THE MCGAN DAILY ________ CREWS :E VI&TORlIES hreUniversity of Pennsylvania ight-oared crews flashed to victory 1the nineteenth annual regattai of he American :Rowinig association on he Schiuykill river' today.f The 150 pound crew defeated Yale4 nid Princeton by only hialf ~a length~ fter a hard battle. Following this~ ace the Pennsylvania Junior varsity Ad the Princeton Junior varsity; cross the lihfe by half a length. Hiar- 'rd, weakening at the finish, took bad third.r The Pennsylvania varsity was an easy victor over the, UionI:Boat.chlib f Boston in the frirst. iglitoaTred , hell race. The Red and Bluie fin- shed in the fastest time of the day, minutes 11 1-5 seconds. HIGH SCHOOL -O T " BR OWN SPEAKS ON4 at least 24 miles to the gallon to be! dents were forced to remiain in their Frenchi Farm*~ to Get Mor Labor' M K S20R NIN 21ITO O IE O O efficient as most other cars.!rooms during their illness because of Prague,- May 2-(A.P)-Czecho- j MA E 2-U l 14 AUT M BL the' lack of proper facilties." Slovakia will send this _summer 15,- IHE ?tTH SERVICE !NFIR31 ARY The averagc length of stay of pa- e 000 field laborers to France to work! Chicago, MoY 2-(BlY A ')-i Speaking recently before ;a meeting' C iRK S FOR 'SEVEN IIVNI)'RElD) tients:in the Health, service infirmary ol French farms.! blonde youth, l u gone Gopdwillii re- of the American Chemtical :society, M~r.l has ben five 'ays, with an eraeo ,,.In yrmar serveic a sa- moeta 7"patentSnledc l I t.e.'ae cfltdli"h lassi-, Ia 4 hs admirers asx a rW i = to ,Gere ;G. Brown, of the chem ial en- are(Iv ChrePadcth oldsfses ierigdpatet epanete-lihdi connection with the Health Bed facilities ccommIodate 19. fieds, why not YOU? -A. I 'Ch rla Padoc , he w d a e stmgr- ertingsdep rtmenet, oern in g te-,-service last fall during its iiitial year human, today et is e e m r eatin s fi t rs o c ri gt e has met a need t at has ong been felt 'T'mua i : Se - or SundayI tied the record for ~te 100 yard" event, automobile motor. Mr. Brown said inm connection with student medica Today s Senior Sunday in Ann Ar-it:j",flesbohhorteamn D.WrenEFryhe ADRIAN-ANN AMBUS end practically uuielded wonthe nine- ta ot hoy and practice praved IService, ree- bIte uess f teentl iAnn 1ie. erscho la2ie tPSa k thae~eanest mixture a car can b rn to drcoofteHahSrvee-x (Itletive May 1-eta u cently said that "nearly 700 students; honor in Ann Arbor churches fwereTie meet for University High seh, l of be the motefcentognhems ie liapdpower Wajs.not obtained at that r.oint.a aebencrd!o hruhte o-spca laes~ will be reserved for Bus leaves Adrian : 00 and ih g.ptal service available in the building1 them. Sermons will be delivered which 11:45 a. in, and 3:45 p. i. Leaves5 Unierstyhig wjh 0 plnt cp- he emeraureoftheairinthemix Ithis year, which'is an indication that d are of direct interest to the g aduat- Ann Arbor 6:45) a. in. and 1245; 11e~ thNoosinteHg o treafcsth oecodarb in ifrmer years nearly that many stur- ing classes. and 4:45 p. in. division. St iohns military ,academiy~ best in a rich mixture and warmer air__________________________________ SUDYLaeAn rb. oX" Wisconsin won the academy see- ; in .a lean one. u -#kl n l tpw ich l$illiillllll1111t111$1Illili1l$ifi1i$llll$1$ll$[6:45 a. in. and-0:45 p. i. LE ve l on wifth 60 points.