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October 17, 1922 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1922-10-17

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Frisco Physician
Claims Discove




Inir Barristers, honorary senior law
onrurtiro society, wil initiate ten men into
F rn~v I~I~v their order this afternoon beginning
ak As is the custom, the in-
,NOT ENGLates will first be lined up in front
i WgH N'O 9 N i~iof the Law building. in stocks and
then marched about the campus, fol-
FRENCH ENVOY PRAISES KEMAI'S lowed by the present members of the
EFFO~RT TO KEEP PEACE ;society in full costume.
WITH ALLIES Several injunctions will be read in
Ifront of the library. One will prohib-
it women from walking four abreast
STATE S ENGLISH FORCE on the campus walks. The Privy
DISPLAY DETRIMENTRL 1Council of Barristers has also issued


Catholic Chaplain
Named At Yale






Parliamentarian Gave Great Service
During War as Activity
Claiming first rank distinction as
an English writer, statesman, andj
traveller, Sir Gilbert Parker at8 0'-
clock tonight in Hill Auditorium will
give the second lecture of the course
offered by the University Oratorica)
association. Throughout his lon
service of 18 years in parliament Sir
Gilbert has stood out as one of thq
most prominent , politicians and ha
brought about many constructive!
measures for his constituency. Dur
ing the European coflict he held rep
sponsible chairmashps on importan'
committees. With this extensive back1
ground of experience he is well
equipped to know the status of Eur
opean political aairs,
Parker is equally well recognized
in the literary field as in political
circles. He Is the author of many
novels, books on travel, and a num-
ber of plays. 1
Topic Is International
The subject : of this .evening's lec-
ture is "The World-Whither Now?'
The topic isone of immediate conerni
bearing on international matters of
deep interest to all. The messag
which Sir Gilbert is prepared to giv
is .a vital one andthose who hav
heard his presentation i6t the' lectur
proclaim the work to be impressive
and significant.
At the present time Parker is mak-
ing a transcontinental, lecture tou
under the direction of the Internal
tional Lyceum and Chautauqna Asso-
ciation The Oratorical Board con-
siders itself fortunate in being ablg
to secure his' services this evening. '
Sir 1a ersieflling the.-eng
gagement which Judge William S.
Kenyon was to have completed. But
due to Judge Kellyn's recent appointj
ment to the United States Supreme
bench, he has been forced to canet
his whole shedule of speaking.
Will Use Jenyon Ticket
The Oratorical Board requests that
those having the Association seaso,
tickets use the Judge Kenyon lec-
ture section for toniglts admissoni
In order to expediate the handling o
the crowd, the board further requests
that. all clip their tickets before pre-
senting them at the door.
Sir Gilbert arrived yesterday morn-
ing and is the guest of Prof. William
H. Hobbs of the geology department.
President Burton will give a. dinner
in honor of Parker- and will introducq
the speaker.
Season tickets are still obtainable
at the State street bookstores, the ad-
missions to the reserved sections be.
ing $3.00 and to the unreserved divi-
sions $2.50. Single tickets to the Sir
Gilbert Parker lecture will be $1.
Gargoyle, Michigan's humor maga-
zine, will make its annual bow t the
campus Thursday morning, when the
first issue of the year, dedicated to
the yearlings, will go on sle.
The number, true to its purpose,
abounds in freshman lore and humor.
The cover, by James House, '23, en-
titled "Room and Bored," is done in
pleasing colors and furnished a suit-
able opening for what follows.
Other art wrk, within the book, is
as fitting and well arranged as is
customary in this publication.
Features include: "The Freshman
Primer," "The Frosh Club," "Aunt
Lena's Bedtime Story," and an al-

Ann Arbor residents are requested
to co-operate with the University Press
club in providing accommodations for
newspaper editors who will visit 'AnnI
Arbor Oct. 26-28. More than, 100 out-
of-town editors are expected to at-
Local residents who have furnished
rooms available, can assist the Press
club housing committee by tolephon-
'i"n.rdto 41,nfnnnofPT A 'Ruln'.na'. Tnnn



.. _ ...... .

