---- - -- ---
WIOI'I Y "'-"-'IM YI 1Y1
_ __
No. 177
__ _ _
ty, Wisconin,:
Grid Hero Gets
f Th'1e Daily announces the, np-
poil tni ts of the following to
Ohw lower sl'a l< for w-Xt year:
Bei'nard actke, '26, .Jack Berk-
im-an, '26, farion Barlow, '26,
I Thleodore- Chlryst, '2i,, John. S.
IDielthoff, '26, Harold Ehrlich,
'26, J. 11. Henry, '20', Dorothy Ka-
mmi, '2 5, Thaonas Ka oykka, '6,
.Josen)h Kruger, '26, ewin C.
Mlack, '20, Robert Mansfield, ,'26,
? 1. R. Stone, '2r1, Normal Thai,
'2f), Sidney B. Tremble, '26.
29 (By A.P.)
blin Comity
ess a strong
'ding to AY.
Ire foreman
's In adjoin='
lit estern
be no bug-
PalG.Geel 23,cptiao h
eau to. represent2tive ofpeach of the
Big Ten schools.
May 29 (By A. P.)-
fvolunteer fire fight.{
desperately to save
Ad small.towns from'
score~ of forest blazesj
'Norn Wisconsin and
~Byd, Johnson0i, Wellman1, an ll( iiii I i itlrh m8a.
S Paul G. Goebel, '23D, captain of the TEEBI ION TOMORRO1
rundefeated Varsity, has been awarded
the Conference medal Which is pre-I
sented annually to the student who W4O)FEN'>S ATHLETIC ASSOCIATIO-
has the best combined record in schiol- WILL MAKiE hONOR
arship and athletics during his cot- IAW ARDS
loge career.
'sGobel's average grade for four Lntern night' marking the grog-
years is above "13". .At the beginning1
os ls eetrh aacrln ression of the classes for the women
tile metho l of computation used in thle; of the- University, will close the year'F
literary college, 116 hours and 260 activities with a fitting ceremony to-
points. Goebel's scholastic recordI in morrow evening at Palmer field. The
dicates that he has consistently main-
tainedl a high standard of work whic"'I senior women in caps and gowns wvill
culminated in his election last year pass their lighted lanterns to. the
to Tan 'Beta Pi, national honorary en. junior women as torches for the con-
gineering fraternity, and the awai'd- ing year. aftcr whichz the valriout
ing of thle Conference medal to hima. ;classes will sing 'die Lantern nigh:
!In past years similar medals hall- songs. Music for marching will la
been awardeel to Alan W. Boyd. '21L~,?played by thte Varsity baand.
captain of the Varsity basketball team i Leading the marching line of sen.
in~Il9,earl Johnson, '20, calptain ior women this year will be France
of the Varsity' track team lill19-1920, Ames and Grace Fry while Marior
Elton E. Wehunan, star tackle of th0~ Koch andl Margaret Whyte, will be at
team ocf 1920, and R. Jerome Dunne,, th~e foot.. The junior womnen -Vi1l be
captain of the football team in 1.920. lead by Helen Delbr~dge and Eliza.
-_______-- (Beth Cain with Mfarian Willis anc
!f at, ii n 1t1i n. ian to 1i n r IIDorothy Jeffrey at the foot. At tli
OKLAHMA CIY INKrupp Industry,
i Seeks Diplomat
TO EXCE ED $300,000
X yor q Order,; Authorize Refugees
to Seize Ally Vaeaut
Oklahoma City, May 2S8-(Py A.P.)J
-Oklahoma City' suffered the most
disastrous flood in its history., There
I was a rain fall of 14 inches on the
North Canadian river and more heavyI
rains this summer, the Weather buir-I
east reports officially. There -was I
rin an ll1 of 19 inches reported at ]1l;
2an, miles west of here. ,:.,.,.._. ....
n, Damge from the flood will exceed WedflT
$300,000. The waters have cut off Dr. Otto ledlt
s;Packingtown where the stock yards; According to lastest reports from
and the packing p~lants are located, the Rhur the Berlin government has
e Unless the flood subsides greatly been requested to recall Dr. Otto
1l within the next few dlays, it will be AWeidfeldt, present ambassador to the
enecessary to use boats to bring pr-o- United. States, by Krupp directors.
cvisions from the city to Packingtovwn, WVeidfeldt is wanted to resume his old
-sesouth wind reB1andIO FIIL
'y under brush and
tes are gaining, r-
RI I',, an~d a number of
m lakes3 in Douglas
-nie have been TO CONVE E ER
s of others are in
Athletic Dlireetors anud Coaches
crept within rev. Arrive Tomorrow For Two
riot. Backfiring is Daty Conferene-e
o an effort to stop BURTON AN D GRIFI.H,
Michigan Frees
C ontest li
'SCHE , )@"L
it was said.