}Hollywood, Calif.,Chkig o asuden stAoiap,:5 phi.coly was se ond "iln the High school division many blame on the carburetor, is the Adia 3r4rp 'n.ony 1poinits and Cedar Rapids, Iowa, fault of the :mnfod which cannot 4 eet ). 1. R. cars at Saline botr ways with fo1.j~ )1..1-hr conections for Y~silanti, Wayne tti#!.; with: 1~ ,. adjust itself soon enough to a sudden '. and Detroit. ,x, c19dtvllle,~ the :17.year ldl flying icbange. Some auxiliary feature. on 719 EAST UNIVERSITY- mrarvel, ran°the 220 yard? n 21 2-5, the I the carburetor to make the effect o?~ fastest time ever recorded on a curv- the change on the manifold more grad-SE SO ed track. + iiall' would solve the problem, Mr. E S N END + _______________ rdwn believe . . SALE! VIncidentally, Mr. Brown said that ..IiIlhlhItIIfh~lhIIIIIIII~~temost expensive car to run. In BI -DC I : I "~ "" Donu s ll An Ar or ome tests carried n out in Califrn - ~ro' etDon us aechotre Fords used more oil ALL GXNS - NL GES- ,Aibo sBes Dnus.and gas than either of two P ackardl I I o iii ts Single-sixes. The Ford should imakre, i$AI$$Ai4$$$1i$$11i1N11$11l$$I$1$1$11iitl$li1168$1° y+ difference"dDN' i~~ TODAY III try. a Mar'in1 isn~reotell-tale line worry NwiilL. faces. m~etics usedl STODE 3111111c] 707 N. Un Phone 3larcelling We don't make all the But we ma~ke Arnn Dawn "There's a CALI N~ew L~ b4 ANN ARBO0R{ CREAMERY 123 Y ANN" ARBOR, MICH. W. Liberty St. Only $i,5OO Down. Nea.r the Campus and tJ :e Angell Schook -just off South University Ave, It has six orood rooms arid is entireiy modern. There is a fireplace, s1eepiin.g porch, 1ii ne n closet, linen chute, latun dry, and hot water heater. The lot is 52 x 155. w~e know that you will appreciate that this, is 4a real home-Jdust see it,'. I. AND BE SATISFIED 1[ .4. "THE IRON TRAIL" - BY- THl-RU TUESDAY SAM'PLES PornmtI nent §Iy-Oi D splay at 336 South State Street Ann Arbor, ifllchigani Designed by WFITEHOPSE & H~ARDY BROADWAY A, 40' STREET 144 WESIT 42"O STREET MLTRMPUTAN OQPERAI fljtsE $ux . JNICKERBOCKER BUIt.WNO REX BEACH Pattem n - AND- "OUR GANG"' in"THE CHAMPEEN' I ( ? W.6 I-i,19221 )RK .. R r K . -- -- - - . -- __ , I MRS. GUSTINE' REALTOR. 717 Nat'l Bank Phone 35~j- Today, 835J-2, 2738, 4 86= r ..Y "; :1 .... ohm 1111 .. I. . - x, "', I 0 0 w 1- a a CI, w = a S i w I U .:. u ,_ _ TODAY THRU NIEDNESDA TODAY GIMM -T - fN EADIAMOD --GIMME 1: CAR - W AGIRL -- GWPM, DR K-- GIMME A STARTING arwv r+rm ' AOW Rwp ER T Hulla Ez, Presents H"is Latest and Greatest Picture, - iF - 9RGRM ;_ :;,, , . " t - .1 (V ~N ~*J~CQ. Just 'utside the city K 1~. a «? , t , That's where the air Get into a sports suit highway. feels delightful. and out on the I sw 'ME HELNE HADICK, GASTON GLASS and H. .VVL7H ELEO BORMAN INI ADDITION I' Kuppolicne -SPORTS SUITS are Made 'in an immense variety of styles. They're good for bousiness, sport and travel. HARY (sN-. POLLARD 1: I' t 'S AT f a91 i1 I $40 andX45' Ma 4 soft 'THE. NEWS Mom g- A 1fVUERTH ORCHESTRA' lPtl C !"C':§ "i11'P V11i1P_ . 7 ..- -- .7 - -- ?