Dr. Albert Abrams
Dr. Albert Abrams, San Francisco,
claims the discovery of an "electronic"
theory of diagnosis and treatment.
He declares he has devised apparatus
sufficiently delicate to meter the vibra.
tions in all matter and thus deter.
mine the health or disease of numan
'24" LITS AND 28
Freshmen Engineers Will be Initiated
Into Fundamentals of Honor'

Brands Communique Reporting Break-
Down of Mudania Conference
as False
(By Associated Press)
Paris, Oct. 16.-It was the specific
purpose of France combined with the
sincere desire of Mustapha Kemal
Pasha to avoid war and not the Brit-
ish display of force which prevented
war in the Near East, a war which
might have worn the aspect of a
world conflict, M. Franklin Bouillon,1
the special French envoy at the re-
cent Mudania conference, told nearly
a hundred newspaper men of 15 na-
tions who gathered at the foreign of-
fice tonight to hear the French del-
egate tell about his mission.
"It has been said in England that
the display of British troops alone
halted the victorious Kemalists," said,
M Franklin Bouillon. "The truth is
that every time force was used, and
the British troops were reinforced, the
consultations with Mustapha Kemal
Pasha became increasingly more dif-
"The peaceful effort of France al-I
ways intervened just in time to pre-'
vent open warfare, and had it not
been for France, peace would not
have been realized. In this connection
I wish to pay tribute to the consistent
struggle the, Turkish commander
waged to maintain peaceful relations
with the Allies. He accomplished this
in the face of a victorious army which
was within but 40 kilometers of the
capital, Constantinople."
M. Franklin Bouillon says.that the
British general staff at Constantino-
ple had Issued a false communique
telling of the breakdown of the Mu-
dania conference because of the Turk-
ish demand for the immediate oc-
cupation of Thrace.
Lieut. Maughan Breaks Own Record
of One Kilometer Course in
Curtiss Plane

an injunction prohibiting students
from feeding the initiates while they
are in stocks. 'The old English cus-
tom of punishment is strictly observ-
er' in this case.
The initiates will be taken to the
trial court room following the cam-
pus ceremony and from there to
Barristers' hall for the completion of
the initiation.
Dean Henry M. Bates of the Law
school will be the principal speaker
at the banquet which will be held
after the final initiation at the Un-
Great Britain Ready to Allow Colony
Right to Negotiate
(By Associated Press)
Washington, Oct. 16.-In recogni-
tion of Canada's particular interest in
the maintaining of amicable rela-
tions' with the United States, the Brit-
ish government has decided to au-
thorize the Canadians to negotiate di-
rectly with the American state de-
partment in the drafting of a new
treaty to regulate naval strength on
the -Great Lakes. In the near future
a representative of the Canadian
government is expected in Washington
to begin these negotiations, the foun-
dations for which were laid during the
Jvisit here,-last July of Premier Me-,
Kenzie King.
The matter of naval vessels on the
lakes probably will be only one of
several subjects covered by the new
treaty, which now is expected to sup-
plant entirely the treaty of 1817. Itl
is understood that there is no dis-
position on either side to increase
naval armament on the Great Lakes
beyond the needs of militia training
and customs law enforcement, but it
is probable an effort will be made to
define zones in the lakes wherein cus-
toms and militia vessels may operate
lawfully even where purely territor-
ial water are involved.

Junior lit studeuts

will meet

Hope to Secure Enough Money
Tale Freshman Squad and
Cheerleaders Also.



Conference Heads Planj to
Out Practice in Big Ten


~four o'clock -tomorrow' afternoon in
University hall to nominate offiecrs
for the coming year. Soph lits will
meet at Newberry hall auditorium at
the same time. Fresh dents will hold
their nominations in the West Lec-
ture room of the Physics building alb:
so at four o'clock.
The Student Council ' especially
urges that' the students in the classe-
above mentioned be present. This l .
the third meeting of the Junior and
Sophomore literary classes for thqe
purpose of nominating officers. Inclea
ment weather 'caused one postpone-
ment but it is' hoped that enough stu-
dents will turn out tomorrow to make
the nominations, legal. i
Prof. Alfred O. Lee, freshmen en-
gineers' menter announces that thq
'26 engineers will nominate their
class officers at 11 o'clock tomorrow
in Room 348 Engineering building
during their weekly assembly. Thom-
as J. Lynch, '25L, chairman of the
Student council nominations commit-
tee, .will be present to conduct thq
proceedings. 'Professor Lee request j
a full attendance.
Owing to the fact that not enough
freshman classification cards were
available during enrollment, a large
number of new studonts were not in-
formed regarding the time and place
of these compulsory assemblies.
They are held at 11 o'clock everyl
Wednesday in Room 348 of the Enj
ginDering building. Attendance is obj
ligatory and excuses for absences
must be procured at the office of the(
assistant dean. j
W. P. Campbell, '23E, chairman of
the honor committee has been rej
quested to speak tomorrow concern-
ing the honor system which has been
used in all, examinations in the En-
gineering college for several years.
Materials for the block "M" at Ohio
State this week end have arrived and
will be taken to Columbus Wednes-
day' by a member of the Boosters'
Club which organization is backing the
"M." 1500 banners have been reiceved
and will be 'used in making up the hu-
man "M".
The "M" will be made on the right
side of the stadium from the open end
and will be in the first section of
Michigan seats, at the point of curv+
ature of the stadium. The yellow ant,
blue banners will not be attached tq
sticks as in previous years, but will
be pinned on the front of all persons
in the section marked out. The "M'j
will, in this way, be, visible at alt
times, whether the crowd be standing
or sitting.
The flags will be tacked on thq