About 100 refugees were cared 'for
last night in the city auditoriuim. Mfore
than 100 girls were houised by the
Sltion armiy, which is dir ecting the
feeding of the flood sufferers.
Orders were issued by Mayor Car-
gill anthorizing the refug.ees to c-r
cupy any vacant houxses in the cityF.
This is necessitated by the fact that
more than 1000 persons are homeless,
and, many storios and residences haive
been wvAshed away..
The prison sentences doled out to
Krurpp officials by the French caused
the request to be made.
Coach Fisher and his squadc
ference clhamnpion baseball play
last night for South Biend, li
where toda.y they will play a
engagement with the Notre Dai
'Phe Wolverines with their
straight 13;g Ten victory Lucke(
returned fromt Columbus after
defeated the nearest competi
the Conference race. Ohio Stai]
5-2 score. A lthough M ichigan hito g m s t l y i h i
is practically impossible for the
eyes to share the coveted p
with the Varsity. Ohio State h:
two games thus far, both to
gan, and while Michigan cot
tied by Ohio should the Wol,
lose their two remaining ga
does not appear that Northwest
Wisconsin, two of the weaker
in the race, will come ne-ar wir
contest from the hard hittin;
Most of the credit of the P
victory must be given tol Howa.
lerance, who, pitching the best
of ball in his careen at NIlchip
dlown the 0. S. U. team with fiN
tered hits and conitributed two
which figured in the scoring.
teammai~tes with the vgknning
Ash and Utcritz also were in
measure responsible for the
of the Buckeyes. The former',
in the opening frame scoredt
tial run, and Ash scored hin
moment lat er.-
1(Continued on JgeSix;
XivIhlgan in India Club He~
to a meeting of the newly or
Michigan in India club held las
in Lane hall Norman Johinson,
I elected temporary president at
ry Hayden, '25 secretary.
tempt will be made by the
bring Shierwood E~ddy, -intern
Y. ?M. C. A. secretary, to Ann
next fall as a speaker. Mr. Ei
just completed a world tour
whichi he addressed stutdents
countries of the world except
America, He is recognizedi as
speaker 'to students.
head of the sophomore line will bes
Jeaine Briggs and Marianna Smalley
while Anne Simes and Almna Crouse
will be the foot couple. The fresh-
men women =will be lead by Margaret I
.othn Slaek of Silfir Creet, N.
llropos es To Pur11clas'e All
Shipping Board Property
^ r i
-" 0 SPEAK ON P OORA'4 { Rice and 'Marguerite Cumings wt VL nru II AI1*"'
a~d telegraph Coln- lankt diplomas wilbe given out iUt Dorothy Ogrn and Marian BigelowII'' III NONEIN SMD
-ee _uelr s-Acmaid y-tetakrpe the Commencement exercises it was!I ending the line.
hasbe severed ?ttvs h i enshos announced by Dr. Arthur G. H;il, reg 41 Preceding the lantern eremony thes Lawrence Conrad, '23, for the pastMa29(BA.P)
of alls:,teer ofntheiUniversitytyesterday. Women'sIThe shipping, board will nvstigate,
-i cniita fte Uiestysedy oe Athletic association will two years the editor of Whimsies, has t
sa~J.tW~t narlyallonference athletic directors, coaches This will necessitate a dirstribut~on of make the hzonor aarls for the yearhaanoeacptdbDddea orubyheofrf rehn
st >t b mor l its: .,dfclt ersettvs ila-hhaeulr dpoadnWirmnSeteswldxegvn 6 wnnnn o eulishepe b d ers hc il aearI$,0,tOOl eevd~etiy
htedmatces o cig rie toorro~ip nn 'Ai'or t ~at gymasiu afer te exrciss.aTee100 hn ill lie, pis fm~ 60' pintvi'fo sae net fal.ublibokealletheentie goernent erchnt feet
Ld~r arm huses nd Iheld very ear t tln time logsi and erschools xwh c illses. dTe- 00 ollo pnic spefor which mig ralenet, hol comeok coutyalhlecnbdo ut h oadwl
any deehv or -i rvemaoronw Gifih;cm sin-sgntAuyonpcuu paarsAtewoe o heUrvrittilond .fcdaythtrolmstatmketeYwrdt te.
