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May 26, 1923 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-05-26

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No. .174




Threatens To Appeal
ple If Itesignation Is
Again Offered


arls, May 25.-The entire cham-
of deputies with the exception of
Communists gave Premier Poin-
a. great ovation when he entered
chamber today for the continua-'
of yesterday's interpellation on
Ruihr. The Communists hooted
premier butt this only seemed tc,
ease the enthusasm of the re-:
nder of the deputies.
iursday's ministerial crisis ended
quickly as it arose, to be exact.
fsted a half hour.
arcel Cachin and the oilher de,
ants charged with illegal acts
ist the state are to be tried by
assize court ae soon as the ex.
ping magistrate has prepared 'the
remier Poincare's position remains
hanged, for he undoubtedly will
another vote of confidence in1
senate and probably in the chami
of deputies also. The person .who
es out of the crisis most advan,
ously is President - Millerand.
use reputaLtionl for "horse sense' I
been greatly enhanced by tthe
gy and decision with which he
died the incident. Hle informed
Poincare that if the premier per-
ed in his determination to resign
premier would avail hmself of a
Ay used prero-ative and send al
sage to parliament in order t(
the country an explanation of
ra government, enjoying the uxn-
rving support of a majority' of
citizens,~ should withdraw at a
rient when the vital reparation1s
stions. wfa appoaching a deisivej

