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October 16, 1922 - Image 16

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1922-10-16

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._. _.

Publication in the Bulletin is const
the University. Copy received until 3
Volune $ SUDAY, OCTO
To the Deans:
There will be a conference of the
o'clock Wednesday, Oct. 18.
To Members of the Faculties and Staff
Copies of the President's Report, Ju
ing, sent to all deans, directors, supe
departments. Any member of the facul
have the same by calling at the desk in
communicate with the undersigned a co
College of Literature, Science, and the
The first meeting of the Literary F
Monday afternoon, Oct. 16, at 4:10 in
standing committees and general busin
of the College are invited to this mee
service for three years are entitled to
Exhibition of War Portraits:
Under the auspices of the Ann Ar
portraits of American and allied war le
p. m. daily, from Oct. 5 to Oct. 26, in t
Hall. The gallery will be open Sunday
Ushers for Choral Union Concerts:
Applicants who registered for p1
in Room 110, Library, at 5 p. m. Mond
Men's Educational Club:
There will be a meeting of the N
Oct. 16, from 7 to 8 p. m. in room 318 a
some prominent educator, and light ref
Players Club:r
'Tryouts for "The Roadhouse in A
frm 3 to 4 Monday and from 1:30 to 3
open each afternoon from 3 to 5:30 for
the enrolling of members.
Women's Debaie:
The following remain on the Oh
August, D ekhoff, Fox, Fuller, Moriya,
ner, Welty. The next meeting will be
in the Auditorium, University Hall. E
for constructive argument and four m
at fou and remain through the try-ou
change to the negative side of the qu
Eighteen Bureaus -Established to Send
Out Reports on Operations
of Associationi
.-By broadcasting information re-
garding the public utilities of the
country through the agency of the
Associated Press, the Michigan Com-
mittee on Puibllc Utility Information,
is performing a work intended to keep
the people informed regarding the ex-
act status of their public utilities.
There are 18 such bureaus through-
out the United States, and most of
them are situated in or near a uni-
versity town. This is for the obvious
reason of taking advantage of the
work that is done in the University
Maintained by A soc'atns
Although the coiri(Uce is main-
tained by the state gas and electric
light association, tr woi L that they
do i unversI in i! .cope, and a
large mount of in'ornation is sent
out by the bureui f":nccrning the tel-
eph'vc. iir 4 "'i1 v. vat :r works

