THE MICHIGAN DAILY prtstn R ages 1 ~~~~lainlyshows. Delegates from ,the1. i' S a eIItt~ao United States are elected inl the Ox-, In H a to e n a n u ti s ford American Club after heated de- - Kalamaz~oo, In H a to e mb ni sr ates between Democrats and1 Iepub- Carrick (D~etroit) fourth annal li1cans, and they have played a con- Thce L'onstclle Complany offers a .r spicuous part in the proceedings of droaatization of John imunter. Bo0th"; t}the Assembly. Ralph Carson, Rhodes nov "heMsq'rrer" itht Minor S~ f4 I f scholar from Mic(higan, was the first XVat.. on in lthe' title r ole which 11Guy AAmerican to be oresident of the As- ates Post made famous. Ther'e 1is n- ~ .semtbly. W. Y. Elliott, Rhodes scholar trigue, politics and.( romance in the :.,: from Tennessee, and E. S. Griffith of play, f < tiM\w Yr', ,have a]-) served as presi-Fo f°6'¢'' . : ;;% rldnt. T1"1'former 1?3rE'? endered valuable TA''" ,r 'A"R URGES I " , service to the cause of the As, embly i, by aiding in the formation of sI ,tar , ateL N PO T bodies in French universities. S. Ys- Washington, Rhodes scholar from! (Continued; from Piage Nine) West Virginia, is now ,general secre- geton o tepevnio fthsi tary that teams not be permitted to enter * . *~~. The questions which have been atoraetw nthy av cr- dealt with by the Assombly are toa large extent those which h1ave been pleted a playing schedule of fifteen considered by the League of Nations. games. IPrincipal among them have been the The other two suggestions concern $ various questions of the Far East, the 1the a of players. IHe would. have Epirus dispute, the question of Eg-pyt- ayuAbre rmta lyi iI n } 3 ; :ian independence, the dispute bet- wee 1 Turkey and Greece, the qtuestion of sho ni ehsrahd1 er of ag-e and have him end that competi-' <