T" VtN DAILY .r. .,..CTCNDAL f ._ Sir Ho'r I Sir Robert ihome has succeed Stanley Bald ellor of the exchequ( 'ho recently succeeded ritish premier, appoin ETIES TDO C "lessor ' The above action has been deemed { Gyms t( Be U'sed for Registration Heinm Comp~any hfas Student Work isition and th n furish;l details to advisable because of the fact that it is Becauise of limited space, the Sep-. H. J. Heinz company, will have a those who are, interested. -ial PO ! thought that a number of the studentsI tember registration of men students representative at the Union from !__________ havengutl:3 not yet become acquainted with! in the College of 14.terature, Science, 8:0ocoktsmrigutl83 GILBERT'S Chocolates fresh everyl -=--- , tehonor system, as indicated by the and thle Arts, will be held in "Water-!o'clock tonight and during the same Fiday. Tice', 13 at iet. . number of violations during the past iman gymnasium. The registration hours tomorropw to meet students who Adv. seme~ster. for the coming summner session wl contemplate summer' work. The rep- -- -- be held as usual in the office of the rrsenative, who wilt be in room 303, Patronize The Daily advertisers, registrar in University hall.1 will first outline his general propo-j If 1M 11 ti11 IM 11111111111HIIIfil I-, - li° e There is no reason why you ---. .r °- should feel uneasy while in -3're: a taxi, rxihgitis, a . °sprone~r s been namied -I diw in as chan-' Black and Whitc.t er. Brajdwin,jDiciiainndctsgo tae. heprn Bonar Law as Dsriiato idcaeooouaserTepesnsafety is our chief ted Horne. who buys gauto gifts here may well be called aou gradutionconcern. wperson who discrimir .4cs Letween the good anid ihe I _ ~That is wh y we hire drivers JMMIII[[~~~~ best' We hare a display of gifts suitable for theinwo wecntu. graduate which we are sure will Please your sense of r hy wl die a n iengneig 1tesadgood taste. ; e have some of the newer speed you wish within the nselves to as- I e in upholding wN.athes, bothy ladies' and gentlemen's, in the modern limit.I coming exam- of the socie- , design~s. 'Make us your headquarters in the matter1 Lerdivra esot ors, and those; f.vey rivr.n scrt arning wvill be of Q Ift shobping - e offered their, 1 flange, Tauv S. TM. E~,A. I. .angles. SATURDAY . 5Pc-50c ARHU H.ARNOLD WIN 2-50-764*1 ILE C State Street Jeweler . ~302 So. StateMG e Masqruerader" )R BUS =- --CentralAN 6:00 and _____________________ SATURDAY_ _ _ i.m. Leaves W. L. and 12:45 . . Ann Arbor in. Leave = lae ily. .Glr The Lucindla Sandal of wvhite bjuck is amnon stlsof foot wear for summer. This Sandial the> sports costume 'and with the Suimmer Ti has cutouts on both sides, a low rubb~er. b( which hold,, it in place. T'he price is veryr +v;. $7o50:.. ONE STRAP WITH s-i ILTARY HEEL White pumrps of agood. qual poplin in a one-strap style fa. ioned with a military- heel are pedial ly comfortable f o r h weather wear and lock well w light summer dresses. Thi pum ps are priced most mnodera ly. $6.00 -Military or Flt eels. For those. who like best thie oxfords there are two styles, both of a goodl quality reign- skin. One mode has the flat heel ;knd broad oes while the othe:r has a miore pointedl to(, and military heel. Thiese ox- fords are priced- ish- es- 1 o t to vit.h 1CSG a ate- e 0 P O O ,a k4a ImImea _ met j-.-- Y _. i ';:, THE L Is3D I,, Student soceties of t1 college< have pledge,,] the cis'; the honor commnitte( thle honor system in the ina tlons. The members ties wvill warn all violat who liersist after such w reported to the committe The societies who have servic~es are: Web and Beta Pi, A.' S. C. E., A. E. E., Vulcans, and Trh GAFRRICK9 41h An-'ual Seasou NIGH' in I300TFI T -RK1N NEXT MONDAY _ "The ADRIAN-ANN WOB (Effective May 14- Pus leaves Adrian 11:45a. In. and 3x:45 p -Inn Arbor 6:45 a.m aInd 4:45 p. Il. (4 .a. ind (G:45 1p. Adr ia3n :45 pl. in. on $6.06 j:f [ ~ain Floor) , ? , V 7, Re ad The D aily "Classified" Colt _ ...... _,.......a , , - _ .. ,. MIDAS' aN fSATOUAY B.U .cars at Saline both ways ronetionsfor Y psilan;ti, Wayne I an l Detroit. l- SAIL story done1 A DRA~MA OPTBLAUT AMONB ID.SS nce Budington Ke FAMOUS,, JRDAY EVENING into thrilling pictures I land's CAST , c c,: , , titi, - : " 11 . . r- - *, /, / / I, , T - ". . t, .x 'r r' FRIEI ,T H V S THE DTE and Edith lRoiberts COnthis date we will start giving an extra pair. of trousoraABSOL UTELY FREE with every'. SUIt ORDERi S , This means a savi~ng rm Talk about your two-fisted dramas of the lawless North country! Here's a picture that's packed with.. thrills from beginning to the last gasp 'that leaves you breathless: It's the story of a lid who learned that love, was worth fighting for"-even though the opposition. were a gang "of cruel North Woods schemers who stopped at nothing to gain. their ends. pfl4" \,~ N 4, '. to $200 an every suit, TEN DAYS-DELIVERY GUARANTEED - In Addition -- "WHERE THEE S A LL" £7 in ors South State Street at William Street, A Sunishine Coui dy SCHLEDUILE MATINEE 2-0 - 3:30 *EVENING 7:00 - 8:30 -4TF SOINGSNDAY WALTER HIERS in "60 CENTS AN HOUR" The Hlome of Iietter Clothes: Fn Ft:r n-i*sh ings at Fair Prrices, With JACQUELINE LOGAN _ , 11I ' - A- CO U rte. I M- "M 3r -SOON- r~%%2^1 A!I l3® W C I