9l m D L II All gymnasium classes will meet the first time on Tuesday, Sept. or Friday, Sept. 29, at Barbour mnasium. Everyone is requested, wear street clothes. [here will be a meeting of all fresh- n women at 4 o'clock Wednesday, pt. 27, in the auditorium of Sarah swell Angell Hall. Dean Hamilton 11 give her first talk in the Uni- sity at, this time. ,eague houses that desire assistance organization and election of officers requested to telephone Laura Is, 452. It is necessary to be prompt the president elected is to attend president's supper, which will be d in the middle of October. All sophomore women who have istered in the University last year requestedtto have their heart and g examination before noon of dnesday, September 27. This ex- ination is given in the basement of rbour gymnasium. There will be ;olutely no extension of time. here will be an important meeting all junior advisors at 3 o'clock dnesday, Septeinber- 27, in Sarah swell Angell ITall. Elizabeth Car- , '24, chairman of junior advisors, ,uests a prompt attendance. kIl gymnasium classes will meet the first time today or Friday, ptember 29, at Barbour gymnasium. here will be a meeting of entering men at 4 o'clock tomorrow in the litoriu n of Sarah Caswell Angell Aiming to acquaint the entering' women with their class members elab- orate preparations have been made by heads of the Women's League'for a reception in their honor. The date is set for 7:30 o'clock Wednesday night in the parlors of Barbour gym- nasium. The entertainment will consist of stunts from the Junior Girl's play. while a four piece orchestra will fur- nish music for dancing. Refreshments will be served to' the guests, In the receiving line will stand Dean Jean Hamilton, Mrs. Marion L. Burton, Miss Mary Ross, the new secretary of the Y. W. C. A., Miss Marion Wood, Miss Marion Dawley of the physical, education department, and Frances Ames, '23, president of the Women's League. UNIVERSITY GIRL TO STUDY ABROAD Frances Swain, '23, sailed for France last week, where she will take up work at a Lycee in Versailles. Miss Swain was one of the 25 awarded scholarships by the French govern- ment through their interest and' mer- torius work in the language and lit- erature of that country. After a year's work at that institution, Miss Swain will return to the University to resume her work here. DEAN HAMILTON ADVOCATES WOMEN'S SELF.GOVERNMENT ,I desire to se a strong, well-knit organization among the women of Michigan," stated Dean Jean Hamil- ton, new dean of women, yesterday. Dean Hamilton Is a graduate of Vassar college, where the women's self-gov- ernment activities are very general and cover a great deal of ground. All activities and organizations concern-{ ing women should be brought into closer coordination and great unity, Dean Hamilton believes. DEAN TO WELCOME ENTERING WOMEN All new girls in the University will fulfill an old tradition when they meet for the first time at 4 o'clock, Wednes- day, September 27, in Sarah Caswell Angell hall. At this meeting, Miss' Jean Hamilton, dean of women, will welcome the freshmen and entering sophomores to the University. This is the first talk which Dean Hamilton will give to the women students. Miss Marion O. Wood of the Physical Education department will tell the girls of the requirements of the gym- nasium department and of the tradi- tions of the University. SHUBERTS PRESENT HOLlIES, WHITE IN "THE HOTEL MOUSE" Frances White and Taylor Holmes collaborate very successfully in "The Hotel Mouse,' 'the musical comedy success which the Messrs. Shubert will present at the Garrick beginning Sunday night. "The Hotel Mouse" is adapted from a French farce and takes place in Monte Carlo, where Wally Gordon (Taylor Holmes), a shy young man from Kenosha, Wis., is sent to learn the ways of the world. There Wally encounters Mauricette, supposedly a demure country girl, but in reality a hotel thief bearing the sobriquet, "The Hotel Mouse." The three acts of the play are well balanced and afford room for such clever work as one would expect from such stars as Frances White and Tay- lor Holmes. PU FOR ALL TOBGNSN WILL BE MORE INTENSIVE AND COMPLETE THAN THOSE GIVEN NEW CONERS Physical examinations more intens- ive than those being given the fresh- men and incoming students are going to be required of all members of the University- this year arid the first ofI these will be given early next week. Starting with the, proi'ssional schools the Health Service will mail appointments to each student, andl these must be kept. A Health ServiceI doctor will devote his services to each student, one at a time, in what will be a thorough and intensive contact, rather than statistical, examination. The ailments and defects of each in-I dividual will be brought up and dis- cussed. . As soon as the Student Directory is published an appointment list will be compiled for the literary school and the examinations 'Will be con- cluded. Any student will be privileged to report for examination somhetine before his appointment at his con- venience if he so desires. A record will be kept of all persons examined, and, according to Dr. Warren E. For- iythe, the head of the Health Service, none- will be skipped. Ai)AWS, RHETORIC INSTRUCTOR, STRICKEN IN EUROPEANf TRIP Mr. John W. Adams, instructor in rhetoric in the University, will not be able to :meet his classes until the twenty-ninth of this month. Mr. Adams, who started out for Europe shortly after the close of the semester in June. took ill while traveling in Germany and was confined: to his -bed for over three weeks in =Berlin. He happened to meet a friend, Prof. F. B. Daniels, of the Missouri School of Mines, who stayed with him until his recovery. Mr. Adams only re- cently sailed for home and is due in Ann Arbor late this week. T r 1 dsw -S hits Its. place Int childhood's boys, and it is god for grown-ups t A Welong hfiend. t's the sweet tat's good for teeth and stomachs. It's the Ideal ref aesluaneut that helps to digest the hastiy-eaten~ meal. Theaters Today Screen th-Colleen Moore Iowes" tic-House Peters in "The in "The, ade-Jack Holt in "While Satan m=Alice Joyci Lug." This Week in "TheI STUDENTS - COME DOWN TOWN WE GIVE YOU Special Discount and Easy Terms MICROSCOPES SAVE MONEY BY BUYING YOUR HISTOLOGY AND BACTERIOLOGY SUPPLIES at - The Eberbach & Son Co.. 200-204 EAST LIBERTY STREET t m ~ZWEiH)LIN(Th' FOR DEP N: mit l Bll"n "II'IT" 10111 1!Iil Cb W' ila u in Wermdl ear la n B"" NewMfschokerslland all k lion for your inspect MNm Alll' work done is lour own mu .;.,furriers ' WHEN YOU THINI Sim ~ THINK O0 rote I w THE FURR] AReMdIlBMg117 E. LABER': Iwo iverl ngBuilding d glaze fur coats, inds of furs. nter Furs ready 0fn shops by expert VER YOUR 1)ABLE FURS . ather Ing.? w- :$k: Th New P.3K Is Great SIaI Laurar rI 1 1111 ,f r" stage rrick (Detroit) -Frances White Taylor Holmes in the musical dy, "The Hotel Mouse." higan decorations-Banners, pen- s, shields, etc., at Wahr's Univer- Bookstore.-Adv. ler, the pen specialist.-Adv. K OF FURS F IER TY Jstab1shed -I # I. if f.r E. U'.__ t u~u~u~I ., Safe Deposit Vaults InvestmentJService. 1 _ _._ _ Make This Bank Your Money's Home- ' M You whom we have had the privilege of serving in previous years and you who are coming to Michigan for the first time, we invite to make this institution your business partner during the coming year. The counsel and advice of our officers on business or investment mattters are always open to you. We are always glad to help students with their business problems. We invite you to bring us yours. ' L 17 1 . T AL - i TT 1' A4NL NL A ~ tC ~ C Q AVXTTN'1'TIIQ 11 A ~W