+ ' Y A Intramuralitems An event, patterned after the Ohio State Annual Intramural Festival, which is expected to arouse great in- terest on the campus was announced Do 21:51 Wver Veddes Course Fol- by the Intramural department today-. lowed by Bowem Ariidt, Ilearick, It is planned to start this off some. Reinl?, VandeVisge time in February, and it will embrace, SQUA') TO MEET BADGERS' ON it is hoped, two thousand participants{ MA1 ISON COURSE SATURDAY and 80 events. It will be in the nature' of a super-track meet, as contests of every nature will be held. Fraternity,! Coach Steve Farrell, Varsity cross- class, and college, as well as individ- country mentor, held his annual early ual prizes, will be awarded in the dif- October cross-country tryout, yester- ierent sections of the meet. day morning, over the Geddes ave- While plans are still in the making, nue course starting from Waterman E. D. Mitchell, Intramural Director, gymnasium. feels that this innovation will be re- Twenty-eight men started the ceived with the enthusiasm that has grind and all finished in gobd time, greeted it elsewhere. "There can be with the exception of one man who no doubt that the beneficial results was forced to ,discontinue because of coming from such a carnival would be pains ii his side. Isbell and Davis tremendous, the meet binding the uni- crossed the tape together, both of versity together in a spirit of keen them making the distance in 21:54. sportsmanship," he declared today. Farrell declares this is good time Soccer* considering the fact that it is still The director's 'office of the Intra- early in the season. mural Athletic association is rapidlyl A considerable distance divided the completing , plans for an interclass winner and the next six men that fin- soccer tournament to begin, it is ex- ished. Bowen took third place, com- pected about October 23" The ing in 25 seconds after the winners wide-spread interest last year's tour- arrived. He was closely pressed by nament created has assured the suc- Arndt, Rearick, Reinke, Vande Visse cess of this year's contest. Because of and Griffin, who finished in the order the international scope of the game, named. All of these men started out miay of.the foreign students who are, well and finished almost in the or- not greatly interested in .American der that they took when the race athletics will have a chnce to com-l began. . pete in. a game with wich they are, Michigan will meet its flrs oppo-. familiar. sition of the year in cross-country The representative teams from all next Saturday, when the team will go the colleges are expected to be strong to Madison for a dual meet with and many fast games, are expected. the Badgers. A party of six or seven Schools on the campus whose athletic men including Coach Farrell , will prowess in most sports has not been make the trip. It is not known what I remarkable are knowni& jpossess cbn- to expect at the hands of the Badg- l siderable talent and mdany surprising ers as they have not had any meets upsets will occur before the cham- this fall, both teams breaking the pionship is awarded, offiefals believe. ice in this encounter. Basketball With splendid October 'wather fav Urges "Opera in Our Language" oring out-or-doors games it is rather Chicago,. Oct. 14.