"X I I s i TEfIPERATIT I' ItV41 4I1 Sectioi One XXIII, No. 2 TWO SECTIONS ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1922 TWELVE PAGESP PRICE FIVE T RILL IG i I tl G l u , I Y: REGISTRATIONFOR UNIVERSITY LESS THAN LAST YEAR, "6ALLIES MUST Y IFH). CONSTANTINO PLE mR University Faculty Men Carry On Experimental Land Survey During Summer )Yonths In UpperMichigan FUEL DISTRIBUTOk, WAS\HOOVEWRS AID DUIRING THE WAR THOUSA9NDS HEAR PRESIDENT SPEAK AT OPENING ASSEMBLY LAS5T NIGHT ON TOPIC "THAT MIND OF YOUR~ LATE. ENTRIES MAY RAISE TOTAL TO, LARGER FIGURE THE PRESENT ENROLLMENT SHOWS 10891 STUDENTS Literary find Graduate Colleges Make Aalns But Enginieerirg. School Loses Registration in all schools and col- leges, with the exception of the grad- uate school, closed yesterday, the to- tal enrollment being slightly lower than that of last year. Those who register beginning today will be fined $5 for delinquency and $1 for late classificatioi. Registration and lass- ification in the graduate school will continue all this week. An approx- imate total taken last night indicat- ed that the enrollment though n'ot yet as large as the enrollment of last year will swell to even a larger total after all delinquent registrations are made. A considerable number of en- rollments were made last year after the regular registration period was over and it is expected this year that a number large enough to affect the final count -will be made during the next three days of the week. More Than 10000 Enroll An approximate count of 10,891 has been made of -the enrollment up to this date. This number contains those students who attended the past Summer Session, at which 2,803 were registered. This leaves a remainder of 8,086 enrolled in the academic ses- sion of the University up to closing tfae Monday evening. The literary college is 145 ahead up to date with an enrollment of 4,568 against an enrollment of 4,423 up to the same date a year ago. Last year's total enrollment in the literary college for the first semester counting the late delinquent registrationsnmade after the close of -the regular period was 4587. This year the number is almost as great without counting the delinquent registrations which will be made today, tomorow and Thurs- day. Last year there were 1,552 wom- en enrolled in the literary college. With the sixth day of registration closed 1,600 wome.n have been enroll- ed this year. The graduate school has had an in- crease of three over its enrollment of a year ago. Up until this morning, 236 had enrolled, while last year the enrollment at this time was 233. Reg- istration and classification in the graduate school will continue all this week. A decided decrease in the number of students enrolled in the Engineer- ing college has manifested itself this year. Last year 1,856 had enrolled. This year the number has shrunk to 1,697. Such a shrinkage in the at- tendance is probably due to the im- proved industrial conditions through the country and especially in the state of Michigan. Many mills and factor-~ les have reopened, thus providing re- markably remunerative positions for students who otherwise would have continued their work or would have. enrolled for the first time in the Un!- versity. Such a condition would nat- urally affect the enrollment in all the schools and colleges of the Univer- sity but it would apply more directly to the engineering college. M3re Medics and Pharmiles Attendance at the medical school is steadily increasing with a total of 616 this year. The College of Phar-. macy is also increasing its atteird- ance. The enrollment in that col- lege a year ago was 67. This year-it boasts a total of 88 up to date. More than 185 have registered in the School of Education so far this year. This is the second year of the school's life and no record was kept day by day of the registration last year but its total enrollment for the year was smaller than this year's total. This school's comparative large enrollment for its age during the past Summer Session indicated its growing popu- larity. The dental college has an increase in its registration, the total up to date being 327. Th law school also had increased considerably over its enrollment of a year ago. With an enrollment of 369, it tops its enrollment of last, Maj. Gen. Sir Charles Townshend. The allies must grant Turkey's demands for the return of Cn- stantinople or face a "holy war," in the opinion of Maj. Gen. Sir Charles Townshend, Brit'sh hero v-f Kut el. Amara. He issued- this warning on his recent ,eturn to London from Turkish headquarters, where he conferred with Mustapha Kema Pasha, leader of the ao- quest-IMad 