What is expected to be the largestj
and most successful campaign ever
put before Michigan students will be'
launched on the campus tomorrow
when Sphinx and Triangles, junior
literary and 'engineering honor so-
cieties, will inaugurate a Tag Day, the;
proceeds of which will be used to'
send the Varsity band, cheerleaders
and the freshman football squad to the
Ohio State game at Columbus Satur-
Four thousand tickets have been
printed and men will be stationed at:
both ends of the diagonal and various
other advantageous positions, about
the campus, who will give all staunch
Michigan supporters an opportunity
to show their loyalty. A fee df 50
cents will be charged for each ticket.
Fraternities Will Pledge Money
Fraternities and sororities were ex-
pected last night to decide on the
amounts which each would contribute
toward the general fund and' it is
thought a large sum will be derived
from this source.
It has been the custom in the past
to seek' money from the different
classes .and student organizations on
the campus and the Tag Day will do,
away with this practice entirely.]
"Holding a Tag Day this year will'
eliminate a double subscription from
the student body" is the opinion of'
Donald W. Steketee, '24, chairman of
the committee in charge. "Heretofore
students have been asked to support
a Band Bounce and also have been!
solicited for funds to send the re-
serves with the first team. By put-
ting forth one large campaign the
work can'be accomplished much more
successfully and in less time."
Will Eliminate Band Bounce
The Band Bounce will not be givent
this year,- according to Carleton
Pierce, '24M, manager of the band:
Thursday night on which the band
had planned to give the bounce has
been reserved for the huge "pep"
meeting which will be fostered by the,
Student council. "The bounce has
been the means in past years by
which the bind earned its expenses
for the trip," stated Pierce when in-
terviewed yesterday, "but it is . not
now thought necessary in view of the!
fact that the Student council is behind
the Tag Day movement and promises
to see that the band goes to Ohio
Reports have been' received from
Columbus telling of the increased
rates the hotels expect to charge dur-
ing the week-end of the big game, and
it is estimated that all Tag Day tick-
ets will have to be sold if the expens-
es of the band and freshman squad
are to be met.

, . f
The Rev. 1. Lamrason Riggs
The Rev. L Lawrason Riggs recent-
ly ordained to the Catholic priesthood,
has been named chaplain at Yale for
the instruction of students of that
faith. He. is a Yale graduate.
"Living On A War Basi' Subject o i
President at Opening Meeting
In 11111 Auditorium
"Living on a War Basis" was the
topic of Pres. Marion L. Burton's ad-
dinan t h nai'm ofthu U ivaoiff

Following on the heels of a state-
ment made by A. A. Stagg, University
of Chicago's athletic director, who
last week appealed to the Maroon
supporters to stamp out betting and
conference gambling, Coach Fielding
H. Yost yesterday issued a statement4.
in which he set forth the evils, both to
team and student body, of the practice
of betting on the outcome of athletic
President Marion L. Burton also is-
sued a short statement relative to the
subject of betting among students.
The first definite action against the
practice of betting at intercollegiato
games was taken by the Western Con-
ference Athletic Association at it)
December meeting of 1910, when then
association passed a resolution call-
ing on all members to "cooperate with
one another in preventing betting at
intercollegiate games" and recom-,
mending "to the various faculties the'
adoption of legislation loolking to they
punishment of the members of the un-
iversities who are guilty of this of-
fense against morals and the laws o'f
the several states."
The action of Directors Stagg and
Yost are part of a united movement in
the conference to carry to completion
the reform hoped for by the spirit of
the conference ruling of 1910.

