-4A £L-4 MA X Ri 1-U9& M ;,d'PAA4.J HILL WILLI ADYISOS5H I Wert Dieticiarn Arrives To Cur e U. S. Indigcstion! Sophomore woml en will be present t a class meeting to be held at 4 'clock tomorrow afternoon in Say- i Caswell A ngel~l ha.il. Women who wvish to sign for Junior dvisorships during the coming year, ly do so at thlis time. El1igibility to ecome advisor-s consists in being in ood standing. it Is the duty of the nior advisors to assist the entering eshmen womhen during the time of gistration, aunl in whatever other 'ays they may be of service. They ntinue as advisors throughout the °ar. At the meeting tomorrow, duties ill be as,,;F; ed, and the wearing of .e Ju~icr ia ~d isor. aadgcswill be ex- lalned. All organizations whichliave earn- money for the Michigan League tIiding fun )d must turn itilli to Neva vewell 11:'(tomorrow, in order to cur0 credit on the competitive chart' rich is being compiled. Checks may mailed to the office at Barbour mnasium, and should be made pay- de to the Michigan League campign nd. All money which is turned in er this date will not be included the competitive chart. All lockers in. Barbour gymnasiuml ast be clearedt out by Friday noon it is necessary for Mrs. Black- ra to have tiie keys. All women interested in doing social rvice work, next fall, especially hos8- .a work, are asked to sign up at wherry hail as soon as possible. In ' it work aminimumn of two hours a ei; is requiiced. . KAPPA EfLTANINS 12 Kappa D~elta won the championship in tl e inte-rhtouse baseball tournament for the tird-7year in succession by de- tea t", rBetsyv l1arbour with a score of I to 1 " sterday afternoon at .Palmer held, Tbe game xways close .fromn the begyin- n ng with the first inning ending 0 to 0. Tn the second inning Kappa Deltal mxeone run, while* in the third in- ningF f~etsy IBar'Dour made one run to I .ap1)?a Delta's thr~ee. Only the first half of the fourth inning was played. with a result that no additional scores were mia;'e. r he ch.ampionship game ended the interhousei tournament whlich has been in progress : since spring wevather. Six- teen tea its. from dormitories, sorori- ties, and league houses were entered. Senirs To Hold Annual Break fasts I.. x French Star Has AmericanPar-ents Announce IEngageumat{ Announcement was made of the1 Kappa Kappa Gamma house Monday evening of the engagement of Lucile gleyers, '23, to Harlow H. Lippincott, Y21E. Lippincott is attending the Mas-I sa chusetts Institute of Technology, where he is working. for his Mv.A. de-t gree.I B.- Manic uring Chiropody For that drawn, tired feeling 'try a Marinello Rest F'acial. It is marvelous in erasin; those tell-tale lines that fatigue and worry, wvill etch on the fairest; faces. Marinello and Blurnham Cos- metics used exclusively. STODDARD HAIR SHOP 707 N. Univ. 'Ave. Phone 2652 N1 .. jy i .. ' . . i ... , , . t- . i . . ' r r. Work. in wlickhyou- college' career count Choose a life-work in which all you h~ave learned will count- where you will continuze to learn through associationa with mien of highi~ calibre-where your education will be an aid ina mee~ting men. Enter the insurance profession. Insurance - Fire, Marine and Casualty -places you at once in touch with big business men. Not only will all you have learned be an asset but you will be daily increasing your education along economic and indstrallins.The Insurance business makes big' men. Choose Insurance as y'our life-work. The. Insurance Company of North America is a national, historical institution - founded in 1792-with over a century anid a quarter of well earnied prestige. Conservative policies and de- pendable service ha~ve been responsible for the growth