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May 30, 1923 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-05-30

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__ . N

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UAL BIG TEN UID#RMEET' Hyde Elected Captain Of 1924 Swimming Team;
Tfl AF HI WU Tlq U1-V! aegat~dKaa '~ ansasO~u

..-r... ......,._




in All LBut W1ei Ii
ill, be the scene of
portant~ trac'k event;
xt, Friday and Satur
anms from the Big
'decido the suprem
ce as far as the cir.

'° , g ~e ac1 ver the season w3
just drawing'to a close will show
f, the ygreatest year i history 1
r competition andi results, .and
41 tcpatedl record -breaking crowd
riht to expect to see world4
on erence marks ~ by the way, fx
zo pefin$ event to the fitshecj
r# several of the weight events.
ndniel supremacy of Western Inst
isms has been firmly established
rcek as wel as in other spors
ie records °of the past !10 yars iii
ate Apreset, ompatrsonsoj ti
Smarks from the East and WA
ww the latter superior in possIbly
~the 15 regulation events. The E
olds the advantage in the shotj
id the hammer throw, and the lea
is idte mile and the h~alf mle
ipected to be lst this week en
,:T1'e1G~c#d"eri ine~;he Conference meet will have
red teams coched by such re
toee Farrell ofMichigan, Harry'
,Illnois, Tre Joes o Wisconf
H d A.: A. Stagg of Chicago. thi
iena have already taken their pha
song 'with ;Keene Fitzpatrick
rinceton, Jack ll8akley of Cor
eld W lter GChristie of California,
te premnier trackr coachesInA
' . The teams that these mnt
it have held the large mnarity
icord breahkers fpr a dcade'and1
use of this fact 'alone spectators iw
:pect to see marvelous'peformanm
4h lofinalsSaturday afternoni.
It'Is in no special event thati
~eatest competition will be shoy
Rt it, seems as though everybody ti
watching the men. ho havst
ib.h4 their relmitati'on tbroug e6
ib~n this ye,. De Hart Hublfn
Lhigan star hurdler and broad Ju
' i be" doped to smash sevr
scordis. Hd is expected to betterI
stsrn Conferene mark of. 24 L1f
r8 inch in the broad junyp made
irl Johnson. Hubbard leaped 24 f1
',InAches last Saturday at 'Clum'
to did this wthout any scissors-ki
the air.' According to those w
dw him jump, if he taes off the sa
ay this week hie should not o
;ak the Conference mark with e
t should also shatter the wor
coard of X25 feet three and ,one-I,
aches held by Gourdin of Harvar
Expet ault Record to Fall
;T'he present Big Ten record int
4e vault of 12 feet eight and o
arter ;inches. -is expected 'tot
ithout difficulty. Brooker has do
Ich better than 12 feet six inc
;ther consistently and he hs ne
kpcked the bar oqff in' a , Confere
et. ,At the Penn'reays he did
st nine Inches and was going str
i 13 feet when his pole broke. Pr
r' must be' taken into considerat
po and anyone who saw him ji
106'.13 feet one day in practice wo
acedej himn slightly Amore than
en chance. Landowski isrbek
e event ,,gain and is a sure pi
Inner,: in fact' he may spring one
e many surprises expected. Brow
tand Collins of Illinois, are vault
Io have been' up in 'the Or aroi
er 12 foot 6 mark all, season. T
tent will contain excellent rec
ashing material.
,ust" what will happen to Osbor
cord of six feet five and one-sixte
inches in the high jump is a mat
conjecture. Smith of Michigan, b
gown pleasing form and so farb
ne six feet two inches for his b
t he has'turnedintQ a copsistent
t moan and consistency is usuaE
e b.1est pint winner. Murphy

