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May 29, 1923 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-05-29

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No. 176







ommnee On Medical Build.
I Lawyers' Club Duringume

Alphay . Boosts.IILI H.
Hiam For PeidnQ9F0NA 0 .I 1H
f { lc~urIs G E R i MA N PL N toJse
' t ive.


J. Heinz Offers
Sumnmer Positions 1'
J. Heinz company will have a I
escntative at the Union from $:30
ek in t e .morning to the samejC
in the (-venirg on June 1. and 2, 1
e the students wto aire to work
ig the summer. The representa,-
whose room number may be se-
(I at the desk, wil give first an
ne of the details of the work andtt
take up the proposition further

Publication of the Summer
Al chigan Daily starts June 15i
and wil include three Com-
mencement and Class day is-
suies. The Suimmer IMilhign
Daily will contain college news,
sport news, .Assciated Pres
Service, and other items of in-
terest.. In addition mnaiw r'goodl
lictures will he printed.






-YO910,000,CO (OLD M~i4ANNUAL-

e outlif:

- _ tasc~itinsae ~en ak Ia -w ithz any who ar~e interested. en noWr at the offices in the
PLAN TO BORROXV ON - P ress building. The price. i
PYIAPROPERTIES IIP Tl IT $1.50 for 44 issues cdelivered at
PH SCL~, l D~1! tI the diocsr. Subscriptions will be
irs , 11WLIzUIIn ailed anywhere in the united
Leage O Iidiisrias S~l~f~dSun~u ur, nnulnr States without 'additional cost.j
i~a s$ato(11 alwellor Vum) ~~ LIII The paper will he issued regut- I
ForPersit dUt~ ~ dIIVUL( larly ever daly of tie week eat-j
4-- ? cept Mocnday, as is The Daily. .
Bcrin , !%ay 28-(Dy A.P) --Ger - .l1~~p'1~irn n
-- P I'm )11 o ate em ril a l' e- #I

ichigan will have three new alni-
ity buildings ready for occupancy
a her students return next fall
the school year ',192.1924. Of
ethe comleition of two is cr-
while the third, according #o thej
racted time, will be ready Octo-
1. ,
ading the list is the new Clem-
library, which is practically fin-
i now, awaiting_ the arrival of
Americana collection from Regent1
iam L. Clements' home in Day
The dedication ceremonies for
ibrary are to take place June 10
n Dr., John F. Jameson, director
lie department of historical rtG-
ch of the Carnegie Institute at
hington, will deliver the dedica-
TO IHouse Collection
e building will hiouse one of the
tvaluable collections of its kind
he country and will be of most
fit to graduatesi ;interested in
rican historical research and ad-
:ed stu~dents in history.
Engineering Shops
second building which is almost
in of completion by next fall is
new Engineering shiops on East'
,ersity avenue. When this strue-
is finished not only will the en-
ers havea finer shops equipment
therm will be a suitable honte
he recen tly inaugurated highway
veering department, the depart-
t raronautial engineering, and
chemical engineering department.
e Yost F;ied house, according to
ontract, calls for completion by
1. Thant t:,. new athletic plant
be ready for use by then is not
1 assured, though it is certain that
ill he ready early in the school-
.When this new gymnasium is
hed Michigan's indoor athletic fa-
ies -will be more than doubled and
eat expnnion will be made pos-

Play Production
Offers jExcellent
Cast Of Actors
If I Were a real dramlatic critic and.
Dorothy, Weimer, '24, wvere a profes-
sional actress, I would say that Clyde
Fitch had written~ "The Truth" with
her. in mind for the stellar role.
Hier acting was excellent in the part
of Becky Warder, the4 young wife of a
successful New Yorker. She lies be-
cause it seems easier than telling the
truth and then has to continue her
fabrications until she finally becomes
so involved In the web of her prevari-
cations that a crisis is precipitatedl
between hier-husband and herself. How

0 S. U.



many's new irepar ation progr andas it j.................,R ........-. .-.
is outlined, liter a lly will 1be construct- ie Fr3ItIry oll);zaton i

