THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1922. SUNDAY, OCTOBER, 15, 1922 THE MICHIGAN DAILY ,P t MUSIC AND MUSICIANS By MAX EWING. In last May's issue of "Whimsies" there is a place for jazz music. Pure there appeared a sonnet by Forman GI jazz, unashamed and unapologetic, is Brown wherein he lamented the "re- a form of expression from which much cent appropriation to purposes of jazz that is- important may come. In its the aria 'Un bel di' from "Madama unrelenting emphasis on rhythm there Butterfly." In a heartfelt apostrophe is something elemental which is not to Cio-Co-San he promulgated the to be despised. It is only when jazz scorn and contempt which every true seeks to hide its inherent animalism music lover must feel toward the under the cloak of more refined mus- "thieving fingers" which are reach- ic that it becomes most obnoxious. I ing out and robbing of their beauty am free to say that when I hear such so many famous and beloved melodies. a song as "Mon Homme" or even a I want to take part in this hounding "Second Hand Rose" sung by an ar- of the conscienceless plunderers of tist like Fanny Brice, I clap my hands musical treasures; I want to carry a with the rest- It is only when I hear fearful tom-tom and pound it with a the beauty of a Massenet "Elegie" mu- vengeance. tilated almost beyond recognition by a This vulgar jazzing of great music numbskull, blared forth by a jazz band has been carried to unforgiveable that I wring my hands instead of clap- lengths, and its results are dismay- ping them, and therewith leave the ing. It has come to pass that at a hall. dance one can close one's eyes .and The composers who have been long not be quite certain whether one is I dead, and whose works are now pub-I actually at a dance, or at the opera lic property, have no means of de- where the orchestra has suddenly to fending them against the beast of sac- a man become demented. And, what religious plagiarism. But one -would is of more import, at a legitimate con- naturally suppose that any serious cert the effect of a poignant melody ! composer who is alive and in his right is often ruined because the same mel- mind would take care to protect his ody has been heard before in vulgar works from its claws. It was with a settings. feeling of incredulousness then that Witness the singing of the air many people received the news last "Vous dirai-je Maman?" from "The summer that Giacomo Puccini had Daughter of the Regiment" by Frieda sold for a staggering sum the "jazz Hempel at the May Festival here last rights" to his opera "Tosca." Yet the spring. This quaint old air which report seems to be indeed true. Just has descended from Mozart is not of- what these "jazz rights" are is leftI ten heard in the concert hall today. I rather vague, but I doubt if they arej dare say that half the audience who worth the sum paid for them; forI heard Hempel sing the air had never "Tosca" does not in its tense, melo- before heard it in its proper setting. dramatic music seem to offer any very But I wonder whether any one in the promising material for the jazzifier. hall had been so lucky as to have es- But such reflections are beside the caped hearing it attached to the in- point. The significant fact is that a sufferably mean words about one great composer, one of the most prom- Sweet Hortense who "ain't good look- inent of his time, has deliberately sold{ in~r hi.+ ° BoTo! one of his art-products (I do not stop "Nonsenseorship," being "Sundry Observations Concerning Prohibitions, Inhibitions, and Illegalities," sounds promising, in view of its authorship. Those whose gems of protest are in- cluded range from Heywood Broun to Frederick O'Brien, and in between are many old friends. The book is pub- lished by G. P. Putnam's Sons. Harold H. Armstrong, a Detroit lawyer and a Michigan alumnus, dis- guised himself as Henry G. Aikman until his first novel, "Zell," proved a success. His second offering, "For Richer, For Poorer," is published un- der his own name. The battle still rages over tbe morals of "us decadent young people," and Stephen Vincent Benet has -some- thing to say in our defense in his see- ond novel, "Young People's Pride," which Henry Holt brought out re- cently; IGNACE JAN PADEREWSKI Who Will Play in Hill Auditorlnim I stood in a position to suffer. It had1 loaned money -to Entente powers, the; money had been spent in America for American made munitions. An allianceI with the Entente would insure Wali. Street against loss and it promisedI manky great gains. Turner shows that the country was, for the most part, against this war. It elected Wilson on an anti-war bas- is in 1916. In the first draft more than half claimed - exemption (50.62 per; cent); more than eight per cent (252,- 294) failed to appear. From 300,000 to 500,000 made themselves liable to penitentiary punishment in order to; escape. It is shown that in the first year of the war over 14,000 desertions occured from the army and over; twice as many sought dishonorable1 discharge. In fact, the first month of the war