SI~IIU VLL~ LII. IG. Waien Ude'25M was electd
~ m ~captain ol the 19324 Varity swimming
Notre Dame, shares the~ present recordt team at a eeting of .tlis year's ac-
with1,,the llini but both of" them have uate organization "held "Ysterday of
alreaiy 'finished their period of cor- tr o nteM'~ o, sc
pe ilon. 'i ca of Purdue, MacElven{4 enointe1I ,guUosuc
f At[cehigant, Smnith, of Illinois, Platten ceeding Capt. Francis Z+., it, '23E
.EDancf Donahue of Wisconsin, and Dick- who p .e h aget9 'lruh
son' of Chicago, are all Jumpers whor its first year a a rc08TPn d Vaity
one stand a certain chanefrtebg team.
is in :pints,. hebgCaptainelect yde wasone of three
relay_________ men to win'te"" ui~t'.lepat
Ten season. He 19 a vteran of two year's
nos.: ,TA TIr I lxpriece on te inforal rqad'
pederID II f which proceeded the Vasty sport for
tour seasons, and 'tas awared his
hickh lette' as a result of his vctory'i t~Ii
one ~ '200 ardbreast troe oviier the, I-
:" . l INO ' w<ianaaer men i ebrua ry. I~s
,,LO INC CUPstudies in the 1edictd school k-cpt hitm
a~nrl Sigma Kappa Seconid In J° efor tm eso,'tt4~n;teeinn
l tiira l airmet IF year the sched ile Of classes is not ex-
kluk rl peted .toindr his work as it bain
The°v l the ps.
titu-1WWO s!* ~j f IIQ~J4 I Fiir Cp i aof S91u14
3in IN SEA'ONWS CONTESTS Hyde was' chosen leader :of 'tein
Sas i ormal team of two years -ago; buit
nid Although teapturing the :champion-k was forced to resgn his captinsy ow-
pis h"iV in ant one :elf the 1, Orts for the ing to the pressure of scholastic work.
est, year , 922-23 and finishing rathier low -1 has two more years of swimming
y:13 4In..sone) of the, others, Beta,Theta Pi lack Karns at Michigan as the seasons of Inform-
East earned a total of 945 1-2 points, when it work do not count in Conference
put .they Ai nshedl in the semi-finals "of the' the feat of the Phi Chis was the show- competiton.
0d it house tennis championship last "Mon ing made by Kappa Nu .in andball.'Michigan can look forward to a
is ey and, wot the fraternity' athletic They won the championship for the good yearsin its 1924 wmiigli-
d 'cup race. dirle' Intramural department third time, Phi Kappa Sigma being der the leadership f C ain elec
will 4,yQrA,them A ar age silver loving ,runner-up. Hyde and Coach W. Ster~y Brown,
en u or their' prowess., Two freshmen, the Quirk brothers, who will return to inn Arbor n .te'
iasq he ac was close throughout the were instrumental in helping Alpha tall following his .summer in charge
GillI season" between Beta Theta Pi, Phi Delta Phi win the hockey champion- of swimming at the Unverity of Illi-
sin I Sima ial}a and Phi Sigma "Delta. ship from Delta "Tau Delta. Sigma Nu noirs, the Wolerines may expect, if all
iesc 'Tle Betas took 'the lead after the won the basketball camnpionship for gps well, an aggregation superior to
ace completion of the annual basketbalIl the second time because of their re- any which has thus far represented
of tournament and were never overtak- srve 'power. They had no outstand- the Maize and Blue.
ell, en by their rivals;Phi Sigma Kappa ing players, but had eight men wh Foremost among those who :are
as was slow in gettinig started, being ti- could go in the game at any time and counted upon to be ready for the frst
er- able to' break into the leaders class kee'p up the pace which wa set by start of tle 124 season is Jack .Gow,
,rn uni fe teana ndo re eischi at cete. ,'Z-5). Gow formery hed the national.
rof "meet last winter. They participated Led by Jack Gow, a former national interscholastic titles hI the 40 and 100
le- nee pr u wmig n high school .champion, Beta Theta Pi yaAli fresye.Ieiibility ket
pay tranice in which would have given them snowed uinder 'all of the other fra- him 'fronm the team this year, bt it
cs the championsbaipt as they finished ternities in the swimming meet and seems certain that he will be one of
but 33 points behind Beta Theta Pi was awarded ,a silver lving' cup in the real luminajries of the nxt two
the and 4 paints would hlave b,,een gain- this event for the second time. Delta yasi ofrnecrls
awn, cdomlne 'gte wmin etSigma Phi had little trouble in "cop aegnKrsho Poie
will regardless of whether, or 'not they .png the bacon in te foul shooting Antemawhisc'tntob
'ab'- placed a man. in the finals. , otest." A new event, track relays, laeinhsvntithBgTn
p _ i. igma Dpta was IQ most con- was'added to the Intramural rogram nx eri ikPpnuh 2,fn
ard, 'sistent fraternity In the race. They lat wier. Ito ,sstr, use, Gowen. nyxdier i c. apenguthonhis ette