" ry 'ed "fromi the ground up"' for it w{-.
rest primarily on a nafion-wide real JOINT ('F HE)IONO WILL1 RE
Her odestate mortgage. II ELID IN HILL AUDITORIUM
What promises to become the great-;
Hecnry Ford; the millionaire ato, est hypothecation of land i the his- tdilittiu'y organizations of the Uni-
manufacturer,. is considered by many tory of economics et-entually will on- versity and of the city of Ann Arbor
the most likely choice of the Demo- compass every square'irnch of Germni wil join in the Memorial lay serv-
-i cratic party for the next presidential soil which- will be made to pay trio- ices to be held Wednesday morning
'election. Alpha Nu, local debating so- ute, to CGrnany's formor fogs for ar in Hill auditorium. Meeting at the
ciety, recentlyr conceded him the fav- plixid of 0 years. The assessment Union at 9 o'clock, Wednesday morn-
onito in case of nomination, will be on adlbasis of 0 per cent of ( ing, the. University Veterans' of For-
the present gold values.' eign Wars, the R.O.T.C., Gun and
j Five hundred million gold marks' Blade, Scabbard and Blade, and the
anitally will flow into the r elis re- American Legion post, led by the Var-
B CTE DR CI f 5 paration melting pot f om this source st band, will march to the City Hall,
+ uigthe first few years. join the city military organizations
V The ltimate yearly total will ap- there, ad march to Hill auditorium,
TO CO0NVE NEI HE 161 proximiate one billion gold marks the where the joint ceremony will be held.
increase depending ou the promlptnes; Previous to the assembly"' in the
I ; with which the metropolitan real es- auditorium, members of the Boy
Will l~d AnnualSpig onenc tate can be subjected to the mortgag- scouts and the Cailip Fire girls of Annl
i An Decde iasktba oild ,l i {n; rocesArbor will decorate the graves of the
Fridny and. Saturday A begilnning will be made with the sailor and soldier dead in the Fair-
agricultural lands and the physical view and Forest Hills cemeteries, .and
I properties of the industrialists. the Relief corps will- conduct a cere-
I BURtTON WI'LL SPLFAK BIFORE: The plan for the grea.t mortgage-Is : 'llny at the Broadway bridge..
FACL~JY MMJEJI ATDINERthe most important point in the pro- Major Arthur of the Mjilitary de-
" ~~gramn of the German League of lud us- partment will act as marshal of the
Faculty, repiresentatives, athletic di- I trialists as sub~mitted to Chancellor occasion, and the Honorable- H.,XWirt
rectors and coaches of all the schools Cuno for the perusal of the govern- 'Newvkirk will preside at the ceremony
of the -Big Ten will be in Ann .Ar- ;iept.% This, organization indicates its in Hill auditorium.
bor next week end to attend a series rea d~ness to assume payment of 4{)
ofmeig -etinn oCneec per cent, of the hypothecal suml of IEWIlI
athletics an~d to witness thle trac. rep-lee the goverinment can raise by UV[LIU u
resentatives of the various schioolb assessment- in. industrialists' proper,- IhIflIlilTnlnta
Kclash on Ferry field Saturday after- he reannj0pretwudh I~5 UI~IlW
noon,. guaranteed by the banking, commer-
Program for Jung 1 and cial, shipping and ag rarianr interests. VARSITY BANID WILL IUR N[ Sli
The complete program for the two 34iUMSIC FOR WOM'EN'S
dlays. June . 1. and 2. has been an- V i A i.AT .LL"1'L

Burton And Otbers Puy Tribute To !

noumced and, consists of luncheons,
(inners and meetings. It is expecte~i
that Major John L. Griffith, commis-
sioner of Western Conference ath-
letics, and the other directors and ath-1
letic' representatives will arrive nextf



1 1:F E(x t rF' n. 'FRM ENGIf )>AM)AN
AT ('OL17 113).1

Music by the Varsity band will be
played for the Lantern night cere -
monay in wvhich. the women of the
University will participate on Thurs-
day evening at Palmer field.*,r'{'i~e
band will play the march for the.
ILantern procession, for the interval

