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May 27, 1923 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-05-27

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1Miiii~u ~ Uit1

in some slight measure, the problem standing of the two nations and a
which has confronted the world ever deeper belief in the justice of both
fsince nations existed as such, the peoples outlook.

(The Tech)

,TICIAL 'NEWSPAPER OF THE_ question of "getting along."
dished every morning except Monday;
t; the Uyivcrsity year by the Board in a 1lE\ lZS LATEST PROJiECT
-;o tdn Pbiain llenry Ford, never backw'ard in at-
tuers of Western Couference Editorial tem 7pting new things, has entered a
iatrn. - business field in which- he is almost
eAssociated Preps is exclusively en- a complete stranger in lending to the
to the use for republication of all news
tchies credited to it or not otherwisel city of Detroit the sum of $500,000 on1
ed in this paper arnd the local news pub- 5
rhcrei11. - a ,short term note, withi"$1,50,0
--jmore to come in a few dlays. Ford
tered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
gait, as second class matter. has long been forceful in stating hi,
bscription by carrier or mail, $3"50. disapproval of the financial' method-
iecs: Anu Arbor Press Building, Mlay-
Sreet. used by the Wall Street 'money king"
ons : Editorial, 2414 and 176-M ; Busi. u ehsslom tknit i
______-_______ ------ J1Uut. hLbaI selm a41L~ 41 kn ito ii

In broader senses, Rhodes scholars
bring home to America the most. cos-
mopolitan views and offer them to



n1; ~i iiI
r inr

is tions not to exceed oo words thma+hi w ae sh a
the signaturo not necessarily fnto e tterongau islela
prnbut as asl evidence of faith, done in this case, 'underbidding hi:3
S fevents will be publish-d i'~ne Yokralinlndgthmny
:it tl?,- disc-retion of the F+to. It'N w Y r kasi, e dn h lie
mailed to -The Paily office. Un- it four .per cenlt interest,- while thleir'
rmrrtnications wvill receive no con-!
No manuscript will bec returned be=st offer" was ate four and one halt'
wrltcr encloses postage. The Daily per cent.
necessarily endorse the scatiments
n the commu11-nications. Ford's advent into the -field of ac-
----- - -- - - -- I O it.y in financing his city comes In
EDTORIL 1ST51AFF :tide manner of a life .saver to Detroit;
phones 241f anid 176-1L 'tire immediate loan was extremely
- neessary as there were' not suffi-
NTANAGING EDITOR dient fund: in the city's coffers to
,A' :ION B. STAHL pay the salaries which are dlue memi-
....- PnlWa b ers, of the. Boardl of Education. But
~r .............James B3. Young it is not the 1imediate problem which

I their. own nation. The nation is bound
ito, derive a certain amount'' of bene-
fit through the students who ha o
obtained finer realization of the quai-.
ties of our 'over-seas brothers.
- - _______________________________
O)wed To A Kok-eyed Fruit Fly*
THlE fruit fly are a funny thing.
It maultiplieth rapidly
And causes staid biologists
1To orate- on it vapidly.
I'm told that all biologists
Regard it with enjoyment-
I only wish that some of them
Would seek other em~ployment.
Heredity doth owe~a debt
t To fruit flies, so they say.-
SThe scientists should settle it,
j Not the.:class in° Zoo 3A.

A. college w\hich treat] its students
like inen is w orthy of Eheir support
and cooperahon. It is to be hoped
that the Tech instructors whlo regard
the men in their sections as intent on
getting the most they can out of the,
subject find their con 'iffence justified.1
It is pleasant to have the.( faculty think
that as a uchiool we have outgrown
such prep school coercive 'measures
as attaching severe penalties to "cuts."
It is nice that here it is ablity to
dlo the work that matters, rather than)'
the attendance record.
*We hear. Dartmouth students corn-
-plaining about compulsory mtornizi,
chapel, devised to bring everyone to
his 9 o'clock class. We see HarvardI
men in dread of the probation which
follows cutting before or after a holi-
lay period. Then we congratulate
ourselves that ouirs is an institutior
which treats us like men-that we
may act on our own discretion amd re-
ceive on our own heads the results of
our misdeeds.

