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May 30, 1923 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1923-05-30

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r i

jAr1ian ct omede iwrkdona e mc A PSOIIN
receiving these
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _I
"epwanted" notices and in giving OA lED OL A PU OIN N
FICIALNXEIVSPAPER OF THE thew prominence.' Moreover the Un-_____________
hIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN versity has done much in the way of TAK~1
the University year by the Board in: providing temporary work and sumIOi HEEitr te-ihga aiy
I of Studenit Publications mer emxployment for students. But CIVIL WAR Yudec egreat credit for your
hrs oWler Conference t ,dituriaj the problem of placing students in STICKS editorial "The Root of Evil" in today's
itin.____________permanent. positions after graduation; When the small-town band comes' issue. Ann Arbor citizens who read
Associated P regsR is exclusively e- is a much more serious one and re, arhig The Daily and those who don't should
t the use for republication of all newsgnin ooeatoawtrteAt cshyullseglon
hes credited to it or nototews quires gn~ecoeainwt h tisha o'lseacon be to, blame because they allow with-




ditedcinl this paper and the local news pu'w- many prospective employers. i- p
red thereit. - Bsns e ol ecm h Swelled up with pride;
i Psns MOhwudwlom h 1 his chest he's proudly archti:
ntered at the postoffice at Ann ArborT, establishment of on employment bu-An th urhsofheow
chigani,.,gsecond class matter. An thurisofheow
uhscript n by carrier or mail, $3.50. re@au at Michigan, for it would pro- Strut at his side.
)ffices: Ann Arb~or Press Building, lay- Vide direct means' for their "getting'Bttepmos rd fhm
-d Street. u h ~tpu rd fhm
'hones: Fditorial, 2414 anid x76?d; Eusi'- inl touch with student job-seekers. This inflaitedl, dolled-up hick,
____________Idsra ra z~~swud b Fades away and grows quite (1
:omrinunicati jns ot ,to exceed Soo words more than glad to cooperate with such r~flside a Senior with a Stick.
Si (~nfle 11 igna r ;tre not n eessarily to! bueu ymaig konte4
war in prinpt, but as au evidence of faith, abra ymkn nw hi
1. notices of events will be published ii' at srpdya hyaie o a + hmcmn oad
e 1';ily at tf, discretion of the +'ditor. at srpdlste rs. o a h1hn!Cmn oad
t a o mile t Te Dil ofic. . n - teestablishmelnt of sucha bu- With thenr sticks grasped by
nevi comrrnnication~s will receive no con- euWudncsiaesm ial
eralio. No manuscript will be retuirned euwud eestt sm ia-Crook,-
less the wvrkter encloses postage. The Daily cial outlay, but the results it would. Heads' in the air;
s iit necessarily endorse the sentimentsinuew ldb'wotmayies nthr
res,,wd in the conmmunications. nuewudb ot aytmsO hi faces smlileS Of virtue
- --------- --- -- --the expense incurred, for nothing is As they pass with not a look;
FAU'le~TOJUAT STAFF of more vital import to the graduating Beyond compare!
'E~e~lone ~ ~senior- than the assurance of a posi-
-Ition where he is likely to "fit in"_ Oh it's often seemed to me
M1ANAGING RDIT©R ! properly.! As I htear their ferrules click;
MvARTON B;. STALL Whether the Michigan Union, the; They should lay cross someone's
ws ditr..............PulWaielChamber of Commerce, ;or some other1 That's the place they need the stic
yJdter.......JmsB on organization should attempt the estab- !SHT GUN
sista t City E.ditor.........J. A. Btacon' lishment of the bureau is a matter of
itorial Board Chairman......a.. R. Mleis individual opinion. The need for the In the afternoon of a recent
,ht editors- Ihbreau is immediate and certain. This w a il~ noTna

out any protest from any church or
ing clubi or inc ividua 1, undisturbed boot-,
legnwhile d.t our police force has/
To expect the U niversity authorities
tattlUnSZS to U nforet o~XAtal a(S tinoS*S : _.

Uraham 'S
Ei nds of the 'Diagonal Walk


to among students' in such an environ-
ment 1is1)th unreasonable and absurd.
And you certainly should be coin-
you mended for giving the first clear ex-


pression to the fact.

Despite the sentiment arouse(%
against hazing through the recent de-
velopments at Noithwestern, this fa-
vorite meatns of sophomore amusement
seems to have caused° considerable'
harms all over the country again this
sprang Lessons never are enough..
We hiave to see for ourselves, they
maybe we believe.

