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October 14, 1922 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1922-10-14

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With increased activity in all ath-
3t1s this year .and attempts to
;rtifgthen thr position of each par-
cular. sport, comes the work of the
rector of athletics in a drive to
ake all sports that have been infor-
tal or strong intramurals into one
neral division of minor sports,
ich on, receiving the same proper
~tention .and con sidcrati on. Coach
Ittle, as assistant to Coach Yost who
director of Intercollegiate Athet-
4, has been placed in charge of this
Liner sports division and it is his in-
toifn to bring these sports up to
ei level at which they belong.
Coach Little explained his stand by
entioning the fact that in order for
ien to develop into athletes of Var-
:ty calibre they must first go through
ie stages of de'velopment which'are
sually taken care of by informal or
iramural teams. There are two pos-
ble outlets and stages for athletic
bility. Feirst is the intramural
rpe' of- athletics, where a man may
dulge in those activities he is best
uited for and which *are not major
ports, such as hockey, swimming,
olf, wrestling and boxing.
Will Have Coaches
Secondly comes the intercollegiate
rId the new division of recognized
tinor sports, nto which the men may
avance if they show the proper abil-
y in their.particular sport or sports
s it may: be.' These men that start-
:1 in the intramural athletics prob-
bly had for their aim the playing on
Varsity team, a t'am Which went
nt representing Michigan. More
ten will benefit by, the adoption of
he new system than previously.
One of the most important phases
f tie proposed system will be the
oaching and training of candidates.
t"is intended to eliminate the hit or
is's methods .of conditioning and to
rovide proper coaches and trainers
)r the various teams. Risks will not
e as great and the men will actually
e better 'off.
lack Facilities at Present
As to the number of minor sports to
e created, Coach Little could not
ay exactly but if a sport shows that
. will be able to function as a rec-
gnized minor sport, it will be so
of ed, and it is certain that every
brm of athletics will le closely
At present some of the contemplat-
d minor sports would be hindered
or lack of facilities Swimming
rould. suffer until the completion of
he Union pool and wrestling until
he erection of the Ferry field club
ouse. The wrestling schedule has
t been made out yet because of this
at the sport will be kept going un-
I quarters are provided. Golf is in-
reasing in popularity and this com-
ag spring should see it flourish.
[ockey is limited in its facilities but
very Sert will be made to keep .it
oing, also boxing will have to be
ushed from the inside and to en-
ourage it among the students is the
nmediate task of the men in charge.
Most of these sports are already
ecognized by the majority of Big Ten
chools and it is only a question of
hort time before Michigan will be
apably recognized in every form of
ompetitive athletics.
Intramural Items
Intramural tennis matches have
een delayed during the past week
ue to the inclement weather While
Dany of the first round matches have
een rn off, there are still a number
o be played. The director's office has
nnunced that all contestants in the

irst round who have not played and
eported the results' of their matches,
oth in the singles and doubles, by
fonday, will be defaulted.
The Intramural cross country
"quad"has been augmented in the last
,wo days by 15 candidates. The in-
erest displayed this year has been
'ery pleasing to Coach Sullivan, who
as been taking the squad of more
han 50 men out daily. Eaiy runs and

short jaunts around the boulevards
have been the order thus far but real
work will begin in a few days, as the
men are rapidly rounding into condi-
rim f"gg-f gg
IearniTosses Jests
On Bluegrass Trip
(With the team)
Cincinnati, Ohio, Oct. 12.--Nash-
ville bound. One hour till midnight
and all's well with the Michigan grid-.
ders. The clickety-clack-click of the
car wheels passing over the rail
joints seems to beat out the refrain,
"fight-'em, Michigan, fight-'en, Michi-I
High spirits prevailed among the
men all afternoon, raillery and laugh-
ter being the order. Between times ev-
cry man craimed on the signal code
and th ruie book.
'Toward .dusk ,Trainer Billy Fallon
gave the squad a personal once-over
and pronounced every man to be in
the proverbial pink of condition-
In discussing the Saturday clash,
the players expressed the general
feeling that the game with Vanderbilt
will be a tough one, but that one
team will win and that team is Michi-