racham s
oth Ends of the Diagonal Walk



Lookc over the vairies in the classi
fi eds.--Ad v.

ldtl- 11t11ut ...tl11 .II ... IIIfill..n....r:
'" (!? st Nat'l Bank 1Bldg.:
!Tours, 1.6 pam. Phone 401.4 I
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h-te a - 07M cur

A'ia 'rbor and 1iat-,"
(E~aster n Standard lime)
Detroit Limited and Express Cars--
6.op a.mn., 7 :ou am.,, 8 :oo n.m, :o
amt and hourly to 9:05' paft.
Jackson Express C~rs (Ifo(a? stops
wet,c of Am .\ror)-- g:4/ a. n., and
every two h'jurs to 9.-47 "m.
Locat Cars- East )Bound--7 oo a.mn.
and every two hsours to 9:8,) p. Mn.,
tij :ub p.m. To Ypsilanti only-t t 40
p.tr. , 1:1i5 a.im.
Tt, Saline-Cbarnge at Ypsi~anti.
Local Cars West Bound-7 :50 a~tm.,
12 :1E . 4 ..
Tok Jackson and k.atamazoo--iir-
ited car;, -:4?, 50.47 a-Ill., 12:47, 2:47,
4-.47 pan.
To Jackson and Lansing-Limiited at
8:47 p.ms.