'urks. OPERA COSTUMES, MUSIC OERED Director E. Mortimer Shuter Arrives in Ann Arbor to Take Com- plete Charge INTEN'SIVE PRACTICE FOR PLA . TO START NEXT WEEK Costumes, music, and the dance rou- tine for the 1923 Michigan Union Opera have all been decided upon,! according to E. Mortimer Shuter, di- rector of the Opera, who returned here yesterday morning from Patchogue, L. I., at Water Island, N. Y., where he spent his summer vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Lester of Chicago de- signed the costumes for the coming opera, and the costume plates are now, being waited upon. This year some of the costumes will be of radium, cloth which the Lester people, who have purchased the exclusive right of using this material in the western cir- cuit, shall supply. The use of this material for costumes is an innovation in the western circuit.. However, it is used by the Ziegfield Follies and Greenwich Village Follies. Practice for the Opera will 'be car- ried on to some extent this week, though the intensive training will be- gin next week under the direction of Roy Hoyer, who will, as usual, di- rect the dancing for the Opera. While on his vacation in the East, Mr. Shuter had a number of visitors from the University and other parts of the country. Among them were George Brophy, '22L, former manag- ing editor of The Michigan Daily, and Deny Donovan, of the Union. BLANCHA RD NAMED U. S. DELE- GATE AT WORLD ROAD MEET Prof. Arthur H. Blanchard of thej highway and 'transport department will go to Seville, Spain, next May to attend the fourth convention of the Permanent International Association of Road Congresses. Professor Blanchard has been' chosen as the representative of the United States at this convention. The object -of this association, or- ganied in 190 at Paris is tn nro- Among the answers to the question everyone is asking at this time of the year, "What did you do this summer?" not the least interesting is that of Assistant Prof. Leigh J. Young of the department of forestry. Professor Young has just returned to Ann Ar- bor from northern Michigan, where he directed an experimental land ec- onomic survey for the purpose of de- termining the extent of the natural re- sources of Charlevoix county. Charlevoix county consists of ap- proximately 260,000 acres every foot of which was investigated and inven- toried by the party of 25 men. The coumty -was chosen because it of- fered a great variety of conditions with interest to the surveyor and in- vestigator. A map of all the farm land in the county, showing its rela- tive value for various purposes, was made. The quality and quantity of timber standing in the countythel amount of land deforested, the condi-! tion and number of the county roads, the mineral deposits, the potential waterpower of the streams, the extentI of swamp land and the economic con- dition of the county in general werel all thoroughly studied. As a result of these investigations, the members of the expedition are able to report that the principal wealth of the county lies in its attractions to tourists-its beautiful scenery, and fine climate. The county contains much arable land and large timber re- sources. Considerable limestone for use in cement manufacture and gravel for road building were also discovered. So far as big game is concerned, the 'county he's little of value, but many kinds of birds are exceedingly plenti- ful there. Severa other members of the Uni- versity faculty were' in the -'party. Prof. A. G. Ruthven, director of the zoology museum, Carl O. Sauer, in- structor in geography, Norman A. wTood, curator of the zoology mu- seum, Chester O. Wisler, instructor in civil engineering, and Frank Lever- ett, lecturer on glacial geology,all spent much time investigating in their' own field of knowledge. In addition to these men, a representative of the United States government was em-' ployed in making an inventory of the peat resources of the county. This expedition, according to Pro- fessor Young, was undertaken chief- ly as an experiment, and the results which it has achieved seem to justify the belief in its usefulness. This is FINANCIA1L EXPERTS SST EUROPE CAN PAY DEBTS INSIST THERE IS ENOUGH MONEY IN HANDS OF SECURITY HOLDERS ABROAD the first time that such a compre- hensive survey of a section of land has been made and it is hoped that similar investigations may be con ducted in the future. Although the state legislature in 1917 authorized an appropriation for this purpose, the outbreak of the war upset the plans which had been made, and the expedi- tion this year was undertaken at the expense of the state department of