mp. entered all, of the events and always and Emery, running for Phi Gamma this year and ait the Big Ten meet at
ral placed well toward the top of the cal- Delta defeated Aoacia by a margin ofChcgwaafvoteolad ih
the uimn. 'q9wever, they seemed t&' lack three seconds in the final race at the uphiagthwsadiving eto utasli on
feet the Punch to win the clhampionship _in Michig'_a n 1Crnell track' meet. uhiiislsoept gevn thebuprelii ne
by some of the sports in which they en- The spring program was started im- cost him his place.
feet tered and this spelled defeat for thlems mediately , after spring vacation. Jak ern,'4,wlbe ih-
bus when the final totals were .made out . Horseshoe ptching was the fist togn'betetith puefods-
ick Among the professional frateri- be completed, Kappa Beta Psi' winning tan se thbetbinboyh e ntpluwellfno rac- .w n Iote t i m u a d P i C i w r h eii g g m r m C g u .P i te h s s a o u u al d t i e u
me the luminaries. Having much less Gamma Delta "again demonstrated its to his usual performances in compe-;
uly time than the general houses to de- power when it tool; Xi PiPiit iin ihpet fpatc ei
asevot t atletcs boh o teseorgn-camp for the baseball championship. sure to improve his marks next sa-
ld's izations "turned in creditable results The outdoor track meet was a dupli- son.
alf :n more than half of the sports held cation of the indoor meet, Phi Sigma CpaneetHdI diint
, by the Intramural department during Kappa with h er freshmen nosing Out being a start man in the freeitio le
the past year. all other contenders by comfortable events,will be the best the Wolverine's I
the" Many of the newer houses on the margins in the finals. Tennis has can offer in the breast stroke event,
sne- campus made unexpected showings din not beeir completed, Psi Upsilon be- and whlen e rounds into real' form
fal their first year in Intramural compe- ing scheduled to play Kappa Nu :next season can be counted upon .to
one tition. Cygnus wyas the most outstand- for the championship. If the Kappa give plenty of competition to all op-
hies ing, finishing: well in basketball and Nus win tuey will replace Phi Sig- pnns hl lrdb ilie,'~
ver winning their' way to the finals in aa Delta for thir d place in the Sina t will mk itdi~fre ficut for his captain
lec horseshoe. Hermitage, Tau Delta Phi, standings.tomiansurayinteMc-
12 Beta Phi Delta and Peers also were In commenting upon the success an pool.1
ong active when, the spring program be- of the year it may be said that the pol. Stok Needs "pen
errs- yan to take shape. Ipast three seasons have seen more One hard lace to fll,"a lace that
ion To start the fall .progress, Phi Gam- fraternities entered in each eventwilnalprbiitbempsbe
just ma Delta won the speedball tourna- than has been the case during the to completely fill, will be that left va-
suld mnent after a close battle with Alpha years preceding thi s one. Many of cn ytegauto fLl .Hb
an Sigma Phi on south Ferry f sli 'he the' houses which were "leaders last bard, '23, wo, at the Conference meet,
in only other sport crred "iii the fall year fell below their standards andshtedtemakhthdsodfr
lint for the fraternities, cross euntry many others arose to take their ___________________
of running, was won byDelta Tau Ufpsi- places, so the distribution of Intra-1
wn- lon, a newcomer in the fraternity mnural, loving cups among' the fra- TE UQ ID A 0-EU PV
:ers ranks. Beta Theta Pi finished a close lernities has been about evenly (dividlhillil MI " ®
and second. ed.'
'his Bowling was started for the frater- Cooperation among the fraternity Tricict,, Tu cruirc-all lie
Ord nities immediately after Christmas va- athletic managers and the Intramur-
cation. Phi Delta Theta produced 'a al department was the keynote 'of 4 --, UEUROPE and ORIENTI
:Se's well balanced team and defeated Phi the speeches at the recent Intramur- _
;en- Gamma Delta for the silver loving cup al' managers' banquet and if this is - E. KUEBLER
,ter given to the victors in this meet. In realized, next year should surpass
has wrestling Phi Chi duplicated their this one "in every respect. The Intra- 601 E. Huron St. Phone 1384
has feat of last year and again won thei mural department will publish a rule
est. championship, this time from Delta bookincluding the rules for all
'six tUpsilon., Beta Theta Pi and Phi Sig- :sports under its direction, ready for
lly ima Kappa finished wellI in this touer- distribution at the opening of school