itor'?al Board Chairman ... ..I; R. lleiss , i o (1S morane NY'fn
tthe Taws of the state of New York, Ti gmw;pikdu bioe
:lt, Editors--*hs'e a ice pb oe
11jhBy aryHe o one within that state mxay 'furnish rojmaei Nat- Clmi Sd Aud Just
fI hrishat ,,er R. C. Moriarty funds for the issuance of inunicipai once up(olu ma etar) eeto
1. A. lUonahue J, r,. MackI after the class in Zoology had left. Oneuo atiehreweto
ii's Editor ~~~bonds to a city" bonded beyond seerel. **litebywh wrehecosto
men's Tditor......Marion Koch p1er cent of its assessed valuation.,u w ots!cnmevncoepra)~ta
day M1agazii Editor ... .11. A1. Donahue Detroit is already within a few hlun-wilnwhe actetose Danien andxt Pythias, of whom they
sic Editor.............. E. 11. Ailev Wtewilnwhv'aotetose
i -cridcr..... 3clyC obn rdtosnso htsvnprcn who can think of the most tactful had read so much in their school
well Kerr Mautrioarce Berman Iltanhecwilsobeube 'thing to do under the following Ciro books. One's name was Jinmmy, and
il Einstein Eugene Carmichael to secure money from the yWall, street teohrwscle ony
Asitat - ftses~ts I cumstances: h te ; cle ony
AssisantsA guy goes' to see his bimbo, which1 The two had adjacent seats in the
lleyBi ,irmTrong WFrannA. Hb elnuri Here is the importance of the as- lve t n f the swell places. She little school room and out of school
A.e Ilelild o ,WrinoaJ. Ih insard nceoffered by such "a private teywee attercosoney Te
IeA.> 'in lKnneth C. Kellar aaitls Ford. Detroit has s late and he is not surprised nor pa ther ltl ak together.cntnl.Te
le. Clrk winbehcapite~nnas Henry annoyed because, she has been late pae hi itepak oehr
1,. Coinuable John MlcGinnis before it An immense expansion pro- atrtisereneraisedm the circus together, and I unF
ruadette Cote Samuel Moore - gramn. There are many public build- boe.tendclled nte"oSim
elynr 1. Cougilin - M. IH. Pryor lig hchms ecmpee n e "sez to her sister: "I'll hide be-'tercohso te"oSimn
;ephl Epstein PV 1. Rafferty inswihms e-lxltc n loe"sg oehro o tl
r. F iske R~obert G. Ralsa othiers which are sadly in need of ex- ~ indte"utanad.hn h cmsallwdyinsoehronhtJl
-in Garlinghue 1. \.I Lit mow o tl h 'e oehoe
lter S. Gocdspcee4 SolJ. selhnitz pensive repair. Biggest of all, is theydownayouhtelrhendI'vesgonrhome."s(lays
rtia Goulder Ph1tilp . Wagui fcostutigih "All right," said the sister, and- the Stuc.red swr hs w
natl 11atlrim M. probem which is contemplated. De-guy got behind the curtain.,os hr a n~srkn ifr
BTJ~iI~F.SS STAFF roit is very muchF In a minute the bimbo came down* nebtee hm'hchws~~n
l;;i;; Iin needTofFrapi the stairs in a ravishing creation andz tially7 a difference of temxperamlent.
transit system capable of answerin!itr"hr'sBb"'im id i colwr
Telephone 960 the demands which Would be put - t"lesione "Wzheesise.tunginhsomwroniead
BU I E S ~ N G Rupon " es it. e t e sitr
ABUIERT 3. PARKERTh eiitrofMcgnhsr- "What the Dell's. the matter with studying his lessons with the utmost
ALBERT ARKER celyicareed tih iy' bn diigre the poor sap? Couldn't he wait till conlscientiousness. But Johnny, the
veIAi~ig.........ol.-r3. Ilamer, Jr. limit to such an extent that the ecx- I'd powdered my nose? I'm sgld he'smoeas-in adcreeefth
lvertising ..... Watr.Scrrpedtr f-$00,00frsb y1 gone anyway. Now I'll call up Bill" two, shirked his work and preferred
vertisinig- .. .I,a vrence IT. Favrot osrcint ~l o elQsbe to spend his evenings either at" the
iblication ...... .. .... Edward F. Conlin wul b iposibe t doesn't matter h13ow' good. yotur one-horse_ moving picture hoause of
,pyriing.....David J. M. Parks if the- funds were forth-coming. Fords teltl'ono edn Cuae
co an tion .. ... .. . . . w s n o f
counts.............L. Beaufont Parks answer is. 'We've pick~ed out the win-,teltetonrradg"Cugou
Assistants 1interest in the affair puits -a more no Th gu skp otfrmb-ClrteCueofNcie.
Assistants ~~~~promnisiny aspect- in the fijeld:. Witli hr h u kp u rmb-Cro h"Cure fNctn.
rry M. Hayden Win. H. Good th fiacabckn ofshiier hind the curtain and squawks H}aWv Jimmy continued 'to attend to his
gene L. Dunne Clyde L. Hagerman th iaca1akn fsc itr akee hnteblysrn
Ir C. Hiaskin Henry Freud giests as are his, thhroaiit-o c aw, I tooled, yah.I-ashralwokenwentebmy pig
D. Putanru Cl B aytn P-ur..iy troit securing the improveents and the time-" * , insects did their best to entice .hiy
lijam H. Reid, Jr. Clifford Mitts - additions to mxunicipxal buildings,!1N)'~ idadboyoto ors u
mr~ r1,-. Hale Thoimasand ody ut ordoor. Bu
ntl L D BowRoeser 'Louis 'ous Ma. sA.lr Dexter n which are so necessary to her welfare. icpl le ; b~ Johnnify was not. so immultne to the
Ian S. Morton C. Wells s Christie as well as, a new street railway sys_- somel PCOa~ie TkedSi) 1t'tpin-n -alrigcllo l~i
ies -A. Dryer )Edward B. Reidle i tempting and alluing call of sprhi't°
rbcrt W. Cooper tern, subway, terrestrial, or elevated. tllt -rte , ole fWh len he was supposed, to be hard at
1311ucticrasd.-Some of iler) f'on't., 'work at his books his mind Was far,
.. Whether or not there is a patriotic ('1 ARl +It far :away planning the little, tent that,
significance in the fact tha-t Ford is li** e intended to build for vacation days
___ QAY, AY 17, 93"lending large sumls Of money to his 4 9tl'iIN1(' MEASI ui -andlrehearsing. the canoe trip lhe
li~'.MA 7 omie city at four per cent interest, wudtk u h temta on
ght ldito-J. . GARING OUSEwhen other cities of beter credlit,"thani Once, wh~len 1 was two years oldwol kcuthsrem hawun
-~ - - - - - - - - ..- - - t e a to n~ b le e n er njo ys are for I A n d la c k in g in d isc r'e t;i onx, a ro u n d th o o ld b a rn a t th e b o tto m o f
TH EQIUTO 0'thAE eatom~ ourl and c eonare fr e Iwent outdloors and caught a cold the long bill.
TI~i. EOIT IandF the United St"Pyfor atoeshagovernmcent, And. had in awful session. Finially, examination time drew
It alppeors well lbeyond the llsI-than, whose there is iio"better credit,ner. Jimmye camlyut revieweodte
ities of t'huma n existence to mxain- Ifre opyforai he coughed aiid snCCeCfl with great eclatwrkothtembtloinfud
in for any g;reat length of time what And wished that I ight die.hislwllng frned it o-
"1+h , n,,-n , + , ters per cent, is a matter for speen- --., 1ititr.Jonya lat ose aid
n't t p~j~'j aiu taylaintorpa lwy hw him-. jsly assh'noitflat,- r--. -ratls ase sd