Both FrnhCabr'ilBc Pharmacy College
Poincare, Predicts MLa fgl DDYTEDR pontdDa f
'The resignation of Premier Poin- 1ihe house, of Deputies. hiut lie con- RESIGNATIONl:b 'rstlz l rc li upot ntieSntewa AS.
car an;t.euslb.r.,,tMbsdee i ul)r nte eaewa
lerand have brought the affair to aE on account of the failuire of his billH
deadlock," said Prof. William A. MC- Ito have the Comnwllists tried Before
die enapte i.esiti hitr fteOF Me' A.
theSeat i~ Lf, and tlherefor e re- --
signed. He is one of perhaps halfs ASSES AFFA41 IRIS ' POLITICAL
t;r onlc h tiep ublic who have resigned '11)Ii.l '1'1 iEI
.ti > , because of lack of suipport in the Seln- F O I PM~iF<)
} ate while they still carried a majority -'..'
in _thxe House of Deputies,. Once ha Wing GOVERNOR ASKS BOAR ..'.0
E received a vote lno confidence in2
the Louse Of ro ItEJECT RESIGNATION '::
Dh oseo eputies, howe xer, pre'-____
ceding pre v iershave invaria bly r-
signed." I Brief Statements Expected Front Both
lrofessor M;1cJ ,;iughl~n proph~zx iedl Sides if President's Offer
r furthermiore tliat thie next session of is Accepted
... " the Senate wouild bTring forth a strong
Note of confidence for the Poinicare' Lansing, May 23---(By A.P.)-Dr.t
government. The original caiis3 of1. avidl Friday todlay tendered his resig
T'hursday's crisis, Professor Me;Iauigh-nainspridtofMhln g-
>;, linationLas preidestnof ailack nfAglip
un pin td ot, ws no a ack i su- "lttural college to the state board of
port in the major question of the day. enTs'r t ~cis {
which is the Ruhr occupation. agriculture, It was authoritatively DenEwr I.Kai
,T.Snt swela h os stated that when the board -resumed Dean of the, Summier session. and!
"The Setie asrel on the cotsery its executive {session this afternoon former acting dean of the College of
., flpnl beindeareron ecr' oil i- tortesinto ilb cetd Pharmacy, who vas appoinite~ddean
xyi'h:stain, tt( rkso In effect Dr. Friday told, the board of that college by the Regents yester-
cagli,"dthy il idlt-Ithat in view of the situation which day". -
edlytak adantge f Ik fist iui le as existed since the reported deci-
edliy tp ake vathe ~i u frt eion. icn rof the board to oust himn he could nir
Premer I'ol obieireIt aiipcli~s to be the g;neral belief,3n longer act as head of the collge
Peie'13111iod lne r teIt is understood that following the
Laughlin of the French department, briefestateinnthewill beoissued tangle
"Throuhout te criss oi chattha ceichat andrasrunging the1 N E RrA MAsATE
last night. , tss te boardd Dr. Friday. It is pre
"Taitained a e cisi inare o agtii il cnasrngfrteI NE laH a ofOH.KI C:, v i H
poatiful . cotinued adnxixiiistratioiin un-slimed that the restgnation will beof;
res isla,;ey cueto resdet Mi-school had cepsDr oted Ediicator Suc euflbs After Longslolye IftebalacesDr'>4
Icr{d Itl liihii mned It de i 'rilay's resignation, its action will be 1Illness; Survived By
tIat iue eytoGvaGoseci lyi
.,l! ni ioni and hiis promise of drastic action Thovrorrirttdy'_ee-_
J b LUIIIL U itIS ec ess:ary to retain Poincare dthat ewihm brsoteWAPEN U VRST
fl fl 9TI n nP ' Tlion. vryboard and asked them not to accept tISI}1 Ff " .lS
it ii i s I fT aug;hlin00expressed[).Fda'reinto.D.rdy
A. UfOeetllling 5Dr ras heexpressed it today, was Dr Err - Kn, '1fr2 rs
Leie f lmiBdyIegsFr {L" epc oiui~rtoul vrmnossible for himt longer to serve the vice-president of Pekin University,}
Position at Optening Meeting; that single liinsupporting sC4iii o college as its president. IHe asserted Pekin, China; died] at his home on
of ~ody the Senate," lie ceiicluded that thex entire affair is. a political North State street yesterday after-I
- ------udlewic-wud-nl e ml- noon after a prolonged illness of sev-.
BURTON{'CALLS MEFETING A:' T LF OR I cated by any effort on his part to re- eral year's.
UMinNON FOR THIS NIXG b[wPI [A S ldmin in office. It is understood that Doctor Kcing was born 'Septernbei'
[Ups IN libe will immediately -announce his con 1 21, 1860,at Coldwater, _lich. fie grade-
mfl-rnnnlrnh~r ~ nection with the New School of So-!I
Acceptance of the resign~ation of IRI!IIIU L;I ilRserho ewYr.Iuaced from the literary college in '91
Judge Victor Hugo Lane, '781, of the ItILIU L is-L i E not ex ectedl that there will bean for several years w~as superiiitenl
Law school, fromn ti :epreiidency and i-.o.. any discussiont of the charhes leading dent of schools in Michigan and ad-
boad f iretos f he luni~s-VAYrn.*N'EONFNP('EDa totle oar'sreoreds.c oiI
i oadon, dirctrsdf he l day's:a- Y L'Il]-' -NF:'l :IBER; ("l 'IN)aIipto en D rdy's restd igion ' In I I891 he and his wife went t totomre h is a' n ''@ 1 ;1 ;t01ii~ odna' F rdysrsinto nCiaa iaoaisadleh~li
Iu'mItn ftheAumiasch- PN jWE Al{today's meetintg. It is said that ni- affiliated with Pekin uiniverlty -erv-
i nul metin ofthe lumi a ocl ,;rs o.'tlOW board. are in perfect ac-
s ion yeaserord Jwith Dr.e hFriday- so far as hies rest ing as a professor of history and then
yetra.Jdg ae ha- licpla h sat <ina .l r ay, in igat io i is cDred andtyti. xrisingto the vice-presidency. On sev-
ethe Association for 20 years and PDislaigdelph i a2 ly onv nl A.,
his untiring efforts in. behalf of the meeting a mixed field of easterni bs accepted w'ithout quiling. -e.of nshe acves t eda peidn
Boyhsrsle nissteady growth schools in the qualifying meet 'at At the time of the Boxer rebellion
- . . ~. . . nFranklin field, thie University of Cal- rnnrn"Tra% nuninlirT Tnfla ie wasseeted to take charge of the