ferior and again many of their prices,'
especiaghy o luxuries, have been too
.uhigh to appeal to our consuming
trade. There seems to be a determ-
,rucivenotie t al memersof F R B~ g ined move on feat to get In line with i
r:30 p.m. t(11:30 a.i. Saturday.) lother commercial nations. Every-
where the people are courteous, keen1
BER 15, 1922 Number 19 and diplomatic."
C. I. Huston Assistant Secretary of
Commerce Says Connercial
Deans in the President's Office at 10 Interesis at Fault
ist published, have been, or are be-
rintendents, and heads of academic Tokio.-C. H. Huston, assistantJ
ties or staff who desires a copy may secretary of commerce, who is mak- Lisbon, P ortugal.-Two recent po-
the Secr'etary's office; or if he will ing a world tour on he U. S. S. Mo- litical assassinations in the streets of
py will be sent to his address. jave in the interest of American trade, Lisbon have aroused the people of
FRANK E. ROBBINS. in discussing his visit to Japan said: I this turbulent city. The authorities
"Any opinion I might express on are accused of failing to afford pro-
Arts-First Faculty Meeting: Japanese affairs and conditions must
taculty for the year will be held on be more or less. premised upon im- and the news-
Newberry Hall. Annual election to pressions hurriedly obtained. Some papers are calling upon the govern-
ess. All members of the teaching staff things, however, are patent on their ment to do something, else Lisbon will
ting. Instructors who have been in face. become more and more isolated from
a vote. Washington Conference Favorable the provinces where, already the city
JOHN R. EFFINGER. "The Washington conference react- is regarded as a dangerous center of
ed favorably upon the Japanese disorde tk.
bor Art Association an exhibition of people at large and it has paved the The latest crimes took place within
aders is being held from 1:3 to 5 way for a more cordial commercial theart of the city. Neither victim is
he West Gallery of Alumni Memorial relation. Business men in both coun- earetof the it. Neithser eictngi
's. BRUCE M. DONALDSON. tries have been responsible for mis- expected t live. 'One was a leading
Aunderstandingsintepastb fr s-civil revolutionist known under the
drsadiblns nate basn runn nickname of "Advante." He is accus-
"Tradenbalanceshavebeenrunninged of having denounced some of his
itions as Choral Union ushers meet gast nfor a months comrades who advocated very ex-
aythe best informed are not hopefuf ordswoavoae eyc-
ayW.C. HOLLANDS. that an early change for the better treme measures. Ie was crossing the
. H. is likely. This means thattherbpur- street at night, near the docks, when
chasing power in the United States an automobile suddenly stopped near
Men', Educational Club on Monday, cannot be materially increased and him. Two men jumped out, one stab-
t the Union. There will be a talk by may have to be curtailed. bed him with a dagger, and then both
reshments will be served. Should Join Forces I The other victim is Sergio Prin-
L. H. BEACH, Secretary. "Other countries are making pains- ITetriLisoSergioPis-
takig efors t acqain th Jaan=cipe, a Lisbon merchant, who is ac-
taking efforts to acquaint the Japan- cused of forsaking his old ideals in
ese industries with the technical ma- favor of the working classes, and
rden" will be held in the Workshop chinery and labor saving devices they who is said to be today the secretary
:00 Tuesday. The Workshop will be have to sell. I have found some of of the Patronal Association, an or-
tryouts for the Workshop 'staff and our people here abreast of the times ganization strongly opposed to the
but more business could be done if Syndicates and the Unions. Principe
R. S. TUBBS, our people gave more study to condi- was also stabbed while walking on the
Pres. tions. The world war has impressed street in front of his store, and his as-
Japan that nations are not entirely sailant escaped. Both men had re-
self contained and that Japan should ceived letters of warning, written in
io-Michigan Debate squad: Misses take advantage of present conditions blood, and signed "The Red Legion"
Simonson, Stratbucker, Taylor, War- and join hands with America on a
Thursday afternoon at four o'clock permanent friendly and mutually ad-
Each speaker will have six minutes vantageous basis.
inutes for rebuttal. All will appear "Japan's factories are handicapped DR. W. S. MILLS
t. It is urged that some candidates by practices and customs brought OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN
estion R Kdown from the feudal era, and with 616 First at'l Bk. Bldg.
RAY K. IMMEL, some less efficiency than is found in Office Hours Phone
Intercollegiate Contest Director. America. I see no imminent danger 9-12; 1:30-5 321-F1l
of our plants suffering from Japan-
and all other branches of public serv- ese competition, although this in no
ices. way suggests that I have found the
Files are kept in the office of clip- manufacturers- either inefficient or un-
pings from newspapers, articles which progressive.
appear in the current scientifis maga- Japanese Eager to Learn
zines, and annual reports of. utility "They are keenly alive to the fact
companies which are- sent to the of- that some business has been lost be-
fice. All of this information is used cause their factory products were in-
in writing the articles which are aft-
erwards sent by the Associated Press
throughout the country. More thann u-J a
70 papers in this state alone are sup- M oa
plied through this source. a AKf %? $OI
Supply Speakers Pasteurzed
The committee also maintains a M JC . BY
speakers' bureau and supplies organ- M ilk TOM JoaiNSTOtS
izations throughout, the tftate wflth
speakers. At present it is at work
on a plan for conducting the Commu- VERSUS
nity Fund drie in this city. Speakers
for this occasion will be supplied
through the committee's office. '"RawM ilk"
The commission arranged and con-

TFO Build Sf'awall Against High Water river and to prevent a recurrence of
Vicksburg, Miss., Oct. 14.-Prelim- the inundation in the lower Parts of
the city during the recent high water.
inary plans have been completed for Tho cost will he about $250,000.
the construction of a 4,000 foot sea-
wall to protect this city from a 60-
foot stage of water in the Mississippi Michigan Daily and Chimes for $4.50.

Everything good at
Ann Arbor Chop Suey
314 S. State-Second Floor





No need to use your brain as a storehouse. Leave facts to
Lefax and keep your mind free to plan, create and Execute
Data Sheets and Blank Forms

A M lchigan Institution



I "

Being WelDressed

,. A
204 E ww$wmfA"
&ne 6Z$..

Is prim arilydependent

the care your




For g e n uin e satisfaction in
Cleaning and Pressing look for
Our Sign -- The Mark of Effi-

cient and Courteous


Ann Arbor Steam Dye




ducted a tour of one of the largest
public utility plants in the country
when they took the summer school
students through the Consumers,
Power company in Jackson this sum-
Radio-phone Tried In Japan
The first radiophone trial in Japan
has been held before the representa-.
tives of the Tokio press. One company
has been granted permission by the
government to carry on this work in
the saie way as the radio stations in
the United States.

It is not necessary for- us
to presume upon the in-
telligence of University
Every well informed per-
son is fully aware of the
health protection afforded
by Pasteurization.

"E7XTRA careful shoemaking,
attractive heavy stitching-
new bevel-edged soles-flat top
toes.)Shoes made and finished the
way this Walk-Over is finished
are rare.
$8 to $10




Our Wagons Go


Ann Arbor
Dairy Co.
"JIome of Pure Milk"

MAIL ORDERS accompanied by remittance in full and selt-
addressed envelope will be honored in order of receipt. BE
SURE to specify WHICH performance Sat. desired. Make all remitt-
ances and send orders to R. F. Boda, Manager Hartman Theatre, Co-
Iumbus, Ohio. Prices $1.10, $1.65, $2.20, $2.75, Including Tax.

11 5 South Main Street

r -w

7 F.

-- r

--- ---











Isaac F. Marcosson
Sir Basil Thompson
rt. 1 , a rrVu i r1




William Allen White
Raymond Lo Dihars
Phidelah Rice


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