Corne P?

mqftg h


(Cornell Daily Sun)
"Don Mlarqluis'" warnin picture of
Aunt Pruidence Hecklebury, as the
only person he, knows who has a far-
ther-flung sense of responsibility than
William Jennings Bryan, esconced in

Ralp)h Byers Harry Hloey
T,. 1. Ilplrshirfer R. 'C. Mot iarty
H. A. Donahue J,.T,. Mack
Snorlt VEditor......... Wallae V. .Elliott
Women's Editor...........Marion Koch
Siuiday 'Magazine lEd.itor ... .I1. A. D~onahue
Music 'Editor..................IT. Ailey
flamor .Editor .......... Buckley C. Iobiis
Editorial Board
Lowell Kerr Mtaurice Berman
P'aul Einstein Eugene Carmichael 1
Stanley IT. Armstrong Frankclin D. Hepburnt
Shidey Bielfield Winona A. ]Hibbard,
R. A. Killington Edward J. Higgin.s
ITelen Brown Kenneth C. Kellar.
H. C: Clar%, Elirzabeth LiebermannI
A. K. Conn able John IMcGinnis
Bernadette Cote Samuel Moore
EvelIyn I. Coughlin -M. IT. Prvor
Joseph Elpstein W. 1B.Rafferty
T. . Fiske Robert G. Ramisay
John Carlinghouse T,-W. Pswitpli
Walter S. Godspeed Sol 3. Schnitz
Portia Goulder Philip M. Wagner
Ronald Haigrim --
Telephone 960
Advertising ...........Jobi .-t . amel, Jr.
Advertising............. Walter K. Scherer
Advertising........... Lawrence Hi. 1Favrot
P'ublication.... .. ..Edward F. Conlin '
Copywriting ......... David J. M. Park
Circulation ............ownsend If. Wolfe
Accounts.............I,. Beaumont Parks

statement will be affirmed by every We were g'oing i.1, too.thPrsdnilcarste"Cif
snrin the Literary college who is She comes in and lays eye on a bud-Leoinakdofcdthcry,
still grappling with the problem of' dy what is 'lying flat on his 1back in ;cannot be condemned as too fantastic
where and for whom to work. the hall. I-is- face is all bloody. intsam tltelinrpeto.
__________________She rushes us and says "Mygawd Scoffers' there were, before prohibi-
OMITIN TH FATSWolfgang, wot's the matter? Are ya tion became a fact, but they were
OMITINrTE FCT rudely implaled on the lances o[ their
Detroit has always been considered I4. own ridiicule. Scoffers there are to-
Ile says "Naw, T gotta n% el)1eed."
one of the main supporters of the Gee she give him an awful kick in day, who lightly wave aside all refer,
University but if the attitude dis- the jaw! ence to black Saturday nights, white
plaedthrug sme f hepubictyCHEESE Sundays and blue Mondays, is taboo
*p on tobacco and similar modes of ezn*
received by incidents which recentlpby forcing, by' a process of rigidr elimlina-
occurred here is to be. taken as evt- Hrehvetels tosazstion, the exact rule of conduct whicb
denc oftha comunty' ineret. I of a W,.stErn epic; the first three has been revealed by a God-chosen
stanas an 'n te ol das. Tesefew as necessary for the salvation of
the welfare of this institution, they' have never been run: thI ain
cannot be much' concerned with the Yipe 4 , Experience has shown the unexpect-
future of Michigan. Although there Did you ever taste the sweetness o' ed p)ower which so-called "reform'
are occurrences taking place here the air when the sky begins tt,, sects and organizations such as' the.
every year, anything but creditable to pink? "Lord's Day Alliance" caii, at tine~,
the reputation of the school, there is ( Did yuh ever taste the alkali in that yield. The secret of their success
no reason why we should deny theirl creek across the sink?- is the persistence and, co-ordination'
presence but when newspapers, sup- Did yuh ever taste the honey from with which they work, and unless thatj
{posedly staunch supporters of the the tree the beors have torn? coddled hobby of ours,'the democrat-y,
University, convey .vague impressions Ef yuh hain't, yuh hain't tried nothin', is to 'be held up to the world as it.$
of such mishaps they contribute imz- where yuh been sence yuh been most laughable farce, an end will
measurably to the questionable re-, born?; have to come to the questionable sport
nute of organization 'which they "sup- YVipe5 of playing ostrich.

