__ . AND COOLER TODAY I IWe Sfr it an. ~ait T Y FRCR O SS C O UISU A I VOL. XXXIII. 'No. 16 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1922 EIGHT PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS OT IGHT WAITS REULATWN BILL SENTIMENT IN BOTH HOUSES SAID TO OPPOSE MEASURE CHANGES EXPECTED TO FOLLOW PUBLIC HEARING jointI Resolution Asks Harding's ,Good Offiees in Lowering Price of Anthracite (By, Associated Press) Lansing, Mich., Oct. 11.-That a hot fight awaits the. governor's fuel reg- ulation bill became more certain to- day as members of the legislature in special session studied the measure A number of leaders in the House went so far as to declare the bill, if placed upon its passage today, would fail to receive the necessary 51 votes, and probably would fall far short of the;67 necessary for immediate ef- fect.7Sentiment againstmthe measure in the Senate also appeared strong. On all sides, however, it was admit- ted that some sort of a fuel bill would be, put through. Many changes are expected to follow the public hearing on " the measure, which began before the State Affairs committee tonight. "Fuel" Too Broad One of the features of th bill, to which Objection was raised, was the breadth to the definition of the word fuel. The term fuel, as used in this act, shall be deemed to mean and include coal, coke, charcoal, firewood, fuel oil, and manufactured fuel products, the bill says. Hard on Farmers Members who take exception to the inclusion of firewood and fuel oil in the - bill, pointed out that it would work unnecessary hardships on ev- ery farmer who might have cordwood+ for sale, and upon the proprietor ofi every small grocery store in the state which may sell kerosene for use in oil stoves. Farmers who sell wood, and storekeepers, who sell fuel oil, would have to obtain a license from the fuel administration and pay tbe fee of five dollars. The bill was introduced in the Sen- ate today, and refered to the commit- tee on state affairs. The House held a short session thisi morning, devoted to memorial serv- ices for Martin Meery and Daniel G. Rankin, members who died since the last session. Ask Harding's Help+ A joint resolution addressed to] President Harding was adopted by thej Senate. It asks the President, acting] through the Fuel Administration and the Interstate Commerce CommissionI to do what he can to bring about a re- duction in the present lrice demanded1 for anthracite fuel, and provide for the1 shipment of necessary supplies ofI fuel into the state. CARS NEEDED TO TRANSPORT TEAM Automobiles with which to take the members of the football team to the Michigan Central station today are being sought by William G. Lichten- berg, '23, football manager.+ The team is to leave the MichiganF Central station for Nashville. Tenn., at 12:50 o'clock this afternoon. Con- sequently, it will be necessary for1 the students who are willing to volun- teer their machines to be at the Union by 12 o'clock. Since 28 men are included in the party which willI make the trip to-.Vanderbilt, at least seven machines will be needed. U. S. Sea Fighter Will Reorganize Brazilian Navy See Your Team Off Today Rear Admiral Carl T. Vogelgesang Rear Admiral Carl T. Vogelgesang of the United States navy is one of a commission of naval officers which will reorganize the Brazilian navy. Rain Falls to Daunt Courage of Can- didates For Cross Country Team YEARLINGS ARE URGED TO TURN OUT FOR AFTERNOON ]RUNS Forty-five cross-country men brav- ed the rainy weather yesterday af- ternoon for the run out Geddes av- nue. Coach Ted Sullivan is highly en- couraged by this spirit and believes that -if the weather improves, at least 100 men should be out by Saturday. The coach is confident that between 200 and 300 men will be running ev- ery day by midseason. The coaches especially want to see more freshmen turning out in the af- ternoons. The freshmen have the smallest representation of all, so far, whereas last year the freshmen squad had 'more men than any one class on the Varsity squad. Freshmeen to Receive Loving Cups The coaches point out to the year- lings that in; the annual all-fresh run, the first six men to finish get num- erals, and the first three are awarded loving cups. The loving cups are con- sidered far superior to those awarded last year or any previous year, and the authorities expect some keen compe- tition for the trophies. Freshmen are also eligible to enter. the Harpham trophy race, which will be run some time in November. In this race the first three men to fin- ish are awarded loving cups, and the winner has his name inscribed on the Harpham trophy, in the Waterman gymnasium. This race has been run annually for the last six years, and as yet no one has had his name carved on the bowl more than once. "it" Made Easier to Win With all the incentives to come out for cross country, the authorities de- clare they can see no reason why this sport should not soon become one of the most popular on the campus. They are inclined to believe that the reason for the lack of interest in cross country previous to this year has been due