agriculture, the state department of conservation, the Michigan* Agricul- tural college and the University of Michigan. SU E A COURS A SCCES Prof. Thomas Harrison Reed, who EMPHASIZES NEE was recently made a member of the INDEPENDENT7 faculty of the College of Literature, ____ Science, and the Arts, in the political science department, has come to the Collap-e of CivIlization University with the record of an ed- E edueaion s ucator and an author. Recourse Professor Reed received his Bach- Facig an audience elor of Arts degree from Harvard students that taxed th university in 1901, and his Bachelor Hill auditorium, Presid of Laws degree from the sametschool Burton delivered amas in 1904. He was -'admitted to the Burat nton eiveeda Mind California state bar in 1913, specializ- the opening assembly o ing in municipal corporation law. He ity year. it was a me served as an associate professor at the siony Instittedlastye University of California from 1909 to assembly, addressed by 1919, when he became a full profes- was an outstanding su so. its repetition last night I Professor Reed will teach municipal torium was packed' wi ED OF THOUGH Imhninet ai Only of Michiga .e capacity ent Marion terful addre I of Yours," f the Univer amorable occ ar, the openir the Presider ccess, and the great and vith men an REED IS LEADER AS AN EDUCATOR Enrollment This Year Included, Than 91 Students From All~ itates, More , .- , I .. YOST TELLS COACHES TO . ,GIVE; ALL TO THEIlR WORK Enrollment figures for the summer school for athletic coaching and ad- ministration this year show that 91 register.ed for courses, including more than 80 preparatory and high school coaches and one woman, Agnes M. -Campbell, who has been taking baseball -at! Harvard. Thii is the first year that' courses have been offered in a coaching school, and ac- cording to Coach Fielding H.- Yost, the experiment has proved successful in every ,way. Nineteen states in all parts of te r ucotry aXe represented in the enrollment and one student came from Essex, Ontario. The courses given this summer were arranged especiallyfor instructors al- ready engaged in teaching or coach ing during the regular school year and for others who wish to supplement the preparation they may have re- ceived in colleges and professional sc~hools. The more important prob- lems of coaching have been taken up, and instruction in both theory and practice, in football, basketball, base- ball, track and field events was given. Supervision of playground and Boy Scout activities, organization and ad ministration of athletics, and meth- ods of teaching gymnastics are soie of the other courses which have been pursued this summer. . . At a dinner given in the honor of Coach Fielding Yost and his staff of assistants by the students of the summer coaching school at the close of the term Coach Yost dwelt upon the importance of the coach in rela- tion to his students and to the com- inunity on the whole. He said: "Ath-- letics are being thoroughly examined "''t. tl -r~i PIarding, was 'nler'e 10"ex kvhI'ru foover was lee. mr s doni f the (hiigo ;ill i~ec~'i'd I11 1 ('nrc(t t;'.1}: trsa RPR1-' P llIR p IANq government in the literary college. MLL NOT SCRAP U.S1BATT LESHIP'S See. D)enby Satys (koveolxnen.t 'Will Wait Until All Powers Sign the Naval Treaty, women students, the first year stu ents eager, a little awed, the othe with an attitude of tremendous r spect for the President,. and it pleased anticipation as he came on ti stage with Vernon F. Hillery, '23, pre ident of the Student Council. The auc ence rose spontaneously to its fe with a roar of applause, and was i- stantly hushed as President Burto commenced to speak, The President introduced Hiller who as president of the Student Cou cil spoke briefly on what the counc OUTLINES SIX TIYPES OF iN POWERFUL ADDRESS TO STUDE:1TS Washington, Sept. 25.-Europe's now, and we must see to it that we - ourselves, in so far as we are con- dets todhy Unitd Stte n sbe r- cerned do not furnish the critic with a duced rapidly by utilizing some of club. the billions of dollars now tied up in "The game of football is a he-man's the hands of European security hold- game. It is the spirit that it imbues ers, Government financial experts said that makes it worth while. It is up today in reviewing fiscal affairs to us to make it the clean, straight abroad.,game it' should be."' abroad.n In concluding Coach Yost declared Since the -American debt funding that athletic coaches should give to commission definitely stopped Europe's their work all that they could. "Be continued pressure for debt cancella- interested in your work and by so tion, officials