and for the constructive activities of the --Company in the developme~nt of the entire insurance profession. Insurance Comparny of North America PHILADELPHIA and the Indemnity Insur~ance Company of North America write practically every form of insurance except life. h"r JJidie Lasalle Ste'vens , Dfr. Julie Lasa lie Stevens, former dietican of the late Sarah Bernhardt, haxs arrived; in the United States to impart her knowledge of dietetic prin- cipal s to the American people. She declares :that bad :health among Ama- ericans is duce largely to stomach trouble and that. the Divine Sarah's long life' wad due to her adherence to strict diets. IATI THE THEATERS~ I i J 'rce1Iling Hta ssagin g . Notlhin rmore incongruous, so far as -n igegeinen ts are concerned, than lemons; but they will play an , i- porflant part at the senior women's breakfast,; to be given at 8: 3J o'clock, in the morning, June 14, at the Union. The senior breakfast has long been a, tradition at the university, and an event to which senior womn look for- ward eagerly. It is at this time that all engage-) ment4 are anuduncod in a unique. mani- ,nar. Slices of lemon are passeO, and' ev.a11 engagedl womn takes a slice, sho)wing.; in this manner that her years of s~ngle; bliss are numbered. At the' same time,' this method eliminates 1lushces and embarrassmrent, and aG- co1plishes the task quickly and Mlle. Anderson I~le .?ndrson. who has recce tly won the 'first prize at the Conserrvatory of Dramatic Art in Paris,,'bid fair to become one of the foremost stars of f French drama.- She was, snapped! while playing the role of Joap of Arc recently. smoothly. A. prograin will be given after the; breakfast. Tickets will be on sale to- day on campus ahdI at the bookstores at $1 each, WINDOW SHADES Properly Cleaned ONE DAY SERVICE H. S. COLLINS 106 E. Pion~e Ily St. 278A :.R . £iiiiMrWir Suits with extra Trourers {.' OIIACE ULAVEAU cV F No. So. -State ,St. I, 1t I I LVAM -9 A -U. C -1 - 01' Screen-Toiday -W OF 143"IE^iT'AL Rt #r Arcade "Souls for Sale," Elecanor Bloardman and tara LaMarr; comedy news. with Bar- a ld Lemonmfy, instead .'of coffee will ho served b: .the Woxn s league on Lan- terni night at the' Palmer field house. Eivery one is requestd to bring her own cup or glass. An importan~t meeting of' the wom- en of the~sophoinore'class 'will ~be held at 4' o'clock tomorro~w afternoon .at' Blarbour gymnasium. Extra practice for the archery t ams will be held from 19' to 12 and trom 2 to 4 o'clock tomorrow 'at Palmer field. Those who had conflicts for the pre- liminary contest may tryout 'during the practice hours. Goodrich house will sell frost bites at the Lantern night' ceremonies to- miorrow night. They will begin about 5 'oclock and continue during the eve- ning . The fund will be turned overto the Michigan League. ~Rehearsals this week for the Senior Cirls' play will behfeld as follows:. Act I at 4 o'clock' Thursday ;act II at 4 o'clock Friday; the cast at 7 o'clock Saturday night. Members, of Portia Literary society are requested to send their summer addresses to Charlotte Blagdon, 603 Monroe .street,~ before Wedn'esday, June 6. ASSOCIATION ELE CTS Maesti c-Norma Talmadge "Within the Law"; comedy as iews.~ in Wuerth-R upert . Hughes': "Gln- me," with Eleanor Boardman and Gaston Glass; comedy. Orpheum- -Lois Wilson in "Broad Day Light";; Pearl White in "Plunder"; comedy. . ;i i I (' II I }! It isn'most graduationi time. This is one of the most im~portant times in life Rem~ember the graduate at this° time With jewelry, the g1 iftat lasts. Arthur H.O rnl State. Street Jewelry. 