.-.GAN"1 \2ATLY ......w.:w..r' .-... . THIS COLUIMN CLOSES AT 3 P.M. s are at the e, ,C12, DMI, CLASSIFTID.. Classified Rates. Twos cents at word a day, paid ini advance. Minnimum charge for first day, 25c., Minnium thereafter', 20c. Thre~e cents per word per day if charged. Whit _ space, charged for at rate. of five cents per agate line. Classifieds, charged only to towse having phones. iPhone, 864 NOTICE DON'T FORGET Smith Tire Repair Oldest .and,.most reliable place to buy tires. Kelly Springaeld ialmond Tires Dance at Jim Buke's Whitmore Lake Dancing Pavilion,. Every Friday and, Saturday night. Also Decoration Night. 172-51 Touring to New York City~ between1i now and June .42, in Olds Eighit Room for five students. $25 each. Box'BO. 176p-3 FOR, ROCK BOTTOM PICES on gr'o- ceries, see Pierce's ad in the 'Wed-. nesda.y Issue of The Daily. ,e125c-tr ATTENTION SUMMER W AORK: This is a, record breaking year in jDetrolt R eal Estate. Energetic, intelligent workers are earning $tOO per weoek and mnore selling on four of the flin- est sub-divisions 9ll WITHIN THE City of Detroit. We are prepared to place on the market immediately a FIVE MILLION DOLLAR tract of H4IGH- CLASS property and we wrant a few serious, willing ,wide-awalke- mnen to begin selling./ We give special attention to INEX- PERIENCED MEN; we place therm with the BEST MANAGERS TO BEIAnh eltaiwthpoecs work with them and ASSIST them. in CLOSING deals. Our salesmen are not confined to cone part of the city or to 'one class of property. OPPORTUNITY IS knocking at your door; come in and see Mr. Ken- drick or Mir. Gerard and be con- vinced. McGiverin-IHaldcman Company, 40:3-7 Empire Bldg., 107" Clifford St., Detroit, Mich, E ~176-51 PREP NIT MEN MEET IN TOUREYD THURfDl Strong1-competition is expected :when hh school tennis players meet: in Fthe annual Michigan interschiolastic tennis tournament to be held here Thursday, .Firiday, and Saturday, on Ferry field. Entries are pouring in from most of the high schools of Mich- igan which boast star netmen and sev- eral schools from outside of the state. Detroit schools will 'be represented by strong teams and are expected o produce the chamnpionship combina- tion!. Briederman of Detroit South- easitern and George Lott, national Jun- ior clay court champion,. are among those from the "Auto City" who will make strong bids for the champion-1 ships; Jerome of Detroit Eastern, andf Zeman of Central, are two, other Dae-1 troit players who are. expefztod to shine, Milford Agricultural school, Rayonj high scool of Young,,stown, 0.,, and South high school of Cleveland , also boast strong aggregations. GIR ,S' C1J'EE CiLLTBELECTS I OFFICER1S "AT FINAL MIEETIWTG At the final meeting for the year of the University Girl's Gloe club, of t-1 ccr: for the. coming year, were elected as follows : prescden,., Dorothy Lane, '24; vice-president, l1-iclenBrow,.,, '25; secretary, Dorothy Westjpial, '24; treasurer,, Loraine Price, '24; pran- ager, Charlotte Blagdonl, '25; a _ditor, 'Statira Butinan, '24; librarian, Es- ther Mahaffy, '25. Conitribute $75 to )1iehigiiin Lealgue Betsy Barbour house will contribute $75 more to' the Michig^an Leaguel .building fund, as the result of theI fashion show given through the cour- tesy of the J:'L. Hudson complany, of Detroit, Constance B~aldwin, '23, man- aged the enterprise. Classified-Con't. 11 TSiEULEAN lNG U '4W7E iiake your house' clean without .paint. We, do both: interior and ex- tenior.a liing. City House Clean-' lug Cc, Phone 1995-J, 152c0 EXPERTS A bn washing windows at reasonable prices. City Windlow Cleaning, Co. Phone 1995-J. 153c301 RUGS SHIAMPOOER or Dust cleaned. Ann Arbor Carpet Cleaning Works. Phone 56. 