f a PA E six THE MICHIGAN DAILY S UND , AYSL 9 He will go through the country in that of Mrs. Bryant for an analysis a propaganda train, carrying thou- of the men and women who brought. sands of pamphlets and posters and it about, and some prophecy of what a motion picture apparatus. urging may come. From them he will get a the eopl- to work the soil, to learn to read, to treat animals kindly. Sincei picture of Russia as it probably is: the days of the famine he has gone a tremendous opportunity, an unpar- from village to village, talking with alleled experiment, a heartening the peasants and urging them to help1 promise. For Russia is not either Perhaps the most successful por. those who have less than themselves- by nature or practice a nation of REVOLUTIONARY trait of all is that of Michael Kalinin, He eats, gossips, and smokes with savages, living in willful ignorance, president of Soviet Russia. Before the farm hand, porter, publicity nan, or and indulging in wanton destruction. REFLECTIONS revolution he was a studious but des-' cobbler, and to all of them he ii 'Whether one likes it or not, he must perately poor peasant living in the "Comrade" Kalinin. And, says Mrs. admit that even in her darkest .days village of Volost in the summer, and' Bryant, "tine remarkable thing is thati Russia has .managed to lead the world THE 3IIRRORS OF MOSCOW, By laboring in the factories of Petro- when he gets back to Moscow he in painting, in music, in drama, and Louis Bryant. Seltzer. $2.50. grad in winter. With the rise of the maes no effort to shake the dust of in writing, and I have more than one Reviewed by Carroll Lane Fenton Bolshevists he attained prominence in the provinces from his boots, he rath- friend who maintains that she is lead- University of Michigan the. various land committees, and er makes a point of remaining dis- ing in politics. Peters and Dzerschin- tn the summer of 1922 Nikolai Le- achievetl immense popularity. Durii5 tinctly a villager. le receives you sky form one side of Russia,. it is n In nterouptry2 ith L-Sverdloff's presidency, Kalinin served -in his Moscow office wearing the true and it is a aide that is so more pin truy, and itisha sidentryiswnohmor asysssin's bullet in his neck, The peo as mediator between the soviets of same old mended spectacles, the same admirable than that of our own coun- pae responsible for the bullet were the cities and the soviets of the peas-|threadbare coat, and . . . . the same try which is represented by William brought before a court, and after a ants, and on Sverdloff's death he was heart and mind:" I Burns and Francis P. Garvan. But long trial in which their guilt was elected president. To those who have read Williams' let us be fair; let us grant that Lenin, proved over and over again, were sen- Kalinin, like most of the Russian "Through the Russian Revolution," Peter Stootchka, Antonov, and Tchi- tenced to death. Lenine learned of leaders, is not religious. He has seen Mrs. Bryant's volume is rather tame. cherin represent another side of Rus- the decree, and, in the face of his ad- too much of life to have faith in all- She knows the revolutionists, but she sia, and Anisoff, Prokofieff, Chaliapin, visors, forced the court to commute powerful gods that exercise their has not lived the revolution, as did Stanislavsky, and Gorky still another. the sentenced power only to collect money for the Williams, and consequently she can And surely a nation that, in the midst . - indolent priesthood. At the same time, write nothing that equals his picture of revolution, will point such a man That is one side of the man who he knows how much religion means of Antonov imploring his Red Guardo, as Anatol Lunacharsky to supervise ,for years has been the real head of to the average peasant, and so he to spare the Whites-even after the its art and education, or Stanislavsky revolutionary Russia. As Mrs. Bryant, tolerates it gravely and mildly. And 'Whites had tricked him almost to to lead its drama,-surely a nation pictures him, lie is a man whom not he exercises the same tolerance to-I defeat. Indeed one should take the that will do such things is a nation even his enemies can defame suc- ward the extreme communists, with two books together: that of Williams' that believes heart and soul in the cessfully. True, he is a communist, whom he has not a little sympathy. for the story of what happened and better parts of civilization. and that is enough to damn him