rthe'y Crser oWsten .onereceale ic ipas whelJu e au ae mustapyih a ther onttheAhillsidemconfront n indumerianlnstry. Td hei offer as pesendtd y Jhndt
i, ted ther aliual:.eries:of T tWg Slackbid resikenpt of th Colbida
'r reotdi, te wil edthellitro viitos w i ersalon, eneriangd trou Branhb ou rrField ada nc ill paenat icers.wth no e tals en nhIghlpased
a g a l; m, rn ietrInCner ence thleicaci- ahceitimeexhagew orw1iech te-Callownhe p iaseballga er will be lay- h etrcdeatettnehosere- .canItepropd t e ay $1,01,000,
and GaffrHouesettle- (esd. MeinsYlnhon nddnes l ben hes idpoafomtedbtnteseniorsaandtheinn- rnt oacoe ote cnovl e 0 o "l his cv1niatv
zan carr b hee n IMwill maeu hnepGrifih'am orthe to aproate yclerki. Pos applying elors mwie fthe Uni vnder soph-wiprdics abllanceftur forthe mandellthewrdVroptemfte ntd
rsf. 1ea, ofJu en a ornde 2.letcs for'diom dasooter s t il lyrqirn ooeth e nitheamls illply orthCoingrotoi e Mriconnduhsry. STat ferhipngwas rs eal e rsohnl
e in ttear lan isktoflvistrc ihed ; edropresternth rteo rde Brbofrm Fieuled campioentshwip.l he tennis- Tan oes acee hgby pvaisa , ixed f;~
nylasn nonig rain orpeseni sloinstournamtern.wlle bcwen: magazinoesstroughoutNthecotry.f th An-nitialSu ayment of S$751,000,000
bagmon Drl, rondircofren Cndirecr wllhlthci- ther owner. ndr hoe t
AilTbsien iaeredip oa reor theeto te the seniors and . t horseto Cna oetes.vl.,H 00Aon"l his1civ n iatv
fir ~ hfry ete lst Meetingsa,:3 'cokloorounacrahemosunfrthspusarhrycntsnaog h tadinoudbendeoeOtbes! 03
., . i , ight 'Thyrwilralotmetcat1:k0. en plig o ,wieth uir rd h oh and a$l0,000,000oyerly teefe n
Ms are y the indA..)wo'lockeFridp terno ncnun oeimditl;fepcoige~romthefourolasteewillalsoedlifltIaIbrilitfutre at Tteetire sumfad tbenitd
foeriples o teswl erqi- mr enstaswlhpa o h tgwield.i4?t'. UVYI1l b has1I Il Ses iprekn .Y.ar, ray,(on y
ens as,inlJufoet i nihe ask2etballseta rttnodcrooachelschmiosi.,Te eni ndi3.e.