135c-tf k REX' Special Canoe' Lunch will make her wvant to go again. Rex's Club lunch. 154c-tf MISCELLANEOUS College To Honor Aged Pofessor S .a- ti I9 Intram ural Items MembOers of Pros. L K ,chscas -sin Shakespearian reading' weill pre. Puring a recent m~eeting of the ini- sent scones from ih ' and fronit tramural officials, Eln er D). Mitchell, --- dizrector of intramural athletics, an -____________________ nounced that hie had appointed Rober' Young, '24, and Hal (elsner, '24, toy serve as intramural mngesfo"I' the year 1923-24. Two managers were appointed for next year instead of on^ because t~ie volume of the Intramural depart- mernt's work° has increcased so much q during the last year that the posi- LOIS vv 1.~IN tion's duties wecre too much for one student to handle. D c A At the same meeting the assistant m anger" appointm ents for the year__________________________________________ 1923-24 wvere announced : They are1 as follows: H. McCobb, '25, speed-,D~'D ball; G. Weitzel, '25, baseball; I. Hur- 1LA-1X i wich, '25, track; L. Lally, '25, has- ketball; A. Goetz, '25; fall minor - 1]i .,hrts; P. Jeromec, '25, winter minor sports; A. Wilkoff, '25E, spring min- 'I6CPLUN or sports; W. l B. afferty, '25, pub- licity. ~~~1~~ _ _ _ _ _ _ -ni N. D. DAXLI WHITE i ~ER" IS oT~ I - - - The Lytton College Shop is a Separate Shop Dervoted exclusively to the Interests of Well Dressed College Men ITUATION WANTED-Cook (male. colored,, cooking school gradutate) wishes work in a fraternity where good cooking. and economical man- agement would. be appreciated. G. W. Station A, 547, Champaign, TlH. 169p-10 VANTED-lPair of tan riding or cav- alry boots; sinze 8 1-2. or 9. Call. 0. G. Andrews shoe repair shop, State St. 1 76p-2 ORDINARY INTELLIG]ENCIH, PLUS ORDINARY PERSONALITY, AND HARD WORK WILL MAKE YOU.R SUMMER A SUJCCESSFUJL ONE FINANCIALL4Y. WE HAVE TRAIN- ED MANY SUCCESSFUL SALEiS- MEN.. WORK THIS SUMMER FOR A CONCERN THAT KNOWS HOW TO GET RESULTS. A COMMIS- SION PROPOSIIO N WITH A WEEKLY GUARANTEE. BOX H CE, MICHIGAN DAILY. 174c-7 STUDENT SALESMEN We have openings in Michigan, In- diana, Illinois, and Kansas. Will be glad to uise you during vacation. Goedh commission, contracts, big money sell- ing our I-ealth and Accident Iolicy to Professional and Business men. W1e give you every assistance to success,. Address; or call H. J. Moran. 1108 Packard St., Citr~ Agency Supervisor 170-12 WE will hire two more STUDENTS for SUMMER wort as assistants to. {Drofessional salesman. New terri- tory. Choice of salary or commis- sion.. No previous experience nec- essary. Call at '613 PACKARD, Tues., Wed., Fri:, 7-8:30 p., m. 176c-3 FOIL SALE WVANTED-For next year.; Single room in quiet house near north side of campuss. Box GTH. 176p-2 Dr. Jonias 0. ote~tein Dr. Jonas 0. Notestein,, for half a century professor of Latin at the Col- lege of Wooster, Wooster, 0., will be honored by faculty, alumni~ and stu- dents at ,the 53rd annual commence- ment ceremonies of the college in June. The occasion will altso mark the 50th anniversary of his graduation from the College of . Wooster. Dr. INotesteia's research in the origin of languages has won him recognition bothabroad' and in this country and, has been a factor, in the -advancement of that science. lie has announced his intention of beginning his 51st year of; teaching service with the college next ' fall. Americans Make Experimental Trip M4oscow, May 29.