THE MICHIGAN DAILY ILLlI Ill'RK1 °rf. Brurnr Will, Direct Senior Play IJune 14, 'on an open air stage. He has made Senior and Junior Girls' plays a 4' nc f a irn .ltn r Mrs. M. Cake, Saturday, Mrs. Yates #'Adams; Armory, Friday, Mliss Martha £ WOMEN SIGN 'ISORSIIIP i r. u woman who will be a Juniorf ar will be required to pay a dvisor tax of 75 cents, it was at a meeting of sophomore held yesterday afternoon in 'aswell Angell hall. This sum, ssmaller than that paid other sbeing levied on each woman ;lass, instead of on the juniora alone. Women are urged to. tax as soon as possible. than 100 women signed at this for junior advisorships during ling year. Those who have an opportunity to sign are ado so as soon as possible. ies of the advisors were ex'- and the committee chairmen omen were urged to begin to! lays for - next year's Junior a v. success 1or sverl lyeatrs .7i11, SatdaUy, M~rs. Ph'yius Rey-* nol ds. I Michigan Dames will hold the last , l meeting of the year Tuesday evening ~I*%I~at Newberry residence. The annual picnic for the husbands will1 be a't the !adisland Saturday night.3 All lockers in Barbour gymnasium- . must be cleared out by this noon Tickets for tihe Senior Girls' 1;l y as it is necessary. for Mrs. Black- to be given on Thursday, June 14, can bur to have the keys. be obtained for $1 and $1.50 at Wahr' s and Graham's bookstores unt alum- All women interested in doing social nae day, June 14, when the sale will ervice work next fall, especially hos- be conducted at Alumni Memorial hall.i vital work, are asked to sign up at Mlail orders can be obtained until June \ewberry hall as soon as possible. In{ 10 by addressing Katherine Kuhlman .his work a minimum of two hours aj at Martha Cook building, and enclos- veek is required. ing a self addressed stamped envelope. IOthers may want, but why you. Call 9GO, should --Adv. I, a COMINGi SUNDAY MARIE PROVOST- AND MONTE BLUE MARTHA WASHINGTON Candies Ifresh every Friday., Tice's, 113 East Liberty.-Adv. The new Lit. 2u!ilding is growing. have you watched the classifieds grow ?-Adv. ti wV iN "B A Rehearsals this week for the Senior Girls' play will be held as follows: Act II at 4 o'clock this afternoon; the cast at 7 o'clock tomorrow night. Mlemnbers of Portia Literary society are requested to send their summer addresses to Charlotte Blagdon, 603 Monroe street, before Wednesday, June 0. Chaperones for the dlances this week end are as follows: Union, Friday, ss,99 GILBERT'S Chocolates fresh every Friday. Tice's, 113 East Liberty. W( p12 !e The Baily advertisers. r Prof. jobniI f. 1rujm Professor Drumm is directing the annual Senior Girls, play, "Sherwood," which will be, presented on Thursday, S. FOUNTAIN PEN .INK "'The Ink That Made t'he F'ountain Pen Pssible MI 'I A dash ofApril, abit of May, a breth of June «.A New Spring Oxford with life and youth in every linea Severly simpl in pattern and moderately wide in last -In Golden Brown, Ruddy Brown or Black Calfskin c ON DISPLAY TODAY at GEORGE KYER'S S.-ores in iA'sYorkB okYn Wewvarkt 2'kita.*''2drss for Mail rdetrs 111 Da vu& irec-NewYtarkCity j. AND TOTMORROW p.. TODAY Let Us Help You Choose Trrhat Graduation Gifts f k 4 E 4 i GLADS WALTON fIN 'TE LOVE LETTER k AND REGINALD DENY IN "THE NW LEATHER PUS HERS" Al We carry a complete line of toilet articles, candies and other fitting g'ifts for tis great occasion MANN'S DRUG STORE, S T REET 218 SOUTH4 MAIN _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - -- r TODAY AND SATURDAY I' Suit, Prices 'Slashed for Quick Sale ! Manfy actually below cost MlAYBE IT WAS HER BABY STCARE; MVAYB3E iT WAS HER SMILE; MAYBE iT WAS HER ANGEL EYE- MAYBE!' 13U . LOOK OUT-- XAJ EIVE cut the h eart righlt out, of prices on every Sit in our entire stock. Finest ,armnts of the sson, Superbly tailored of richest rabrics go at re- dJuctis ,almost neJiT~I !h e y' v e got to be cleared away flow--- this week!. ~angockSuits, $60 and,$65' values .. . a .$41.50, Extra Seciul Norfolk1S, $55 values $37-50 Brooks Model Sack Suits, $55 to $70 values 0$37.50 Sports Su its, $50 and $55 ,values... $33,50 Brooks Model Sack Suits, Arrow Shirts $2.19! Regularly $2.75 B RAND new Arrow shirts that just came itoo late for regular spring business. So here they go at a sacrifice price! Macde of fine white polo cloth with attached col- lars that button clown or are plain. They're priced ev 'rywher e at $2.75, but wc' ee slashing them' to $2.19. Gieat Sale of Tdies At 65C, $1.15 EC EL L ENT asortment of $1.50 ties go this week-end at $1.15. Smart $1. bow ties reduced to 65c. , p, i 3-, .4+ 1 4 kk t ,= ,. , '' :, tr s r . \ l pr When a Woman has the Eyes' of a,,trAnge and the Soul of a Vantire -- -LOOK. OUT! ( $45 to $55, values a $33.50 Tha%00 4' ^_-1 1,' fi! MIA f .1 1 h t .. i V kera Sports Suits, $45 and $50 vles ... ... $29.50 Brooks Model Sack Suits, $40 to $50 values . $29.50 Terms cash ; alterations extra F9 Q M ABEL IALLIN as BECKY SH AR I l f rf r Y sp .! k* r, rj j I Ij -SUPPORTED? 0BY- HARRISON FORD GEORGE WALSH 7 AMNIWIVEXTT rR7 FCC 1