of the United States doing you will put a spirit of emula- Government have made plain to Eu- tion, of leadership, in the boys you ropean debtors that ample wealth is teach. And always remember this, available abroad to liquidate all obli- that at any time you may need us, gations. At least the obligations can be funded into those of maturities we of Michigan are at your service." much shorter than those prescribed by the funding act. MICHIGAN TENNIS. Security Sale Certain. - In Great Britain, a total of $15,000,- 000,000 is said to be available in in- vestment securities. Britain, accord- Two former university tennis stars' ing to experts here, need not ship made the court game, something to gold to the United States, but can adopt the method of securing dollar talk about in state circles this sum- exchange in the United States by the mer when Lewis Munz, of Muskegon, sale here of gilt-edge securities, for Varsity star two years ago, and Jo- which there would be a ready demand sephine Connable, of Kalamazoo, last among American investors. Some of these securities represent investments year champion of University womn, in industrial enterprises in South worked through to the semifinals in America and Mexico. the western Michigan tournament at Among government officials here it the Kent Country club, Grand Rapids, is believed that the British envoys, early in August. expected here in October to fund the Munz played brilliant tennis $5,000,000,000 due for war loans made throughout the tournament and met by this country, may receive such a Eddie Wilson, University of Chicago suggestion from members of the debt student, in the finals for the singles funding commission. Prompt payment title. Munz took the first two sets but of the British and other European tiring under the strain of several days debts is desired by the Government. terrific play weakened and his oppon- But there is no desire to accumulate ent took the last three sets and the' larger gold stocks in the United States title after the greatest exhibition of I U L Q U L ; P Iu u---I was planning for the year in ti FRANCE AND ITALY HAVE way of interclass activities, and r YET TO RATIFY THE. PACT ferred to what was expected of t ____ incoming freshmen in the way of o S(By Associated Press) servance of tradition and ivichig-, i M.customo. Members of the executive committee Washington, Sept. 25. - Secretary Riscusses Types of Mind. of the University Press club of Michi- Denby announced today that there President Burton divided his a gan met last night to draw up tenta- will be no scrapping of battleships un- dress into four parts, a discussion the primtgcy of the mind, several typ+ tive plans for the fourth annual meet- til after the Five Power naval treaty of mijd to be found at the Universii ing of the club here for three days in has been ratified by. the rest of the the id al mind for a University stu October. The meeting will take place subscribing powers. France and Italy a ent, and the problem of how to mast Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Octo- have yet to ratify the pact. the mind. "Little time need be spent," he sai ber 26, 27 and 28. Five obsolete battleships have al- "in discussing thej primacy of t Thursday afternoon there. will be a ready been sent to the scrap heap, mind. Its importance to us - as i discussion of the laboratory methods but, it was said that although named dividials and to the social order in, the.teaching of journalism and its in the treaty, they would have been measureless. Knowledge is! powe practical appications- by the members scrapped anyhow. They are the Vir- Your personal success in life will d ginia, Rhode Island, Nebraska, Georgia pend largely upon the quality of yo of the department, lead by newspaper and the New Jersey. mind. men whose names will be announced Officials, it was indicated, have felt "While we hear it often, it cann later that the Near East situation might be said too frequently that intelhigen On Thursday evening a gridiron din- lead to some of the signatories chang- is necessary for this American d ner will be tendered the guests of the ing plans regarding the scrapping of rmoiacy. Underbe osible to end vessels,;lbeyond the treaty provisions, eieti a epsil oed association at which time Melville signorance, illiteracy, and intellectu assoiaton a whch tnieMelvlleand for this reason it would not be incompeice u fAeiai Stone, newspaper man prominent in spetence, but if America is the ssoiatd Pesswil ~pak. wise for the United States to begin realize upaon her invested hopsa Friday afternoon, Prof. R. M. Wen- actual scrappinguntil all the powers