___________ __ TV~ rv U IGA"N 0DAXlX- -- _ OFFICIAL' BULLETIN i Bulleis constructive notice to all members of py received uutl 1 .30. m. (11.80 tip. m. S~al-rday.) TUESDAY, MAY !!9, 1923 1Nnlmber 17i 1, Us: will }ac r~o conference of the deans \Vedno~day, May 30. M. L. BUR'TON. of( come zecinent exerc~lses only blank diploxmas or dummies will e diplomas proper will be distributed Immediately after- an Gymnasium, where they will previously be arr'anged degrees by Schools and Colleges, designated by. con-)} The June graduates must apply inx person, entering G~ymnasiu~m, Bigning, and presenting a receipt, in ex-; they .will receive their diplomas fromr the appropr AL, plying for the diplomas of others will be exp eted to order from the owner. ARTHU;R 0. HALL, Registrar. officers of the class. These men are aisked to report to Dr. 1,-ia at (Waterman Gymnasiun~i at 4 o'clock this afte rnoon. i E, C. I110Mb rVice-tires. TPo A-llEx Serne .e Mcl) cii he iip You are urgently requested to meet in front or the U nigru at 9:11) on Memorial Day, Wednesday, MaLy 30 to part-icipat~e in thtimad and short exercises to be held in Ill Auditorium. Come in unifornI _ii posjie; if you have no uniform come anyway asa there will11be a section for mnen jnot in uniform. Clayton F. Jen~nings, Post Comma1nder, American Ledon, John A. Boyce, President, Gun and PladO Club, 1B. F. Hlausman, Post Commander, V. F. W. Adelphi: House of Representatives will hold their last: meeting of the year ITues. 7:30 P. Al., fourth floor of U. Hall.rhi mepting will he open to members only. D. 0. COOKl, Sekr Recital by Shakespearian R.e'.ding Classes: The classes in Shakeiperian Reading will present s(cenes from "Eiche. lieu": andi from "Romeo and Juliet" Thursday, May 3)1, at 8 P.' MZ. in JUniversity Hall. L. I. k ICIL1 To All Stud ends in Drailng' 1 aind 3: All work required inf courses Drawing 1 and Drawing 3^muiiw. he turned in by 5,'P. M. Friday, June 1st, except in special cascs where a,,t extension of this time is granted by the instruictor. 1f. W. M'1LLER . Tvyiut~ or liainural acti~vities are. wan 't ed ct il)mm e iately. iEight assist-- r o h ;l c c W net.yer.All r-en inter-ested in tIA ranch of wrork should get in touch wiV'.th the Juitramural depart- 7i1;,2Q68,at once. ExldU~f fl 1 '.!°ilgwsloatned by Am. ercnFedera tion of .Arts in archi- tual corrI'idor (c'nso, m1ain poolr, Ei n ?'(ring building. Ticd~forth (Cnlerf-.1c', Iiicli meet to heo held Ju1ne 2 at Ferry fieldl are noiW on salei at thle Athiletic asso- ca~intu~ office for $1.50 apiece. Theseas a tisi meet are reserved and t2 stuent th'letic boobs (10 nto admn'it to It. to gradute in Junne will please send~ thi nmsas .soon: as posSib~le to Qu~rtema~terA. E'. Anderson, 413 i,1 von xvifl toJraInsfcr to your homte I~ ~ ~ ~ ~ s eril n eln ti umer at 70 o0 cock this e-v ening in , rlil 302 of the Union. THE CHOCO, lT,"0 DA"Ry OpL K THE ANN ARBOR DAIRY COMPANY PH-ONE 44 A ASK FOR I' rd for Commnencemnent Day: selected by respective Class Presidentis to serve on the Honor ,ommenceenent will meet with Dr. May at the Gymnasium, 4;(0 av. Mav 29. L. M. GRAM. Chief Marshal. cent: tit Bur'ton requests the attendance of Seulorls, Graduate Studonti of all W~eools and Coleye and all others who are expected to Commencement Exercises, at a meetingito be held'in 11111 Audi,. 