Alin, Arbor and Jackt nnv
{pFastern Standard 'iime)
Detroit Limited and Express Car-
6 :oo a.nm., 7 :00 ami., 8 :0o A.Mf., 9:05
a.mn. and hourly to 9:<5 p.m.
Jackson' Express Ctrs (local stops.
west of Annet Arbor)---9 :47 a~rm., anid
every two hours to 9'47 nilM.
Locat Cars East Hound-7 :oo a.'m.
ano' every two hours to 9:oo p. in.,
t:oo p.m. To Ypsilanti only-i it:4o
po",t:t y a.mi.
Tu Saline-Change at Ypsi~anti.
Local Cars West B~ound-7:~50 a.M.,
12 :1 1 P.I..
TG Jackson and Xtalamazoo-Lir-
ited' cars 3:47, 1:7 ~ ,2:i47, 2-47+
4:47 p.m.
To Jackson and Lansing-limited at
8'47 pinm.




19283 MAY 119.13
1 2 3 4
G 7 8 1) 14) i12:10
13 14 15 16 17 19 19
29 21 22 23 231-25 '26
27 28 29 30) 31
i~ilfg Q,~f M;7 AC R " SELL. ,
and SHAPE THEM to fit tile
bead free of charge
We also Clean and Reblock Pan-
amals and all kinds of Straw
Hats at low prices for HIH

Clot101 1I1 4Ar f Ijt'"Mat",


1 YI+

Marathon race, was
upremie test in the
of the old Greek p
: . It was the grand
xc of the struggle for

the st
cli ia:


*. Assistants Appearing several dlays ago on the
F erry M. Ha~yden .Win.IT. 'Goodpaeoonofteuo
Eugne L. Dunne Clyde L. H-agerman frontpaeoonofteuo city's
Jophn C. Haskin Henry Freud leading d!ailies was a glaring head-
C. . Putman Clayton Purdly
E. D. rmantrout J . B. Sanzenbachier ! line baring the fact that seven stu-
Wflli8nT., eid, Jr. Cliffor'd Mitts.- dents had been diticiplined for drunk- x
Harold L. Male T")or-nas Mcffachren
WT-n. 1). Poe sser Louis M. Dexter a edness by the committee endowed with'.
Allan S. Molrton C. Wells Christie that enjoyable (?) task. Reveallna
James A. Drtyer E dward B. Reidle ntigo h atso h ae h
Hlerbert W. Cooperrntin ftefat fte ae h
- ------ - article itself allowed for interpreta-
tion' of any and every sort. A con-
_______-_Iservative "dry" would have, on the
WVEDNESDAY, -MAY 30, 1923 + basis of the article itself, been. et)-
_ couraged to think that laxity pre-
TM~ght .Editor--j. G. GARLING ,0OUSE vaied in the decisions of thme com-
-- --------------- ittee, while an advocate of "per-
11-XV WE 1ORGE It sonal, liberty", might well have seen,
-COn this solen occasion set aside dinseinrulingods the wola.exaggeration o
in honor of thiose valiant men who dsilnr ehd hlyiecs
gave their lives that we, the menle.
and women of America, might enjoyl Details were positively lacking in,
the privileges of citizenship in a; the story, and after captioning thme
strong and firmly united! democracey story with a bold black hanner, the
we assemble at the graves of Union effect was anything hut favorable to
and onfderte etean.alie, - Ithe loyal admirers of Michigan. Ilad
vested of the malice which aggravated tefcsi h atrbe otie
the conflict betweeni North and South in the write-up such an impression"
Paying homage to the heroes of other would possibly have been avoided.
wars- asswel, -e~noialDay s a The manner which the discipline comn-
art nowi ecigmeit o0 the service op? mittee employed In dealing with these.
sacrificial patriots who first strove students was the big thing in the en-
to establish the nation and later to jtr far twssmtigwoty
maintain it.I of commendation, yet that was omit-
Involved again Iin a prolonged di-( ted and nothing but a bad taste was
cus.sion of international policy, the left in, the mouths of those who react
United States should remember above the miserable presentation of a most."
all else, that the position which she unusualioccurrence._
commands in :world affairs is de-
pendent upon her integrity, an in- ('RAMNING
teg rity secured at the expense of Saturday brings the first of the ti-
manny thousands of young men whn nal examinations for the present
nOW rest among 'the revered dead.. semester. To some.-students they are
World peace is a 'noble ideal and the means of, regaining good, standi-

