.ction rwoY ; ; t Baitr .Trw. III. No. 180 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, JUNE 3, 1923 war r r . r .. r .rir+w u ~THEO GLASS S HERE Turner Predict. Labor In E The situation of politics in England, is precisely this, that presently the Labor party will triumph. Such is the opinion of Professor Turner of the European History department. But Professor Turner not content to male a statement without due proof proceed- ed to show in a conclusive manner the incidents and causes that lead him Triumph Of nglish Politics against. And it is therefore believed that through this very trend of the times-unemployment, high cost of living, high taxes, repayment of the loan to America ani numerous other' after effects of the war-there will be 7 increasing misery and discontent, this leading presently to the triumplh he prophesies for the Labor party, the revolutionary party.{ Great SopranoG 3EBERS WILL ACE ON 14-18 r H9 190T1T0 Royal Air Force Officer Points Out Need for Control of Air Traffic TrA N SPORlTA, TION SYSTEMS NECESSARY, SAYS CANADIAN Montreal, June 2-(By A.P.)-Cana- da and the United States are so close- ly allied that an international flying agreement between the two countries has become a necessity, J. A. Wilson, secretary of the Royal Canadian Air Force, declared at the spring meeting of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers here this week. The Canadian government, the speaker said, has taken the initialI step toward such a compact, and the aviation authorities of the dominion are confidently looking forward to early and appropriate action by the American congress TURN vT WEEK Residences 1l to of alumni will open e 14, and continue ay, June 16. It is ex- or 1700 alumni will be the seventy-ninth an- .ment week, June 14 to ration will be held in rial hall and class grammes will bo given lasses to Return une 15, which is Re- classes will hold re-! ng to plans so far an- e classes are: '68, '73, 88, '93, '93L, '98, '98M, women, '03, '03E, '03D,' '05E, '06, '06E, '07, '07E, 08L, '13M, '13L, and '17, ig. nembers of the Varsity' 1 a reunion sometime requested to register L. The general head- 11 the alumni of the College i% Room 206, ilding. iencement week an ex- y students in the Col- cture will be open in try of Memorial Hall. headquarters of the S. be open and the mem-, E will be glad to receivej to make such assertion. Conservatives Desire Reform "The Conservatives have won the last election and are in power," he said. "They represent the Tories and the many modern people who are afraid of revolution. The opposition is now the Labor party. It is com- posed of socialists, radicals, and even, sympathizers w~ith Bolshevism as well as being very largely representative of the working man." These he stated, desire large, sweep- ing changes, nationalization of rail- ways, mines, principal industries, ;ii I "Sherwood", Play Of Old England Will Be Given By Senior Women: For commencement guests, tired ballads into swift dramatic action with the monotony of everyday life, with the vivid colors of romance. an adventure with the senior women Opportunity fot adventures with these legendary characters will he into Sherwood forest on the evening given at 8 o'clock on the evening of of their annual play, June 14, will Thursday, June .14. In ca-se of rain,I bring an hour or so of mirth and the presentation will take place on fancy.-June 15. Resuming a tradition of The play, entitled "Sherwood," re- former years, the play will be given lates tales that bear repeating to the I outdoors on a stage erected on the end of time. There is Robin hood, campus behind the President's home. the famous .outlaw with mercy in his Prof. John R. Brumm, who has put heart. There is a fair, gentle lady on Junior and Senior Girls' plays' before whom all others bow and call with great success, is directing the I Maid Marion. There is a fellow with production. Mr. 0. S. Davis of De- a sour temper and a grim look, the troit will construct the scenery and Sheriff of Nottingham and a great tall the University workshop will aid in merry fellow that roams the green- making the swords and spears. Mem- wood and joins in homely sports-. bers of T-square society have painted Richard, the Lion Hearted. There is posters to advertise the play. Much, the miller's son, Tuck, the Tickets can be obtained at Wahr's merry Friar and the famous Litle and Graham's bookstores for $1.00; John. Beside these are a host of and $1.50 until alumnae day, June 14, knights, pages, ladies, foresters, peas. when the sale will be conducted in ants, fairies, and what not, all liv- Memorial hall. Seniors are advised ing the merriest of merry lives, and to obtain tickets at an early date all bound by nothing but a few odd since only a limited number of seats strands of old ballads. In "Sher- are available on account of outdoort wood," Alfred Noyes has united the accommodations.