APGR FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY I ~I THE WEST SIDE MINING COMPANY (Continued from Page One) lunch and I acquiesced rather than the Dry Gulch activities in any direct enter into an argument. The lunch or personal way. They appointed was no great acquisition as I discov- trusted agents to represent them. ered later in the day. George H. Haskins, a club man and We reached Baggs at two o'clock an expert on clam bakes, was elected that night. My circulation had prac- general manager. George W. Perkins, tically stopped some time before we formerly milk inspector of Providence, arrived at our destination, so we ws aap nted as asayerUniket roused the clerk at the hotel and had Charlie Perkins of Dixon, George him heat milk and do other things to represented science rather tan busi- stimulate signs of life. I was met, ness and diplomacy. George T. Mar- the following morning, by Charlie, tin, whose real name was Abraham the teamster of the West Side Mi- Mack, a hroken down sardine sales- ing Company. As far as I could tell, man and friend of Hskins, asal- he was perfectly sober. I never saw ecte andbook-keerandHcnsante,-him in that condition again. We ar- ected as hook-keeper and accountant. Irived at Dry Culch before noon. The These men with others became linked 1rvda r uc eoeno. h together under the name of the W--t houses of the little settlement were .'rot built to provide the best kind of Side Mining Company, a corporationnobltrofro dthe best kido organized under the laws of Rhode shelter run the normal winter Island, for the purpose of placer min-'weather of the valley. My arrival isndseemed to stimulate renewed interest in the great adventures which had Although discretion had been cast called these typical New Englanders aside while John Hardinburgh had from their ica rew Egla the floor, the new company, hnde quiet firesides, their clamI under bakes and milk inspection, to live in the influence of Haskins, became very the sagebrush along Dry Gulch. The conservative if not over-cautious. He accountant, Martin, was assigned to doubtless felt that since the horse me as a computer. The first task was had been stolen it might be well to to find the state boundary. The re- look the barn. His first duty was to mains of several posts were found find some one who understood placer after some search. Although the mining. Inquiries were mate. of' wee lands in Colorado, in the vicinity of tern railway officials and the Burling- Dry Gulch, were supposed to have ton Road finally recommended. a, ma been surveyed under the direction of by the name of Miller. Thsis recopos thq General Land Office, no one had snendatlon was doubtless loads. with ever foused a monument, and the gen-. entire safety since Miller's placer eral impression seemed to be that te I mining activities had been confined surveyors had fudged their notes; and largely to South Africa. When Has- after a pleasant summer, spent in fish- kins legrned that a water supply Ing and hunting, they had made their would. have to be provided he sought affidavits, drawn their pay from a! the advice of Elwood Mead, then State trustful government and gone the Engineer of Wyoming. It was found way rejoicing, leaving it to the entry- that an existing ditch, diverting man to fit maps and notes t thle water almost opposite the town of Dixon, could be enlarged and ex- ground in' any way the law and to- tendedtoDry Gulh at acot of aboutal customs and annersmgt ap t~O~l1 Aboutprove or permit. $BbR0 About fle miles of wood stave My field party was of nondescript hood of Thornburgh Gulch where a ' hrce.HsisadPrisa-i pipe were; installed in the neighbor.- character. Haskias and Peritles so- bad land foraton presented obsta companied me the first day as oh let ond canaltonrscteo. lservers. They never appeared in the Iles ,to open canal- construction. All fieldthereafter. Charlie, the driver,1 the one fo ths caal orkweeattended' to the tam and springwag-1 advanced by one of the enthusiastson and was besides, the custodian and, in Providenee, who was willing tlchef consumer of the wllskey sup- leave the funds invested until p !acer ply. It seemed improbable that he mining operations produced gold had taken any part in the naming of enough to reconpense him. The ca- Dry Gulch. A half-cast Uinta Indian l wasbrnished by :'the middle of from Utah acted asg'rear chairman; a ' September, 18I5.k i half-breed Cherokee Indian from Althugh te 1ttle Snake River! Tenessee w a ead chiman And a NValley might have been a place where'Tnesewshadcara u alley mid thav reead place here ntNorwegian held the rod. The inci- angels feared to treed, fools had. ot dents of the first day were typical of is necessary for me to explain how many that followed. There was bad I became entangled with the affairs' blood between my chairmen, but the of the West Side Mining Company.1 The construction engineer, Fred 1 .lIIIIIIiIl1IIIIIIlllIllI1[IIIllig l Bond, left immediately after the ca- hal was finished, without even saying goodbye to Mr. Haskins. While Bond had spent much time on the western fringe of civilization, he had never seen anything just like the Little Snake River Country. At about this time it occured to the local manage - spent of the company that the mining' claims should be laid out on the ground so that some of them might be found. Mr. Hardinburgh had over - looked this detail. His deeds seemed to describe something, but there was no evidence on the ground that would support any description. Inquiries made by Mr. Haskins finally reached me, and, 'nuch against the kindly ad- - vice of Bond, I agreed to go to the Little Snake River Valley and see - what could be done. I took the Union Pacific Railway from Cheyenne to Rawlins and a stage1 from Rawlins to Baggs. We left Rawlins at about six o'clock one morning early in November. The wind was blowsng a. gale and there was- snow in the air. The stage was a light affair while the horses were dead on their feet before we etarte. - We had lunch at the Willows, about half way between Rawlins and Baggs. This was simply a place There was water and a few willows; also a tnt where a half-breed Indian woman served what might be called food. I had lost my appetite, along with my breakfast, during the morn- hig dlue to the 'motion of the. stage, = and entered the tent- to get warmn rather than because I had any desire for refreshment. I found the lady" manager under the influence of whis- key and consequently a little arbit- rary. She suggested that I eat my jtijti iuIItiHitiuaiIiuinhisu NTELLIGENT AND INTERESTED Your bank should be sound, accurate and efficient. But that is not enough. Banking service to be of the most use to you should be also intelligent and interested. That is what this bank tries to be. FARMERS & MECHANICS BANK 101-105 So. MAIN 330 So. STATE ST. 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