SUNDAY, JUNE 3, 1923 TM -I CINDAILY 100-foot tape kept th m separated and taken the contractor's hor while at work. We were obliged to These wee never recovered. cross the Little Snake River as we When life seemed dull and mos followed the boundary,line. The Un- nous, Martsn, our book-keeper. w ta Indian would not wade it, so, while restore us to a normal state of the rest of us took off our shoes and mation by attempting suicide. Fins stockings, walked on ice for ten or one morning late in June, h did fifteen feet, then stepped into sixteen report for breakfast. Searching or eighteen inches of water and across ties were at once organized and it a second strip of ice at the opposite to my lot to find his dead body i bank, he returned to the wagon for . deserted bamn near Sfhake Rive riding horse which fell amidtream, mile and a half from the camp. giving him an unexpected bath. lis camp was located in Colorado, fiv clothes froze immediately and we sent six hundred feet south of the h him toncamp. We then built a fire, to dary line, so that the book-keeper stimulate circulation, replaced our crossed over into Wyoming to end foot-gear and went on with the sur- life. While we did not believe tha Vey ! did this purposely to inconvenience After a few days about 1 inches of it necessitated our sending for snow fel and we found It inconven- nearest coroner in Wyoming. T lent to return to Dry Gulch each eve- officer arrived at about five o'cl ning. The company ordered some tents in the afternoon, when the inquest for us but these did not arrive until held. The coroner's jury quickly fo after we had completed the survey, the case one of suicide by the st But little snow fell during the ensu- nine route. We then planned and ing six weeks, and, although the sun tied out a funeral ceremony that p shone brightly nearly every day, the ably had no parallel in the histor therinometer registered below zero the two states. It took place a most of the time. I only have gen- dark. Two searchlights, used for n eral impressions of these days and i placer mining, were requisitioned am thankfut that time and memorj light the way. A Mormon laborer conspire to remove Irregularities from unteered to read the Scripture an the graph of a somewhat trying ex- say the last solemn words as the b perience. The survey finally came to was laid to rest. In fact, practi an end and I returned to Cheyenne everything was provided that usi to make maps and final computations, goes with a funeral with the poss: Sine time in March, 1896, 1 was exception of mourners. The gr asked to return to Dry Gulch to carry had been dug a few hundredf out the plans of the expert mining en- north. of the camp and at the appo gineer,. Miller, and. to take charge of ed time the procession formed3 maintenance work on the canal. I marched to dedicate there a new ce accepted the offer and reached Dry tery. The men about the grave Gulch almost simultaneously with the a mixed lot. Our half-breed Indi first signs of spring. I lost confidence several e-highwaymen and h it the ability of the mining- engineer thieves and two or three othersa within a few weeks. Placer gold mis- held diplomas from noted paenit ing was in progress elsewhere in the tiaries, stood in silence, while a e weighborhood The local miners had panion and.disciple of a new fa tried to extraet gold by thepuse o htade farewell to the earthly. rema mercury and had given it up because of a son of the anciet hebrews. of- the prevalence of.-arsenic and an- Feeling that my education was timomy in the sand and gravel. These coming too much diversified and I coat the mercury and the gold does ther that I was no longer needed not amalgamate; but slides over and left Dry Gulch before the End of J is lost in the tailings. The localmiss- In November I received a teleg ers, however ,had substituted burlap from the headquarters of the comp and Brussels carpet.fir mercury and in Providence, asking me to retur riffles and so they were making good Dry Gulch to check up the results wages with very scanty water supplies the season. I spent one night at but Miller insisted on theuse of mer- hotel at Daggs on my way. My rc eery. He designed a plant that prom- overlooked a yard back of the h ised. something in the nature of a where wagons and similar equipmi monument to his memory. He had al- were kept for guests and other tr ready made surveys which furnished etlers. On the following mornin hm with an approximate knowledge noticed a familiar-looking box on of the topography Regardless of his of the wagons in this yard. The he information,-he located the first proprietor informed me later that plant at such a point and on such a releatives of our late book-keeper 1 grade that it would have projected requested the