THE MICHIGAN DAILY r r .s , DAILY OFFICIAL, BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturday.) Volume 8 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1922 Number 15 President and Mrs. Burton will be at home from 4 to 6 o'clock, Wednes- [ay afternoon, Oct. 11. The full professors who have joined the University 'aculties this fall, and their wives, will receive with them. President and Mrs. Burton desire to announce that although they will ontinue the custom of "at homes" at the President's hoise, it will not be ossible to adhere to a fixed schedule, but public announcement will be nade from time to time as they occur. the Deans: There 'will be no conference of the Deans today. M. L. BURTON. JournalIsm 33 and 39: The classes in Journalism 33 and 39 will not meet Wednesday after- noon. E. G. BURROWS. French 8 Tues. and Thurs. at 10:00: Mr. Carry's section of French 8 whic meets Tues. and Thurs. at 10:00 will take Lesson 1 entire, Martin & Russell's "At West Point" for Thurs. WARNER F. PATTERSON. English Department: The English Department will meet at the Union for luncheon on Thurs- day, Oct. 12, at 12:10 o'clock. W. R. HUMPHREYS. Ohio State-Michigan Game: The tickets fi the Ohio State-Michigan football game are being dis- tributed to alumni and students on an equal basis, i. e., each section is divided, half to 'students and half to alumni. In order that all orders received by Thursday evening, 6 o'clock, Oct. 12, may be filled, all alumni and stu- dent orders received after that date will be treated alike. Students desiring tickets will receive better seats by placing their orders before 6 o'clock Thursday evening, Oct. 12. After that time student preference ceases. FIELDING H. YOST, Director, Intercollegiate Athletics. Players Club: The treasurer will be in the lower corridor of University Hall to col- lect dues this afternoon from 2 to 5. Old members may join at that time and any others who wish to take active part in the club. Professor Cow- den will meet members who are interested in writing plays Thursday at 4 in room-202 West Hall. R. S. TUBBS, Pres. Quadrangle: First meeting of Quadrangle Wednesday at 8 p. m. John R. Adams will talk on "The Summer of 1922, in Germany." L. J. CARR. HUMPHREYS MAKES STAND ON ABSENCE All absences of students in the lit- erary college must be excused not lat- er than two weeks after the date of the absences or they will be marked down as unexcused absences accord- ing to Prof. W. R. Humphreys, assist- ant dean of the literary colege. The committee on absences in this school meets from 1:30 to 2:30 o'clock on Tuesdays and 3:30 to 4:30 on Thurs- days for men and from 11 to 12:15 on Mondays, and from 3:30 to 4:30 on Thursdays for women. Both commit- tees meet in the office of the Regis- trar, University Hall. "Each year," said Dean Humphreys, "many students get the idea that a certain number of unexcusedabsences are permitted by the committee. Such an idea is false since by taking too many bolts a student is liable to pun- ishment in one of two ways. Either his instructors from whose classes he has been absent, may take from his grade a certain percent, or if the ti- tal number of cuts in classes is in ex- cess of 'what it should be, the student may be sent a verbal warning which prohibits his participation in any cam- pus activities-simply proclaiming him ineligible. No notice to this effect is sent to the parents or guardians of the students, however. "There 'is no set rule either as to the number of unexcused absences permitted or as to the punishment for those who have unexcused absences in excess. Each case is decided upon its own merits." ENTERTAINMENTS hONORING DEAN HAMILTON TO BE GIVEN Greatest Hero Of All World Series Sees 1922 Clash CORRECTION It was announced erroneously in yesterday's Daily, that a re- ception for "members of the Uni- versity" wvould.. be held at the President's house tomorrow. The reception is for faculty members and townspeople. Student re- ceptions will be held later in the year. Michigan Daily and Chimes for $4.50. l__ FRESHMAN ENGINEERS! It Has Come! SALE WE MUST CLEAR OUR ROOMS FOR NEW STOCK ALL GIFTS AND NOVELTIES TO GO AT AND BELOW COST. THE WISTERIA GIFT SHOP 603 EAST UNIVERSITY AVENUE PHONE 699-J THAT BOX to contain your supplies for Course 1 in Drawing 35c WA UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORES A Mlichigan Institution Christy Mathewson, snapped in the press box at the world's series. "Big Six" Mathewson, greatest pitch- er of all time and the super star of world's series history, is watching this year's games in New York as a spectator and scribe-his first glimpse of a real game in three years. He re- tired from the game in 1919 to fight a bad case of tuberculosis. He won ou.t I , AR C COIilING A D SUNDAY E WHAT'S GOING ON NOTICE-Copy for this column should be submitted by i :30 o'clock of the day before publication. WEDNESDAY 4:00-Tryouts for the plays to be pro- duced by the class In play produc- tion in University Hall from 4:00 till 6:00. 7:30-Boxing Club neeting in Union. 8:00-American Legion meeting in Union. 8:00-11 Circolo Iltaliano meets in Circle Francais' room, S. W. of Uni- versity Hall. Officers to be elected; both old and new members are re- quested to attend. THURSDAY 5:00--Entire Miehlganian staff meet- ing in Press building. 