tion of the time. On the whole, it ap- disposing of Delta Kappa Epsilon 6 O
- pears to be a 50-50 break, with per- to 3. In the other matches of the day
UK TOPS haps a slight shading on the Yale side Psi Upsilon won over Phi Chi 0 to 3
of the fence because of their reserve and Kappa Nu defeated Lambda Chi
GIDIRONCARD TODY powe. aAlpha 9 to 6. This game was an over- A
Between 70,000 and 80,000 persons time affair and there has been a pro, We
will witness the contest, crowding the test entered. yea
WILL BE BRlGEST OF YEAR'S big bowl to its capacity. Among the Zeta Beta Tau and Phi Gamma Del- ing
INTElRSECTIONiAL spectators will be several thousand ta will play their match Tuesday. Del- ide
CONTESTS Iowa students and alumni with a vet- ta Tau Upsilon drew a bye. ofw
eran cheerleader 'from New York Kee
Football fans from coast to coast alumni body to lead the Hawkeye PRIORITY OF CLASS GUIDES held
find their chief attention, with the ex- rooters. The Iowans are going into ALL TICKED DISTRIBUTION opin
ception of their own local interests, the game facing possible defeat but the
not fearing it, and will play a brand James Hume, '23, of the atin
settled today on the, great itersec- of football that will surely uphold the committee, announces that ticket ap-
tional battle between the gridiron power of the western style. plications for football games at home
men of Yale and Iowa staged in the - will be allowed preference according
Yale Bowl at New Haven.-db to the number of years which the ap-
While the game will be a war be- plicant has spent on the Michigan
tween two backfields of known campus.I
strength it will be the ultimate power The last games in the first round Students who have previous credit
of the respective lines that will nO 'from junior colleges or other schools
deubt settle the conflict. Will the of the Speedball tournament were will in this respect be rated the same
Blue line be able to withstand the re- played Friday afternoon. The game as freshmen.
peated plunges of Locke and Han- has become more interesting to the
cock? Will the Old Gold throw back Greek letter men as they begin to When in need, a "Daily" classified ad
the cutting attacks of the Yale back-rsan always help you.-Adv.
'field? On the face' of things it seems grasp the new rules of the game. Wiflhcaalyshpyo-Av
that the Iowa forwards will be the the experience of a few games the-
first to weaken. Not that the Hawk- contestants execute their plays with * 3 US WOW EU SW E
Wye regulars are anything less pow- a smoothness that makes the game
erful than those of Old Eli, but be, more interesting to the spectators . a
cause Iowa lacks the, reserve power and frees the games from unintended .
that characterizes the Yale eleven. infractions of the rules. u R
Yi'.le j in Xi P-si Phi was defeated by Cyngus UW
a For this reason, and that reason 6 to 5, while Sigma Phi Epsilon was 5
alone, Yale is favored to win. . How-
ever there is another factor that must , Michigan men started
be taken into consideration. Iowa ocher I playing Billiards with us
will, in all probability, throw discre- U F' 1
tion to the winds and crash forward . YOUTFIT in 1905 and bave kept it
with an attack that will be entirely for-less*money up in increasing numbers
contrary to all known rules of foot- If ewer since. Michigan Mien
ball generalship, just as did Chicago / Gf R COMP "l And''e"e A-1 1
in 1921, when her unheard of, be- N&3® equipment, good fellow-'
wildering charges slaughtered the Jor 7Men Gam9q&nlge1&g * ship and congenial envi-
studied defense of Princeton. Iowa ronment.
may take chance after chance, stak-_ __N
ing everything on surprise.0a-
Upon the drawing of first blood will X
lie a potent psychological factor. The A R C A D E
flash of an Iowa jersey across the C4PII SUNDAY -
last ground of the Yale defense will O
mean much to the 'cohorts of Howard
Jones, while the plunging of a Blue®rF 4
clad back over the Iowa line will re- a
verse the favor of good fortune. There, fLAUpS c ARS A ES0
will be this difference about the: U VIPES LUNCHES SODAS
game that the two teams will play. "we try to treat YoU i ht' }
Iowa will slash her bag of tricks * .3 a 'SU d3S01 .
from seam to seam, displaying every
agile play conceived in the fertile
brain of her famous coach. Yale on the
other hand, will play a secretive game,
holding back as much as possible,
striving only to win.
Both Teams Somewhat Crippled
Tad Jones, brother of Howard, and
coach of the Yale varsity, will send a
veteran eleven into the fray. His men,E
like those of Iowa, are said to be in O'
a crippled condition, but it is a surex HILL AUDITORIUM
thing that practically all the injured
will be in the contest for a goodly por- ' r
Corduroy Coats $6.50 up. Wild and - -
Co.-Adv. __:...____...__