- To Sing InSernes DETROIT SYMPI 11WI APPE. SE] AMELITAG A OPEN SEAS( Chaliapin, de i lP Dounanyl, and Announcemnts of ti Choral Union and Extra C which was made yesterda .A. Sink, secretary of tl Music, indicate aymusic unrivalled brilliancy an Mr. Sink, who has just r a sojourn in New York he spent much time wit] managers and impresario ed for the appearance he ists of international ren ~viiue .-imsnaw o' some even going so far as to propose Agreement Essential the establishment of a Communistic ' "Canada and the United, States are state and the overthrowing of the so closely allied, our interests hold so present government system. These x much in common, and our intercourse two partied representing the extreies, i so intimate that an agreement on conservatism on one side and the La- international flying between the two bor party with its radicals on the oth- 4countries is essential," continued Sec- er, have the greatest following in Eng- re4-y Wilson. whose topic was "The land at present. Between them are Control of Civil Aviation." the Liberals, embracing the more mod "Canada today admits all American erate people, those who desire reform, machines on the same terms as if the but not reform tainted with revolution United States had ratified the conven- and radical change' in this period of tion. That is, we only insist that strong feeling and violent proposals. }' r, American machines entering and fiyin Baldwin Uncertain y9in Canada shall comply with the same The Conservatives are at present regulations as our own. They are not, strongly seated in power and the re- R however, permitted to engage in the signation of Mr. Bonar Law and the , ' ,---___ carriage of goods or passengers be- accession to prime-ministership by Mr. -J.!tween two Canadian points or other Baldwin weakens them not at all. S:ill Annhelita Glli-Curci commercial work. of Mr. Baldwin, he remarked, nothing The great coluratura soprano of the "The world war checked the normal is known definitely. This new prime Chicago and the AMetropolitan opera development of aviation and the pause minister has never held an extremely companies who has been engaged to which has ensued in the progress of, important office but the positions he sing here in a concert on Oct. 19 in civil flying," said Secretary Wilson, has held have been well executed. the Choral Union series., She is "is due to the lack of two essentiall Nevertheless, it is with all the opposi- shown in this picture as Gilda in Ver- factors-the confidence in, and famili- tion that arises with a crisis following di's opera "Rigoletto," one of her most arity with, aerial transportation on a great conflict that he is now pittedI appealing roles. the part of the public, and the creation of aerial transportation systems. .n, . "Before flying can succeed," he add- ed, "as a commercial form of trans- Graduates at 17, Sportation these systems must be cre. ated and some time must yet elapse! I I:hn~I~t:L :IIRLLI~fl ELbefore their growth overtakes the de- The literary class of 1923 boasts the -I II Ib ro v s L efopment owirvert hsteedn youngest senior ever to graduate from ntl' velopment of aircraft, hastened un the University in Richard Loeb of - naturally during t he wvar. Chenicago rlini.d Loebis oly Prof. Fred N. Scott, head of the de- Remote Parts Need Air Transportation 17 yearsold, came to MLichgan in the partment of rhetoric and journalism, "In Canada there has been practic- 17l yof 1921 after two years at the is preparing to leave for England as ally no development of passenger, mail fall rsoon as possible after the end of the! or express services. Until these are University of Chicago. conference of British and American successful in countries where the pop- His one regret is that he will not professors of English at Columbia ulation is denser the need for quic receive his degree until his eighteenth University. President Burton recent- transportation more urgent, and the birthday, for fortune has played an ly appointed Professor Scott delegate physical difficulties less, it has been unkind trick upon him and he will e- from the University to the conference felt that they can wait. Our principal come 18 years old on Monday, Jane 11, on Extra-Mural Teaching which will and most promising development has one week before Commencement. be held at Cambridge University, July bee Loeb will return to Michigan next 6 to 10, and it is mainly for this con- remoter parts of the country whre fall for research work in history, after ference that he is going to England. the methods of travel are