brought less than a tenth as many men (enlisted) as the first draft of conscripts, the vast majority of whom were, as shown, very loath to fight for democracy, the integrity of small nations and the freedom of the seas. The book, moreover, shows that Wilson never made a single speech on the war which he did not flatly con- tradict, sooner-or later, in some other speech. These conflicting speeches alone are utterly damning. The rea- son for the contradictions are ob- vious. On one hand he was talking to the people, on the other hand he was talking to business men, to Wall Street. It is further shown that Germany tried again and again to meet our de- mands and that England did not. TheE most convincing proof of this lies in! the fact that Germany agreed to live up to the tenets set forth in the Dec- laration of London which was drawn; up before the war, if England would. England refused. The whole affair of the submarine situation and the blockade situation shows many more trangressions by England than by Germany. The villainy of our financiers is al- most past belief. The profit of U. S. Steel company, represented in divi- dends, increased holdings, and outlay for expansion, was about quadrupled in 1917 over that of 1916; the Baldwin Loconotive company increased its profits five hundred per cent; the re- sources of the trust companies in New York state increased more than three billion dollars- At the end of the war there were 21,000 new American millicnaires. 'The government liquidated the debts o insecure nations to Wall Street-at, been a thousand-dollar-a-year clerk -in Philip Ashton Rollins, author of a Pittsburgh mining company, that "The Cowboy" (Scribners), prizes par- the fifteen million dollar "loan" to this ticularly among the many congratu- little country never left America? It latory letters which his book has in- was spent by American bankers. Our spired one from Andy Adams, author hand in Mexico, Haiti, and Santo Do- of "The Log of a Cowboy," who write, mingo was just as black. "When your characters talk I see the The whole thing is nauseating. I men." need not go on. I simply recom- mend the book to those who are fair- minded enough to read it. I do not ask that anyone be convinced. I mere-.. ly ask that he read. And let me con- clude with the assurance that I did FIR not take this stand willingly. It was a bitter pill to confess that my own.N A T I country was in the wrong. I relin- quished my faith as reluctantly as I gave up the idea of Santa Claus, and B A the Christian religion. T h e s e things were sweeter to believe than ( ORGAN I: note to believe. But the bitterness of losing an illusion is intensified by the opposition to the right-thinkers who are nevertheless swindled daily by the makers of illusions, swindled of their money, their property and their very liven. Socialism will never cure these wrongs. No form of government can. Only a free press, unattached to other interests can help, and our free press ----OLDEST BANK has always, like that 4f most other " O S B nations, been a travesty. OLDEST NATIONAL G. D. E. f -_-_- "The Americanization Bok," has now reached printing, Charles Scribn nounce. 'Memories of Travel," Bryce, will be published by The Macmillan Coml ~ST ONAL .NK ZED 1863 IN ANN ARBOR BANK IN MICHIG All members and tryouts of The Sunday Magazine staff will meet at 5 o'clock Monday in the reading room of The Daily office. It is essential that every staff writer, whether permanent or tryout, should be present at this meeting. Anyone interested in writing for The Magazine is also invited to attend. ' i ! ( 4 ' Ii if 11g ou U s u eS g U g UU .ul z ' - .. ,.. .v. - k v .v. - those listeners who had recently been to heed the loud protest from the anti- afflicted with hearing this banal dit- Puccinian camp at my use of the' ty, there was something preposter- term) for the express purpose of hav- cus-even ludicrous-in seeing and ing it degraded. If the time has come hearing Madame Hempel sing, with when the composer himself has no re- the accompaniment of .the Chicago gard for the well being of his own Symphony Orchestra, what was known work, then I feel forced -to join, not as "Sweet Hortense" to every jazz- iwithout reluctance, the large, tor- hound on the street. mented company which querulously These "Madama Butterfly" and cries, "What's the world coming to?" "Daughter of the Regiment" airs are - only two of a legion which are be- ing irreverently defaced. Consider the The young English artist who will "Mon coeur s'ouvre a ta voix" from illustrate the new limited (Manaton)# "Samson et Dalila." Its passion-swept edition of John Galsworthy's works measures are ruthlessly being but- is a nephew of Mr. Galsworthy. His chered to make a *saxophonist's holi-- name is R. H. Sauter, and he will be day. The dusky "Song of India" from remembered as the illustrator of Rimsky-Korsakoff's opera "Sadko" nc Awakenig" when it first appeared longer exhales a rich and heavy per- in book form several, years ago. The fume, but emits a sweet and sickly Scribners announce the