)XERS ORGANIZE is that it will not interfere with the
FOR YEAR'S WORK boxing team, thereby avoiding finain-
cial and technical difficulties.
Candidates for membership must be
t a meeting of the Boxing club recommended by Coach Sullivan so if
dnesday evening plans for this any of the new men have any inclina-
r were discussed although noth- tion toward boxing it is advisable
definite was decided. A general that -they see Sullivan. Several am-
.a of what the work would consist ateurs of high rating at'e present on
will be presented by President Mc- the campus this year and will
chnie at the next meeting to be strengthen Michigan's chances for a
d in 'the near future. It is thej successful year in boxing. In addi-
niion of most of the members that j tion to these men of some experi-
club should be put on such a bas- (Continued on Page Eight)



The Next Best Thing is to Get the Play-
by-Play Results overone of our Re-

ceiving Outfits.


The K AND K Radio upplyC
Over the arcade Theatr.o



Spurred on by the sting of, two
previous defeats at the hands of the
freshmen and with a steady wind in
their favor, the Reserves won a hardj
fought battle from the yearlings yes-
terday afternoon on the gridiron
south of' Ferry field proper, by a
score of 3 to 0.
Coach Fisher had his best lineup
in the game from start to finish and
they had all the work they ;wanted to
keep the freshmen from scoring a
touchdown. The freshmen threatened
to score several times, but were al-
ways stopped when the ball came
within a yard or two of the goal Fos-'
ter put a well directed drop-kick be-
tween the goal posts in the early part
of the game for the Reserves' three
Both Try Passes
Many passes were tried by both
teams, the freshmen having the most
success in completing them. The
freshman quarter used a running at-
tack from which to throw his passes
and most of them were completed.
Lawson grabbed all of the passes for
the Reserves and made long gains ev-
ery time, one of them being for 30
Lawson and Foster played a great
game for the Reserves. Lawson us-
ually gained ten or more yards when
called upon to go through the line,
while Foster made several long end
runs that made the spectators take
notice. In spite cif the fact tltat
both of these men were playing a
great game not a one of them was able
to cross the yearling line when they
had put the ball in the shadow of the
goal posts.
War Declared on Name "Clarenee"
Newark, N. J., Oct. 13.-;Clarences
of all nations are organizing for war
on the wags who called them sissified.
Recruiting has been started in Ne*-
ark following the call to arms from




. . , , .

.^. - - -

ic Scoreboard






A I Fod Cake

See the Team Fight




"5The Karolyn Kitchen"

119 East Liberty

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Clarence Massey of Cleveland who de
clared he is a two fisted burglar and is
tired of being called Maamma's boy.








Ann Arbor High
Saturday, Oct. 14,
2:30 P. M.-City Time

In Three of the Most Approved Models
The Large, Roomy Ulster with Belted Back.
The Raglan Shoulder, with Full Belt and Box
Plaited Back.
The English Box Back with Half Belt Back.
The range of fabrics Consist of the latest shades
in browns, greys and mixtures as well as the
NEW Plaid Effects.
You know the Patrick Woolens and know that
there is no better Overcoating on the market.








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