11dingrin for ea brulh T.9o clocBakeFriayl' mprenng tayhtr8 acptdbyvriu
th-wesige ornmn hl ebtenAn tine ofpSilertCreeks'1,000,000
Cineoonfterinrbsealldcoacs wilhldttohae maguxxt'~~~T~A ansroM ot I t[heO 1A co-unreortroryshngo
qi forllsextingar ishingo eputttthetaschedule anfore onextreyeAr enwo withbe a mdera terant -1923,
fi orlt oa r s Chnesting Conferenocrlingsom rrwillem n Gy nsu'fr bspr rcey cnet m h eams ; jabout$0,000,0hasyaeyatbidfer,000-
dPar sc iscussedT the mtigw i nalo ethea 1.m0 IrondonaMay 29,t(rytA. clo-ing 1000,000 toetheushippingsboard-setothis
T. CMy 9-('ytAte .)fo'econ.Fida Mamoialnayons orginaly dsinteda s hetmefohe nw gvenmtompleted ytillageeagto umdayeJonpSlckth
Bifn anlin estinoannre etraitbthloth vtrasofth paih-mrisn wthaeettnthbabntlhl tatconcacrtngbthtesnosndr
Cuulin oLes chndDire tors ooF riConfernce tht6adtleW 1Wr.r ooe y h ulcatti ie!Tee t civ cre n nvnflfash- toodhowhe repetso~singtsuc
ar nct rauiynFia ngt h ~or f theConsrvativePartyoieIMr.Slakisverpreent' ofsthesCo
tllllnnesta vv"dawinbanquoet" to tllmeiec to rsiHNRoI A EOS ( YPR,1MN
ngt oe tit theaoutplacehofsAndrewelfornnexL.wer.t aunbita oeatSu plcan y which2
io Erlaeoa orCangoes n ofetrenteamlizswntered nabout 20xhv000 hantirlyade iad aayere meor$e1of0hos
20cuse at frsbrigalth met Atthismetineg in wn orbooyyas fwtteig 11mnsil c othheprtymtetr= hichwaono a 2,(yA . T hehy ,manufactre shipstal mahineytand
'alllakead Veresl- -wilbemdefroheStudy et.'cnri oay wemoriiy, thshoghates ivtha tfthe r nly govrntemencoee od Be-Iadn ahnsa el e a w
ralmwandis erang ap Prosdnt"DMaiIln urton wllradmembprit of the radysHeems orteClrTheie, hiredf- ;'ad nd sen Chr amrain, 1'6the a-Insmallderlas enregaredes a 30)ubt-
1eatstanlaesiniabuiesmtwihago -
s ffrsb i- rossOthe feinlsrine hlobegvn Sat-'fardte beter ssofthmatrh gal nd norapdlytiningtrnksblue tor.ofanwho eidentysteaggevedrat n uiesa el
' f Athletictrssociation. This Bardueofvain.attes oukeep sintme vtwi o t hthemart ansc. eicn ithasa i-h abnths tr- Tan BetaPiratioti naltho nr -n
in the y Friaytnghtnte an
willut officiallye.;Cofertencnfheren n+ it ct iveBIcarerin e v entful gineerintoodo c ete ldalctstos in es-
Dietr o h nte t in thersproesioncore the smalcomac tras t ofeThe IPnmMy2-B .-Cn edya hc h olwn e
caued conernbt bveernsueto fugtot tntag, adSnrJanctors a M nil By;adertosforheSunsayreachvedP$rty 000'; were eSlected:president, o hne o
aandl cotacdhes ofa Ithe teamtesrongeynteredc iofnher hirtesifesoofheAnradsofew j1i atoalor aw, at a uned hamustal2Suppvicpreidntwhenry
Rihlr Offic'als Fear Holshaevsm
Dusseldorf, _ ]ay 29-(B.y A.P.):
Henry J.' Allen, former Kansas gover
nor, after touring the Ruhr said th
test will comne when fuel supplies ai
e x h a u ste d a n d th e F ren ch try to , forth G e m n , o p r d i : i d u r ;
leaders fear ultimate bolshevism, I
Deputies Slupport Poluncare'
Paris, Ma y 29-(Bly A. P.) --An
doubt as to the validity of Prenii4
P11oin care's postion was today set
rest whey thle Deputies, by a majorit
vote of 428, expressed confidencei
himi and his government of the !Zuh
Minister to Pa na aon Vaction
P ianamMy2)-lyAP)_m~ Minister South has sailed for -ti
lunitcd States on a two m'lonths' Vac;
Pussian ProfeSSor AssmSintedl
Warsaw, May 29--03y A.P.)--Prc
Orzeclki, law faculty, Wa1 rsaw unive
sity, died of injuries in a bomb e:
plosion last -week.
29-(B3y A.P.)-For- Optic Out Friday'I
ig in Vilas county,
3,bic county, Nlich- The M11ci g an Optic, camrpus rotogra-
'a of cut-over land vure magazine, will appear Friday in
le spreading flamnes the final iss'ue Of that miagazine for'
valuable tiimber the year-. The number has been de-
isi Vieux" d'ijert and layed for several days due to troubles
tashes are falling in the press wvork at the concern
which are several where the Opt is printed and on ac-}
,one of the fires. count of sn'ipping delays.