7:00--Girl Reserve leaders meeting, Newberry, Hall- 7:00-R. 0. T. C. band practice, New- berry Hall. 7:15-Sigma Delta Cli meets in Un- ion. 7:15-La Sociedad Hispanica meets in room 205 University Hall. 7:30-Gun and Blade club meets in, reading room, Union. Election of officers. 7:30-Sigma Delta Chi meets in room 306 of the Union. The maanagemet (i th University School of Hu c mrn nces that the number of or'-; fo Choral Union concert tick s ixhca ben so great that the (rt,- "(, ".r"--t of seats in Block A and B r$1 an(I ?''5 tickets) hasbeen exhau str1. N,)more or- ders will be rccei"ved at these Prices. There is still opportunity to secure tickets in Block C end 0 ton bal- cony) at, $4.50 and. $5 and such or-. ders will be rece ved until further notice. On Saturday, Oct. 14, all tickets not ordered by mail, if there are any left, will be placed on public sale at the School of Music. For the Extra concert series tickets may still be ordered in all four blocks at $2, $3, $4, and $5 each. Camp Davis men may secure prints of pictures taken this summer by calling at the surveying depart- ment and ordering them. There is an exhibition of portraits of leaders of the war in Alumni Mem- orial hall daily from 2 to 5 o'clock. This is given under the auspices of the Ann Arbor Art association. Press club luncheon tickets will be on sale Tuesday at Women's League booth, University Hall, and at Mich- igan Union desk. Luncheon at 6:05,' with music. Members who cannot attend luncheon are urged to attend club meeting to follow at 6:45. Sigma Delta Chi meeting, scheduled for Tuesday evening, has been post-' poned to 7:30 Thursday evening in Union. MAJESTIC THEATER TO GIVE REPORTS ON SATURDAY GAME' Detailed reports of the Michigan- Vanderbilt game will be given out at the Majestic theater, Saturday, ac- cording to an, arrangement made by the management. A miniature grid- iron has bin constructed with a moving football to show the line of -scrimmage. Play by play returns are to be shown on this field with an- nouncements of downs, ball, to gain, and score. Each play will be called out 75 seconds after it happens at Vanderbilt. After and previous to the reports, the regular moving picture will be' shown. The admission charge is 25 cents for any seat in the house. Men's Educational Club Makes Plans At the first meeting of the year of the Men's Educational club, held Mon- day night at the Union, plans were formulated for the coming year. Organized several years ago, th, club has as its purposes, the foster- ing of acquaintance among men in- terested in educational work, the bringing together of students and fac- ulty in the Educational school, and the providing of means for the dis- cussion of problems pertaining to the public schools. Meetings for such discussion will be held at regular intervals throughout the school year. TRACI1 MANAGER TRYOUTS Tryouts for track manager are requested. to report at Wa- terman Gym between (ne and five o'clock on any aftel noon. Shower bath and a swim for non- members, thirty-five cents at the Y. M. C. A.-Adv. Michigan Daily and Chimes for $4.50. Dean Jean Hamilton will be the dinj ner guest tonight of the members of the Gamma Phi Beta sorority. The University Health service will entertain Miss Hamilon at luncheon' tomorrow at which time she will also look over arrangements for the infirm- ary. Miss Hamilton will be entertained at dinner tomorrow night at the Mar- tha Cook dormitory. INTRAMURAL NOTICE On account of the unfavorable weather apd class elections, the in- ter-fraternity speed ball contests which were scheduled for Tuesday af- ternoon, will be played Thursday af- ternoon. The rest of the schedule as announced will remain unchanged un- til further notice. Michigan Daily and Chimes for $4.50.' I_ _ _ 'I .. _ ___ Mail Orders Now FOR WHITNEY THEATRE ENGAGEMENT FRIDAY AND SATURDAY - OCTOBER 20 AND 21 OF PRICES: Orchestra, $2.50; Balcony, 1st 4 rows, $2; next 4 rows, $1.50; balance, $1. Saturday Matinee: Orchestra, $2; Balcony, 4 rows, $1.50; balance, $1. Add 10 per cent tax, send self-addressed, stamped enve- lope and make remittances payable -to Whitney Opera House. Box- office, sale opens Wednesday, October 18. lm - III i 4 Photo graphs that differ That's the kind you want b r-HEY all looka- like," is a criti- cism commonly made of photographs. It's justi- fied if the photographer hasn't t a k e n into ac- count your individual differences. That bit of artistry is assured you here. It's time you had yours taken! Schneider's Is Essentially A Young Al7an 's .Store: < y HERE yo faults. ou secure style without extravagance in clothes without The newest things in their right projection in both suits and overcoats. OUR PRICE IS ONLY $30 FOR SUIT OR OVERCOAT ' { L And who but a young man can appreciate the saving of $20 or $25 on his new season suit or overcoat? The young men of finely trained imaginations will appreciate our clothes and our one-price policy. When in Chicago Visit the Lytton College Shop Good taste in Clothes Chosen by College Men For College Men At the Lytton College Shop WE SOLICIT YOUR EARLY-INSPECTION 'k + ..... P $40 to $70 Poraits E. J. SCHNEIDER Our Representative Will Visit Your, Town This Semester 'Watch for Announcement I Clothes for 'Men I