,IE MHIG71AN PLAI-LYt, I IE THIS COLUMM It CLOSES :TJSIN !Classified-Cor't. FOR RENT FORIRENT-Decsirabole furn~ished six- room .house. Tiwo blocks south of campus. Screened porch. For summer school or June 15 to Sept. 15. Phone' 1299-R. Box iM. 1?9p-2 FOR RENT-,Smnall apnartment fo~r following Pox Replies are at the y Office: -CHS, Jake, 18, 12, DM, C, MLS, ABQ, CNC, CNS, MG, C, RT, FIT HCE. FOR SALE GAN CLASSIFIED..j tes. Two cents a word in advance. Minimum ,t day, 25c. Minimum Three cents per word charged. White space rate of five cents per assifieds, charged only LOTS FORt SAL.E-A. few -choice lots summer school year or next school 60 ft x 117. City'water, lighits, shoet year, furnished and very desirable. gravel, sidewalks, sh:ade trees. For; Enquire at 917 Mary St. after 6 a short time $650. Usual terms* pM.tc- Located 1 mile So. on State St., 79- N. S. Johnson, owner. IParlkerest FORE RENT-For next year. Three Subdivision. 178p-3 suites and bath, second floor to f group of six boys. Upper class- FOR SAL]E-Posch anrd LJzmb com- !imen preferred. Phone 976-J. pound mic!ros>cope 7.5 Cyepuece, 4 179n -2? and 16 mmi. lens. Excellent co mB- ___,-9 t~on. M\r. Turman, 500 Packardj FOR RENT-To two quiet, refined 2f 45-W~. 17711-3 upperclassmeni, suite for next year. Wish men who would appreci,?te FOR SALE-5-room bungalow in good home. Box AO. 178p-3 south east section. Fine locationx -price $6500 with $1250 down.' FOR REtj:tp--'puree furnished light Phone 866 or 307, Elmer E. Brooks. h louselkccping rooms. 1025, Vaughn 179c-2 St. Phone 2118-IV. 176-21. FURNITURE POR SALE-Three piece living room suite overstuffed 1i' 3R RENT-Decsirable furnishedl silk velour. Living room rug 9x12 h'use near campus. P'ossesion practically now. 806 E. Thuron. June 15. Phone 2638-W. l ;. . >' ShOE 1"A ('1,0RY TORY. rn yurcui- '' shoes r ae.Sotshe ni to ordf---onle W'' evc, soles to your shoes 'at regula r: pricers. We manufacture all kcind s of shoes. Student agentswatd 534 Forest avenue. Call 31:1. 170 I BOARD Our pleasant dmning° roomsI will ac-1 commodate about tirt-Ly imore su dents during fsummer sessi;1 o.n Men and women at 6-10 Fo rest A-re lust off South Ujierst°.,, h Nickols. Phone 27-1R. LUNCHES ,k REX Special Canoe Lunch xvill make her want to go again. Rlex's Club lunch. 154c-tf[ TYPEWRTS~i MAH'R'S UNIVE RSITY OOKST ORL! ,;.:---zs .r . ..: rxs zs e ra - ::-c; cx a .ua merra -ze:: THE1R E ISl NO$THI.NG BEFTTERFO G RA c--)UA lYiON GIFT-S TWIO LARGE STOCKS TO SELECT FROM E3 STATE STREET MAIN STREET 4 g , M - ; GIFTS ern Michigan Students! Notice! ye home this year! Owner of Sedan ;wis'hes car driven from, Arbor to, nnlcock lst of June~. s respnsible drivers. Car 5 people; Car, oil, half of gas- furnied; by owner; former 'gain student. Write Mrs. H. atriql,. 503~1 Lincoln Ave., De- Mjj hpn."179-2 DON'T FORGEIT Smlith Tire Repair edest and most reliable place Springfield Diamond Tires 128c-tf irmanton Bilbfe of the ]Detroit servatory of Music will teach in, piano, and hiarmony at isI lo. 307 North Main St. now through the summier. Phone -M. 1 781)_3 ag to commence that Secretarial ining 'course this Sun~m,r or 1.Hamilton Business College. te and Williams St. 1'T8c-3 to commence that business rse this. summner or fall. Hamn- n Business College, State and H;ams St. - 178c-3k e N~OW t'o learn typewriting- a :d rthand this summer and fall. liton fBusiness College. State Williams Sts. 178c-3 ROCK BOTTOM PRICES on gro- ies, seG Pierce's ad in the Wed.