-- (By A.P. ) -Three 1Americans.;are. among passengers un- dertaking an experimental trip inaug- urating one of the world's longest; commercial lines from Moscow to Tis- lis 2,000 miles. They' are Walter Am- brose, of Baltimore; E. W. McCaffrey,I of, Cambridge, Mas. Randall Swain, of. Painesville, Ohio.. All of them are connected with the Near .East relief.I They were at Moscow on vacation and are returning to duties.t 4WANTED-t'Laundry j dresses and fine- IPhone 2532-W. to do work at home: preferred. 176-5f WANTED--Cook. for boarding houxse b~eginning June 20. Give references; .Phone 1456-W. 176-2 WANTED" Wardrobe- trunk. Price must be reasonable. Call 1855. f 176-2 b FOR IRENT FOR REN'T-2ior summer school and Snext fall: Very desirable 3-room& suite, private bath, first floor, separ- ate outside entrance,~ one half block from campus. Suitable fo~r two faculty men or man . and wife. CallI -Barrett 3015. 1771 fFOR RENT-Two lig~ht' house keep- i ng rooms, very comfortablly fur-c nished, use of electric washer, rent -reasonable, 514k N. State, Phone SAVAILABLE AT ONCE-Several de- sirable roomls, newly decorated, close in; also garage. 518 Pack- ard. 1741-3 SFOR RENT-Attractive, newly furn- !- shed 3-room apartment for summer months. Call 2695i-W.. 176=2 F~O'R SALlP-$050. 3A Graflex, in 4'r" feet working 'condition for $830. Oujr guarantee- goes with it. Calkins Fletchier' Drug Co. State St. 175c-3 FOR SALE-Bosch and Loinb com- pound microscope 7.5 eyepiece, 4. and 16 mmi. leas. Excellent condi- tion. Mir.,-Ferman, 500 Packard, 2445-W.. 1 77p-3 FOR SALE-4.;5 Plate and film cam- era, convertible lens, double exten- sion. .30 Luger. pistol, .303 Ross. Prices love. Wagar, 321 S. Division St 1324-J. M7p-2 Pullman day bed, kitchen table, din- in&. table, bridge lamp, cot, book- shelves, bed,, springs, mattress,; small table. Phone 1755-R. 176.p-2. FOR SALE-Ford four-door sedan. If you want to save some money on a brand new car, call Paton. 2951-W. 170-tf FOR SALE-$50 takes my Ford road-] ster. Tires good. Motor A-i. Phone r2440. 7-10 p. m. 176p-2 Lacwn Mowers sharpened.. Money back guarantee. Call Larned Hardware, 310 S. State St. Phone 1610. lG5c-tf. ANN ARBOR CUSTOM SITOE FAC- TOR *Y. Bring your repairs where shoes> are made.. Sport. shoes made to order2-one week service. We specialize in attaching double crepe soles to your shoes at regular prices. We manufacture all k"inds I of shoes. Student agents wanted., 534 Forest avenue. Call. 3043,. l70c -12 M1ALIE iELP WANTED WANTED-'Several students wIhoce-I sire work during summer vacation. With some factory experience lire- ferred. Apply at Economy BalerI Co., N. Main St., Ann Arbor. ....- A N D - RESERYATOQN will be madec by a Repre- : sentative of ~WAJKE & TW AU Located at - EI ICH AN UNION JUTN 17 rriiAND 61,11 11 A. M. TO 8 P. M. After, Exams, Drop In and.Se the New Things for Summer XOU mene who dress in the collegiate manner will ~Lwant a lighter suit for, real Summer comfort, a sport shoe. for tennis, or, at least, a few polo shir~ts. A 'visit to. the College Shap will authoritatively ixn- for o of what is being worn for Summer. Assort- ments are wide and assembled with consideration to moderate expenditures. Burchield wilt. be here all Summner to help you select. A Convenient Shop in a Corner of O r Sccon4 Floor ~j~q FOR RENT-'Three furnished ight, housekeeping roonms. 