r av U 1.I~llh'7HVi Ll5t -5 ' L 5t~I "" °"-', ""'° TRIAD day some reward for his twenty-five conid be considerably lengthened save ohserying political conditions in the (Continued from Page.One) 1years of faithful service. Instead, his that it would grow tiresome. United Stales and writing about them erature. In these the actorS wear I employer abruptly dismisses him. "We The syllogism, therefore, mnst be for the press for thirty years"; and masks depicting only the salient fea- need young fellows," is his only ex this: admitting that expressionisn, as tire of the character. All movements. planation. Maddened by the shock, someone has said, is "the expression Jtht Dr. Samuel S. arqi, who pro- are stylized, and the settings are made the clerk loses his sanity and grasp- of an impression," the zenith of lun- ably agrees with him, and who ha as abstract and as symbolistic as pos- ing a bill-file plunges it into his acy, a veritable artistic crazy-quilt, just published a book on Henry Ford, sible. In other words, instead of employer. At once the room begins nothing, then, is more ra'enaI if has been for years Mr. Ford's "can- imitating people, the Japanese imitate to whirl with vicious rapidity. Huge death, passion, despair, in short mad- did friend, his pastor, and his em- marionettes, and all the virtues of a blobs of red spurt intermittently over ness itself is to be portrayed. ployee" While we accept wihout puppet such as complete obliteration the walls. Ghasty mangled faces reservation Ali. Villard's uimamcon- of personality and economy of move- start from every corner. The twoe AMONG THE srAGAaNES cluion,still such an arguntm ad ment are consistently emphasized. men cling desperately together, CONn HE ag AZISE) cecundiam does not imha ress us Perapsthemor ovios agumntscreaming at the top of their voics as+ (Continued from Page Seven) vreudmdosntipss s Perhaps the more obvious argumenttisticpuppethliestheturtainfals Three copies of "THE MIDLAND' strongly. The net of words isn't quite frhesrusrarsicpuppet lies- r.1 have been received (March, April; and (inrcate enough to hold us. in certain plays themselves. "The Here is an ultimate emotion pAr. hay) bn reee (tar Aplnd The nxt best atile in this week's Tempest,"'for example, can never be frayed with startling clarity, and its May) and all three of them are splnthe nation s "Minnesota: The worse covicig it umn ctrs ytmeho i clldexresinim. 4did though exceedingly brief. In thenain s"Mneo:Th Hre convincing wits human actors, yet method is called expressionssm. March number a department called State" written by Sinclair Lewis. these very difficulties become advan The Theatre Guild's production o "The Sketch Book" is introduced and tages through the use of marionettes: "Peer Gynt" uses a somewhat simi- .four short sketches are printed. None THE WEST SIDE MINING CO. Ariel, for once, is a real fairy, Cali- lar device in the madhouse scene, of them aroused a marked interest (Co.tinued from Page Five) ban is as horrible as Shakespeare Even at the rising of the curtain there though; I rather mused through t(em Mardinbuegh ys a conservative. Me imagined him, and the numerous gods is no mistaking the locality and at- than read. There is a story in the only risked the price of transports- and goddesses of the wedding scene mosphere. Houses of hot yellow anS April issue by Mary Wolfe Thompson tion from Baggs to Providence and can be pictured in their true dignity. reds topple clumsily onto one another. entitled "Old Diz" which for all its return. He might have refused to Likewise, Marlowe's "Doctor Faustus" Planes of color fight with crazy s with its angels and devils and numer.v!srhythm. Prickly noises of every des- sossia iigu s e soe p partake inha the os, ous allegorical vices takes on a con cription burst forth. Han, ,particular: She says: "The steam ightave contradicted rCaidy vincing atmosphere of mystery when ;eyes, and heads appear and isapyhovel bit into the hill and ate out upon his rern, but he avoided these marionettes assume the roles. in- pear with horrible consist.cy .'. ' the roadway." It made ie homosick oportuinities for diversion and lived deed, the repertory is quite limitless All of which again furnishes the ex- for Alfred's voice. Mr. Nelson An- to enjoy the profits of the bsiness he and exciting. Nearly all of SIaetes- ruse for expressionism. trim Crawford's essay "The Fancies represented with such credit. The linck's plays would be exquisite swith "Roger Bloomer" is yet another play of the Practical Man" comments upon mining company took a long chance puppets, together with the works c fthat uses odd, non-realistic devices the fact that the average man has to begin Nith, and in exhibition oI Yeats. Dunsany, Schnitzler, or Evre'- In this drama the old curtain ilea rf "unbridled fancy," tlaVie is "mushy," roae sorting blood, the management nov. vaudovile is utilized. Scene One, fo asnd that he is strictly "subjective and grasped every opportunity, as the To this list should be added another example, is a table, two chairs, anad a introspective" whereas "the few read- game progressed, to make success author as well, the great von Hol- black curtain, whilb in Scene Two ers who count at all in the progress more difficult if not impossible. mannsthal, whose allegory "Death and the black curtain is raised to reveal, of literary art" are "detached and ob- the Fool" only awaits the puppeteer let us say, a grey curtain with sev- jective." Mr. Crawford's "Four "A piece of string is a thing that to become popular. Picture, if you eral chairs added. Thus, throughout Poems" which appear in the same in the main soakes for togetheriness will, Death as a marionette, and how the twenty odd scenes a chair or g number, are to tell the truth far from whereas a knife in the main is a thing weirdly and cunningly and quietly he tree or some other simple property, being poems. The May issue con- that makes for splitty-upness; still would strum his fiddle as the Fool with a change of curtains, indicate tains just one story and a Statement there is an odor of togetheriness hang- slowly sinks from his throne, and the 'the change of scene of Ownership but it is a good . book ing about a knife also, for it ends to candles exhaust themselves . - . Andreyev's "Anathema," which was all the same. The story is by Henry bring potatoes into a man's stomach. III. Masks. produced against a background of Goodman and is entitled: "One of In high philosophy one should never The climax of "The Adding Ma- dull, slatter houses, "The Hairy Ape," Them." look at a knife without considering it chine," a play by Elmer Rice now "R. U. R.", the Chauve Souris, "Dag-j In THE NATION (May 30) Villard also as a piece of string nor at a running in New York, is something mar," and the Kamerny Theatre's pro-! tells in three pages "Why Henry Ford piece of string without considering it like this: An aged, hopeless book dution of "Romeo and Juliet" also Should Not Be President." His chief also as a knife." keeper awaits on his fifty-third birth- utilized this new staging, and the list argument is that he himself has been -Samuel Butler. /Seniors! 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