THE Ml( UNDAY, MAY 27, 1923 UNtDA .r_...-- ..... I' - 10 -r' 3 !( , .;> .',i' ,, ., ' '(, i I'. Sir Theodore Cook. Here, as in thie publisher's word on the back cover, we are told that Lynch "makes a mian's most admired quality-tour- age-shine through the sordidness of the ring . . . ." There is noth ing sordid about the ring. If one can call a sport where a man's corn- mon sense and coordination are al- lowed full sway ,then is the ring sor- j did. If the ring is sordid so are all vital physical contests. . It grieved me to see such names as I Bennie Leonard, Battling Nelson. -Ad Wolgast, Freddie Welsh, Jack Britton, Jimmie Wilde, and Joe Gans.left out of the chapter on Little Men. The closing chapter, An Afterthought, is not entirely my own view of thel game as it is today, but the mainI REMARKS ON A HISTORY OF MR. WODEHOUSE PRIZEFIGHTING KNUCKLES AND GLOVES By Aga Winters I write this chiefly because 'Leave by Bohin Lnch Henry Holt an, Cdful aty, $3.50. it to Psmith" is being sniffed at by Reviewed by William Ruwitch all the little trittle intellectuals. From Bohun Lynch truly deser i'es the the cosmic point of view--whatever title of the greatest chronicler of pro- that muddler phrase may mean-the fessional boxing of all time. His intellectuals are probably right. No latest work is vivid with accounts one has ever claimed that P. G. Wode- colored by the hand of a really hon- house is much more than a clever en- est historian, the colors being added tertainer; nor shall I attempt to give in just the right shades and tones' him a higher name. Nor are there so that all features may be seen in any readers who seriously assert that their true lights. It is no wonder 'Sally," and "The Little Warrior," that Lynch is sought by a dozen or and "Picadilly Jim," and the rest of so English journals every time a Wodehouse's amusing creations have championship bout is to take place, escaped the solution of A Great Prob- for any man with such knowl. lem. Leaving this absurdity aside, edge of the time-honored and tra there is even no warrant for handing ditioned sport is a valuable acquisi- our author the poisoned bays and ac- tion for any publisher. claiming him as Dean Swift the Sec- "Knuckles and Gloves" is exacti ond: he cannot, for that matter stand what the name implies. It is a clev- comparison with so light a satirist as er history of boxing as a profession Thomas Love Peacock.. Peacock was from the first recorded encounte in no mean philosopher, which Wode- 1738,until the renowned but over-esti- house is not; Peacock was no mean poet, which Wodehouse is not. To mated Dempsey-Carpentier bout in plae tetwhodmenhoetheasan.T1921. The first part, Knuckles, deals place the two men together, as an nywtthsbttewhhwre overzealous young critic who had only with those battles which were been bored by much modern ranting, fought iith the bare fists. In this did a short while ago in a review of list, which of course is by no means this same book, is to do Wodehouse complete, we find such names as Bel- Injustice. cher, Cribb, Tom Molineux the Ameri "Well, then," says the reader, as- can negro, Deaf Burke, Yankee Sulli ; suming he has got this far, "why are van, Tom Sayers, The Benicia Boy, you bothering with Psmith and his and The Tipton Slasher names which comrades? Just to work off your in their time were on the lips of nine spleen against the intelligensia?" tenths of the population of England. Partly, yes-if I am to be entirely Throughout this baie-knuckle era we frank. But also because Wodehouse, are led to. observe, above all else, although not even a first-rate light the valor and :lon-heartednec' of satirist, deserves consideration as a the contestants. One passage (from concocter of clever and exceedingly the account of the Tom Johnson-Isaac complicated plots, and writer of some Perrins battle) seems to be the key- dainty nonsense of the sort that no note of the whole book. "His (Per- one else today can compose. We may, rin's) pluck in this battle was the indeed, be thankful that' Wodehouse inspiration of the Prize-Ring for eve isn't a great satirist, for if he were, afterwards. More than once Johnson, his unique dialogue would probably de- still strong, sent in tremendous blows scend to the stuff Fitzgerald does. Not which would utterly have finished le- that "Leave It to Psmith" doesn't ser men, but Isaac Perrins held on abound in quick hits; not that Wode- until his friends and seconds gave house can't flick his whip with the in and refused to let the good fel best of them: but he has learned the low'fight any more." important distinction between a whip That is what eighteenth century and a broad-sword. le is even leav- England had for amusement. Today. ing out much sarcasm that any other when an exceedingly scientific and writer would yelp with- joy to put in, gentlemanly Bennie Leonard meets ar that Wodehouse himself included in almost equally accomplished Jacl ais earlier books. Now he contents Britton, there are some who find ob- himself with hinting, with insinuating. jections. with darting suddenly from his covert It is interesting to note that the and then running back again without first part contains only a few names making the expected attack. By this of American fighters. It is true that seftan geriaw a lp s bare-knuckle boxing in America was m An artist,. yes; though aminorart-relatively scarce. But 'in Gloves, of' ist If eaccept the dictum of the