(By Associated Press) .it is notyet determined, but it ap-
16.-Traveling at pears probable the treaty also will
Mt. Clemens, Oct. deal with. waterways, fisheries, and
the greatest speed any human being other questions.
has ever attained, Lieut. R. L. Maugh-
an, a U S. Army pilot, today set a new
world's aeroplane speed record by BAND 1 A E I N
covering a kilometre course at the
rate of 248.5 miles an hour. IINIFflAU T OHIO CAM
The record was made during official {
army and navy tests of the speed EEEA
planes that participated in the Na- MARKS FIRST CHANGE
tional Air races at Selfridge field last ' SINE 191
week and was electrically timed by
officers of McCook field. Michigan's Varsity band will be
Officers Say Air Speed Unlimited dressed in entirely new uniforms when
Aeronautical engineers and Army it marches onto the field to the tune
and Navy officers who witnessed the of 'The Victors" at Ohio stadium Sat-
flight were astonished. The demon- urday afternoon This has been made
stration, they declared, proved there possible by the action of the Board
was no limit to the speed that might of Regents and the Athletic associa-
be attained in the air. tion. The Board of Regents at a re-
Lieutenant Maughan made the rec- cent meeting voted $1,500 for the pur-
ord-breaking flight in the same plane chase of new uniforms provided the
in which he won the Pulitzer trophy Athletic association would do like-
race on Saturday. The machine is wise, which resulted in the purchase
a Curtiss army biplane, powered with of a complete new regalia for the
a Curtiss 400 horsepower motor. Aft- band.
er making his record, Lieutenant "The new uniforms are expected to
Maughan continued his flight to show be here in time for the big 'pep' meet-
that the tremendous pace could be ing Thursday night" is the statement
maintained. On four laps he was of Carlton Pierce, '24M, manager of
timed at the rate of ?32.22 miles an the band, who states that he has re-
hour, and his average for eight laps I
~was 229 miles an hour. ceived word from Henderson, Ames
was 29 mlesan hur.& compan to that effect.
Examination of the machine dis- T c to that
closed that it was in perfect condi- have been bought for the organiza-
tion, and that nothing in the nature tion since 1913 and are made of a
of a "trick" flight figured in the rec- dark, athletic blue broadcloth. De-
ord performance. Later Lieutenant parting from the old style, the new
Maughan added to the astonishment of caps will be of the army regulation,
the officials on the field by flying ap- mode, instead of the former German
proximately one mile with the ma- band caps. The' blouses, of the same
chine on its side. The feat really material, are tsiimnied with blackI
menat that he was flying without the mohair braid. An aiguillette of maize
aid of wings. ' silk cord will be worn across theI
S i ,$600000,000 Payment breast, and a gold service stripe for
U.as.hingtonsct $6,-A0, payment ofeach year of service in the band will.
Oct. 16,-A payment of be worn on the left arm. The trousers
$60,000'000 on account of interest on will be of a straight dress cut with
Great Britain's obligation to the Unit- a quarter-inch gold stripe over the
ed States was received today by the outer seam. The cape will be some-
treasury through the Federal Re- what similar in design to the old
serve bank at New York. A secon4 bullion "M" over the left breast. A
payment of approximately the sam1 black silk frog will be worn below the