Retiring head of IDeprfmteut she cleverly redeems herself and wins
At Banquet back her husband's trust is worthy of
real admiration.
SERVED UNIVERSITY T WE-NTY 1 The female parts were all extreme-1
'EARS INI' RESiENT 'I'pSLTi1 ly well portrayed. The wo rll of Cath-,
erine Greenough,. '23, and of Doro-
Prof.. Filibert Roth, retiring head of thy Jeffrey, '24, deserves special com-
mendation, each having difficult dra-1
the forestry department was tendered rimatic roles. Both showed the pro-
a banquet by the forestry club last per emotional stress with an ability
night in the Union. Prominent men! almost professional.
from Unierstie thrughut he1 The male' parts, to my mind, wvere a
from Univrsites hrouhoutthetrifle less outstanding than the female
country paiid their respects to the re- parts. Charles A. Murray, '25, asl
tiring professor and President Mar. Fred Lindon, seemed to over play his
ion L. Burton mnade hrim the presenta- D art a little noticeably anid Neil Skin-
tion of a bound volume from students n ,'6 s h ubn.o h eo
ine of the comedIy, was, rather weak; in
of the forestry department and hris i some of his more emotional lines.
friends,. Harold C. Hunt, '23Ed.,' as Roland,
R3eal Tastmnaster the father of Becky, and as a follower
Stanley S. Locke, president; of the, of the "ponies" played his part with
foretry hub ntroucedthea naturalness quite convincing.
foetycu nrdcdtetoast- RtAP.
miaster for the occasioxx, Regent .Tun-'
lus E. Peal. The first peakcr of the
evening, Prof. Franklin F. Mloon, Dean Announce Poetryy
of the college of Forestiry at SyracuseA~ "'
gave a short talk: on phases of Pro- 1t&1 0 .firLW
fessor Rotht's life and of prominent ' h m ieIsu
Mlichigan'graduates now at Syracuse. hi se Isu
Prof. Ralph S. THemer, of Cornell urni-'-
versity followed with a talk on Pro- j Awards in the poetry contest con-
fessor Roth's activities in the field or 1 ducted last month by W~hImsies will
forestry. I be announced inr full in the final is-
Presidtent Marion L. Burton then I sue of the magazine, to appear on the
made the presentation of a, bound Vol- campus the latter part of this week,
time of letters given by the - students. Robert Frost acted as third judge in
and his friends. Professor Roth re-, the contest and completed the award,'
sponded. thanking the Bdard of 'Re- upon his return to Ann Arbor last
.;ents andl members of the faculty. TIe, week.
gave a short resume. of forestry in First place was awarded to "The
the state. Dive,'~ by Edwvard C. Van Home'r, '2Il
Came ltere fit. 19031 Ed;, second; to "Mowing", 'by Ray L.
Professor Roth camne to Michigan in 'Alexander, '24; and third, 'to "INorth
1903. Originally from Germany, heI Country", by' John Thornton. Money
landed in America in 1871 and came prizes were paid to the. three win-
directly to, Ann Arbor. From here hae ners, Mr. George Wahr, a p~atron of.
wvent to Wisconsin and returned Pq 'Whimsies, contrib~uting half the priz.e
a student in 1886 receiving 'a B. S. money. "Violets", by Mary E. Cooley,
degree in 18901. This same year he '26, received honorable mention.
wvent to "Washington and wvas employed Althought the contest was short, the
in government wvork there. In 1898 results were declared by the editors of
hie went to Cornell, where the first Whimnsies' to be highly gratifying. The
college of forestry was founded and ; prize' poems together with a number
wvas, made an assistant professor., of selected contributions, wvere pub-]
In 1901 he was made administrator 'lished in a special souvenir edition, off
of the 'national forest preserves, and the miagazine, dedicated to the donors
served in this capacity until 1903, of the fellowvship in creative art at C
when he came to the University as Michigan for the past two years. AI
professor of forestry and has remain-, limited sup~ply of the all-poetry issue
ed liere.since that time. remains unsold, and copies may be ob-
This spring Professor T oth receivedl tauned at 10 cents apiece wvhile they
the, honorary degree of LL.D. from last in thne General Library, circula-
Marquette University andi the Regents'Lion corridor, or at Walhr's boo k store.
of the University have voted hzim pro- -_________
fessor Emeritus. 1His retirement goars
into effect at the end of this semester., LM U EOSNO