-An appeal for the early to give much attention to bas adoption of the English language in ketball, but the Intramural depart- opera with the ultimate end of estab- ment' is making arrangements to di-- lishing a national opera containing plicate last year's basketball tourna- American emotions, cuptoms, history ment. Interfraternity, class, and in-' and national life, has been sent to tersociety games have all been con- 1 women's organizationG throughout sidered by the director and an exact- the country by the Opera in Our Lan- ing schedule is expected. guage Foundation. (Continued on age Eight) HOTEL LYON South Lyon, Michigan. PONTIAC ROA6, S MILES NORTTI OF ANN ARBOR PRICE- 75 CENTS IOWANS TRAMPLE YALE INGREAT__RATTLE 0-01 (Continued from Page One) Iowa goal line and his team mates failed to catch it. . The game ended on the next play with Iowa having the ball on its own 22 yard line. The play was ragged on both sides at the start, the backs fumbling the ball repeatedly. Yale missed a chance to score early in the first period, an attempted field goal being low. After an exchange of punts car- ried the ball to mid-field. Each team resorted to punting frequently when line plunges and forward passes failed Near the close of the period Iowa gathered momentum and made two first downs, carrying the ball to Yale's 19 yard line. End runs, line plunges and a forward pass brought the Westerners' gains. The 'period' !ended with Iowa holding the ball on the enemy's 19 yard line. Score end first Period: Iowa 0, Yale 0. Two heavy line plunges gave Iowa the ball on Yale's 9 yard line for first down. Line plunges and an end run gave Iowa a touchdown by inch- es. Shuttleworth failed to kick goal.' An exchange of kicks after the touchdown gave Iowa the ball on its 25 yard line. A line plunge gained seven yards. Parkin, in a pretty end run, carried the ball to mid-field and- a forward 'pass, Parkin to Kakesky, followed by a twisting run, put the ball on Yale's 20 yard line. Iaas broke up two Iowa rushes. The westerners crashed through but lost the ball on a fumble 10 yards from the goal. Wight punted to Parkin, who ran the pigskin back .to Yale's 45 yard mark. Quaile ,threw Parkin for an 8 yard loss. Neidlinger took Iowa's punt on his own 8 yard line and ran 15 yards. Failing to break through, Yale punted to Iowa's 35 yard strip. Parkin went through the line for 6 yards. An exchange of punts followed in- ability of either team to make downs. The second period ended with Yale holding the ball in mid-field. Score end second period: Iowa 6,' Yale 0. After the kick Yale had the ballon its 37 yard line, a run .back of yards. Wight punted to Iowa's 40 yard line and the ball was permitted to roll over the goal line, the -Iawk- eyes opening attack on their,20 yrd strip. Failing to gain appreciably' Minnick punted out of bounds on Yale's 34 yard line. Parkin made a fair catch of Wight's punt on the Iowa 24 yard line. Parkin gained 4 yards through the line and Locke added4 , more. The Iowa captain then made it first down on his 42 yard line and Parkin carried the ball to mid-field. An exchange of punts gave Iowa the ball on their 28 yard line but the westerners lost the ball on their 43 yard line on a blocked punt. YaleI made their initiaj first down of tlhe game on two line plunges. Yale was puzzling Iowa by spreading its lane wide with short plunges from kick and .forward pass for.mations. The westerners carried the ball to Iowva's 21 yard line for another first down. A fumble forced Yale back. and the ball was on the Iowa 35 yard line for .fourth down. An attempt to field goal failed. Iowa put the ball in play on their 20 yard line and were forced to punt, the ball going out of bounds on Yale's 34 yard line. Iowa tpok the ball on a fumble. The westerners failed to score a field goal. The third period ended with Iowa holding the ball on their own 27 yard line. Score end third period: Iowa 6, Yale 0. Export .l ,OQ0 Tons af.Sugar Manilla, P. I., Qct.,4,.