I -______u_____ . a S'-fas ot wJ -phy'sical supremacy.
Hlave yuh ever seen the sun sprinG Straw Sailors: cleaned 'by our .
when mornin's hushed and stillP1EPA 1IE)NE;SS AEI?(CA SUALTIES FACTORY PROCESS look as .
Have yuhr ever seen the blood-red (Chicago Daily Tribune) well and keep clean as long as
A eakbe ueirt nIfc when new. Bring in your hat
! shine o' that Sangre Christo hill? A eakbesproiyn fe now and get a good clean fac-
'Have yuh ever seen the' dust spurt up~ tiveness of the German arnmy over the tomry job that lasts.
yEwhen. a greaser's shots hurl by? alidame;i icQe i.tes - FACTORY HAT STORE V
yuh hale t, yuh hain 'see notin-- itcso asates;h ttlmo617 Pa'ckard Street Phione 17941 -
yuh must be a CITY guy. l lization of the central powers was 22;- where D. U. R. Stops, at State
Ragtimeo Cowboy doe. 1850,000 men. " Allied casualties wer4 .. .
** * [ 22,090,000. The total mobilization of____________________ ,
Wte have received the follow ing the allied and associated pow ers w as __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ II
frmaote ldcnriuo:42,1s9,000. The casualties of the Geri- TOLEDO-ANN ARBOR BUS
ForTostd ols ra amis er 1,45,00 Sm- Cars leave for Toledo 7:19 A.11 , - ' RESCENT Plates stand the supremepatg
Rev. Herbert Atchinson Jump sen0% marized in a war department chart itI 2 P. H. and 1P. 1I. Except Saun-. rrtn
TOASTED ROLLS a couple of examnen- ;appears that 1,000 soldiers of the cen- day. Stundays At 8:00, 11:00 iled test. They are, made with the utmost regard
ation stories to help us out. Ile tral powers inflicted 966 casualties on i :0 for detail and are touched only by the hands of ex-
knows that we are working all day, the enemy, while 1,000 soldiers of thew
and as far as possible into'the night, allied and associated armies inflicted 1perts from1 camera to bloc-k.- They will no ny
getting' ready for our own *bluebook- only 365, casualties on the enemy. 1 ADRIAN-ANN ARBOR BUS f meet your most exacting demands of the present,
agonies. The official conmment remarks, that,: (Effective May 14-CentiralI I
wh ile this difference in efficiency can-' Time) ~ but will stand the test of the long run.
Aprofessor of medieval history of- ;not be conclusively deduced from dif. Bus leaves Adrian 0:00 and w
the uesion"Whn dd th Re erecesin he pe-wr tainng f i 11:45 a. m. and 3:45 p, . Leaves
ferd tme~uctin "he di th R- frecesintheprewa trinng f, Ann Arbor 6:43 a. in. and 12:45 1:
vival of Learning begin?" Hle got a time opposing forces, these statistical and 4:45 la. in. I
correct answer when a youth replier, ; tend to show the value of the most, SUNDAY-.Leave Ann Arbor r -e u n
"Two days before exam week." thorough preparation. The high rate 6:45 a. m. andl 6:45 p. fm. eave qrw
I-- of casualties in the allied and asso- Adrian 3:45 p. in. only. lnl -
Rev.Staney Jrda wasa wel- cate armes i cerainy asribale Mest D. C. R. cars at. Salline both ways
Rev Stnle Jrda wa awel- catd amie i cetailyascibalefor connections for Ypsilanti, Wayne
known~r clergymnan in New England, in great measure to their lower level= and Detroit. ~II1IIJIIIIIIIIII1;IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1III
who had a son in an Eastern college, of preparedness. With the exception ' - °-- - - --
whose achievements in athletics were of the small expeditionary force o o llftll11111IU11{I!ilIl1tI!UI1t111t1{11{ltI11#li{IIillllilllIlUilll{HUIlldlltlllltltlllIil
qluite as conspicuous as his other;';regulars, nearly wiped out in the re- ;
achievements. Everybodly knew "Bud" treat from Mons by the first over-
Jordan. 'When exam week was nearly whelming rush of the German. army,:
over, faters heart began to be 2.nx-- thme British 'soldiers had to go into :.
uos for his son's baccalaureate de- battle with a minimum of prepara-
gree. Suppose poor "Iud" should tioni, and this was true of the Amer!-
flunk out and not be welcome to the cans also. With a lairge proportion -
comnencemnent address. So lhe rote ofinxprincd nncmmssond3
his son to wire him meithe fiexeinednnoDisoedcorPa tion.Dy 2
imda e and company officers-to say nothing MY
results of his exams. The telegram of bad judgment in higher places--=
- arivd te nxt venmig "Hmn 42,the British, and especially the Amen!-__________- --
fifth verse, last two lines. Bud.". cans, paid an inordinate price for
IFeverishly the dad dug out his hymn ms ftergis h emno
book, looked up the reference and then other hiand,i and the French had --
I Srroevuihdlbo ndd trained their civilians in the tech, Today we honor the memorves of those-who have fallen in their coun-
f niSoerof thensoldier, andoespecially .
Jordanf passed.", an espcimaly try's defense., With martial music and blooming flowers we cherish' the re-
*., hy a hrogl ffcetmembrance of cur battle-scarred veterans- It is fit and proper that we do this,
leaders. Time result was a minimum, frtehrtg fhrimhne ont sb ain netr sorins
It has been wonderful, as they say frtehrtg fhrimhne ont sb ain netr sorms
at commencement time, to see the old; or at any i'ate a comparatively modler. !
bos ac aaiate, expenditure of life in gaining a glorious possession.
I givn objctive ! But tu patriotism is more than bravery in battle. Wars are not neces-
And if w.e should find some more of Humanitarians who resist peace ayt-re ere.I ni
their stuff on the hook, we wouldn't j training, and false economists who saytbreheo.In vrda liew fnd potutesorapidi
objet t adquat prvison fr i, type of heroism and patriotism., The man who works earnestly to build up
wait for an 01(1 timers' number to j obuet to gadequate povsinforse- ittonsreorcsisdin
run it. u ogv sm osiniu x i ains.rsucsi on is bit. as much as the soldier and the statesmn.
______ amination of what actually happens in
M-aw. ! battle. If they would do so those of The whole subject of thrift means much to any nation's welfare. What
** them Who are honest minded would are you doing along this line?
Just think of tomorrow-meaning realize that preparation for modern-
today, of course. warfare means the saving of the lives
* * * Iof our own men. Thus, as thme sta- ~
Today is a holiday, a vacance, a! tistics of casualties show, the soldiers;
Freitag. x of the peace trained central' armies
** * were able to punish nearly three timesa
-Some peopl e re otoin tokn as severely as they themselves suf- y hA ~nn A b r S v n s Bn
4their exames, bte are ot going o fered from us. r o a i g an
work on our exams. No sirree-not Sm
by a jugful!t *o* college men claim one thine, TeofSrie
* aon a heir goal 1in life,-to know s ~n'~Plnt