-Wolverine" Score Trio Of 1tun11"
harpy Innings And Add Twio
More In Seventh
Special to Thie Daily
Columbus, Ohio, Mtay 28-1lowat
Li verance pitched the Michigan bas
ball team to the Western Conferen
championship here today by holdir
the Buckeyes to five scattered hi
while the Wolverines pounded out fi-
runs defeating Ohio by a 5-2 score.
Liverance pitched the best game
his carter and also helped the Mai,
and Blue attack by hitting safelyc
two occasions. Michigan started tl
first two frames strong when thl(
br u h c o s t r e r n . t ;ropened - the first inning by hurrying
throw from third which resulted
an error. He was thrown out wh(
Kipke baunted safely. Kipke stole se,
ond and' scored _ when Ash tripled
deep right center. Asia -cored a mn
Sment later beating a throw to tl
Michigan scored another run in tl
following inning wvhen Blott open(
ly hitting safely. Klein forced him
secod and Klein scored on hits I
Ldiverance and Uteritz.
Ohio State scored first in the fifi
when Michaels crossed the plate froe
second' on a single by Workiman. TI
other Buckeye run came in the ne:
frame wvhen FIesler who was safec
an error by Uteritz score~d on a trip
le by Cameron. Ohtio dial not threw
en the Michigan lead at any othi
time, as Liverance tightened ev(
time men were on the bases.
Michigan sewed up the game in tl
seventh inning wvhen Coach Fisher
men added their last two runs, hi
by Liverance, Shackleford and Ash r
suiting in- the two counters.
IUteritz lead the Wolverine of fexsi)
getting threo hits wvhile Paper w,
a tower of defense handling four w
usually hard chances at the hot co
ner without a slip.
Box: score follows:,

Oilier Bidldin~gs Included The firat gathering xil be held at
Buildings included in the Univer- 1 7:30, o'clock 'Thutrsday night at the
,ty building program which twill still Union when the Confer'ence directors
e under construction next fall in- will hold their annual >spring meet-
ude the new model high school, the ing. At .9 o'clock Friday morning
hysics building,, Literary building, the basketball coaches' will hold 'a
aw club,.13u'ldIig program officials ! meeting and arrange the schedule for
:ate that it is possible that of these next fall and -there will also be a
e High school an~d Physics building meeting of the directors at this time
ill be ready by~ the end of the firt if all of the business is not transacted
meter, while completion of the first Thursday night.'
ing; of the- Literary building is noti At 1:30 o'clock Friday afternoon
nticipated until a year fronm next there will be a joint meeting of the
i1,. Excav ation for the new Law basketballs coaches and directors' at
ub will be well along by the end of .xvhich time possible changes :in the
ie summer and it is likely that the rules governing the Conference will
rst spadZeful-may be turned on the be arranged.
ew Medical building. Burton to SpeakI
In addition to these University pro- The Board of Directors of the Con.
cts the first of the dormnitories be- ference, Athletic association' will ten-
g; constructed by the Dormitories 'der their' annual "drawing banquet"I
orporation will be read-y for oce"- to the (directors andI coaches of the
anicy. This building, which is locat- teams entered in the mieet at 6 o'clock
; on Sybil street, contains only large Fridlay nighlt.; At, this time the diraw-
ngle rooms and 'will house 124 stim- I ings will be made for the Saturda),
ents. meet.
_______--Two, other gatherings will be held
rr~Saturday of the faculty representiK-
W O i OM ITE [ tmives of the Big Ten,. The two days
ofactivities will then close ata6
clock dinner given for the faculty
"perhInssnmen Askedl to Join dv members at Barton Hills country club
r Body by the Athletic association.. President
______Mari on L. Burton Wvill be the princi-
1l ;ierclasen who care to serve 'Pal speaker at this dinn~er,
sfr eshmen advisors on the Uppe ,
lss Advisory commiittee of the Un-?I Wesle'an Gnild t:o Hold Picnic
ni are asked to fill out the couponI Members, of the Wesleyan Guild and
Blow antd send it to Charles W. Mter- their friends, will hold -their" annual
'am1, Jr., '2-1,1, chairman of the com-' spring picnic tomorrow. ,The grouzp-
ittee, care of time Union. will start frome Wesley hall at 1.
More thani 400 men are needed to, o'clock and go .to Chelsea on
:):plet- tie, cqmmittee which has as a special car. A cast' from 'the
s purpose the instruction of next recent production of the Dodo play-!
ear's freshmen class in the tradi- ems will present one of their original
ons and. customs of M1ichigan and to plays. in the natural amphitheater pro-
,Ilp them in becoming a part of tile, vided at the picnic grounds.