in th, eyes of all those who believe that no1 revolution can be a good revolution unless it occurred several decades ago. Yet he is a communist who is willing to abandon =his dearest theor- ies when necessary; who is willing to accept modified capitalism when con. - ditions make modified capital essen- tial to ,te existence of Isis nation., Lenin does not- indulge in grand opera. heroics, for he knows they-do - so one good and many people harm. Irtse~a i,. he thrives to manage Rues- Sva wish as grent efficiency as is ;pOs sible, and on as nearly occidental lines as nsy .be in a ses-oriental na tlen. Naturally, 'he has made :Mis- lakes bto he has tecogni ed themi an'd done, his bes-t to correct them- deed, no a ie stands in Mi. Bryants portrait, Nikolai Leninis almost awe- some ip his efficiency, bis superhu- sman calm, his desperate earnestness for the good Of his people. One can- not but admire lin, and one suspects that, had Frank Harris done the writ- ing, one would love bun as well, But Mrs. Bryant is .a journalist rather - than a biographer,. and 'even though the makes Lenin .human, she does. not quite succeed in making him lov- able. With Trotzky,, however, she doe:, somewhat better. - Of course, she makes it plain that he is. vastly in-, ferior to :Lenin; .yet . ls .is so .. da- matic an originator, so much of a genius in his ability toforganize, that he comes in for a -very -great share- of the small glamour 'to be found in the book. Almost equally picturesque as Enver.Pasha, Madame-Kollontig,.- and Commissar Tchi herin. The man > who managed to outwit the British. detectives in a Riga prison, escape in sn aeroplane, andasail into Moscow, ' is something: of a .hero.x -That he-=, promises to effect an understanding, or the beginning of an understanding, between Russia and the world of Ma bammedgnism gives him significance as well as-heroism. -- ,- - 'Those who. batieve' that bolshevism oieans drab uniformity,.subserviency: to regulation, and the downfall of eccentric genius -should ponder over the port-alt of Tchicheiin, head of the Foreign Office. 'Here is a m an who 'is a born' aristocrat, a former. member of the czar's dip lmatic ser -vice, who is the most delicate and aloof of all the cultured group. ie-._ works at night because--he likes 40-- and his staff work at night because they like Tchicherrn.' Ilie bonsiniaes order, wears the most disreputable of clothing, and almost refuses to ride In automobiles. In the midst of an im- portant negotiation he will sharpen a pencil or act as his own office boy. Yet he works in larmony with Lenin, *ho dislikes'eccezitricity as's preach-: er dislikes the devil, and more tha once has forced. his will. -against that of the Premier.. -> it B oundlfor V aciiilolndisliilll llt ftttH![ iti titi # !lii#Hltlltttil w Bound for Vacation Lands With Summer Attire Smart -and Cool Dace eveningasare by far the most a laiper, tentious of Summer resort occsonss-o ,oa c curse you ;Will s-ant to look .your best-a dainty' suns- mery frock will grace any such affai-r, If getting to the dance necessitates a tstp tdthe country club a sape will prove a welcome item in your wardrobe, its boone folds -mtil priotect your gown Without less ing its dainty Crispeas, Sports bats of light fe't nfabrisc' t a.t may be easily tuc-ked into your luggage are just esouth protection from the ,sun compose a m st attrac- tive grmn.p 'of vacation hats-priced fas $ 5.00 up; Camplng is a great sport whether - you make a whole Slmmer of it o. just scoot to the W00cl9 for a week-end,'Ittmesa special tort of ioteh - . -knickers. - tn every vacation wardrobe there iay welbe-- Pleated Skirt for they combine moat attracttvely with either, tight sweetera, nostume 7 sports bloses to acheve a ariety of costum , Priced; very spelally $51. FROCKS THAT ARE, CRISP AND COOL W HER 'ER you are -a'aTing y-is will want to include in your assembly of' Sun- mer frocks, coinfortable ,cool, and modish Tub Frocks. They are real sumMer-comfort attire, their crisp, dainty styling making them appealing during the ot weather. - The finest of ginghams in sew-and novel styles, the most vivid of ratines in straight line modes, the trimest of tinens in cool colors, ad the smartest of Swisses and voiles appear in modes that attract feminine eyes. Priced from $5.95 up. (Xae~8 Secee - lotr) ) }. # , i '} t-ift4itti4littumtftittt[tHfittitltliltt ttil[CtEtitititittf tttttltt#itftiilliEtiiflttltEitltEttitfltt#tttTttt#tt t of