aress at the opening of te university
services, held Sunday night in Hi1i President Burton Says
auditorium. T
President Burton took up the "There is no occasion fo: dis-
<?isxinflt.pr orals of betting,
standards of the nations engaged . lipi411 n1pt t n geL ome,
the recent war and drew parallel sit thin! fo, -nothluing and, iii tho f.
nations for the individual in peace long run tie world is not muade I
time. Every group and every individ- up tha way.
ual, he said invariably must set up "There V. occasion fo_ point-
ideals. When this is done a loyal de- 'ing o fvonm an intensely pray.
votion to the standards must be kindl- tical paint of view that betting
ed. is a short-sighted and vicious at-
"Since no ideals can be left un attack upon iuterdcollegiate ath-
guarded," he said, "preparation for idles. .The Siudeni who bets on
the'defense of those ideals is inevit- 'is team thinking, that he is
able. When our national ideals were thereby^ giving genuine evidence
threatened during the recent war, the I of his loyalty to his university
result was national preparadness. The is deceiving himself. Betting
individual also must defend his stand- breeds unjust -criticism of thlI
ards. team, tends to shater student
"This war,' said President Burton. mOrals and substitutes' commer-
"was a clash *of ideas of different civ- cilis'N- for sportsmanship. Let I
ilizations, not merely a war between us play the game fo'r the game's {
ships and men. During the war, this ;'sake. '
nation learned to live in the right__
way. Why can't we carry over into
peace days that same kind of livini. Director Yost's statement, headed
that we had during the war?" "Loyalty and Betting," follows:
The speaker concluded by explain) "Progress in sportsmanship, and
ing that there are other goals for t ethics as well as in technique and
college man to attain other than thq ability has characterized the history of
intellectual, namely character. An(l athletics In this country throughout
character may be built up only by r) the last decade. Leaders in the field
rigid defense of fundamental stand-I of physical education and athletics
ards" "have all come to realize the value of
ethical standards in sport. As a re-
fsult our athletics today are conducted
MPI on a far higher plane than ever be-
, I T19 fore.
Betting' Gives Foreign Atmosphere
ISdGI COSI V1PROF, IUL "In spite ' of this great pfogress,
'however, some practices still prevail
CAME TO U. S. TO STUDY AMERI. which very materially detract from
CAN METHODS OF MEDICAL the full value of college athletics.
EDUCATION Particularly is this true of betting on
he outcome of the various athletic
Professor Bouin, of Strassburg uni- contests. The scope of this practice
versity Alsace known as one of the has expanded with the added intensity
leading member of the medical pro- of modern athletics until it has be-
fession of Europe, is the guest here come in some places a very serious
of Dr. G. Carl Huber of the Medical menace to the' progress of sport's
school. Professor Bouin holds rank- greater ideals.
ing of professor of anatomy, histolo- "First of all, betting throws around
gy, and biology. . college athletics an atmsophere en-
The Straussburg professor is in the tirely foreign to. the true spirit em-
United States a a member of the bodied in games. Fundamentally all
French commission brought to this college athletics are based on the
country by the Rockefeller institute, principle of "play for iplay's sake."
for the purpose of studying American The theory of every game is to gain
medical education. His visit here is a given goal by overcoming whatever
one of a number which will be made obstacles present themselves. in life
by the members of the commission we encounter natural obstacles. In
to the prominient medical schools of games we encounter artificial ob-
the country. ' stacles placed there for the pur"poso
He will return tomorrow noon to (Continued on Page Two)
IN~ XT V 1 f n v....e..iinme OIIIIHici r'

0 .


Students were given their last
chance to buy tickets to the Michigan-
Ohio State game yesterday when the
remaining 2,000 unsold seats were
sent back to Columbus to help stem
the overflow of applications which
was the flooding the Ohio State ath-
letic office.
Michigan's original allotment foij
seats called for a block of 15,000,
Later this was seen to be inadequate
and when Coach Yost was in Colum-
bus to witness the Ohio-Wesleyan
game, he secured an extra 3,000'
which he, Goebel, and Uteritz brought
back to Ann Arbor with them to in-$
sure every Michigan rooter with a
place in the stands.
Last Thursday Coach Yost received
a telegram from L. W. St. Johns, dir-
ector of athletics at Ohio State uni-
versity, in which he said that more or-
ders for seats at the new stadium had
already come into Columbus than'
could be taken care of and that if
Yost had any excess or unsold seats
that he could spare, to send them
back. Accordingly Coach Yost set a
deadline -on the ticket sale for Mon-
day afternoon. A special messenger.
was dispatched with the remaining
2,000 seats which had not yet been
sold by 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon,
I tanm t them to. the ticke~t nffinc, in

New York to rejoin the commission
at Rockefeller institute..

Illinois Stadium Larger Than Ohio
Champaign-Ohio State's memorial
stadium will hold 63,000 people yet it
will not be as large as the new onql
at Illinois when entirely completed.
The Illini say that the stands in thei1
new arena will, when finished hold a
total of 92,000 spectators.


0. . U. EXTRA
le Michigan Daily will pub-I
-li41 .an Extra for the Michigan- 1
Ohio State Gamie Saturday, Oct. j
l21. The paper will be off the
a press within a few seconds af,-
er the game is finished. Stu- I
dents unable to go to Coluiti-
_ i .e1, wilt ho n1cd }Fl I-Aft' ,n i 1, 1 1 I


seats in the stadium on either Friday
or Saturday of this week by memberq
of the Booster club.

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