. i
. E

-Prof. Fred N. Scott, head of the after the class songs, for "The Yel-
department of rhetoric and journal- lowe and Blue," andI for the recessional
ism and Prof. J. Raleigh Nelson, head ; xwhen time seniors and juiniors leave
of the department of English in the followxed by the sophomores and fresh-
engineering college, have been al,-
pointted delegates to, the Conference Inesf.
of British and American Professors I Tesuhr eto fPle
of English which wil be held June; field is to be used this year for the
13, 4, nd 5 atColmbi unierst ('0 cremony since the northern part is
13,14,anI 1 atCoumba uivrsiybeing reseeded. All the baseball
This body meets every two years, fecswl;b eprrlyrmvdt
bringing together the 'world's greatestfecswlbetmoaiyrovdo
authorities on the English language.- give a clear stretch of field. .The
IThe assemnbly, along with its regular band will take its place near the low-
program, will probably take up ques - r tennis courts.
I Los o stleandgoo usge.Championship gaines betxveen the
IThe first regular meeting, which will :class teams in the spring sports xil
E be held Wednesday mornrting, June j, 3 Ie played in the afternoon, beginning
will be presided cov.er by Z'rofessor at 5 d'clock. The armIhery teams
jScott. The :subject. of 'this meting I Which xii compete were ann~ouncef!
will be "The English I~axgimare". The 3yesterday. The Junior teals is con-'
subjects of the other two meetnzg ;IDosed ofLucilla Walker, Lucile. Chal-
I will be "English Literature" andl uters, and Loraine Price. The sopho-
"Sha~espea e"j It is prlannedl to, gmve' more team of. Adelaide DeVries, and
recognition to the tercentenary of the Irene Haines wvhile the members of
jI public ation of the :ah~lespeazt I4 olio. ! the freshman team are Ruth Carson.
both at the ntiettings o1' the (Confer- j Iteleon Wicks, Kather'yn Willson, andI
once and in outside activities. A lice Young.
Among tihe speakers at this con renr- The tournament wil consist -of 30
tion will b)e Prof. C. I1. 1He1ford, fdr- arrow.s to b)e shot by each contestant.
E nem'Iy of the University of Alainches- !I.it a distance of' 28 yards. In. base-
tei'; President Willaim A. Neilson, of I ball the senior and junior teams -xvili
ISmith college; Sir Israel Gollalicz, play for first honors wvhile the soplio-!
Professor Crierson, of Edinburigh; , mores and freshmen wiil play. acon-
I rof. A. W. Reed,, of King's College;I solation game. The tennis teams win-
and F'. S. B~oas; one of time most prom- ning; the right to play on Wednesday
inent of the English literary' critics.';xiil be announced later. '
-- Preceding the pr'ocession the wonmen
German Expedition To Nexico c-fr the University wiil hold. a picnic
Potsdam, May 28, (By A. P.)--Dr.! supper on the hill. Hot coffee wil
'Hans Ludendorff, brother of the be served free of charge to those who
IWorld War genei'al, will lead a Ger. are provided with cups and spoons.
m ,gan scientific party to Mexico, in, Frostbites will be sold for the bene- ;
September, to observe the eclipse of fit of the Women's League.
the gun, with the hope of testing the, Intensive practice is being. held
Einstein Relativity theory. daily for the May pole dance and thle
'_-___ dancing pageant wvhich will follow
Zionists Elect Officers the supper and to which the public
IOfficers of the University of Micli-; is invited.
ign ins soito lce o -the next year arc as follows: Pres- I French Observe 1Meworial nab'
ident, B. B. Bersky, '25M; vice-prosi- Paris, 'May 28, (By A. P.) -SchoolI
dent, M. Merzon, '25L; secretamry, B. authorities are instructed to see thatt
Hd Natchez, '25, treasurer, M. E. Bach-I pupils observe American Memorial
mran, '25MI. (Ilxv rug~'hourasnce. XWednesday:

r i
> l
" S

Kipke, e.....
Ashi, If '
Shackleford, 11b
H-aggerty, 21)...
Paper, M .........
Livom'an e, p....






