~THE MICHIGANDAILY _____ Ifrom PRage Nine) I 'Mrs. Rhead; "Andan- letti), Miss Struble; Vore Stately Mansions" r. and Mrs. Wheeler. nd Dr. Dewey; "Cross- Willeby), Mr. Wheeler; !Mrs. Rhead. tSea" will be the ser- Rev. L. A. Barrett at byterian Church. Young ir will begin at 5:30~ open to all y-oung peo-1 -bor. Lucile Welty will itian Endeavor Meeting k, in a discussion on ve in Jesus; What Hle St. .Andrew's Church at 8 o'clock this1 morning. At 10:30 o'clock~ Rev. Lewis' will speak on "What of the Apostles' Creed?" There will be no Evening prayer at 5:30 o'clock. At 5:45 o'clock I members of Hobart Guild and their friends will leave Harris Hall for a hlike and supper outdoors. There will1 be open house WNednesday from 4 to I 6 o'clock at Harris Hall, and HolyI Communion at Williams Memorial Chapel, Harris Fall, on Thursday at' 7:15 o'clock. "Some Gli-mpes into the hereafter" will be the subject. of Rev. L. F. Gunderman's sermon at the Trinity l, Lutheran Church this morning. Bible school will be held at 10 30 o'clock. ARMBMANSITUENT TAIRS 01" FOF ) iweV, 'e'' VK DIPLOM3AT (Cotninued from Page Nine) and the leading administrator of thet deportation and massacre of a mrillionI Armenians, was shot dead by an Ar- was a heroic deed. The rising blood menian student in Berlin. of a million Armenian souls demand- Dr. Fouad Bey presumably considier-' ed it. ,ed himself as a Talaat and upon this, Armienians Displeased happy thought gave_ out the alarm to IAtraID.PudByi o a the Detroit city officials In order that; laat evntogaTuf.HsM d Ise igh be ive a uardtha hewould not be worth even the price of might not be terrorized by the sawse a bullet. And if it was worthy, how Armeniiarn youth who is said to live in, could the IUniversity guard, so shame- Michigan. But such an alarm is 1n0-I lessly sent to guard him, prevent it.' thing;ibut propaganda, pure and siun- Certa inlhsato of the authorities, ple, to make. one believe that the Turk did not please the Armenian students is a kind, peaceful and 'honest gcfltle;. on the campus. And I only regret to man. say that the University authorities The assassination of Talaat does; were taken by the same alarm as the by no means make the Armenian; common people.! youth a terrorist. Who would not sa- --*** --- lueas a. hero an American, French- ! nHar, or an Englishman 'wrho would have killed the Kaiser during or im- ' Perhaps Germans hwould not. Who did dand not justify the assassination of Talpat except the Turks? Even the Berlin:' government justified the deed by let- ting the Armenian youth go free. It . { t t 3to Me." y -11, uio will be taken at[ j i+ Yi4 :aMni4 WY Y tY h/Yf w ! - ."-.-v_ ___> :. y.... 1 G~aets Wve have several styles that are in a class by themnselves- Sand, Beige, Grey and Coffee shades, priced from $850 to $10-00 with leather or comoiinsles from $x"50 to $1O00Per pair. ~~r. TIA stunning style comles This will appeal to a good buy on the Jap Military Missiont Visits Franmce Bureau Publishes New Traffi Cologne, June 1-(By A.P1.)-A Jap- SOURt Ste. Marie; June 1--(] anese military mission-a general, a -The Bureau of NavigationI colonel and a captain-are reported to ',lui 1hlllllllI~lfll! have arrived at Dlusseldorf, French' Riuhr headquarters; lat~r the japan- - ese are to go to Coblcnz. New "Baas MB"ll" l ^is veliclns Lansing, ,June 1-(Py A.P.)---Thze- "bus bill" signed by the governor. pro - vides all automative vehicles oi~erat- ed for hire on the pubalic highw1tays : must come under regul at ins of thel-00 JMichigan Public Utilities commission. mldw s anyoneiootking for, fast-growing West GMs. Floors are Alli E )n the frst floor an ary oin the second. .ce, soft Water, g as $ OC is 44 x 108. An in- E [ please you9 Priced .XUVSTINE/ Phone 835J-1 835-J-2, 2738, 4864J 1 604 E. Liberty '"rl11111111111911 1161111 Qs1111111 Sport Rnles] y' A.P.) Is pub- Side. Very p for Spring and Su ihas six roc JS SHOW YOU oakc., Finish is oakc mahogany and iv( 'There is a firepla( One Price X3O in a coffee shade. Strap heater, attic. Lot can also be warn around the ankle. per pair. Priced at $9.54 spection of this will at only $8,200. _ - . I . is Low Heel Wide Stapis unusually attractive and decidedly differ- ent. The, strap i5fringed and fastenis with two .bu ttonB. MRS.( C -N I A TROUSERS REA 717' Nat'l Bank Evenings and Sunday 604 E.LI In Three r Comb!intilons BILACK 5SAT1IN and PATIENT LEATHERI GREY CALF and BLACK....... .. ... SAND CALF and BROW...... $10.00 per pair $8.50 per pair $8,400 per pair 123 Ec-St Ann Arbor. Mich. Liberty St. vacatio, Needs 0 , i Its dour -. ,. t ^, 1 1 k " ' ., . " ... " . Bathing Suits, Knit Coats and Sweaters in. / / To rnWye and Bradley line, all kinds for SECON,,D HAND I mlen, ladies and children. '' II -'I I '. Knickers and Breeches in large assortment for ladies and men. White Duck, Linen and Khaki Trousers, Sport Suits, Caps, Hats ,etc. IMING $ SHOES, Wool ;pocks, Golf Rose, Leggings, Puttees, Officers' Dress and Army Shoes, Tennis Shoes, Waterproof and H-ighu-Top Moccasin Pack Shu for ladies and men. l 0. D. Wool, Khaki, and fine Pop;*n, Army Shirts, Pongee Dress anti Sport Shirts. It Wl 4 You ! All kinds of Underwear. Cravenettes, Rain Coats,"Sllcierfs and Ponchos. id, or Armay Mosquito_ Tents. We have all kinds in many. sizes. A large stock, always ready to serve you with Reg. Wall, Auto-Touro, Pyra- $i~2.75 up. .. ... cano Ia tsCushions, Auto p Robes, Army BJaukets napsacks, Barracks Bag"s, Canteef s, Mess Cans, Grills, wes, Serving Sets, "Gold M ed al am Furniture," s, $3.25, Stools, 'Tables, etc. _ i