TChe issue that will PApear will be
29, (By A. P.)--10- composed of a number of ictures of
River, Ont., are Pre- local interest taken largely by a group
their lives as brulsh of Optic staff photographers. Photo-
semi-circle around! graphs of the track team and thme base
jg to a dispatch to bull team in action in recent gamnes
wVill make uip a large part of the num- I
ich originated near ber. Individual photographs of theI
ing forward north-{ newly appointed edtors' and busi-
ithe dispatch said, ness managers of some of the camipuei
h of rising ground publications will 'be used.r
ill~s of fire and the The cover of the issue will be a
nge of wvind is they scene of the Acropolis taken by one
rting destruc~on of of the official photographiers, of. time
sage added. University. A-number of photographs
taken outside of the campus but of
interest to students will be publish-
ad-ancing age. These nen, hlowever, display in unmiistak~ale
signis the influencO of fbrnier military training as they march along
with a# stride tha t betokens the martial spirit..
Then, next in line are the younger veterans in khaki; heroes of
Ch,.teau Thierry, of Argonne, of Metz; men who while not yet in
their youth, give evidences of the trials which they have under-'
gone. The rythmatic marching of these veterans clearly marks
them as the products of the recent wvar.
Winding uip the p7rocession comes the Boy Scout troop, repre-
-senitativa of the spirit of time younger generation, composed of
young boys who have never' heard the roar of artillery, the burst
of shrapnel, or the humimin w~hine of bullets: Boys who have no
comprehension of the diplomatic broils that are responsible for
many a bloody w.ar, who further have no desire to participate in,
dleadly modern warfare, and who comprise the main hope of the
future of the nation and democracy against the forties of con-
mimnism., anarchism, and militarism.
Memorial Day- is a fitting occasion to honor the men who
gave their lives, for their country and for the maintenance of
frc d~m, hut midst these dreanis of the past, it is necessary that
the future be not disregarded. Our natioii need not be militaristic
to keep ever on time alert for foreign troubles. The value of lpre-
p redness was too' painfully brought home to us during the past
war; the younger generation, upon whom rests thme future of the
$100;000; the. ships going throuigh Hubbard, '24E; recording secretary,
%ecretary, Tom S. 14 dwards, '24E, and
numbered 25. Arthur Oefgen, '23E; corresponding
Work RIesumies i!n (Germanfiyeworks jtreasurer, 'A. V. Moore, -'21E.
-Hoechst, Hesse-Nassali, M aY 2i}-
- hedyeworks,- the French hvn
1a gevacuated the plant; it was seized i A rticles, To A
( y A . . - W o k as b e cs n e 1 g m lM ay 15 .o )
i th
.e poetic ending of a
or love poem and what
es that final splurg;e
z AO I 'T U L F E aid fet rs wl a e u h a h r FOR. 500 MIL~E AUTO ]RACE I final issue of the Gargoyle. that will timely propel
III appear tomorrow. It is, of course, before mai~k
Ij Indianapolis, May 2J-(By A.- all thle metf
I'.)Thelis ofraces i toor- a senior number in interest and spir- The twoc
Irow's 500 mile race was increas- itadi.i aewl ubri c- are takenu
edl to '23 when Raol Riganti qutali- u al practice, so that the artitles and'
flied 'by doing 10 miles in 6452-27 ; art work that compose it are varied in lery of song
'minutes, an average speed 'of 95 I all parts. ' Iances. The
I 3-10 miles an hour. Three other ; One of the articles nth4 acts as an, Gargoyle st
I mahins biltby lcalman- Iintroduction to the many like ones in-u fromn t
Ifacturers will take their qualifi-I that follcpw is "Variety 58." It is aj editor, Jar
I caion at4:3 o'loc toorrw I"cereal" story with a true moral that! themr with
-morninlg according to officiAal a- I should act upon every industrious stu article of
I inemen. Tey mst ver-I -dent of the University, and even on together cc
~ t,,,mlesan our~ or li e tter.1 those that are not industrious. On theK The first i,
17 1 I -- _." -.
central pages of the is:
tip with a series of rep
at resemble thle roues g
g and story iii their appe
ey are the pictures of
;taff, most of them spril
the pen of their inaag
nes House, '24L, and a]
han appropriately wri
a; descriptive and not
complimentary nature.
issue of the "Summer Ga'