to the difficulty of winning an M in the sport. Only two men have won the cross Vountry M in the last ten years. The Athletic board, with the+ (Continued on Page Two) ' Today Coach Yost will take his squad of warriors to Nashville, there to meet the Vanderbilt team in a contest Saturday which will mark the renewal of relations broken off eight years ago. Michi- gan and Vanderbilt have always maintained the most friendly of terms, every encounter on the field of sport between the two in- stitutions always being character- ized by fairness and good sports- manship. Seven times the Wol- verines have battled the south- erners, seven times the men of /Yost have conquered the Commo- dores, and now they are seeking an opportunity to combat Michi- gan again. It will be a battle, of that there is no doubt, but that Michigan will triumph,-that is for the team and the student body to decide. The team will do its part on the gridiron Saturday. It will fight, with that "never-say die" spirit which held the strong Wisconsin team to a 7-7 tie last year, when the latter considered Michigan as a Weak opponent. That game has gone down in history as a tribute to the University's athletic achievements. It is that same spirit which the team will take with it to Vanderbilt, though no one can say of the Michigan elev- en that it is by any means a weak foe. The student body must help in bringing about the victory-by turning out this afternoon and giving, the team a send-off that will fill every man. on that squad with the assurance that the cam- pus is behind him. The locomo- tive yell has often been as import-. ant a factor in sending off a Mich- igan tean to a foreign gridiron as the between-halves pep-talk of the Old Man. The team leaves from the Ann Arbor railroad station at 12:40 TAU ,BETA P1 OPENS COVNINHR o'clock this afternoon. No true Michigan man or woman should be more than twenty feet distant from the station at that time, ev- en though it may mean hurrying through or missing a meal. The men on the squad are making greater sacrifices than that. Three things to remember, then, and one to do: Time: 12:40. Place: Ann Arbor station. Action: Michigan m~n and wo- men in a continuous cheerfest for Coach Yost and his men. BE THERE! FOR LIT BUILDINGi ALUMNUS TELLS OF MICHIGAN'S HOPES Alumni of the University are today receiving the first copy of the "Mich- igan Alumnus" of the present college year. This publication is issued week- ly during the scholastic year by the Alumni association. A large part of the first issue is given over to a discussion of Michi- gan's chances this year as regards to football. This is supplemnted by a number of pictures of the squad, indi- vidual players, a picture of assistant coachGeorgeLittle, and one of the new Ohio State stadium. A special article, together with her picture, is devoted to Miss Jean Ham- ilton, new dean of women, whose past work is outlined briefly. "We Want Yost" is a message sent by the Colorado alumni, whose chief aim is to have Coach Fielding H. Yost make a tour of the country after the close of the present football season, in the interest of the University of Michigan. Wilfred B. Shaw, '04, is editor and Paul A. Leidy, 09, is business manag- er of the "Michigan Alumnus." MIMES TO PRESENT WEEKLY' PROGRAMIS Track Star To Deliver Speech Exterior Architecture of Building to be Redrawn Architect COMMITTEE ANNOUNC-ES TODAY ENTIRE TRADITIONS PROOGM; HUGE SUCCESS IS ANTICIPATED, College by 1. President Burton Will Welcome fielally National Delegates from All Chapters Of- GENERAL HOUSING BY UNION IS OFFERED FOR FIRST TIME President Marion L. Burton will of- ficially welcome in behalf of the Uni- versity delegates from Tau Beta Pi chapters throughout the country when they assemble at the Union this aft- ernoon for the annual national con- vention of the honorary engineering fraternity. Representatives will arrive in Ann Arbor this morning and will be met at the station by members of the re- ception committee of which Franklin Johnston, grad., is chairman The delegates will be conducted to the Union, where they will register. For the first time in Ann Arbor the guests will practically all be housed in one central place, the Union. A few of them will stay at their fraternities. Following President Burton's ad- dress at 1:15 o'clock, a short business session will be held, after which an informal reception is to take place. At 4 o'clock an auto ride around the city will be given the engineers. The pro- gram of the day will be brought to a close by a smoker at the Union at 7:30 o'clock, when the secretary-treas- urer of the :organization, Prof. R. C. Matthews of the University of Ten- nessee, will give his annual report. Other features planned for the eve- nig include Hawaiian music by Tang, '24E, and Tavarres, '24, and refresh- ments. A. D. Moore, assistant profes- sor of electrical engineering, will be master of ceremonies. Entertainment and busiess sessions will take place Friday and Saturday, the meetings being terminated by the annual convention banquet at the Union Saturday night, at which Prof. Henry H. Higbie, of the department of electrical engineering, will give an address. All student, alumni, and faculty members of the local chapter will attend the smoker and banquet. SPACE IN 'ENSIAN MUST BE RESERVED Fraternity and sorority contracts for the reservation of space in the. 1923 Michiganensian have been sent out and the staff of the 'Ensian is es- pecially axious that these be return- ed at once in order to be assured of space. It was yesterday announced that the number of organizations to be al- lowed in this year's annual would be limited- For this reason, all campus organizations should 'sign contracts -.a e.