body to be disinter ito the air and never reached any of and sent to New York for final b the gold-bearing material. I assumed ial. The freighter, employed to tra some responsibility when, during his port the body from Dry Gulch to R absence, I changed both location and lins, had reached Baggs some grade. Miller approved these changes weeks prior to my arrival. He I when he next visited the Gulch. Dy consumed enough whiskey. eachd that time, however, I had as much since that time to relieve him fr hope of extracting gold from the air any annoying feeling of responsil as from the sand and gravel. As my ity. faith in the financial success of the I soon reached Dry Gulch whe placer mining venture disappeared I measured the volume of material t tried to preserve reputations as fa had been worked and then inqui as possible and to afford consolation for the gold recovered. No respo to those whose hopes were soon to be being made, I did not press the matt wrecked. My report to the stockholders in Pr In the meantime, Perkins, the form- idence was brief, and to the point. T er milk inspector of Providence, was camp soon closed and the moving sp busy in other fields. ie was placing its of the enterprise at Dry Gut some anchors to windward as he made charging all costs to experience, c frequent trips into the mountains to lected their personal effeCts and I the east. His assays showed goId in for parts unknown. all samples of ore he brought back The Little Snake River Valley with him. When he found gold in a citty exhibited one or two outsta fire brick we had pulverized for his ing. characteristics as I remember benefit, he made analyses of the chem- For mental alertness the natives icals used in his assays and found the valley could not be excelled. Ch; gold in the litherage, lead monoxide, lie Perkins, of Dixon, probably h This discovery discredited much of his the right theory. Only those who con work up to that time and discouraged think quickly and accurately were further prospecting on his part. ing business and reporting regula The driving team and all of the rid- for meals. John Hardinburgh was ing horses owned by the company ignorant unprepossessing man, yet were stolen one pleasant summer convinced men of much different ty night. The horses of a contractor en- that he owned something worth bu gaged in repairs on the canal were ing. These New Englanders, Yanke overlooked. Riding horses were bor- if you please, were unable to comp rowed from neighbors, local deputy with men representing a society sti sheriffs were notified and a large par- utated by necessity and purged of t ty quickly assembled and started off weak and unfit. In evry transacti in pursuit of the robbers. The trail commercial, social or charitable, t led directly east to the mountains man who had lived in the sagebru where all of the horses were found al- walked away with all benefits, priz though much scattered. The party re- and profits. It is probable that no turned to Dry Gulch feeling rather of the people of the valley could ha proud of its exploit only to find that successfully staged a clam bake a the horse-thieves had returned to the although, none of them, to my kno camp while all the men were absent ledge, ever manifested any interest milk inspection or the selling of sar- dines, they displayed wisdom when TI they adhered to their own vocation, of whether these were horse-stealing so stock-raising, mine-promoting, or ze something else. PAGM FIVB One quality all shared in common. fe great gambling instinct,-the joy taking a chance,--appealed to the ns of New England and the deni- ns of the sagebrush alike. Joh (Continued on Page Eight) _,,,sl Lnot pad- KI III~If.1111fffffflllfflf l fff111lllillfiffffIlfllliillfllfflfffl ffH tN111118 fell in a r, a he RAINY WEATHER eon- Nothing like it to take the press out of clothes. These had damp days can make al new suit look old unless you take I his the best of care of it. When your clothes lose that "out- t he of-the-band-box' look call Dettling and let him give them us, new life. the rhat lock _ wa ED T T_ LI N G und ych- "The Faultless Tailor" car- 1rob} 1121 S. rsiy y o afterI ight d to h[l lltlulf lllllflllllilnltl vol d to 9... 4 EEP an accurte record of checks drawn in the stubs of your check book. It W il mean less difliculty when you're trying to figure your balance before leaving for- Home: STATE SAVINGS BANK Main at Washington red . or- us- aw- six had day ou' wa om bil- ]EXTRA PEP - VIM -VIGOR eI at FOR THOSE FINAL EXAMS. nse er. ov- A FEW OF OUR, 'he 10- 1JELICIOUS cl- eft so- STEAK DINNERS rnd- it of WILL GIVE.IT TO YOU. ar- ad do-a ray YOU'LL ALSO FIND THEM A an he pe SPECIAL TREAT! y- es, into he JOIN THE THRONG GOING TO on, he sh, s"ee Besimer's ne ve nd W. Huron St. ir