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We also Clean and Reblockc Pan-
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Hats at low pr,'ces for HIGH
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Straw Sailors 'cleanid by our,-
well and keep clean as long as
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617 Packard, Streiet' Phone 1792,
Where D. U. R. Stops at State

W E ca ry in stock a full line of
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ffind the thing you are after.
Arthur .Arn ol1d
State' Street Jewelry

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Cars leave for 'oldo. 7:10 A. X.,
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progress. Until not so very long ago, seftekeItof uiesmn
there appeared some vague evidence
that th e intriguing, problems of in- Ib~es elbth a loo
- various O'ceasions shown thazt he tc':
ternational importance which loom up not only willing, but tai ious- to 5ac.-(
in every corner of the globe might, rifice material. gain for the sak ofo
bie settledl in an amicable n anci what lie believes a worthy tIdl. I'cr-
thirough consistent arbitration. baps in this case, such is his mnotive'
Now with the Balkan situation on ___
hec vterg e of another great crisis,


Ty throatyr ones, quite°hih.1 "Courageouis Carl" and madly pressed
high- his way tbru "Sixth Grade Aritilhie-
I3utii ow -that I kim old and grey, tic,", "Johnson's Abridged Geography."'
And ear y ocatdilyandl "Elementary School Grammar."
1 goot, akn eeyfly -c stayed up late of niights and found
And never suffer the slightest feel-3 it difflicult to fall asleep when lie
igof chkill. (lidl climb into bed. He grew pale
Henry (11411k) !1rlius and( weak and lie suffered from severe
* * * headaches alniost daily.
Yesterdaty thle Editorial board. en- -Eixamninations came to a close. Jim-
Iraht pnte ol rpry my passied all his subjects. Johnny-
There was somne kind of a *nixuatp. I assed all his subjects. Vacation
The Rtolls were long'Vand- the col- timae arrived and Jimmy b~uilt a little'
umii was short.; lent and took a whopper of a. canoe
Thycouldn't find anyth'ing the ,tr~ip. lut Johnnzy was, sick in bed
right lee' th to remove-to msake the for three weeks with an ailmnen'
which the doctor "describ~ed as brain
Tolls fit the column.stanadgnrlehuio.w n
sSo they jerked something quite long, tanndeerlehuio. he
- he ,finaly was permitted to leave his

