1£iA1 L. : Y 11 .'1&J f...DA.1.1 , LLLU I lilU UIJ IIIU I U FLASH VANERILT RETUR NSSATURDAY BAND AND YELLMASTERS WILL LE) ROOTES I SONGS AND CHEERS TO GIVE RESULTS ON MINIATURE GRIDIRON Board of Regents Grant Use of Hill Auditorium; Admission to be Charged Announcement that the Varsity band and cheerleaders will be in Hill aditorium Saturday afternoon to lead the students in songs and cheers as the play by play returns from the Van- derbilt game are flashed upon the electric score b'yard, was made last night by the Alumni association. Permission for the band to take part Saturday was granted several days ago by Robert A Canipbell, treasurer of the University and gen- eral 4rector of the band. William H. Franhauser, '22L, and Walter E. Lustfield, '25L, leader and heaviest xnan respecti rely, of the cherleading squad, are the two men chosen by the association to lead the cheers in the auditorium- The plan of the association is to make the affair as near an exact re- production of the actual game as is possible. The grid graph, the elec- trical miniature football gridron, is said to. be the latest and most realis- tic reproducer of football contests yet brought out. It is made of ground glass marked off into five yard lines by white lights. Behind the glass a large light, designating the pigskin, moves un or down the field according to the actual play made. This enables the spectators to see just where the ball is on the field at all times, and the yardage gained. Other lights des- ignate the players of both teams and the various plays used. It is thought that the band and the cheerleaders will give to the whole af- fair the one thing it would otherwise lack fromresembling the actual game. The band will play the "Victors" and the other songs at the same time as in the real contests, and the cheer- leaders will lead the students as if they were actually in the stands watching the real ball moving on the field. It is expected that with all of these factors present that, not only will the Vanderbilt game be re-creat- ed but that the atmosphere and spir- it of. an actual football game will' be in the 'air. Board of Regents Approve The Board of Regents hastrecog- niWed the pIlan by granting the ass- ciation the use of Hill auditorium. This makes it the first time that such a gathering has been held oficially and in which the whole student body could assemble. ,The and will hold practice drill for the Ohio State game on Ferry field Saturday afternoon. Immediate- ly after the drill it will march to Hill auditorium where it will enter just at the time when the game will begin at Dudley field in Nashville. From then on until the close of the game it will remain on the platform of the audi- toriun- Student councilmen will also be present at the meeting to help handle the crowds. It is expected that an ad- mission fee will be charged to help defray expenses. All members of the reserve squad and freshman team will be admitted as guests of the Alumni association free of charge, itt was an- nounced. HEALTH SERVICE TO TREAT THROAT AND HEAD DISEASES Dr. Walter T. Hotchkiss will have oflice hours at the Health service from 1 to 3 o'clock every afternoon to examine students who have ear. nose or throat diseases. Dr. Hotchkiss who is a regular member of the oto- larynology department of the Uni- versity hospital will perform needed operations in the new infirmary of the Health service. Hitherto, it has been necessary for students to be referred to the Univer- sity hospital for examination and oper- ation. Operations will also be per- forkned. A fee somewhat less than that charged at the hospital, will, be asked at the new infirmary. Corduroy Coats $6.50 up. Wild and Co.-Adv. Coll u bus Could Have Foudid Much More, Skeptic Thinks Columbus discovered America fiveI centuries ago, but the Frivolous Fel- low doesn't think he is so much. "Columbus received entirely too much recognition; his value as a dis- coverer is grossly overestimated," de- clared the Frivolous Fellow to himself this morning as he adjusted his trick tic. He continued to soliloquize, "I've made equally as important twentieth- century dscoveries my very own self if any unbiased person should take the i/J7TOA'/qAJ T-CO1Y/'BNO0K36, O cl'QT C/T ylL /T/,'/ 'Z) [ /7/077LgyV - 70It N 1J /(,qCNT/A T-J ,q/'iT TI-/I ~ a1t