first volumes smell as, in its rehashed forms, it of the Manaton to be limited to 750 comes from the hands or mouth of ev- sets. cry would-be musician in America. The list can be prolonged indefinitely. Add Chopin's."Minute Waltz" turned into tottering "Castle of Dreams;" Grieg's seductive music to "Peer Gynt" ground out in a clattering j jumble called "Peter Gink." Can un- scrupulous imbecility go further?" I have sometimes heard it said that Besides Barney's K( this popularizing of- good music by past we have a spec way of jazz should be smiled upon by musicians, because it is spreading jC and cultivating a love for good music N ew S among the masses who otherwise would never hear it. This' is sheer- introduced by our ne est nonsense. Condescensions will not "Detroit," "Chicag win respect for music. The way to in-,g0. culcate in the public mind a love for "Indianapolis," Hot D painting is not to scatter broadcast ten-cent reproductions in black and white of great paintings. Culture can not be spread by grinding up the loaf and handing down the crumbs. Is there so little ingenuity among Try Our Special makers of this self-styled popular mu- sic that they must constantly turn toP Italian opera and French song liter- ature for material to strip and de- spoil of its beauty? Surely the jazz idiom offers abundant enough oppor- tunity for a new kind of expression, without its workers going in consist- ently for tearing the soul out of an art-work, reshaping what is left, and 640 Haven turning the new thing out, a deformed I 20$_ and limping bastard which is neither' one thing nor another,and which has Cigars no possible raison d'etre. In the musical scheme of things The names of two distinguished poets appear on the fall juvenile list of the Macmillan Company. Sara Teas- dale has made a selection of the best poetry, old and new, for girls and boys. With pictures by Dugald Walk- er, it is made into a beautiful small volume, called "Rainbow Gold." Padriac Colum's new fairy tale is called "The Children Who Followed the Piper." He starts with an old theme, but brings into it strange new magic. At w h ' We can supply any book it print. If not in stock we'l get it. Subscriptions received fo any peri o di cal published foreign and domestic UNIVER BOOK Si Largest Distributors of Books in the Middle WHOLESALE AND RETAIL APPEARANCE DOES COUNT IF YOU WISH TO APPEAR WELL AT ALL TIMES SEE ME. Arthur Marquardt 608 EAST LIBERTY I G 4 Point Clear! :sher Sandwiches of the ial line of indwiches w cook. Try our "Denver" "Columbus," "Omaha, )og Sandwiches." _ 'A / - I par! In one case it paid 53 cents for a I Two qualities in "B Russian ruble which was worth but novel by the negro writ 27 cents. It was hard on the people ran, which won the cove but the Street had to be protected. court, have aroused the When the government fixed the the American critics. C price on steel the steel men, with traordinary vividness wi Judge Gary presiding, sang "The Star ran has pictured the life Spangled Banner"-and proceeded to I tribe in the African juni make unheard of profits. is the restraint and b Coal profits, under government writing. prices, ran as high as 7,856 per cent, according to the Senate Document, No. 259. "Mr. Burleson laid down, as a condition for the enjoyment of second- class mailing privileges (Oct. 9, 1917) that 'Papers must not say that the1DA government is controlled by Wall Street." After the war the govern- ment continued the contracts with the copper interests until there was a sur- plus of 140 millions pounds on hand.I Athough it had paid twenty-six cents a pound for this it sold it at fifteen- back to the copper interests, which, in turn, sold it again for twenty cents. A benevolent country, indeed!l t And so on, through the book, factsE and figures rush at the reader. None of them is to be denied., They are not fictions of the author' They come from undisputable sources. f t Io I refer to the Armistice: Germany t surrendered on the basis of Wilson's fourteen points, with a couple of!)yourSen amendments. Everyone of these that held any favor for Germany was swept by the board. Germany's col- PiCtue-mak i onies were taken from her as "man- datories"-so that they could not be-ow yt included in the indemnity; etc., etc. "Peace without victory" became vic- tory without peace. Our attitude toward small nations is clearly shown in our treatment of Mexico, of Haiti, of San Domingo, of Nicaragua, Did you know, for in- stance, that in the last named coun- try the president, Adolfo Diaz, rail- roaded into office by Wall Street, had I K AS YOU Go KODAE h,, t ....... 1.. It +1-. n ... ,........ ..« .. _ i Pictures about the Camp you r classmates, fo r exar with their snug sombreros grow smaller with each rain. ake now and begin to grow pricelt ior year. ng the KODAK way is easy and enjoyable. Come WE DELIVER FREE BY AUTO ANY ORDER OVER 50c Until Midnight Don 't go hungry ivhile studying irney's P h KOSHER DELICATESSEN Cigarettes Candies S oft Drinks South of Martha Cook II YTA Dir VIII ~D I9O5~ 719 N. UNIVERSITY 'I