P cIdue to the fact that the studentL lay out and mark a crosswalk on there have gone through a longer North University avenue at this cor- perodof leentryandtehnialner. Respectfully submitted, JTAL ENROLLMENT training than have those of the Unit- GeorgeE. Lewis ed States. e. S. Van Nortwick " 'When interviewed at the time of A. H. Blanchard. his leaving as to his views on the The committee, as announced last- economic conditions in Poland, Pro- week, consists of'the following men: egular Session Enrollment Shows 'fessor Zowski expressed only opti- Honorary chairmen: Roscoe Boni- 10,370; Lit School, 4,691, and inmistic outlooks on the future. He steel, city attorney of Ann Arbor; Engineers, 2,507 stated that in the four times that he President Marion L. Burton; L. A. has visited the country since the war, Butler, superintendent of public ONPILATION SHOWS 8, 1i the growth of industry and of hope schools of Ann Arbor; George E. MEN AIND 2,934 W) jE on the part of the populace has been Lewis, mayor of Ann Arbor; George j extremely noticeable. w. McCalla, chairman Washtenaw Eleven thousand, one hundred and Although Professor Zowski has left county board of road commissioners.' venty students were enrolled in the the United States, he stated that he Members of committee: Robert H. niversity during the year 1921-22, did not expect to break all ties with Alber, vide president Washtena ates the official annual count re- Ann Arbor. It is his present inten- Coity Dealers' association; A. R. ased from the office of the registrar tion to return for a visit at least once Bailey, engineer, manager Washte. 'ter the close of the 1922 Summer 'a year. Ide will also affiliate and lend naw county board of road commis- ssion. The total includes 2,794 his hearty support to the Michigan s;:ners; A. H. Cady, superintendent gistered in the 1921 Summer ses- club at Warsaw, now composed of 12 Washtenaw county division, D. U. R.;J on in addition to 10,370 listed in the Michigan men of that city. gular session, with subtraction ade for duplications. R. 0. T. C. MEN MA Y The various colleges' totals follow: Literaryv ollege.4: 4 ;engineer ingI HAVECOMMISSIONS C. Church, editor-in-chief The Ann Arbor Times News; R. A. Dolph, president Ann Arbor Chamber of Commerce; Dr. Louis P. Hall, of the dental college, acting president Ro- tary club; E. E. Linton, secretary Central Trades council; . Edwin J. Mellen, scout executive and secretary Boy Scouts of America; Robert Nor- ris, president Kiwanis club; Thomas IO'Brien, chief of Ann Arbor police department; Ambrose C. Pack, sheriff Washtenaw county; Herbert Silves-- ter, president Exchange club; Marion I. Stahl, Managing Editor of The Daily; L. A. Wikel, chairman board of directors Ann Arbor branch De- troit Automobile club; E. G. Wile- man, district engineer Michigan state highway department. Secretary: L. S. Van Nortwick, sec- retary Ann Arbor branch Detroit Au- tomobile club. For Creamery Butter Fresh Eggs or ,nAvbor Cra ery J1'veb Cahes CALL 6 THE ANN ARBOR CREAMERY, 123 W. L se re sit re! 4 college, 2,507; medical school, four year students, 488; the college of pharmacy, 86; ,the homeopathic med- ical school, 58; the dental college, 401; the law school, three year' course, 528; the school of education, two year course, 215; the graduate1 school, 574; students in extra mural1 courses including 'the shorter 'com-, bined curricula and nursing courses, 750. In every school except the school of nursing and the school -of educa- tion, the number of men exceeded the number of women. In education, 147 women and 68 men were regis- tered; in the literary college the pro-; portion was 3,143 men to 1,548 wom- en; in the engineering and archi-; tecture colleges. 26 women and 2,031 men were included among the stu- dents; in medicine the proportion ,was 460 to 28 in favor of the men. Even ip the graduate school the men outnumber the women, 454 to 120,, and in law, 345 to 183. In the net totals giving the entire number of students in residence, the number of men is given at 8,186, and the number of women as 2,934. In the Faculty;. The statistics with regard to the number of teachers in the faculty show seven professors emeritus; 157. professors, two of them women; 52i associate professors, one of them a' woman; 115 assistant professors, two of them women, 256 instructors, eight of them women; 125 graduate assistants and demonstrators, 22 of them women; 42 non-resident sum- mer school teachers; 52 laboratory and' teaching assitants and 32 admin- istrative officials. PROFESSOR ZOWSKI LEAVES UNIVERSITY Prof. Stanislaus J. Zowski, of the mechanical engineering department,. left the University July 20 for War-, saw, Poland, where he has accepted the chair of hydraulic engineering at the Polytechnicum. Professor Zow-- ski is recognized as one of the great- est authorities in this field in the. United States. Prof. Allen F. Sherzer, assistant professor of mechanical engineering, will continue the work of Professor Zowski. The chair which Professor Zowski has held at the University of Michigan'since 1907, washestablished b'y him at this time. In his 12 years as a member of the facyity of the col- lege of engineering, Professor Zow- ski has developed his department un- til it is recognized nationally. The school at which Professor Zowski will accept the chair in Po- land is recognized as one of the three largest technical institutions in Europe. 'A student body of 4,000 makes un the engineering college of the university. Professor Zowski states that his average courses of in- struction to the members of this school will be somewhat advanced, Thirteen of the 18 members of the University of Michigan Reserve Oflic- ers' Training corps who graduated last summer and who completed the course will be offered commissions in the officers' reserve corps, according to Major Robert Arthur, commandant of the corps. Nine of the men will enter the coast artillery, three the in- fantry, and one the ordinance corps. Four hundred and thirty-four stu- dents were enrolled in the University of Michigan Reserve Officers' Train- ing corps during the year 1921-22, Major Arthur's report, recently sub- mitted to President Marion L. Burton, states. "Military training in colleges and universities is growing in importance with rapid stride.s," stated Major Ar- thur, in connection with his ,report. The Michigan unit, he pointed out, has grown rapidly since its .establish- ment in 1919. Starting with only 25 men, the department has grown ap- proximately 100 per cent each year since. "The fact that enrollment irr the R. 0. T. C. here is not compulsory as in many state universities means that our students enroll because of a de- sire 'for military work," said Major Arthur. "Sixty-five per cent of the men who begin in this department continue into the advanced work as compared with the 20 per cent at the University of Illinois, where enroll- ment is compulsory. SAFTVCA PAIGN (Continued from Page One.) signs prohibiting parking on the square at the' corner of State street and South University aV6atfif for a distance of ten feet north from the curb of South University avenue, and for a distance of ten feet east of the abutment wall on State street. State street: It was mutually agreed to request Chief O'Brien, of the police department, to erect suitable signs to prohibit stopping oN park- ing of all types of vehicles on the east side of State street, from South University avenue to North University avenue. Corner of State street and North University ave: The University offic-. ials agreed that the University would erect an iron railing at the end of the diagonal walk on the campus at the intersection of State street and North University agyenVe. The object of this railing is to assist in the educa- tion of pedestrians to use the design- ated crosswalks on State street, and North University ovenue and to thus partially eliminate j-walking on the intersection at this "corner. It was mutually agreed to request Chief O'Brien, of the police department, to F,