Action Cutlninates Years' Atteinpts To
Mike Saisfactory Arirangemeijnts
For Occasion
Commencement exercises of the
University. this year will he held on
Ferry field if weather permits, as a
consequence of action by the Regents
in their meeting yesterday adopting
a recommendation to that effect made
by the deans Wednesday.
Amplifying devices to make the
speeches of the occasion clearly audi-
ble in all parts of the field will be
installed at cost by the Michigan State
Telephone company through 'the, cour.
tesy' of Franz C. Kuhn, '94L, its presi-
This action comes as the culmina-
.on.. o. iem lvr..s nt orr a "rx-iYi year


11: ARVIA N,


the part of members of the Univer-
sity to solve the C;ommencement seat-
ing problem. Resolutions have been
passed" by' the senior classes for the
pist two years recommending action
similar to that taken by the Board
yesterday. Last year, howvever, 'the
suggestions were rejected by the fac-
ulty as impractical.'{

New Education, C ,ogralpi l M
r Faecully Men No mcd; ('arp- ent
to Succeed Arthiur
Tw~Ao resolutions designed ti>
venit the recurrence of the (list
ances on Swing-out day were m
1mously passed by the Board of
gents. at its monthlly session held
terday. This action followed the
versity discipline commiittee's my~
gation of the alleged intoxicatic
a number of students Mahy 10 and
powers the University admninistr:
to employ drastic measures to
with any situation which may
The resolutions are as follows:
"Resolved, That it be the sent
the Regents that any student wl
the opinion of the University di
Hiv, committee, has publicly disr
e l him self or the U niversity s b Inm rly d s i s d
"Resolved, That it -be the sen.
the Regents that the Senate con
ftee on stuident affairs will be
fled in abolishing any student
tioan at which conditions arise
are injurious to the good name c
The Regents "ranted Prof. I.
Sharf'nian of thc economics de
ment a leave of absence for the
Summer session and the school
1923-1924 in order to undertake a
vestigation of the economic effe
the anti-trust legislation for the
tional Industrial conference.
Faculty CIhanges JMade
Acting Dean J,'Award H. Kral
thie College of Pharmiacy was apj
1ed dean of the college by the Rteg
Dr. Preston Janes of Clark cc
was appointed instructor in ge
ph~y. Mr. A. 11. Moehlman of Di
wvas appointed part-time profess
school administration-and sul

#' !

*lINIoive1rie Su4vivor Meets WVIlson,
C.hlcago, Tis'Ilornin'-
In Singles Match
('IITC_14G .,ANI) 01110 STATE

n Was,
TO Horse


Detroit. May 25-(fly A..)-FirmlY
evinced that~ prohibition is to blame
so many horses ina Detroit having
go without drinks frequently, F.'
Hutchinsoni, manager of the De-
)it Humane Society, is going "to
ewhat can be- done about it".
The manager isn't advocating the
urn of the saloo~n, but is emphatic
declaring that horse watering
ugh's, which passed out of exist-
ice along with the places where
inks were sold, should be brought
In the old clays many saloon own-
splaced watering troughs in front
their places. This probably was to
ract trade. While a truck owner's
rse was drinking the driver slip-
Id inside and had a drink himself,"
anageii Hutchinson said. "The
rses had frequent drinks in those

and imkprovement. is resignation iforntia team, 'a sturdy band of ath- I 11S 'H


commissary for all the- legations in

Special to The Daily
Chicago, May 25---:Michigan has one
man left in the western Conference
tennis tournament which is being held
here, Chuck Merkel having worke(I
his way into the finals by defeating
Frankenstein of Chicago, one of the
ranking players in the Big Ten, G-",
6-2, and later 'Swvensen of Iow'a in