1025 Vaughn. St. Phone 2418-W. 176-21 APARTMENTS-And light house- keeping rooms within two blocks of campus. Ralph T. Swez.ey, 3184. 177p FOR RENT-+Housekeeping '3-room suite and 2-room suite, for summer. 1340 Volland St. Phone 1879-W. ° 1771)-2 FOR RENT-Furnished~ 6-room house with sleeping porch, near campus. Call 2947-R. 176p-2 FOR RENT-Garage on Church St. near Campus. Immediate posses- sion. Call 2947-R. 176p)-2 Largest Fine Clothing Store in the World--STATE at'JACKSON, Chicago l' FOR SALE-Old Town Canoe in first class 'condition. Call Schmitz, 1762-W'V. 177p FOR SALE-.~Whte reed baby stroller, in good condition, with top. $1~2.' FOR SALE-Ford roadster in good running order. $65. Phone 2464-J1. 177p I * FRQ~ SALE-Gibson guitar. In spljen-' did shape. Call 2271-3. 177p RENT-Rooms, quiet ichers preferred. 210 '7J. After 5 P. nm. and clean. N. IngaliB, 177p-2 FOR RENT-Two light housekeeping rooms, June 15. 62-0 E. Liberty St. 177p FOR RENT-Modarn u frnished six- room house. Summer 'months or longer. 624 S. Division. 177p FOR RENT-Rooms&-for4men for sum- mer school. 602 Cath~erne. Phone Y959. 177p-3 Garage for' sumnmer.~ Cem~ent floor, electric lights., 1340 Volland St. Phone, 1579-W. - .177p-2 - Don't Forget Green's Hurry, Hurry Up D~ray and Baggage Li~ne ~Phone 31,30. 520 Detroit St;. 176p-31 LOST LOST-A: Wahl silver fountain pen between the ibrary and corner of S. University and Church St., has initials F. L. 'R. Finder call 2730. 177h LOST-A marten collar neck-piece in front of* College Inn on State street" Saturday night. Liberal reward for return to Michigan Daily. 176-3 LOST-Black rimmed glasses in gray leather, case on Sunday night, May 27. Call 1958-W. 177p LOST-Man's reconstructed ruby ring. Reward. Call Taylor, 1142-M. 174p-4 - FOUN~D F OUND-Lady's Ifountain pen, last week near U Hall. Call. Crosby 18. 177p LOQCK(SMITHS 1=1 I- - - ii - -a 1= - - New Victor Specal ." Size Price . 74808 I Vespri Sicilkimi-O tea Palermo!.Jose M rdomies 12 $1.75a 1572=1 Saku'itala-Overture, Pairt I..-Victor Symphdony Orchi. 12 1.25 .,Sakumtala-Overture, Part 2-. Vctor Symphony Orchi. ; Ig 0The Music Lesson. (Io-Re-1311) .. The Dumcan Sisters 10 .75 . - Baby Sister, Blues.............The Dmic.a. Sisters- .. 1J052 Who's Sorry Now?---Fox Trot Ori~t.:5, vlis ive 10 .7 i a jAiaJKCS fli11540x 'Tro.......... A m>iaIh5ive =a ".1008:3 Little Rover-F"ox Trot .. . . ltentaflimial "iov. Oreli. 10 .75 Rtunnin' Wild-F1ox Trot .... Great 1 'jte Way Orel. a Snaliec1s We have. several styles that are in a class by themselves-- Sand, ]beige, Gt ey and Coffee' shades, priced from $8.50 to $10.00 with leather or composition soles from $6.50 to $10"0 per pair., This stunrning style c in a coffee- shade. can also be worn ar the ankle. Priced at ! per pair. r~b ..owHeel W is urnusu ally attractive an~d decidedi ent. The strap is fringed and fast two but tons. InThree ( BLACK SATIN and PATENT LEATHER $00 ® _:1,.l~la~. .GREY CALF and BLACK .:::::::..... 95 ~.VKIIIUIJI~LSAND CALF and BROWN...........50 p, F L I F Alli A- -- -~1 . 1_ 9