302 So. State ~ '%§~~ ' Sta --Thls Week in Four upperclassme~n for sales staff to sell preferjred stock of first glass investment corpora- tion. Work commences June 25th.. Guaranteed salary and commission. Application should state full particu~lars' regarding experience, age, class and de- partment. Address EBOXFF,. Milchigan Daily, AN~D BE 5ATISFIEO I dTMORROC Iw 2:30 AND 8:00 P,. M.I TWOQ TIH USAND OIdENTAL AND CHINESE RUGS are bc'ag ,aold at a.uc~on Uales at thle prices bid regardless of thle value. 'This collection. of 2,000 antique and, mcdern pieces represenits the finest' collection ever brought to Ann Arbor and as fine a display as ever sho.yn in the largest cities in th~e country.. Th e Rugs are on disay~~ every day and it will be well worth your while to view the many beautiful rugs of every desiredl size whether or not you are ready to buy. If you v;is h to select ORIENT-AL BUGS th~is is your oprtUni'ty to do so at the lowest price. The K. S. .Jaingotch collec- tion offers you the most extensive selection possible. Plan to attend, the AUC'TION TOMORRO W,. I Garrick-Bonstelle 'company tIes of the United States. Anyone in- terested in joining may secure infor- mat~on fronm Mrs. P. Brand Blansbard. The annual membership fee is $2.00. Patronize The Daily advertisers. 'i(Thdr4 'Floor) o° MACDIARMID'S I' ,.._ cANDlEs SityCents the Pounad I . Officers for the coming year for the Ann Arbor branch' of the American Association of UJniversity women were : elected at the annual meeting 'of tt. organization wbich was held Satur - day at Ypsilanti. They are as fol- lows: president, Mrs. Julius 0. S'ciot- terlbeck; vice-president, MNIi; ss -lon Bishop; secretary-treasurer", Mrs. j~rand Blanshard; recording secre- tary, Mrs. Mabel Van Kleek. Mrs. Schlottsrbe'ck was also clected as dlel- egate to tlho national' convention of. the association wh-iich will be hieldt at . Portland, Orct 01, lbeg1.'in;g July 17. Senior' wo-men pare urged to becom' members of this organiza-tion, which' has branches in all of the large ci- In the Movies- On the Stage At the Djac-; SIIIPT .DAILY }FROMI DETROIT FAiCTIORY Wec Send Candies Everyi'Co"p ON THE CAMPUS NEXT ARCADE THEATRE in. Pareels Post MAcDIARMID'S ANN ARBOR STORE .>: . : .. :,. .......... ................... ...i ...... ...... ........tom.. . r... ... a .. _. Ci ,,. Now Showing~n J1: 0 ® 0 ASYOU HAVE 'NEVER.SEEN 9iT1' The great American stagle play broulg ht to screep n riTiian o, . x t 7n r, 6 'm. t .Y rr:.e : w ,a =..v :i ::"I :i-w , m, i cJr , X crGa 4wa6 N i tl Q M u1 Hsu .. a L i . i . GE EKISS - GIMME AHAT . -U ~IEDRIN~K --IMME AMATCH- L~AST TIMS TOD4AY SHE HAD THE GIMMES. I -by - NORMA T-- ALM, A Ever notice how quick- ly the flash of snow white teeth creates comment? M ag-lac Tooth Paste gives lus- tre to the teeh-mke them beautifully clean and white. Keeps the gums in fine condition -leaves a pleasant taste. (Note: This is the only tooth paste containing Milk of Magnesia. Mag-lIac there- ~fore, designied to secure a medicinal effect, corrects acid mouth, which is generally conceded to be the, cause of WHOSE REMARKABLE WORX TN' k.6A6 STAMPS HER THE ARTIST INCOMPARABLE A THE WOMAN SCOND GOLIDWYN Puzss ARUPERT4UGH4ES ICTUIRE :Never has she been more superb ?than ;ini the crashing emotional climax. ,The lay that has thrilled millions will ne-ver grow cold, REGINALD DENNY In the First One of the N !"W 1eitbier uPusher Series MA~JESTIC ORCHESTRA Only a -'frienfl l f ,shop girl - blamed f~c'an-" other's th eft. "I'll make you pa.,iy ;'or every minute I ,;;,-,- '- jail," , he tells h er heartless Employer.. Free a.a ii! J FR me-Innii Ya7Ii7 1 wAiufELENE CIIAl4 'K ATN L ILBRWALTIIALL..EIX . - AR4A IN ADDITION TOPIC. tl lI l I ._ _.. .._ _ _- .,_,....__ -,. .... _ k!