-- Approxi- mately 230 000 tons of all grades of sugar were exported from the Phil- ippine .Islands..between :Nov. 21, 1921, and June £10, 1922, according to ofii cial figures just made public, of this amount the United States nook 170,- 0O0 tuns, the remainder going .to Dedicate Big Organ One of the largest and most impos- ing church organs in the country will be dedicated in St. Luke's Episcopal church, Evanston, Ill., by a week o events beginning today. $50,000. Tuesday Fir Gym. Clas iaresL orwme s 6z - et inches square and weighs mately 1,650 lbs. The smalle, inch long and weighs ab ounces. The cost of the org 4°° t. m Do You fl;ep4 Any gym. $uppl-4w? C'ina and, Japan. iF t 9w'r Stockis CpjmpjAte ;sad P* ek A :beater (WNI. OUTFIT for less money _'I " ..s . " , . o ,_;, y'o fo on c &COMPAHY Jb~men~~sSinl(e 1949 :: 7E1 NORTH UNIVERSITY AVENUE (NEXT TO ADE THEATRE) AT 3 P.M. . L.A TIS ;COLUMN R~OSES AT 3 P.1N Baked Virginia ,am browned ADVE TsIN in, pure maple' syrup and sea soned with cloves--just as olf colored m.amies would pre- pare it. For dinnier today, 35c -MICHIGAN DAILY Classified Rates. Two Cents per word a day, paid in advance. Min- imum charge for first day, 25c.' Minimum thereafter, 20c. Three cents per word per day if charged. White space charged for at rate of 6c per agate line. Classified, charged only to those having phones. Liner Rates: Twelve cents per Une, without contract, paid in advance. P4ON E 960. A rcade Cafeteria Upst~4rs, ,Nickels' A rc a ce SOUPS Chicken a la Royal Mixed Plc}kles Now" Celery Hearts M1 .t... .... ,-; .1- 1 . CHOICE OF Prime Roast Beef an inus Roast Fresh Ham of Pork Spiced Apples Roast Spring Chicken Giblets Gravy Fried Spring Chicken a la Maryland Tickets r F XU, S ed h I I Corn Fritters Maple Syrup for Snow Flake Potatoes or Candied Sweet Potatoes Choral Cauliflower in Cream Coibination Salad Apple or Chocolate Pie. Coffee Union Series t Tea Milk r Orders have been received in such large numbers, hat the Main Floor, the First Balcony x_____ and the fronth half of the Second Balconyshave been sold out. A limited number of seats in the Second Balcony remain at $4.50 and $5.00 each. These may be ordered so long as they last. If any still remain, they will be offered to the general pubicat "he '$ch( l f ,uN c, SATUR- I DAY, OCTOBER 14. L.,W JWjfr'~Ij THEATRE -- 2 DAYS 0c12 FRL &SAT. - Matinee SAT. U UL JL A CLASSIFIED ADl In this column will sell whatever you have to 'sell; find that lost article; secure a job for you; rent that' room; secure help. WHY NOT USE IT WHEN YOU HAVE NEED OF IT? Phone your ad to 960, we, will charge it to you if you have a telephone. WANTED WANTED--F9mily and bundle wash- ings. All hand work, fine and fancy pieces our specialty. Service as ybu want it. Draper Home Laundry, 632 S. Ashley, Phone 2806-M. 19-2 WANTED-One college man to be a, representative for Eastern concern. Good commission, advertising in lo- cal paper to aid in business. Ad- dress Box A D V, Daily. 19-1 WANTED-Furnished rooms for visit- ing newspaper editors October 26, 27, 28- Telephone Press Club desk, care Dean of Students, 1624. Please list promptly. 19-1 WANTED-To insure your pen against loss. Your name embossed in gold leaf, 25c ten letters. Rider's Pen Shop, 308 S. State St. 14-121 WANTED-Roam mate to share large East room. Steam heat, plenty hot water. Phone 1194-M. 422 E. Wash- ington. :.8_2 WANTED-At .819 S State St., an ex- perienced waiter (White) one with- out an eight o'clock. Phone 530 or' 2596-R. 19-1 WANTED-Young man to share suite, .$5.0 per week. Could take care of furnace for part of room' rent. Mrs. E. A. Page, 543 Church. 19-1 WANTED-Room mate for single room $2.50 ,per week. First floor 208 S. Observatory, 170-4. 