R -I SS - S.. -5- M E O C M ISATO N A IM' To IUll ASI? ASS ('uoOEvIIAsTIO N i { SENJOR ACTIVITIES Eiubody ing .a complete resiti e of the activities of the class of '4,the Junior Literary Class lBook wvas gent, to members of the class yeAst reay Its avoWed purpose as stated in the "Foreword" is to serve as a "unity- ing -factor which, it is hoped, will contribute to avery successful bear- . ing of next ycar's responsibilities." The frontispiece consists of peni sketches of the officers of the class.! Following this is an editorial ont "Loyalty". A review of the acti vi-' ties and successes of the class in cam-I pus vork is found in the remainxing! divisions of' the booklet: "Thre Junior Atliletps","Publcations", "Concern- ing the Juniors in Dramatics", "Thel Michigan Union", and "The S. C. A." Juniors who acted as the editorial staff are the following: Robert C Moriarty. WI irr D. Hoey, FrederickI Gilner, I'Ioivard A. Donahue, John L.I Stephenis, l~iph N Bye.-s, and Mar- :onl Van lEvery. LE kGUfCONDUCT8S ALUMNUS CAMPAIGN i Senior subscriptions to the Alum- aus are now beng received bly niern-!. berg of the WAomn's league at the{ booth. in University hail for $2.50 a-!. piece. More than 500 seniors have .I :already subscribed to the weekly mag- azine of the Alumni association., The subscription fee also includes membership in the Alumni associa- tion and the alumni button wvhich sig-z nijies that the, wearer is a graduate, of Mficigan. The booth will, be open he rest of this hek and the first ! of next Wreck.e "Jiminie the adtaker" sells anything quickly. .-Ad Y. Patronize The Daily advertisers. t Interesting Pose ITRE1OI~OTS'I~ Of Italy's Hero' Three dormitories will be open dlur- ' i ing summer school. They are Helen Newberry residence. Betsy IBarbour - house, and Adelia Cheever house. New- yk E berry will'" use the whole house, In-- ej luding rooms on fourth floor, for the fi0rst time this summer. Imiprovements ; jmade last summer have made this pos- sible. Adelia Cheever house will not r :: :"be co-operative during. the sunimer ~ *:months, as it is in the re gular school year. ~4~;:'. ~ ~. W lveS Programi At Stale Schoolj Ten women from the University Y. .I XW. C, A. motored to Adrian Wednes- ::':":.: :.-'... . day ive a program at the, y State Industrial School for Girls.A quartet from the University Girls' IGlee club wras assisted by a violinist *V rand a reader., Miss Mary Ross, Y. WV.I C. A. secretary, accompanied the party. ' Transportation was furnished by au- tomobiles from. the Congregational; 'church secured} by Rev. Hlerbert A.' Jump, 'who arranged the trip.t Frendil Seize Large Sums of Money Essien, May 29-(By A.P.)--The' French used 10' motor trucks to cart l ~ I away 92 billions of German marks Premier )risoll nl In formcal dreis (about $2.000,000), seized a~t the That Benito Mussolini, Italy's Fas- Rihbn ee h oe ilg cist prmier ca wer a oupandto pay costs of the Occupation Aillies' fish" as fetchingly as the black shirt invasion. regalia of the Fascisti is indicated by this photo, one of the latest taken of', lh~Istl rtmmt hpe the Italian "man of the hour." ' Po. .Welchoftezlgyd plartment will be in Boston for the Last 2 Whim .S To week-end where he will help install : Appear T'omorrow, ate scientific fraternity, at lHarvard. Editors for the 1923-'24 'Whimsies II VICTOR ALLMFSEDINGER will be announced in the final issue jT t of that magazine which will appear ! PI AN.1O Tf"UNING Sehool of Husle Tuner on the campus tomorrow. At a spe- !hN ctal meeting of the present board held Offlree at Res., 418 N. Dldlslon St. Patronize The Daily advertisers. Nn" +vb4rt s ttd Ja'VkAQ"V TIMVE TABLE (t dtn Standtard 't'ime Vetroat Lixited *ad Express Car*-- axv and hourly to 9 :o5 p.m. jac1kpor Express Crs Uxal stops we,,t of Atin Arhor) ---9 :4 a.m.. and ever'y' two I) -IFr to94 7 fii'l. Vocai Cars Ear' Bound--7:oo am.'n axle every two tuuur .to 9 A . W .1, t1:6 :op.m. To Ypsilanti oniy-t t :Ma4 ~T* ,aiine-Chiangec at Ypsifanti. Local Cars West Bouad--7o:S*anm., TX. Jackson amid )laaizoo-Lirr. ited cats 8:47, 10:47 ana., 12:471 2:47. 4:47 p.m.. 