ofI nament.. But more outstanding than.I next fall.FI
,l k t_


; ;.


:"mierleau. Lea~ie
R H I 1+
l oston .... ........1 4 3
PhiadeI, ti a............ 3 9Z
ODuPieroy, Walters anl Devor-
N~r aylor adPerkins.

St. LuMis ... 6 10


D~etroit....... ...... 7103
Shocker, Bayne and Ainsmith; Hiol-
lo,,ay, 'Cole and Ba Slor.


Washlington ............... 2
Hoyt and Sehang ; Zachry,
lC.us^l and Ruel.'

12 2
10 1

Dick Paapeiigutl
sxyears3 in the 150 yard back strokie.
} Te mstlikely candidate at the pres-
ent tine seems to 1)e Billy Kerr, '2311,
wowas ineligible this season.
There are plenty, of others whovlm vt
be ready to. retain or attain places on
'the squad 'when the, call comes next
fall. Among: themas will be Eric Mild-
n~'er, '24A, a fancy diver with plenty
of ability, J. Bradley Dewey, '24E, a
good plunger w-ho will develop with
practice, Louis A. V'aupre, '25E, who
promises to make good in th~e distance
events, and James Aldich, X24, anbth.
er good distance mant. There are ot4-
.ers who will he on the job next fall
and it. is a sure thing that a permnan-'
femt place on the tank team wsill be
anything but an easy job to land.
W'1bc made by a RePrA--
Located a!
II A. .T08 P.M.
~F o~ S o 'z
gj ~'~t-
SWhen in Ann Arbor do as .
U your upper Qlassmnen do
Swhen you ca.I
SMichigan inen, including
Freshmen, do and can play .
1 t4illiards at4
dr otetyo rjE"

j IR H E
uleve'lang.... ........'6 9 0
Chicago. .........4 12 2
Coveleskic and O'Neil; Robert7on1,
Cv.,engos, Blankenship and Schalk.
Brokly . ........312 0
New York. .....,....0 5 1
Henxry and O'Neill; McQuillan, Jon-
nard and Snyder.
/ B.TI ,E*
Chi c ago........ .:.. .. ....oG10 1.
Pittstr h . ....... .....7 13 1
Alexander, Cheeves, Dumovitch and,
O'Farrell,; Boeler, Adam, ,Darby
and Gooch.
hilladelphia.... .....2 8 01
8,v tomi..........3J 81
GI zner and iiczzlin ; Eudolh and

(Continued from Page Q
Todany's lineup will no do
eluide ;.racticaly~ all of the
first string men. Coach FL:
annrounced that "E~ddie" Gib
tak~e the mnound aginst the
l1s Gibson should 'be in fo'
bas not w"orked for sonie t
is "rnarin' to' go". The Wi
will have Norman, Stryker an(
to use should G~ibby not be
hold Notre DaMe.
Blott will be at his regul
ton back of the pli, and ii
ner circle Shackleford at fir
itz in the short field and I
third wiill be certainties. Sec
'will be filled by either Hag
Van 1'oven. If Castner takes
for Notre Damne, Fisher pl'a.
Van Boven o'wing to Ilaggert3
ness again: t left hand pitcl
otherwise George will get
In the outfield Kipke will bi
ter, AMb in left and Klein. in
Secoid Clash, of ;ca
Mkichigan has already had
tic encounter with Notre D<
WV~ 1'eri)ies winning,' 10-9, in1
inning; after having con-e 'froi
ill the two previous innings.
w.as forced to usre. four pitc'hc
jfirst ganie with the South I?
niond squad.
The Varsity will return to
bor~ tomorrow morni.ng and v,
the sai-.e right for Northwei
the next Big Ten game with
plc. Strylter is slated to worl
the Ev.anston team while I
planning to save <Liverance
final Conference tilt of the
against Wisconsin the' follom~

Cincinnati. ....
St. Lous........
'Donohue and 1WIngo;
And Gooch.

S3 91
2 50
Shordell, Sell

d D







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. .....




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AC.IT I.., 'r I W- rb r"N - - r C.14A m

s _ I I

as ee ice'

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