Totals........8511 2711 2



Matusoff, -1).......
Kleec, If. .. ...
Fesler, cf
Cameron, ss
Miche.als, _i1). ..
Slamnan, rf
Franlkenbum'g, 2b.
Mlarts, c......
Workmian, p ...





1 f


U" St AND -TURKEY TO Asa result of the resolutions passed
atth alumni meeting last Friday,
rn 18r10 N TOCITY tl~ere is a the present timec an office
H~rIIJE UUIJ IDLIII 1for some senior as business mianager
Iof the "Michigan Alumnus".' That po-
I Lausanne, May 28, (By A. P.)-The{ sit:on has beOen open since the resig-
.iformal, conversation for devision o atino ~bH ed,'9 atJn
the treaty between the United Statesnay
and urke proresed fvoraly t- ;The position, it was dccidled, vill be
aicand Tur e rgressaedaralyto-filled again wvhen a suitable iman is
day nd t i beieve fomalnegti-found. Any men who have worked'
aTieonveanteion batweanealydae. on business staffs this year and are
The onvrsaion betwen oseh -interestel can call on Mr. Wilfred' B.
{Grewv, Ismet Pasha and the experts Shaw' , editor of the. "Alumtnus"',
of, then American and Turkish dlelega- Ia h fieo htpbiaini
tion; .their, object was to find a basis alumn fiMemofiathal l. ctoni
on xvhich) formal negotiations could be
opened with the prospect of favorable; Another position that will be filled
results. through Mr. Shaw, who is alsq gen-
Specifically* it is the desire of thel eral secretary of thfeAlumnii associa-
two delegations to replace the treaty tion, is field secretary. This job has
of 183,0 by a new treaty.'1 been created so that some one may de-
_____ _______1__I-rote tinme to stimuilating local aluruni
('oavention Criticizes Fordl clubs. This man will keep) thenm in
Atlantic City, May 28, (By A. P.) j touch with the University, thus fur-
t After an exciting seance at whicht the nishing an interest that Nv;IIftnd to
name of Henry Ford was hissedl and. hold Tthem together better, sans 1Mr.

Totals........31.2 5 27 14 5
Score by {innings:
Vlclcigaun....2 10 0 00 20 0--5
Ohio State .... 00 00 11 0 00--2
Three base hits, As ., Camieronl;
stolen bases, Kipke, Ashi, Fcsler;
struck out, by Liverance G, Workmnait
4; bases on bal115, off Liveran~ce 2;
hait bastmnen, by Liverance 1
Cosmnopolitan Club will hold its fi-.
nab banquet of the year at 6 o'clock~
tonight in the -'Methodist church,
Though this banquet is being givers
by the Cosmiopolitan club it is hoped
that as many foreign students as are
able will attend.
Prof. J. A, C. Ilidner of the Ger.-
man department, who is facultyv men,
tom 'of the or'ganization, will speak on
"Foreign Student Activity," Mrs. W.
Karl Rufus, wife of the astronomy
professor, will spea-k on the same sub-
ject from a womnan'"s viewpoint. Wil-
liam C. Wan1g, '24E, newly elected
tnresident nof the org~anization, will act

junior studlents preferably are
ntcd for this committee. In filling
t time coupon below next year's ad-
e-s should be given 'if possible.
I desire3 to geve on the Up-
porcl:ass Advisory comttee.

Adelph! to Elect 'Offcers
Election of officers for next semes -
ter' will take place at the meeting ot
the Adelphi House of Representatives
at 7:30 o'clock tonight in the Adebphi
roomi, fourth floor, University hall.
There swill be no public program at
this mieeting as the election of offi-
fo nd on1 the'r business will oncrn




,I hnw

liont6d delegates attending the annual

1 "



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