18-2 WANTED-Woman graduate student desires quiet single room near cam- pus. Box U. H. Daily- 18-2 L4OST LOST-Pair of ladies glasses left on bulletin board 2nd floor Engineer- ing Building. Finder please return them to Engineering Secretary's' of- fice. 19-1 LOST-Black leather purse contain- ing money, card case, driver's lic- ense, etc. Please return and re- ceive reward. Virginia Brodel, Martha Cook Building.9-1 LOST-Liberal reward, new green In- destructo wardrobe trunk. Initials T. P. G., small padlock on end. Lost Sept. 26, telephone 1800. 19-21 LOST-Leather note book in Hill' Auditorium Thursday evening. Name C.R.S. If found please call 2578-W. I8-1 LOST-Alpha Omicron Pi sorority pin. Call Ikrna Ketcham. 2949, Reward. 17-3 LOST-Fountain pen bearing name :of Wendell Herrick. Call him at 2744- R. Reward. 1-1 FO4IL S4 FOR SALE-Used cars. 1921 Ford se dan; 1922 Chevrolet touring,'lik new; 1918 Chevrolet touring; 191 Ford touring; 1916 Reo touring three new tires, mechanically righ $100. Benz Bros., Huron & Ashle: Phone 813. 19- FOR SALE-Sport modael Ford. Tol curtains, demountables. A-1 I ur ning condition. 507 E. Liberty. 17- FOR SALE-Presentation pens an sets. A beautiful selection. Rider' Pen Shop. 308 S. State St. 14-12 FOR SALE-Iver Johnson Bicycle i good condition. Price right. Coop er, 1219 Washtenaw Ave. 609. 18- FOR SALE-Qorona typewrite Call at 327 East William St., c phone 76. 15- FOR SALE-Sweet Cider. Bring yot jug. - Chas. Klager, 617 S. Main S 10-2 FOR SALE-Canoe in first class cond tion. Cheap. Call 922-W. 19- FOR SALE-Ford Roadster, 1919. Ca in good shape and good tires. . ba-rgain. Call 2299--W. 19- FOR SALE-One used Ford Roadste: Excellent condition. Call 1408 Wash tenaw. 19- FOR SALE-Ford' touring. Studen type. Phone 2000-W. i9- MISCELLANEOUS SENIOR CIVIL inspection trip. . special Pullman car . is availabl leaving Toledo 10:30 p. m. Frida and to be attached to special. Pul: man train from Ann Arbor. This ac comodation is available only upo condition that .the ~car be filled eaicl Eway, which will require at leas forty students to guarantee to pa their share of the expense, or $4.6 which will include Pullman far both ways. Students wishing t avail thenmselves of this accomqda tion must call Prof. Cissel or Erik sen before Sunday evening. 19- I WILL TAKE four passengers to O.E U. game. $6.00 round trip, close car. Apply 432 Maynard St., Ap 3 before noon Sunday, 9- KODAK FINISHNG-8 hour ervicE Photographs all kinds. AnywherE anytime. Hanseiman, 735 Haven 17- E. NORMANTONrBILBIE, teacher violin, piano, and harmony. Studio 307 N. Main St. Tel. 611-M. i-3 ;7.7 777 DETROIT KANSAS CITY ST. LOUIS ZCAST 3 Years in Neyork AND NEARLY 2 YearsIn Chicago. I FOR THE Extra Concert eries Good tickets remain on all floors as follows: Main -Floor, $4.00 and $5.00; First Balcony, $4.00 and $5.00; Second Balcony, $2.00 and $3.00. Mail orders will be selected in the order of receipt. In this series five stupendous programs will be offered: V i' I -- :. i , . Alfred Cortot, "A Second Paderewski" In a Plano recital, December 4. .., . Ina Bourskaya, Russian Colo erlturn So{ran O, solo ist with the Detroit Orchestra, under OSSIPGABRLOWISCHOcober 80. Maurice Dumeni, French Pianist, soloist with the Detroit Symphony Orchestra, undar OSSIP GABRILOWITSCH, February 19. 100 PERCENT-Virgin wool coats. Tailored to measure. M- Eindes, Phone '783. O Raoul Vidas, French Violinist, soloist with Detroit Symphony Orchestra, in.a Popular Program, under VICTOR KOLAR, November 20. wo-SVA6~r Kathryn Meisle, American Contralto, soloist with the Detrolt Symphony Orchestra, in a Popular Pro grania, under VICTOR' KOLAR, January 15. MENDING-Neatly done. Buttons r placed, minimum price. Bring send toIX145 Forest.-18 BOARD-For north end roomers. 8 Catherine. FOR RENT-New completely furnis loe Seat Sale Opens: Wednesday: Last Address ordersrto II ®l