'To Jarkcson ansd Laning-Iitnited at 847 pm. r" Bond .Soiling C OLLEJGE MB. w~ho have ;rainedl for it and who have niatural ,qualtmicationa tor bond telling will find that this or- ganization affords themr an un uqual opportunity to establish themnselves in. Chicago. We deal only In the highest grade investment securities.. Write for an interview stating your qualifications as your'Bees them. ("OORR~hATON SECURITI.ES COMrPANY ;fin S. LA :Salle St", jTickets, 'Tc u Ctuiecs- a>ll line Ia UROPE and ORIENT; 601 E. Huron St. Phone 1384' ' S3 4 Read the orlasiledsha.'you may find V A SI AENY something fr sal that you need. STA HI AjNT Attention, Senior FOR SALE Complett' Law Library and Office F TERMS I (A if5h Communicate: C. P. O'HARA 3931 McGraw Ave. Your Choice6 Damon- "What writing are you doing, ryth- Hier another letter ?" OF ANY OF THEE' USED CARE BARGE Pythias- "No--not this time. Something more to the point, as one would say. I'm writing the Pater to send me a dozen Eldorado pencils. They are all sold out down at the store." 17 leade-all dealers Fords, Dodges, C hevrolets,- Nash, and Reo -PRICES RANGE FROM $25 Uf74. Ann A rbor BuikSales 120 W. HURON P'ower! Pick-.up!I elected to the board, and the two muell-t brs of the preset board who are re-! turning to the University in t.. falll will co plte the quota of fi9ve. Tr. Halsey Davidson, '25; Armin: F. Webbink, '25; and Frances :~wi:are the editors elect. y UNITED CIGAR STORE 'When women voluntar ly tes- tify to the superior qualities of the Duro Belle, there must be a good re.-son. Duro Belle dualityr is estab- lished . We want you to'learn for yourself. Try a few, and get the satisfac- tion that comes with wearing the best hair nets mrade. 71., wh.1 mb...Dat k fj 1 I y ' ES ld IfMlitftN //14 Three qualities 'in which GASOLINE specialize". you will 'be satisfied. WHITE Give it a STAR tial - I THE LAST SHIOT FREEEE One lac 'T i Sm~noking Tobacco. nd 2 dozen Ipe 'Cleaniers, with every 5:Oc Pile In Stock. $I0-W urohit IV. D. G. Pipes, cut to...... ........... .......$ *.9 $4.0 Mlilano Pipes, Italia Briar, cut to............ $'10.00 Dunhljl Pipes, cut to...... ... .................. .8.0 $.00 Gillette Razors, eut to .................... 9 $1.0 G illette Bhiules, One wo~en, Cut to. ......... . 9 $2.00 Auto-Stroll Razors, gold plated, cut. to. ....... "...... r...*10 Cor. N. University and, 1201 Cor. Huron and. Ashley Cots. 4t0 a4 IOU, Adstans 54 MICIHIG.AMME OIL C At $500.06 will, be fired To.day or Tomorrow. AFTrER SATURDAY YOU'VE LOST YOUR CHANCE TO' work for the Fuller Brush ,: .. .., .y Ly. The chance to makce the money you need. TALK IT OV'ER WITH BURBY ROOM 304, UNION. TO-NIGHT.A T..7:00 IA Sc - - Ice Cold Beer S c ITE lHAVE THlE BEST BSEER ON TAP, INl TOWN- A SHOOPER THlE RIGHT STORE .NP )TNlE R1011T PRIDES JETTER & De RE 118' EAST HURON STRUT . GTRADUATING SENIORS t3421 ISTOR;ES PHOM~ £~-R 11 t I ' r . ,". t LJODGE HROTHeRS' US eD CARS 1919 DODGE BROTHERS TOURING All Dodge Brothers used care are put in flrs't- class condition in our shops before sold. Remember: . used car is only n good as the firm with which you deal. Ann Arbor Garage 206 W. ,Huron t. What Are You Going To6 Do,' i INN ER TUBES AND SHOES For all sizes of autos~here, All of standard make. All guar- anteed by the manufacturers.' All with splendid records of mileage service. Tried, and true tires are the only kind we handle and the only kind you can affod to use on your car. IRWIAN M. CLEMENTS 117 W. ,WASHINGTON ST. W~E-HAVE something very attractive to offer several cle a n cu t energetic. University of. Michigan graduates, who desire to maike a Per- manent connection with asuccessful organiza- tion, operating in Detroit and a number''of other large cities in other states. Our Nation al Ex- pansion program offers 'exceptional opportun i- ties to the right kind of men.Our business fits 4 -._...... U. S. L. STORAGE BATlTERIES are the best for your radio outfit R cntals 25c. a day '6 a. m. to midnight service all' 1t I THE iUN1_VRSALCAXR in w'ith your college training. OLDSMOBILE CARkS TIRES AND AUTO ACCES- S ORIE S OF ALL KINDS ECONOM Y GARAGE DRIVE A USED FORD HOME AD SAVE YOUR CAR FARE I I ti!!ElIJEJIIIItIIliltl!l11J11ilUflillllt C ALL in person any day between 9 and '4 o'- clock, or write Mr. Smith--610 irst Nation- I al Bank Bldg., Detroit, Michigan. ASHLEY AM) HURON V-T IQ" T T.1- Q Y3T Am IIU "U V- "J "% V:q - 1-0-1U A-% I I I