the fourteen famous names, only four are of foreigners. The path of this mode ndesign, jthoutcal wrge oe great game is easily traced. We se. sign "worthier" than another, then the introduction of the sport inAmer- the creator of Freddie Threepwood, ica, on a higher plane, begun by our Lady Constance and her husband, and old Peter Jackson. The one and only above all Psmith himself; the com- John L. Sullivan (R, I. P.) enters, fol- poser of the best bantering, teasing lowed -closely by Bob Fitzsimmons light prose done in English writing and, as -the announcer used to say: at present; the inventor of a tripping "In this corner, ladies and gentlemen, journalistic rhythm (and how the. so- the dancing master, Gentleman Jiin phisticates laugh at that assertion; fCorbett!" What names follow! Glimp- but it's true) which avoids the clumsy se of Tommy Burns, Jim Jeffries, lightness of Heeht as it does the owl- "Lil Artha" (Jack Johnson), Jei ishnes of Fitzgerald;-Wodehouse, to Smith, Bombardier Wells, Georges name him again, has no little right to Carpentier; and our own, and the peer the title of artist. o them all, Jack Dempsey! Perhaps our worthy British chroni- A certain fool was alone in a desert cler has a leaning toward his native with a tall ladder. He wished to products, but why Joe Beckett's name raise the ladder and to climb upon should appear on the list is beyond it up to heaven; whereupon he suc- me. Regardless of that, and conaid- ceeded in attaining the top rung. When ering that Lynch- is not quite as in- he was that high up, however, he, ternationa.l as is jiecessary for a discvered that even yet he could not sporting writer, I' believe that "Knuck- grasp the clouds; and furthermore, to les and Gloves" is on a ',r with a his dismay, he preceived that his lot of other histories of more cul- I by three leading metropolitan manag- ers. But in view of the fact that en- tirely opposing opinions of its merits are held by two severe and celebrated dramtic critics, and that many peo- ple who have -read it consider it one of the best American comedies to date: th experiment is being made of bring- ing it c-ut in book form so that it may have its chance as a piece of fine sat- iric humor. A Rood deal oP curiosity has been expressed regarding the identity of Elmer Davis, whose farcical novel "Times Have Changed" has been arousing tho enthusiarm of reviewers I) '1... /rj # i.' _ _ ^ DQSTOEVESKY-PROPHET such as Raskalnikov was gui' (Continued from Page One) could hardly warrant a parole be so shocked by his deed, so con- under such a system of crimina science-stricken, as to be punished cedure, when the criminal was enough by the pangs of remorse. This ingly justified in his act, the b of course, is wholly a. matter' of con- could hope for would be Ici jocture, And from t-e scientific end from the court. we can only take' the word of aL- No-. in consideration of all - iorities as final. IIowever, it is Pn ieresting to note that in our own it is most interesting to takc United States the state -of Massachu- nizanc o an art work avvng setts has inaugurated a vast system hr'adt IL or vision. such score. of paroling. Each offender is given true human touch as the novel a thorough ekamination. 'As- intin-; >d Punishwrent., and to real ated, first offenders are usually or is rpresontative of a land cons non-criminal tendencies and are so; as backward as Russia. Sun shocked by their deed as never to her thinkers, ever increasig in repeat it. At this examination such her a's they are. are capable o persons are of course detected and sonting such advanced ideas Put on strict parole. The practice field f criminality, a pihtot has met with- gratifying results, rs Iwhich otr Eurpcan ates only 13 ner cent of the cases paroled been' practically at a loss in d have been retaken into custory. As' with, we can then look to this a consequence, jails in Massachusetts cf the Muscovites with eyes of are becoming more or less obsolete, dor and expectation. As intimat and a new milestone in criminal treat- fore, no European power rests S ment has been reached here in ou ly in its seat this moment. t own country. ' all Islam rise, as has been thre: In this connection, it must be said in the recent Turkish crisis, I ion. that these parole cases cover only might witness the begining c o l- the misdemeanor group. A felony, end. thought is coincident with mine and jand the delight of readers generaily. that is: "Sport today is beautifully' Mr . Davis, who is on the editorial staff fair.'" o the New York Times, and is thi If you would become acquainted author of the history of that news- with the analytical viewpoint of one paper which was published two years of the recognized authorities of boxy-ago, has modestly refused to furnish g th reonid E renits of Amerihis publishers with any autobiograph- mng (What Bob Edgren is in America. 