'neday, May 29, at 4:30 P. M. L. M. GRAM, Chief Marshal. in. Examinbation Selw~nle: ka misprint in the examination schei~ulez distributed, a con- betwteen classes meeting for the. first time on Tuesday at .14 tinso French- 2 and Spanish 2.- The examinations for Tuees at 10 hould come .oni Tuesday, June 5, from, 2 to' 5. ' i he printed correctly in The Daily of May 1?.f ARTHLUR 0. HALL, Registrar. ool Administrative B~oard :, will. be a etn of the Board at 12 M. today at the Michigan rn~et~~CARL4 W. EtERBACKT. eat has been sent to the president of each fraternity and ing that a comnplete list of all mem~bers of the chapter during year lie handed in at the Registrar's office for the preparation rnity cha~rt. It is very important that these lists be sent In ARTHUR G. HAL.L, Registrar. At glish. dpartmentt announces two public readings from .his own obert Frost. They will b~e given In Sarah. Caswell Angell hall, and ThurdaYy eungof next week. These readings; are peially for students and memnbers of: the faculty who hiave tan opportunity to hear Mr. Frost. Admission will be free t only. Tick~ets tnay be obtained from Prof.,1Humphreys, of departm~ent, in the Assistant Dean's> office; from Prof. Cow- Rhetoric departmnent, in the Rlhetoric library;, from Mr. -Wilnor lic Speaking department, and Prof. Schneid-Er, Enigneering the respective offices. L. A.. STRAUTSS. ,iua banquet of the Cosmnopolitan Clu~b will be held Tuesday, P. M. at the Methodist Church. Members and others interested of the organization are cordially invited to attend the-dinner. the program of music, and toasts from the old and newly-electold ket.s can .be obtained fromhWin. C. Wang, Miss Clara Eastlake, or CARLTON WELLS.. ks for Course 44 in Zoology must be delivered to Room 220, Satrday noon, June 2. GEORGE R. LA ItUE Eleicl n0 in ~ note that, on. showin g that it would b~e especially de-, least half of the class, I have postponed the session of Thurs-' to T~uesdlay, May 29, at 5 P. M\., The regular session wfill also T'hu1rsday, Mvay 31, at 5 P. MV. At these two sessionsi the laet port will be heard from, every member of the class, eachi of quested t.o digest this relport so that it may be presented its an ten' minutes.; Ii.a1. HiOTILE Mierafiire, Science aind the AIrts.: _ To. All Students in Drawaingk i the Coalee of Er .,liet'rit: All students are required to remnove the locks fromn their ins~rument and drawing board lockers by the 'end of the examination iic°.d, J1une 13t. GLocks found unremnovd after this (ate will be (esIrov 'd to free the lockers G for theo Summer Session. IT. W. i LR. Pubic Review : Members of thte class in Play Production will give a rview of F~jrn sod's two act comedy "The Newly Married Couple" in Universitv'Mall ati 4:15 this afternoon. No admission is charged. R. D. T.:I1I OLL C,1',. I'nblile IectFl: There willI be a class recial of John rf0bi is~ play "Thle 1 oeyoon" E on Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock in University 1{all. The public is invited. GEORGE6 D. VII NV1 TI Fhilipino Will Get WHATS GINGON; Naval Commission' 4:W--leetig ofthe swvimming leam1 in room 302 of the Union. 141".0-=Seniors selected to a:ct IS lio- or guard. for Commenecment met Dr. May in Wtaterman gymnasium." bs 4:30-All those ivko are to take part in pommenpement . exercises meet S in 11i11 auditorium. 6". -9'a l eta Pi dinner in rooma 319 of the Union. 1 0:00--Cosinopolltan dl) banquetih) "K .the Methodist church. t , 1:0- Class In Gospel of St. ,lolum. course TIV, meets' in Upper Room of Lane hall. xx s0 :0-Les Voyageurs meeting in roomi->' 904 of the Union." 