slw, labor- which he intends to study law. He Professor Scott has also been ap- ions and uncertain, and the only com- graduated from the University of Ciii- pointed by the executive committee of tit th o on or dog cago High school in two. years, has the American Association of Univer- . There exists a vast field for maintained an enviable scholarship sity Professors as a delegate to the this class of work in Canada and al- record both at Chicago and on the next meeting of the British Society ready a start is being made to devel- campus here. for Pure English. i !on commercial aviation as an auxiliary 5 e courtesy of the Wom- the parlors, rest rooms, rooms of Barbour gym- Iso be at the disposal or lumnae and their friends. ies to House Guests ng for the alumnae, Hel- Betsy Barbour, Alum- nd Adelia Cheever house ems. Accommodations in ential houses may be se-k siting alumnae upon. a' cation to the Executive the Alumnae Council, rial hall. mmodations at the Union iserved for months, but been arranged for thel ear-by residences. The entirely at the disposal i and their guests, how- of sleeping arrange- alumni meeting will be auditorium on Saturday, 0 o'clock. President Bur- . The Alumni luncheon{ ce at the Union at 12:15.I will be an alumni massI ill auditorium. iae Council Meets ae Council -will meet at day in Barbour gymna- lie annual meeting of the be held at 10:00 A. M. in HIDDEN MACHINE BUNS TO GUARDBANK AUTIS' Cleveland, June 2 (By A. P.)-The new Fourth Federal Reserve Bank building here is rapidly nearing com- pletion, and will be ready for occu- pancy about June 1. The building has l many details of architecture and inge- nuity that make it -one of the most; remarkable in the United States, ar- chitects and builders say, with strength and safety the keynotes. The main vault is 30 feet below the, street level. Side and rear walls arej six feet thick, The front wall is seven' feet thick and has the heaviest door' in the world. 'The vault is designed ' to hold upward of two billion dollars, in gold and securities, according to D. C. Wills, chairman of the board. A gallery of armor plate surrounds, the first floor, with loopholes from which guards can see everything oc- curring below. The truck first enters a vestibule and. the street door must be closed and locked behind it before the second door, opening direct into the mail room, can be opened. Armed guards can look down upon the mail room and command it with rifles, and statues at each of the en-+ trances to the building will conceal' machine guns. FRESH AIR CAMP NEEDS MORE MEN At least six more men are neel to serve as leaders at the University Fresh Air Camp at Lake Patterson, 25 miles from Ann Arbor, this sum- mer, Lewis C. Reimann, '16, said yes- terday. Appeal has been made to fraternities and other campus organi- zations to provide men. "Men capable of directing swim- ming, athletics, nature study, first aid, or other similar camp activities, are especially desired," Mr. Reimlann said. The camp which opens June 26, and closes August 8, will accommodate four groups of 'poor kiddies,' ten days being alloted each group. W adte Hinshaw~s ope Historic Records sa's band, a two-pi Hthree performances To Stand Forever Symphony orchestr witsch. As Old Gym Passes Oaili-Cnreit Amelita Galli-Cur With the construction of the new; coloratura soprano Yost Field house passes Michigan's Choral Union series,c historic Waterman gymnasium as Galhi-Curci has not 1 quarters for the Maize and Blue ath-, Arbor for several y letes. The old building which has local debut has rise housed all forms of Michigan athletics'of the foremostivi H since' 1894, is to be turned over to type of singing. He the Intramural department for Its ex- umphs wih t Ch } l M Y a I era c ano of a u to Al rci, wvi Octo been ears en to ng ex r ph clusive use. ipuny an ai nei etr opU clusve se.a matter of history. The departure of Varsity trackmen amter of history, from Waterman gymnasium will prob- Love s of piano musi ably mean that all the present Wat- ure the engaement for erman gym records will stand fora Vladimir de Pachmann, long time, as only the appearance of ish pianist who is retur a freshman or ineligible Varsity man ca after an absence o of unusual ability in the Intramural De Pachmann is in man meets will threaten the existing of the greatest masters marks. this generation has witn Four of the records were made by spite hi's seventy-five ye this year's Varsity team in the an- latest reports from Loy nual dual meet with Cornell, which is has been playing cons the last, intercollegiate track meet that his art is still perfe to be held in the gymnasium. Several Albert hall has been of these records, such as the 440, 880, time he has appeared w