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financial strength o f the TfOHNHA
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5any, it will also pay you to sell ii
thow, and can assist you in selectie
Agency 'Department


rope, the fruitlessniess of all the ct-
forts o1 a dozen, and One courts, coun-'
cils, and conferences is again appar-
ent. Not meaning in any way to do-
preciate the value which such organ-
zations are capable of contributing
to the permanent establishment of a
peaceful social order, nevertheless if}

The instit ution of the I'hodes scl -
K rships founded by Sir Cecil Rhodes
has been, in the ;past,. a great In-
centive to ambitious Americaniis tu-
(ents. In these turbulent times when
strife and petty3 grievances are so ah,
p~arent among tl~e nations of the world.
the incentive of such an internationals

of BOsTarN MAssAcHUa~rV6

the eruptions of the pcast few months - plan for the encoutrageincent of round- andESMEBilY comosed omeating ,
can be taken as evidence, we are not 'Ong-.intellects upon the ideals of soy- exttemiporaneous to fill the gap. tyb(1 lie was too weak to engrage in
yet educated to the stage where any I ral rathier than one nation,, has in ! We suspect it w~as the linotyper. any strenuous exercise and thus tit
such arbitrary boards can accomplish!iSl slto fr teprolesShe has 'already put one comiment in getrpr fhsvcto a
th e desiredl purpos4. which have involved so many nation's Iour column.trund
Mever will wve be' able to. organizer-1,of the earth today. iIf it's her, she will put a mak-IOnohn a ot l leto
the world to suich an extent without I Rhodes scholarships have. placed no, she'll put "yes" Iin these parenthe-! for "Courageous Carl." IlIe has scrib-
e xperiencing many disillussionmxentsi education on an international foot- i es(Yes, w have no (-)et.) bled a few words on the title page
~~~~~~~~~~~(Wawilwhich nlecessarily cast ani unfavor- ing. Both Americans and English-,-(htwl etl bu nwy. ftebo n o h ato
able shadow over the entire proposi--nmen who have been brought into con- **~ras Cuaeu a',o h ua
tion. of s,,ttlemecnts through arbitra-". tact with. one another by means ot - One bit from the Household Hints.-o1 h im oe.
Lion. It is only through the evolution these scholarships feel that there is j To immprove a Hamg-. A boiled haii
of Many generations, that the mental a bond existing between them that - vill be more juicy and tender if it j Cairdinial WiVRI Visit Detroit.
intergrity of mankind can be expected- cannot be severed by mere worldly is left in the water until quite cold. I Detroit, May 26-(By A.P'.)-Cardiii-
to de velop, to that stage where the considerations. The scholarships have * *Ial Michael Faulbiaber, archbishop of
I Mlunich, Bevaria, andl one of the fore-
intednational affairs of the nation will promoted a 'close friendship between 'We have never been a boiled hain, most Catholic leaders in Germany,
rest in equilibrium. the scholars of both-nations and this but it' seems to us that this would be will be in Detroit June 19 as the guest
Long before this time, however, it friendship has permeated the intellec-: an ideal way to 'becomie more :tender- of Bishop Gallagher. While in this
is necessary that within' the various' tual world. It acts as a great tie and juicy. country the cardinal is expressing his
countries themselves, some sort off between the two great English speak- ICII. country's thanks for Amierican -relief
peaceful organization be attained., ing countries of the world and it ji____________ for Germian children.
1'Within the past week there have been furthering a mutual educational H -agenback-Wallace deserve con-'
crises andl near crises in half a doz- standard.grtltnfrthinevinc ig ExrmnsWthBakry
- t An Aror urig te rgulr Calumiiet, May26-(By A.P.)-Leo A.


Avoid heavy -menus this


Light summer

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more appetizing, m or e
healthful. Served here !

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