was accepted with regret. letes, strengthened considerably their 3'I UIRLU I LOU UI1 II~U China
Mlason. P. flumney; 168, of TDetroit chances in carrying off the finals to-- ftI Dco igwsaaddhsd
wvas elected president to finish the mzorrow fox' the third consecutive H OKO, ROF S D0OTH otor e Keeing wsr anad nehi oc-r
jueirdtr.Termidroyear. al law here in 1910. He returntdI to6
the business meeting held at Barton! The Bears, favorite, from the start,, this country again in 1919: where 17e-' s
Hills country club was devoted to the were conzsidlerably more formidable , tI ) , , RENL, AND DEAN'307 MOONI
t~i< tii Yol iTATT cause of his' failing health he has
consideration of a plan for the ex-, and expect to score heavily in -the OF NE YQRKeTAT obliged to remain.t
, ILpansion o the alumni body. field evenits. In the, field events they 1WILLin iAsrviedbyhi wfe
The meeting yesterday, was- called qiuaifiled 17 imen for' the deciding can- -rEdA. King9surviveda hsI
by Wilfred B., Shaw, general secretaryi test. Scoring 'an upset of the most, Foi'estcrs will hold their annuail; Mrs. Lodna A. WKing, '11, aduhter,
of the association, aid comp ised the Isenisational character, experts w ?re al- }lbanquet at 0 o'clock Monday in the Kigwoi o eno ntelt
advisory editorial board, abad the board of I most unanimous in predicting a decis- Union. The dinner is given primarily!clg, and one son, Hi. Gilbert"c
3 to zo~zo Prof F~liert Rth oftheerary clee
directors and the board drf trustees of lye victory for the Pacific C Oast to- toh''PoficietRoho h ing. Mx's. 'Wolferz returned _from,
the Alumni association. Meetings' morrow. Yale, ichel showed1 sur- forestry departmnent, who will end Ieiztowesaoadl.Cilet
were held yesterday morning and prising strength, camle next to Cal-, his active career as professor in the PeinwoiweAesigoandviceconilbert:t
were continued: in the, afternoon. Din- Iiforn ii with 16 qualifying, and.Prince-, University this June. The Boar'd of Shanghoi amveerachcon1l a
I ner was served. at )Barton. Hills cooun-: ton was looked upon as the hope of Regexnts has, in consideration of hisShnairivdeeMrc3.
try club and the business was con- the East in the final struggle, service to the University, made himt a
eluded in the evening. Th'ie'T'igers qualified ten men, the'a professor Emeritus. Ile has been ALPBAKS FODt
iPresident Burton has called a meet- samve numbier as Penn, but the Orange ;active in the forestry department for; LH'
ing fox' 10 'c lock this morning at thne andl l3laek possesses several outstandc- the past 20 years.
U n i n t d i c u s p o b l m s - f h e I n c n g rs ro w erd onl y a i t i g uc h n c e . j r e e n t M r a . B r o i lJu n c r e e p i y w i e t h Q a e s w r ive ash oE . tlk t tea ld i n n a c t a sdFR T--
conoodooolyaedghiFic aneld R gTripnus E.BFoiwllaeda Cornell, winner of many champion- !toastmaster for the occasion. Proes-!, Alpha Nu debating society last };
shlips in former year's qua litied eightI sor' Roth will act as the principal; night went onl record asntnfavoringuk wthhteen-th
Contnuos bd lck ith he eat ien lanid was finally out of thme rtinn speaker of the evenzing but he ha.- not ry Ford as the next President o h
eradwtrnprainacmo xg."none hstpc United States.. The members of the
dations has caused - the staff of the Ot__e___sea__er_
course in geology 2 to set the date for tutonth spekerstfomhvaou n tt ea supporting.T. orw een., 2G,.ndJohn-
the hoodooed Jlima field trip at the i, ,1a41,;cAnno nctutioen proueh outthecdnter.yDhaven'5 v .Bowig 2,adJh
-'-&1*'I',~.11.&~J/&f~t~3 eenProure fo th diner I~anS. Dmekhoff, '26. Tl~ negative teaml
endc of the spring, list. For the last net+.F ono heNwFr tt o-: ysna po ).1) un 2,Il
two years a delay..of three weeks hays aCabinetPersonnel ~F ono h o okSatecl- - was'mae upnof'. ) Dunn, 'lE
bee casdbkti xurin;nd___ lege has mailed 4n acceptance And . Davis,'2,adRD.Hre,24
bencn~ yti xusoaditI will attend the banquet and 'deliver a.IAt the business mieeting -which fol-
has been decided to :make it the final Londoui, May 25-(la3y A. IP)-- --The !t~ill... Prof. Ralph S. I-Iodnxe r of (or-' lowedthdicsonE.CPrpe
trip of each year hereafter. official list of the cabinet and~ other n;eil university xxll speak on t'Sonie '24, was appointed chairnian of the so-'
- Offi i al s i s u e d t ni g h t s h o w e d th e n t ( % ~ r v tin i F r t yv Y e a s Cres P n p - ~1 -i n n it ".n- of th e s o ci e(t y . -EVV