17( ;0--Llt lub meeting in Lane hal. Both men and women urged to be ta p esent. 7 Pil D l a Ep i o me t n inro 325 of the Union. {K 7,l :15.-Baptist guild moonlight ike. .Start at the Guild house. Jose E. OivaresT 7:15--liberal lub meeting in room! Jose E. Olivares, wen he is grad- 306 of the Union. u ated from Annapolis naval acadnny 7 :30-Adelpmi meeting on fourt floor; in June, will be the first o his race of University hal. to obtain a commission in the United 8 :00-Acolytes meeting in room 14G, States navy. Mason10. hall.- 8 :0O.l-Pablie reetil of the play "The ,.0-aemnsi 'ii uctugi H oneymoon," in Univrsity Hal. room 32 of the Union. WEDNESDASY iOIE jO; i~3- exoriaservices I il1l11au- Students Iisini~r 10 bo considered1 " itorlum. for Rhodes scholaships should have; 12:0:-4otary cluirlluncheon at C. of jtheir appliations with all creen- C.G Inn., trials in hand not lter than Satur- i I:00-Ubart guild cabinet mneeting in day noon, June 2. Detailed inform- Harris hall. ation, conference and application 4:00a6:00.-Apeln lose at THrris hall. blanks at the ofice of the Graduate 4" lllll lllil14lll1"lilll111111111111iitlllllllll[6111E- . M4" 4 " , 4" .V E " 14" 4F" Y" IFS 4Ne Victor Secial - Size Price~ I 74808 1 Vespri Sleiliami--O t Palerino!.. . . J s iardoies 1 $1.75 '~~7j ainaatetrPart 1Vi. .Vict'or 'ynipliony 4)rcia. Li i -E sakil tala~-Overitre', 1Part-1%. .1 ictor Symphons y r.-I S1000The Musiic Lessonrho- - ) Teluzn Slrs1 tO 75 I~~o S~rBus.. ~x.l E stc1052 W1ho's Sorry Now?-Foxs Trot Ori, )enpli Fiv e 10 .75 ' 1 ;naiks' 1iiis-FroxTrot.:......(Oin. iL,,j-phis Fie S19003, little iKovr-Fox Trot. .,. . Initern aionami 4) 1. Oth. 10 .44 i " lD.:ia) - ' 44'2.1 Iir,.... E i tRi..;.{ . C .«, l5 . 4 h. yl r, RRE v w V V ' f ^' PALATE AND 1 00 CARDS $3.00 AN4D UP.* 10 CARDS FROM YOUR PLATE $1.75 AHR S Un~ive AComplete Line of Drugs and Drug Sundries ToiletArticles Perfumes!,: Connor 's Ice Cream Gil bert's Chocolates l Prescriptions Carefully Compounded MANN'S DRUG STOFRE 2183 SOUTH MAIN ST ELET . ......... MADEBY EDERHEIMER STEIN COMv.PANY in the followfing courses in Mathematics will ;be held 6, fromi 2 to 5 P. M., in the rooms here Indiejted: v Buillding, B. hi. I--Tappan Hall, 203. th 2E-West Physics Lecture: Room, :h. 52-West Gallery, Alumni Memorial Hall. J. L. AlA RKFItY. 4 5N.VVSUITr 0O ON SALE '1 51, will lc a regular dinner rneeting of Tau Beta P! today, at 'g-an Union at 6 o'clock. Thje election of officers for next year ed, It is necessary that all members attend. JOHN W., ROSS,, Pres. we@rin Co111ttCilili )ta of the Senior Honor Guard' for Commencement froml sneering Class will be composed of ,the committeemen: Our Men's Sale Beg-an Ycstecd-y Mrnng -In is gingfull force. it you wantte rt lc ts gins eavs or oiger This is, a Sale of B rand Ne Stock ALARGE SHIPMENT LAST W 7EK~ NECESSITA %TED OUR1-,RNNN RUNINGTHIS SALE TO MOVE THfE GOS PIE H AVE BEEN CUT TO THE LIMIT -- THE TAGS NO3W READ I 11 the and VTalking Oxfords1 I $29.50 $P3.50 $3 8.50 .r . tii .. " a " - l ", t4 l tiYl ti Ai 4 , , _ i 1 i PlRain toe' Oxfords in black or brown calf with Ilow. flat he el T"'HIS INCLUDES PINTES , CHECKS AND NOR FOLKS, GABERDINES, AT $25 - $130 ' ' i. ; o- / :._._ -- _.. ." 1OM DOWN AD TAKE YOUR CHOICE - TER E M SO REAL BARGAINS WHILE THEYF LAST! 7$k.5 - - - - -am IA I I C