The Illinois delegation to the Amer- ican Legion convention at New Or- leans, 58 strong, will go instructed to support only such candidates for elec- tion openly in favor of the bonus for ex-service men. William Setliff, State Commander Charles W. Schick, and HARTMAN THEATRE Columbus-Oct.20-21 which will include Bloomington's fa- mous "40 and 8" band in its Parisian uniforms, which have attracted great attention because of its snappy ap- pearance. R MING NADE $1,50 $2.00. Sleep- ~.c' I' I I t ii; l I L ,I WA C'. BIG Ii 7a5 r J~wr" :4..h. Bloomington's famons "40 and 8" band, and iuserts,'upper left, State Commander go; right William 0. Scliff, state ad utant, Bloomington; and, lower center, William Commander. $3.50 $4.75 MAIL ORDERS accompanied by re- mittance in full and self-addressed envelope will be honored in order of receipt. BE SURE to specify WHICH performance Saturday desired. Make all remittances and send orderA to R. F. Boda, Manager Hartman Theatre, Columbus, Ohio. Prices: $1.10,'$165 $2.20, $2.75, including Tax. V HALLER'S JEWELER STATE Charles W. Schick, Chica- McCauley, Olney, ex-State . .; TU BETA P1 MEN Calls Fraternity's Quest for Quality a Solution of Modern Problems CONVENTION PROGRAM ENDS IN DETROIT THIS EVENING President Marion L. Burton, repre- senting the University, gave the ad- dres'. of welcome to the delegates of the twenty-first national convention of Tau Beta Pi at the Union yesterday afternoon. . Forty delegates from as many engineering schools throughout the country were present at the open- ing session. President Burton emphasized the necessity for quality in modern edu- cation and commended the fraternity for its work in promoting a higher standard of scholarship among tech- nical students. He said, "I am of the opinion that American institu- tions of higher learning must take se- riously the work for which these in- stitutions exist. A great many people throughout the country are convinced tat thi emphasis is not placed. If we are to retain our self-respect we must have an organized standing for just what you represent,vthe highest standard of work in every line. "Need Quality" "At the present time we are en- gaged in the quest for quality," he stated. "In America the quest seems to be for quantity, the big and medi- ocre. Quality is a spiritual thing that is related to personality," he said. In closing, President Burton said, "There are splendid helps for an or- ganization such as yours. Arms are wide open for a man who can do things the way.they ought to be done. T.he present generation has more un- precedented and momentous issues than any other preceding generation.' It is a challenge to an organization in quest of quality. I believe in you and what you do and' hope that you as never before will hold to the standard quality. Offleers Chosen At the short business session which followed the President's 'speech, H R. Howells of the University of.Call- fornia was elected president of the convention and Lee 0. Case, ;grad., the local chapter's representative, was chosen as secretary. Entertainment provided for the delegates yesterday included an automobile tour around the city and a smoker in the, evening at which the secretary-treasurer, Prof. R. C. Matthews of the University of Tennessee, gave his annual report. Past President John P. Fair, of the University of Cincinnati, is also pres- ent at the convention. Today's program is as follows: 9 o'clock, business session at the Union; 1 o'clock, members leave for Ford Motor company of Highland Park and will attend the theater in the evening. MIMES THEATRE , Friday - Saturday f October 13-14 CARL Cd"U SKY IN A ONE:ACTPLAY AND FOUR OTHER ACTS Reserved Seats Now at Theatre Admission 50c Be A serious warning More Carefutl in7Ordlering AFETERIA service here has only one drawback: the tempting array of foods often results in your over- buying - and overeating. Watch this. Order a bal- anced ration. Avoid too much meat. You'll get the, same food value at a much lower cost! Copyright 1922 Hart Schaffuer-& Marx Extra trousers give you double wear! They 're included with suits we sell A N extra pair of trousers with your fall suit - that's the one thing above all else to insist upon, for with the added pair you'll get double wear and' fewer pressing charges. As for quality and style, you're protected by the Reule Conlin guarantee of satisfac tion - or money back. Michigan Cafeteria argoyle Staff Tryouts Meet Today All men interested in trying out for the Gargoyle business staff report at the Press building between 1 and 5 o'clock in the afternoon. 612 East Liberty $3O $42, - - I 1 1I Plain and sports back suits of rich brolvn mixtures are in favor right now with well-dressed men. We have them here in all sizes. A Complete L i n e of Drug Sundries and Toilet Articles. The Reule Conlin . . . Connor's Ice Cream Companiy flar Street at Washington Gilbert's Chocolates Prescriptions Carefully Compounded 7a A 'r .A- w - T4 V T\T' TT -4 r- i ' T1 ~ 1II