- day issue of T1he Daily:. I 25c-tf BUSINESS 4)I1PORWilAITY :NTION SUMMER WORD: This record breaking year in Det. oft ,l E~state. Energetic, intellitent "krs are earning~ $100 per woek more selling on four of the fin-L :pub-divisions ail WITHIN THE of Detroit. We are prepared to :e on the mnarket immediately a E M4ILLION IDOLLAR tract ofl H CLASS preperty and we want w serious, illing ,widec-awake Sto begin selling. give "special' attention to INEX- tJENCED MEN; we place the-,r the BEST MANAGERS TO BIE ), who help them with prospects, kwith them -and ASSIST them 'LOSING deals. salesmen are not confined to part of the city .or to one, class property. ORTUTNITY IS knocking at door; come in and :gee Mr.: Ken- k or Mr. Gerard and be con- for GRAD i~ TATI1 VN EXPERT makes. lBlock. Typewriter Repa-ring, :il; Ann Arbor Tyl,miriter tax-; Phone 866.,iJ ,avings B7 n?; 1 70p For d Speedster. Peppy motor, newI rear, end, top, windshield, speedom-1 eter, new rubber. Splendid for long drive home. A good buy at $145. 010 For-est Ave. 171J-3 FOR SALE-1l-room house* 1 blockI cast of campus, Price $12000 with $2))00 down. Phone 466 or 307. El- mer' E. Brooks, 7 Savings Bank Bldg. 179c-2 lIIOR RENT-Five furnished 'roome and bathi on first Ploor for suninfer., 429 S. Divisioni . 7 1 <' f- Oakland six tuig oversh:-d tires, Wllard battery; $150. 1121 Chiurch St. 1 78c- YPORSALE-Fir i home ohi best dist,-I riet S. E. of campus; close in. 8' large rooms, irze-place, large lot. Call 1283. 173c-2 FOR SALE----Wh to chffonier and dres.ser_, Burlap :rand -cretonnel screen^r. All now. Phone 3 2(r;_-M } 179p-2 179p-2 R OOMS for inen for summer scloo! andl next year. Phone 1194-M. E L ahi go .19-" FOR. RE-NT-Apartmeant furni.,hed or unfurnished for 'the sumniner near cam'pus. )O all 4.495-W. l7SP'-3 FOR REvNT--Rooms for men for sumi-r mom school. 602 Catherine. Phone 959. 177p -3 FOR BRINT-Six-rooin furnished house for summer. 432 Cross St. Phone 2990-PV. 179-2 FVOR RIENT-lf ooms for nine girls for next year. °200 N. State St. 3 179-2 lir 7R RENT- --Rooms for sumnmer at ahalf price. 425 Southn Division. 17::-2 Ill SCELLANE()S Ui FILMS-Developed and printed by our own photographers. Leave tlns -t ary of our stores today, get Prints tomorrow night. Calk- ins Fletcher Drug Co. 109e-21 Ir at oth Ends of the Diagonal Walk FOR HIRE PO0i IIIRB-Car with or Nvithou'l driv- er. Phone 1755-R. lG1le- ? Wag== -- - - ,...A..........._.. PHTONE 2700. PACKAGE AND BAG. GAGE EXPRESS. lOOc-tai HC-ave You7 Read The "For :Sale" W.at Ads' ,_ . h ,anrara=~r-a, -. -. ... U ~ - - ZflAc*1A~~... - - ~ aals 1~W*~4't.fltW*4~ £flW __________________________________________________________________________________________________ ~wiiTesWW T ~ gag F"I tI N I V FOR SALE-Tu;xedo suit and over- coat. Too small for owner. 'Call 1449-M. 179p-2 FOR SALE-Colt 4G automatic. Sac- rifice for cash. Call 3101 after i 'o'clock. 170-p-2, WATED WANTED- Salesmen for the Summer. or all year, for. a h igh grade, line of art products. No:t- a' house' to house propsition. All expenses paidl. Mena wantedl to take a state each. Call Tuttle at 2220 between 12 and 1, Friday and Saturday. 173p-2 Arrange to commence that Secretarial Training course this' Summer, or, Fall. -a milton Business College. State and Williams St. 178c-3 Lawn MHowe. s sharpened. Money backi -,gu arantee. Call Loaried Hardware, 310 S. State 11A. Phone 1610. 