mile and two mile are better than pianism which he has e: the Western Conference marks. ty years before the pu 50 yard dash--Record, 5 5-10 sec- mously acclaimed ma onds. Made by Wittman, 1923. Pachmann made his An 65 yard hurdles-Record, 7 4-5 see-' tion more than thirty y onds. Made by Carl Johnson, Michi- his personal idiosyncr gan, 1919. novelty and his playing 65 yard hurdles-Record, 7 1-5 sec- unparalleled beauty. { onds. Made by Carl Johnson, Michi- Chaliaullin Eng 1 gan, 1919. Efrem Zimbalist, the o40 yard run-Record, 51 4-5 sec- sian violinist, who hasn onds. Made by C. F. Keck, Michigan, here, will he introduced 1910. William Wade Hinsha Half mile-Record, 1:56 4-5. Made which was heard in A by Chas. Reinke, Michigan, 1923. January, will present Mile run-Record, 4:19 2-5. Made Fan Tutte" early in Jan by John Paul Jones, Cornell, 1912. viously announced, Feo Two mile-Record, 9:37 4-5. Made the great Russian basso by Egbert Isbell, Michigan, 1923. first local appearance . Shot put-Distance, 48 feet 3 1-2 Chaliapine's engagenien inches. Made by John Horner, Michi- months of effort by Se gan, 1911. officials and is regarded Pole Vault-Height, 12 feet 3 7-,s most notable achieveme inches. Made by Brooker, Michigan, tory of local music. 1923. The Choral Union se High Jump-Height, '6 feet 1-4 inch. February h11xvith a p: Made by Sargent, Michigan, 1912. Erno Donnanyi, the ce Eight Lap Relay-(1,480 yards). garian virtuoso whose Time 2:41 2-5. Made by Michigan 1901. Choral Union ser tea composed of Butler, Wetzel, Lewis membered by many. and Forbes, 1921. near the top among liv to existing services for forest fire pro- * tertion and survey, the natural i~n- A rmenia Student Discusses mediate outlets for tdcommercial S tion in Canada. Mail and passengeri Fouad Bey, Turkish Diploma serices will follow in time." ---R--R-P-RU niorial ha,1. President Burton and By Y. A. B. complexity devised by the wise states- jIUHL BUMUU I LU11IL n Hamilton will talk. A luncheon Quite a curiosity could be noticed manship of Turkey, the, Angora nation j follow at Betsy Barbour house. in Michigan press circles last week. has been fortunate in continuing her A representative of Angora govern- longevity. INSetUrII f It By5nUi 1ITH TO SUP RIISE' ment, Dr. Ibraim Fouad Bey, on his Now Germany and Russia are out of toACE LIMITS SOU1LD BE SET;I Tdeliver a lecture in the Natural Sci- English interests that are conflicting. SHEDULES SHORTENED, ence Auditorium. His subject was a But Turkey finds this conflict too sim SAYS STATE HEAD M R[f el chosen one but th facts were p Te for, it is not a perfect balance and hithen. resuabtl hiTmeysw an extrme force on one side may ILansing, Mich., June 2-(By A.P.)-- VDEN REMAINS DIR.ECTOR, 'this country isunot todiscussithe mean destruction to Turkey. To over- Floyd Rowe, who as head of the ath- TAYLOR TO MAINTAIN intion tsotdome this situation Turkey must in- letic department of the state superin- WORKSHOP this the audience became well aware vite other counter interests. This she tendent of education's forces is looked. duritng his speech, and besides most cannot expect from Germany and Rus- upon as the man who will be given layers club next year will work of us know on what grounds and sci- sia of today. So the means of least;the'supervisory position created by ler the supervision of Clement entific bases the Turkish educational evil would be to invite the American the last session of the legislature, is ith, '23, who is to become a mem- institutions stand. And their pro- capital. This invitation consists of considering many things that might of the faculty, in place of Dr. gress in educational fields as compared the Chester-concessions, which if ap- be added to the high school athletic rge R. Stewart, of the English de- with that of western civilization is no- I proved and backed by both Washing- organization, and of possible aids to ,ton and Angora governments, will the conditions at present prevailing In atme, whoth as acrpty ed aiosn hin g to peareaf. Sym hycontribute considerably to the com- high school play through Michigan. o tplexity of the Near East situation, and Rowe ha4 been known for a number ith, who is to be general faculty The Armenians are only too glad thus relieve the Turk's mind from un- of years as a man who considered the ector of the organization, is well to see the rresent Turkish government easiness. wn on the campus as a former accomplish oanly one fourth of whatj physical well being of the, high school sidFrit of Comedy club and a prom e-Dr.cFouad promised in educational mat On passing, i may be permitted to 'athlete following graduation as the all say that in her Near East policies the important thing to be considered in nt local actor. ters. But it is not for educational mat- United States occupies practically the all matters pertaining to high school 'he workshop bn East University ters of Turkey that Dr. Fouad Boy is on -aepsto sddteGra o-coptto.Wt hsi iwh s nue will be maintained and is un- a tour in this country. He is here ;same position as de id the German Gov- competition. With this in view he is the direction of Ross Taylor, '24.