worthy- of am' infinite amount - of. ef-
fort, but the nations first duty is to
itself. Withiout unity of purpose with-
in our own domains there can be no
unity of nations.
Years go by, thousands of graduates
are entering 'the business world each'
year, and yet nothing has been done
toward the establishment of an ems-
ploymrent bureau for Michigan, 'xr-
ganized on a businesslike .basis with
proper finanicial backing..
Mlichligan mien who have not en-
rolled in the technical or professional
s-chools often spend months after
graduation in the time honored oc-
cupation of job hunting, because there
gas no properly organized bureau to
locate the proper Job for them' before
t';ey vwere Igiven diplomias.
Meanwhile employers, and especial-
ly temnor~e progressive corporations,
,,re e-xpvcesing a-n increased willing-

ing( in the "University to others to
Iothers they will be a ineans, of' estab-
lishing themselves on the probation
roll. In either case,, the possibilities
now lie directly at the door of each
individual student.
Failure in these examinations in a1
number of subjects may be disas-
trous to some students. It behooves
these to lay everything aside (luring
-the last few days of school but their
class work and to apply themselves
with all their diligence to the sub-
'ect in which the-y are weakest. Four
days of intensive study will bring re-
sults that may have great weight in
a student's standing. "Cramming" is
not the proper means of study~ out 'of
justice to education itself but' when a
crisis is reached the means are imn.
material (providing they are strictly'
legitimate) to the desired end. "Cram-,
Iming" cannot harm anyone's "work
1and the chances are that it will be
!When exarvmnationsare here. and


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