pirations we simply must proce ley of the philosophy department, have ratified the pact. upon the expectations that we hav ciizes wll nfomedandcc Prof. W. H. Hobbs, of the geology de- have citizens well informed and ca partren,t and Prof. John Waite of the ri able of reasoning upon the proble Law School will speak. The subjects of community and national life of the talks will be announced later. "Civilization ray Collapse." Friday afternoon the association will "I am not a pessimist-my who be addressed by some newspaper man C w1u1'IiIiI attitude toward life prevents that, b of wide repute who vill be announced I firmly believe what I say when later. ',Emerson Thomason, of the Chi- MM v D E tell you tonight that we are not cago Tribune, will also speak, and as CONTRSEAterribly great distance from the utt a third speaker, a representative of NOWEVER MUST BE collapse of civilization. It is a ra the newly formed American Editor's FULFILLED between catastrophe and educatk .association. and the preservation of our civilizati Friday evening the annual banquet That there is an oversupply of roois .haags upon the enlargement and t will be held at which time President ', broadening of our education-t MainLro utn ildlie h[available this fall for students, andfutedvlomnofurids Marion Leroy Burton will deliver the sequently a decided lowering of further development of our minds. principal address. Saturday morning cos tce"All progress waits upon meni the election of officers will be held, room rent is the statement of Philip advancement and scientific attainme: after which, awards for three contests Schneider, '24, chairman of the Union The development of the last' thr will be given. Three cups have been rooming committee. He asserts also centuries has come because men wi offered for the winners of the contests. that more rooms are now being listed minds have 'sensed and solved so, The cups are offered by the associa- of the problems confronting mankin tion of larger dailies, the association than are being rented by the rooming There is no possible escape from t of smaller. town dailies, and by the committee, and predicts that more conclusion that if our generation e league of country weeklies. rooms will be left unrented this fall pects to do its share in mastering t Thursday evening the club will behi world and freeing men- from eve the guest of the Oratorical association than ever before. type of bondage it must realize at the talk of Isaac Marcosson who Many small double rooms are being aim through mental accomplishmen will speak on "The Changing East." turned into single rooms, he says, and In discussing the various types Saturday the club will be the guest some of these are being. rented for $4 mind, to be found in the Univers: of the Athletic association at the 'a week. Suites, which formerly rented and everywhere, President Burt Michigan-Illinois game.- ' for $12 to $14, are now being rented called attention first to the type for $8 Ito $10, and room rent ferr mind which he referred to as t R~idio Popularity on Increase double rooms has also been lowered. "tabula rasa," the clean tablet, whi Radio is as popular as ever this Although room rent has apparently receives all .impressions with eqi fall in Ann Arbor, according to offi- been lowered, this fact in no way will fcility, and lacks a sense of prop be an excuse for any student's not tion. "Such a person," said he, cials- of the Washtenaw Electric com- living up to any contact which he has curiously credulous and accepts se pang, who say that over 100 Univer- made with a housekeeper. He is ex- ously and with little sense 'of pi sity students own receiving sets. . pected out of honor to abide by the portion the absurd r~ mors which c For those who like this sort of pas- arrangements he has made, say au- culate everywhere. e rarely appl- time there are the broadcasting sta- thorities. Much of the trouble which kthe tests of reason. The more u tieteeaetebodatn thorities likely the ren6rt is the more eage tions at Detroit and Dearborn, from has arisen with concern to the room- Cm ge: ing situation has been an annual oc- (Continued on Page Two.) which musical programs as well as l curence, and much of it, it is expected, other features are broadcasted. ilpoabysbie The officials of the electric com- w obkblysubstde. pany say that their sales of radio Two 'kinds of contracts area being used by the students and housekeep-S d equipment are going on steadily with ers, that as drawn up under the direc students interested in this popular ac- tion of Joseph A. Bursley, dean of tivity.. aretilntl wh h hinrb thlo 5tint fnr 1 - -oking for rooms. A