the other

of 'Chicago is, the finalist tr%
half, flaying defeated Rorick,

liass Cleo RMurmland, associateI
fessor of vocationalI education~,
granted leave of absence for year l1
1924 in order to accept a position
visiting professor at the Univer
of' Colifornia. M1r. Frank L. Jagod.
ski of the mecchanic-al engineering
partment was granted a leave of
sence for' the same period to bec
nected with the Newport NewsI
dock Company. Capt. George W. Dt
Jr., has been appointed assistantI
fessor of military science and
tics. He comes to the University f
the coast artillery school at Fort.
Monroe. Mlai. \Wlliain T. Carpente
Ft. Leavenworth, will arrive -in
Arbor in December to replace
Robert Arthur as head ofl the Uni
sity R. 0. T._ C.

Michigan captain, this morning, 6-4,
1-6, 6i-0. Wilson also dlefeated hiss
teammate Stagg, who has shown won-j
derful imp rovement until he lost, in'
a five-set match;, 6-2,3-6, 6-3, 4-6, 6-3.
Ed Kline, of Michigan, was defeated
this morning by Stagg, 6-0, 8-6. In
the doubles, the Michigan team made
up of Captain Rorick and Merkel, wars
eliminated in the semi-finals by Can-
on and Shapero of Obio State; thi
sets being, '6-3, 3-6,. 8-6, 6-3. This
match was played at 8 o'clock at!
night, after the Michigan team hadi
been' playing continuously since 9
o'clock in the morning.
The Merkel-Wilsbn match will be
played at ,10 o'clock Saturday, morn-
ing, and will consist of the best three
out of fire, sets. The finals in th e
doubles will be between Chicago andI
Ohio St ate 'at 3 o'clock.l



San Francisco, May 25--(B3y A. P.).
-The standin-g army of the Unitedt
,ates stands forty-sixth on the list
standing armies of the world and
"too smiall to accomplish what is
tended for it to do." Secretary orl

War J. A~V.''
address at a
the Associat
United State
"The Ire5i
be brought1
Bible date t
enlisted men
secretory sn
Oil 1B1aze
500,000 gallo
several expl
the plant of
in the" rive'
brok(e out at
ning. One]r
jurted but t'1
hot yet th,:
near the bu
the city fire
and resident
their homes.
tain lubricat
Ypsi ant