+ perhaps by the knowledge of Chester- mnen decdg.AndhtGm-cnieig ugsigotehg re attention will be given next concessionists to arouse a favorable many did get or gain out of her Ber- school men three departures from the r toriginl work an ton ex public opinion towards the group who; lin-Bagdad scheme is in front of our present conditions. r to original work and to experi- inclined to develop the Turkish in eyes. And what America will gain out The first consideration is limiting uts u1' production. In addition to dustries of her Cster-concessions, if approv- the number of games a team may ustoneloger drama will b prs t For centuries Turkish statesmen ed, only the next 50 years of history have played before it enters a tourna- tedn have followed this same diplomacy, will relate. ment. With most of the college teams 'rod. namely, attracting as much foreign'r Bey Fears Assassination of the country limiting their teams to >rof. Roy W. Cowden, of the the-'capital and interest as possible, so as 'Phe thing that I want to emphasize eighteen games, and pracitcally none ic department, will remain as play- to make a very complex situation out is this: when Dr. Fouad Bey arrived in of the colleges even thinking of put- iting director of the club, whie1 of the Near East riddle. And as a' Detroit he deliberately asked the ofa- ting their teams through the strain; his instrument while hi - one of the most powert of modern composers h ..he Churche.ing. His concerto for , chestra which he rece Detroit is among the To attend church regularly is to morning congregation of the Church works in modern con refresh one's soul; it recharges the of Christ at 10:30 o'clock this morn- ovation and encores s religious instinct, and enables ono ing. Bible School will be held at to be lost count of. to live .the 'following week more; 9:30 o'clock, and student classes will "Suite for Orchestra" I happily, and with greater pleasure meet at 12:00 o'clock in Lane Hall -122 May Festival reve and comfort. Three or four hours a Reading Rooms. Christian Endeavor of his versatile geni week is a comparatively small amount will meet at 6:30 o'clock. The Men's Sousa Will of time to give to religion; yet If Service Club will meet at noon. An innovation will b these hours are applied in the right "Ancient and Modern Necromancy, . to the Extra Concert s manner, a great deal of good may be alias Mesmerism and Hypnotism, De- opened October 22 b obtained from them. nounced" will be the -subject of the Sousa and the disti An attractive musical program has First Church of Christ Scientist morn- which bears his name. been aranged at the Unitarian Church ing's service today. Sunday School ances of the Detroit Sy for today, as follows: "Souvenir" will meet at 11:30 o'clock. A testi- tra under Ossip Gab (Drola); "La Derenta" (Braga); mony meeting will be held Wednesday scheduled for Novemb "Triumphal March" (Costa). "All evening at 7:30 o'clock. 4, and January 22 w Doubts in One" is the topic of the Rev. A. W. Stalker will speak to to be announced. The sermon to be delivered by Rev. S. S. the morning congregation of the First in March with a two-t Robbins at 10:45 o'clock this morn- Methodist Church at 10:30 o'clock, Mr. and Mrs. Josef L ing. This is a review of L. P. Jack's I where a great communion service will who heard the brilliar book, "Religious Perplexities." Spe- be held. Bible classes will meet at here last March by Ma cial Vocal Selections will be: "Turn Wesley Hall at 12:00 o'clock. The will be interested in t Thou Unto Me" (Costa) "Allelulia," -Senior meeting of the Wesleyan Guild: cital. Mr. Lhevinne, (Palestina). will take place on the Boulevard. The as one of the finest te- A preparatory service in German Sroup will meet at Wesley hall wDr. ano now living, has a will be given at 9:00 o'clock this Samuel Dickie will speak on "Law as a pianist of power morning at the St. Paul's Lutheran Enforcement" qt the 7:30 o'clock Church, followed by Holy Commun- ! meeting of the Wesleyan Guild. Spe- Alpena Company to Bi ion in German at 9:30 o'clock. At 11:00- cial music for the morning service Alpena,.June 2-(B: o'clock, a preparatory serman will be will be: "Andantino" (Lubois), Mrs. discontinuance of the als s. Pla e in erie by ngu T1 ril er 1 ith Seri, pian ,hevi nt c ier : he l besi ache wid and road y A. U.