file work for the gen-
eral good and the officers for them-
selves; a near riot came when a Rus-
sian Red tried to speak.

E 1

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