165c-tt. Plan< to commi ience- that business course this summer or fall. H-am- ilton B usiness College, State and Williams St. 178c-3 -Decide N'OW to -learn typewriting and shorthiand this summer and fall. Hlamiltoan Business College. state and Williams Sts. 173c-3 i"l 1 ; r t ...' Y'1 ' ,l.ry f,.e i . " r i * I WANTED-4leasant room proi ly in a private. family, contral catedl, for' two' refined wome several day s. Call 269-W. WANTED-High-class cook for momr Resort Hotel. IHighest A Address -The Dewey, South B Mhichiganl. ferab- .Iy le- E .for D ance at Jim 'Burke's Whitmore LakteI Dancing Pavilion. Every Friday and 1791)-2 1 Saturday night. Also Decoration Night. 172-5 ) t- wages, Javen, 179p WNVNTED-Quiet, refined young men for single rooms for summer. Three and three-fifty per week. Box EiT. 1 78p-3 'iverin-Ialdcman Company, 403-7 Empire Bldg., ffordl St., Detroit, Mich. / 7.76-5 ARY INTELLIGENE, PLUS [NARY PERSONALI'TY, AND D WORK WILL MAKE YOUJR M4ER A SUCCESSFULI ONE NC LALLY. WE HAVE TRAIN- MUANY SUCCESSFUL SALES- WORK THIS SUMME~R FOR NC ERN THAT KNOWS HOW lET RESULTS. A COMMIS- PROPOSITION WITH A KLY GUARANTEE. BOX H VICHIGAN DAILY. 1'74c-7 STUDENT -SALESMEN lave openings in 'Michigan,,'In- Illinois, and Kansas. Will be use you during vacation. Good sion, contracts, big mone;ysell- Health and Accident Policy to ional'and"Business men. We u every assistance to success. dress or call H. J. Moran. 1108 Packard St., City Agency Supervisor9.102 Len who haveo sated o ur tion but have en assigned n 'y should see me at once. H. J. LEADER ?J 622 E. Liberty St. kcross from Speddings. 178c-31 Automobile Firm has attrac- proposition to offer 4tudent umimer work. Slight mechan- 1 experience necessary, proper rces needed on application. B 2440. l79p-2 1 hire more STUDENTS for' BIER work. If at all interest- .good pay and outside work t 613 Packard St. between 7 evenngs.17e-. WANTED-Lapndry to do at bome: dresses and fine work preferred. Phone 2534-W. 176-5 WANTE~D AT ONCE-Ticket seller wvith experience iAtthe 7Micga Central Depot. 17u} WANTED-A -desirables suite near campus for summer session by two seniors. Box CA-NS. 1791)-21 ILOIISECLEANIN (3 WE makce you~r house clean without paint. We do both interior and ex- terior was~hing.. City H-ouse Clean- iug Co. Phone 1995-J. 152c30 EXPERTS on washing windows at reasonable prices. City Winslow Cleaning Co. %Phone 1995-J. 153c30 RUGS SHAMPOOEj~D or Dust cleaned. Ann Arbor Carpet Cleaning Works. Phone 650. 135c-tf LoSrl~t,-Ilaek travelig bag, contain- muig clothes andl a Lansing Library book, on Washtenaw or Ill! be- tween Ypsilanti and Jackson Please call 900-M Ypsilanti., F 1l78p-2: LtOST-ILightt yellow collie dog with white collatr and legs. Reward. ICall 453-J, 445 S. Fifth St. 179-2 LOS---Got fountain pen wkith the in (itils 0K in script. Call 1503- r. etward<. 179p-2 L0'J-* -~krimmed gla s ea in gray leathe( r- case on Sunday night, Ma y 27. Call, 1958-W. 179 LOST-Dutofold Pent. Call &~Gregory. 0094'. Reward. 179-2 LOST-A Mink Choker. -Call 2325 ReC'ward. 179p-2 HE STITCING HEMSTITCI-ING----Pecot, edge, silver and gold thread work. White Sew- ing Machmne Co. 205 El. Washing- ton. Phone 919. 1 79p-2 Patronise The Daily a dvertisers. ; ,. Y~ :, s.r : " a=r"' wm4L" ' r R$ r? r 7 , fi :. = -, ., _, " .r.y yo.,_ b a h r.. zaxr t ...w. n