- rn n . 11 a ifon. ~ is Aouini WILL NOT CHANGE INTERIOR PLANS THAT WERE CHOSEN New plans for the exterior archi. itecture of the proposed general lit- erary building, subject to criticism by alumni and members of the faculty, will be drawn immediately by Archi- tect Albert Kahn, of Detroit. The de- cision to change the plans was reach- ed' after suggestions by alumni and faculty men who had seen the sketches. The exact type of architecture to be adopted is not yet known. A Gothic style, proposed by many, was reject- ed. It was also decided to abandon, for the time being at least, that part of the plan which placed the tall me- morial campanile at the rear of the structure. Some place on the mall was proposed as a more logical loca- tion for the campanile. On Line With Memorial Hall The front of the building, it is ex- pected, will be on a line with the front of Alumni Memorial hall; thus pre- serving the symmetry on the west side of the campus. The interior of the building will not be changed, it is thought, by the alterations on the ex- terior design. No radical depprture from the general policy which has guided the planning of other struc- tures, simplicity and maximum effi- ciency, with large and spacious class- rooms, is to be made. The revisions of the sketches will be (Continued on Page Two.) COAL1.BILL. CITICIZED6 BY LOCAL FULDEALRS PRESENT SHORTAGE A RESULT OF RAILROAD SYSTEM TIEUP Considerable discussion has arisen as a result of a bill, submitted in the state legislature by Governor Groes- beck, 'proposing the vesting of more power in the office of fuel adminis- trator. As the bill reads at present, the administrator or an'y deputies ap- pointed by him, will have full power to confiscate, or regulate the price of all coal in the state of Michigan. This means that private persons as well as dealers will be subject at all times to the dictation of the fuel admins- trator. The bill has been strongly protest- ed by coal interests throughout the state who, it is said, regard the meas- ures proposed by the bill as entirely too strong. Local Opinon Expressed Several local coal dealers, when asked their opinion of the proposed bill, expressed the opinon that, al- though 'the bill had its good points, its bad effects would more than coun- teract the good. Mr. H. R. Beuhler of the Ann Ar- bor Fuel company said, "The bill as it now stands provides that the fuel administrator will be given power at the discretion of the governor for an indefinite period of time, whenever the governor deems it necessary. It is this that we are seeking, mainly, to change. We hope to have introduced an amendment providing that the coal administration will not continue after March 31, 1923. There is no doubt that the bill will be passed, but we hope that this and several other amendments will be made before the legislature finally acts on it." Another dealer said that the bill was unnecessary, that no administra- tion, no matter how efficient would be able to remedy the present condi- tion, "for," he said, "the present sit- uation is not due to a shortage o coal, but is due to the lack of trans- portation facilities. Until the rail- road situation is cleared up, it will be difficult to get coal in sufficient n11Q fif;Q i Students of Dramatic " Ability Included in Casts of Wide Variety ONE ACT PLAY, "IN THE MORGUE," TO BE GIVEN Five acts, produced by members of 'he Mimes 'of the Michigan Union, will be presented at the first of the weekly programs to be produced at Mimes theater throughout the year tomorrow and Saturday night. The acts selected for this opening are of a wide variety and include in their casts students who have done dra- matic work on the campus previously. "In the Morgue," a one act play, is the feature piece of the evening's entertainment. The play is being produced under the direction of Carl Gusky, grad., who will also take one of the prominent parts in the piece. Gusky will be remembered as play- ing the part of "Nemo, king of No- where," in last year's opera, "Make It for Two," and a part in "The Clois- ter," produced last spring at the Mimes theater. He has. done work with Sam Hume while the latter was in Detroit. Johson to Sing James Johnson, '23, with - Rhodes orchestra, is scheduled as the second! number on the week-end program. Johnson has had wide experience as an entertainer, having placed several acts before Mimes' audiences last year, as well as singing at band bounces and other campus affairs. He will