1iclat.A'erhofW 's h, so Bohun Lynch is in England), by I data.Asearch of Who's Who, a mea BohnsrLyd"ncs ndngGloves." however, discloses the facts that he all means read "Knuckles and Gwas born in Indiana in 1890, was edu- °-- =-cated at Franklin College (Indiana) "The Vegetable, or: From President and at Oxford, where he was a Rhodes ito Postman," is the title of a three-act scholar, and has been, like the hero play by F. Scott Fitzgerald which has of-his novel, both high school teacher just been browht out in book form by and newspaperman. Regarding his .Scribners. Mr. Fitzgerald, with personal characteristics, a friend con- characteristic 'candor, declares that in fides that he wears rubbers and leads slightly different form it was refused*-, blameless life. I .1 Edited by Scogan 11IVREZ VOTS "Be always dru:iken. N. hin;: else matters: that is the only quest If you would-not feel th: hrc1ible burden of Time weighing on your sh ders and crushing you to the earth, be drunken continually. Drunken with wbau? With wine, with poetry, or with virtue, as will. But be drunken. And if sometimes, on the stairs of a palace, or on the green sidec ditch, or in the drearyl solitude of your own room, you should awaken the drunkenness be half or wholly slipped away; from you, ask of the w or of the wave, or of the star, or of the bird, or of the clock, or of whate flies, or sighs, or rocks, or sings, or speaks, ask what hour it is; and wind, wave. star. bird, clock. will answer vou: 'It is the hour to be drunk Be drunken, if you would not be martyred slaves of Time; be drunkenc tinually! De vin. de noesie, ou de vertu. a votre guise. Charles Henri Baudelaire. you of a and ind. ever the xen! con- jI - ____________________________ Spring Means Light. Lunches Ifrocks for the Dainty salads Cooling diks Pleasant surroundings Summer Time What a joy to find summer frocks'that are well made- as are these from Wooltex and other famous makes, that come in fabrics that will wash, that are cleverly styled,'and, pced so mod- erately that 'you can :easily aword several JV " PANi. '.Gaiety. is good to look upon and an innocent face is delightful to our souls, but no woman can resist sadness or weakness, and ugliness she dare not resist. Her nature leaps to be the comforter. It is her reason. It exalts her to an ecstasy wherein nothing but the sacrifice of herself has any proportion. Men are not fathers by instinct but .by chance, but" women are- mothers beyond thought, beyond instinct which is the father of thought. Motherliness, pity, self-sacrifice, these are the charges of her primal cell,' and not even the discovery that men are comedians, liars, and' egotists will wean her frome this. '. . . The beast which is in all'men is glossed by women: it is his childishness, the destructive energy inseparable from youth and high spirits, and it is always forgiven by women; often forgotten, and not rarely, cherished and fostered." "The Coming of Pan," from "The Crock of Gold," by James Stephens. POLY. SCI. "Political science they .had none. The blessings of virtual representa-! tion were not 'eveir dreamed 'of: so that, when any of their barbarous metal- lic currency got into their pockets or coffers, it had a chance to remain there; subjecting. them to the inconvenience 'of unemployed capital. Still they went to work politically much as we do. The powerful took all they could get from their subjects and neighbors: and called something sacred and glorious when they wanted the people to fight for them. They repressed dissatisfaction by force, when 'it showed' itself in an overt'act; but they en- couraaed freedom of sneech, when it was. like Hamlet's reading. 'words.I words, words'." From "The Misfortunes of Elfin," by Thomas Love Peacock. VITAL PROBLEMS "Rightly considered; the most trivial love affair is of staggering import. - Who arc we to question.this, when nine-tenths of us owe our existence 'to a summer flirtationi And while our graver eednomic and psychic "problems" (to settle some one of which is nowadays the object of all ponderable' fiction) are doubtless worthy of most serious cox sideration, you will find; that frivolous love affairs. little and big, were shaping history and playing, spillikin. with sceptres long before any oi these delectable matters were: thought of." From The Epistle Dedicatory of "'The Line oX Love," by James Branch Cabell. CREED "They believe -in rod, the scourger almighty, creator of hell upon earth, and in Jacky Tar, the- son of a gun, who was conceived of a holy boast, born o: the fighting army, suffered' under rump and 'dozen, was sacrificed, 'flayed and curried,-,yelleds like bloody hell, tAhc third day he arose again from -his. bed. steered into haven, 'and sitteth on 'his beamend until further orders whence he shall come to a drudge for a living and be paid." From "Ulysses," by-James Joyce. SANGRAAL " called'The Drink Curse' is the natural and inevitable result and- sequence of. the. 'Protestant Reformation'. 'If the clear wells and foiin- tains o.".the magic wood-are buried out of sight,-then men (who must have. Drink) will betake them. to the Slime Ponds and Poison Pools." From "The Secret of.Glory," by Arthur Machen. 338-Maynard St. NATIONAL,* -BANK -~ :::: OLDEST BANK IN ANN ARBOR : : OLDEST NATIONAL BANK IN MICHIGAN Tuttles Lunch Room South of Majestic Party-time frocks in sheer voile, like the shown here, country frocks in summer silks, ored models in linens and ratine. imported rx a ,wEtt PNV E F Y . err sT s $5.75 to $29.50 Headquarters for Watches We have just received a'fine line of watches of all kinds. Wr watches for men and for wom2n, misseagirls and boys. We have't finest assortment of gold watches to be found in this section. We c please you, no .matter what you want. Our watch-repair department is at your service and we guaran all our work. Come in and let us show you what we have in he Mills Company, The Store dhat Sclls Wooliex o t '' irel-it lets you -as w n see, is want toy do." 118 MAIN