be. accompanied in his act by Rhodes orchestra of seven pieces. A novelty actrwhichsis shrouded in mystery will be produced by Buckley C. Robbins, '23, and C. James Dres- bach '24, and company. Little is known of the company but both the principals have pasts in campus dramatics. Dresbach was the "Poet" in "Make It for Two" and has taken part in several Comedy club produc- tions. Robbins has appeared several times at the Mimes theater. Will Dance Argentine Tango An interpretation of the Argentine tago will be give by Germano and Feinseth, both of whom have studied dancing abroad. Feinseth will take the female part. The last act on the program will be several airs by the Midnight Sons quartette, members of the Glee club. This quartette was one of the features on the University band trip throughout the' state last spring. Tickets for both the tomorrow and Saturday performances will go on sale this morning at the box office of the Mimes theater. All seats will be re- served and the admission is 50 cents. The performances will start at 8 o'clock. Are Carl Johnson. Carl Johnson, '20, former Michigan track star will speak at Traditions ceremony tonight at Hill auditorium. | Evens Presents ITwilight Recital's Harry Russel Evans, of the School of Music faculty, surpassed all his previous performances at an affair of the kind, in the second of the 'Twilight Organ recitals yesterday afternoon in Hill auditorium. His program was most delightful and interesting, ranging from the most conservative of organ music, that of Bach, to compositions that were hard- ly classical, as the Fantasia on Scotch Airs. Guilmant's Sonata in C minor, with its alternate loud and soft passages, as of declarations and protests follow- ing each other, and its second move- ment in dreamy adagio style, Mr. Ev- ans played with a finish that was mas- terful. His performance of Federlein's Sal- vadora, with its beautiful but simple solo melody, expressively phrased, was remarkable in the perfect clear- ness, yet smoothness in the rocking, lulling figure of the accompaniment. Bach's attractive Prelude and Fugue in C minor was played in dramatic style, and the interwoven voices of the brilliant fugue were unspoiled by any muddiness or overbalancing of sound. Cardillo's Catar'i! Catari!, quite simple in its theme, was made more stirring by the minor mode and the warmth and feeling which Mr. Evans played into it. The triumph of the concert, both in performance and appreciation, was reached in MacFarlane's Fantasia on Scotch Airs, a most remarkable ar- rangement, showing the practically unlimited possibilities of the organ. Its high contrasts, weird but fascinating harmonies, artistic transitions, and well-known melodies lost enone of their charm under Mr. Evans' per- formance. R. A. H. HINSDALE TO HEAD UNIVERSITY CLUB Dr. Wilbert B. Hinsdale, former dean of the Homoeopathic Medical school was elected president of the University club recently. The University club is composed of faculty members, and prominent business men and ministers of Ann Arbor. The club is located in the basement of Alumni Memorial hall, where meetings are held on the first Friday of each month. As in prev- ious years, discussions and chess, bil- liards and pool tournaments for mem- bers will be held. JOHNSON, '20, FAMOUS ATHLETE, TO OUTLINE MICHIGAN LORE TONIGHT ALL MICHIGAN MEETING STRESSED BY OFFICIALS Vernon Hillery, 25L, Student Connell Head,, Prof, William A. Frayer Are Other Speakers Celebration of the fifth annual Tra- ditions Day ceremony will be held at 7:30 tonight in Hill auditorium. The committee has completed all arrange- ments for the affair and is confident that it will be a huge success' 'The program, as was planned, is short and snappy including speeches by Carl Johnson, '20, former Michigan track star, Professor William A. Fray- er, of the history department, and Ver- non F. Hillery, 25L, president of the Student Council. The band will open the meeting, while the crowd is being seated, and will be -followed by the Varsity cheer- leader, William H. Frankhauser, '22L, who will lead the entire assembly in yells. Hillery Speaks First Vernon F. Hillery, '23, will be the first 'speaker of the evening, epre- senting sthekstudenthbody. As presi- dent of the Student Council he will outline to the freshmen what Michi- gan traditions are, their origin and their significance to all Michigan men. At the close of his speech the band, glee club, and students will join in singing "The Victors". The words will be flashed on the screen for the bene- fit of any new men who have not yet learned all of the verses. Professor William A. Frayer, of the history department, who has been se- lected as the faculty speaker, will then be introduced. It is epected,that he will touch upon different phases of University life of interest to all stu- dents, and of vital importance to the freshmen. "Varsity," lead by the band and glee club will be sung at the eon- clusion of his address. Johnson Represents Alumni- Carl Johnson '20, will represent the alumni. Johnson is widely known as one of the greatest track men Michi- gan has produced, and it is expected that he will bring a valuable message. The reason for Michigan's traditions, it is anticipated, will have an import- ant place in hi~s speech as well as the meaning of Michigan' to a man who .has passed out of his Alma Mater. The committee stresses the point that Traditions Day is not an affair chiefly for the freshmen. They, are given certain privileges it is true, for it is the day upon which they are in- itiated into the traditions and spirit of Michigan, but the purpose of the affair is to make it an All-Michigan day, a day upon which al of the classes can come together, not only to help teach the freshmen all of the vital things that they should know, but one on which they should again dedi- cate themselves to thepreservation of Michigan and her traditions. The doors of'the auditorium will be opened at 7 o'clock and the meeting will, begin promptly at 7:30. Fresh- men are asked to come early as the front section on the ground floor has been reserved for them. 'The other classes are expected to fill the re- mainder of theauditoriaum. The Varsity band and glee club will occupy the platform during the en- tire performance. They will lead In all of the songs, and it is possible that the Glee club will give a few songs alone. Progressiveness Aired In Freshman Number Of Chimes (By Leo J. Hershdorfer) Freshmen usually receive much pet- ting, patting-on-the-back and advice- from-the-men-who-had-been-through- the-mill during the first few weeks of the semester, but it remained for Chimes in its first issue, which ap- peared on the campus yesterday, to concentrate it all in one neatly bound volume for the beneficiaries. The October Chimes, heralded as the Freshman Number, has about it an air of progressiveness, promising well for the future. It is expected of each issue that it will surpass the preced- ing one, and if by the end of the year this ambition will have been realized, the editors may well look back upon their first number as a good beginner. The cover is well executed, and though it lacks the professional touch, compares favorably with the art work of other college publications. The frontspiece, too, is a fine bit of carica- ture, while the other drawings are scattered thrnnerhout the ma-:zine Ise is well worth reading and worthy of careful digestion-it is not a spicy m'orsel for easy swallowing. What is probably the most inter- esting contribution, however, is the anonymous mind-disturber entitled "A Farce or an Actuality?" The writ- er has struck a note-and a high one at that-which has long awaited public expression. He daringly pre- sents the main faults with our sup- posedly Utopian system of student government, hinting that perhaps fac- ulty interferance is making for less- ening of student power. This article will undoubtedly cause much comment in the next few days. Feature by Hillery Dr. George E. Vincent's exposition of the activities of Rockefeller Foun- dation and the history of "Princeton and the Development of Polo" are two items of general interest well pre- sented, while the article by the presi- dent of the Student Council is a ear1v written histArv nf the fnd- Flivver Caravan To Hit Trail For Columbus On Eve Of Game "We are coming, old Ohio, four hun- dred flivvers strong." This will be the melody of march enroute to Colum- buw. Approximately 4,000 students, ac- cording to the Athletic Association, are going to the Ohio-Michigan game on the twenty-first instant. The great majority of these 4,000 have filed re- quests for one or more extra tickets for non-student friends. In the neigh- borhood of 8,000 persons, it is esti- mated, will be going to Columbus, from Ann Arbor and the vicinity- Train service will h inadenuate .nHw cous-voiced motor vehicles which will get underway about dusk Friday, Oct. 20. The number of flivvers likely to make the trip was determined after consulting various sources. J. Pray, clerk of Washtenaw county, gave these figures: Cars in Washtenaw county.....11,000 Cars in Ann Arbor.............5,000 Sixty per cent flivvers or ...... 3,000 Twenty-five per cent owne by students...................750 Casting out 350 as not likely to make the trin the numbero f studfntI YEARS5 ENROLLMENT IN Ro 0.,T1,. BELOW, NORMAL' Enrollment in the R. 0. T. C. is be- low normal, according to Major John A. Brooks, Jr., enrolling officer. The roster of the R. 0- T. C., including new enrollments and names carried over from last semester, shows an increase of 10. In a number of courses, aca- demic and other difficulties may cause a reduction in present figures unless additional men enroll this week. Fewer members of this year's fresh- man class than of any first year class since the organization of the local unit, are enrolled this year.. "We are at a loss as to the reason," said Major Brooks, "but the Michigan enrollment of Freshmen is far below that of most of the other colleges, several of which even have waiting lists." Enrollment is being continued for the present. New men are particular- ly needed, it is said, in the infantry Init whichis at nrnatn+ hadw +hp i k