Weeks said tonight in anl
public banqluet given by'
ion of the Army of the

s here tonight. .v.. .
ent standing army should!{ Frane A'dopts Dayilit Saying exchange of personnel in the substi.
back at the earliest pos-'I Paris,- May 25-(By A. P.)-France;tto fLr oetCcla o'
.o a minimum of 250,040 has adopted daylight saving time. This Privy Seal for Andrew Lonar Lan
1and 13,000 officers," the Senate today 'voted by 180 to- 109 to who hield this portfolio in addition to
Id avanc theclocs an hour hethe premiership, and the proxmotion 0o.
Chamber of Deputies already had {Mr. 1Bonai Law's secretary, lDavxds-
Spreads Near fonmes adopted the measure. The change will son, to a place in the government
May 25-(13y A. P.)--- be effective Saturday night. as Chancellor of the Duchy of Lan-
ins of oil are burning ma Premier Poincare found the' SenateI caster. There have ,however,, been aI
losions have occurredy in 'hostile, but threatened to make it a ' fewv changes in minor offices of thes
the F. V'. Rae Oil Works question of confidence, upon which government but otherwise the mien
r plant here. The fire the Senators, got into line, guiding the country's destiny as the!
tabout 7 o'clock this eve- - same as those that had the task in
mnan was known to be in-- Predicts Winter Coal SbprtAg ' j hand before Mr. I3onar Law tendered
he blaze is so fierce and DeriMy2-B AP)-rdC his resignationi.
at firemen can not get tion that -coal supplies for Michigan "cFarmners' WN1orst lDays t? " l' Wzlce'
md iWashington,, May -(L3y AP)-
Ls nearby are moving fr'om Charles Dunns Wayne county fuiel ad- h os o h a cis iobe
Th urigtak~con- niinisti'ator, who acopniste r-are ov ex' axnd agricultural conditions}
timebri ngalnks.ccmpnieate ire better than at any time in the
tingoil nd asolne. I diction with a suggestion to large Ils w exs SceayHn'
coal user's to obtain as large a sup,- It> erSceayHnyC
i Represented at Meet ly as possible during the spring and I Wallace *ye,;,rday declared befoire

try in the United States."
Saturday will he the las3t day that
tickets will be issued to any but stu-
dents of the forestry depar'tment.

Cory, '24, is to be chairman of the'
program committee and Hl. R. COWell,
'25, is to head the membership com-'
mittee. Alpha Nu has announced that!
:F ,.5 nnBOW nfClaidLL i AvLil ianLi . ,P i +


Harvard I'Isiis New Athiletic Plant Signia, national debating society.
Canibridge, Mass., MWay 25--(By A.I
P.)-A tentative program for the de-; Jewels May be Boughit for Mluseumt
velopmnent of an athletic plant at Har- Prof. Walter F.Aunt of the depart-#
y1 ard university, which will make pos- ment of mineralogy has received a2
sible' icreased opportunities for- collection of precious and semi-pre-'r
sport and exorcise by the individual cious stones Ofrom Albert Everitt tt
students as distinct from those who California. The stones were sent on]
are members of teams was outlined approval to the mineralogy depart-
todiay by Major F.,W. Moore, graduate- ment, and sonic of them may be pur-;
manager or athletics. The plan, which:? chased by the University for nmuseumn
calls for the establishment of severalI specimens. Amnethists, Beryls, opalsI
new and large units in the next few and aqua marines are among the col-'
y ears, including a new stand at thectiii
end of the stadium, is in keeping with - -in.'
the spirit of the findings of tne grad- Prof. "Salter Honored at ,Lunelieolil
uate committee on h aIth ana athletics1 Sigma Gamma Epsilon, national
ifor a policy of "athletics foxr all." professional geological fraternity, held

Houston, Tex., May 25----(By A. P.)
---Leon Crocker of Kelly field, picked
by the. army air service to attemnpt.
the longest nonstop flight by a, single
army aviator, plans to take' the air
from. Elliston field at 5 a. m. tomor-
row in his flight. from the Gulf tol
Canada. le hopes to mnake Alt. Clem-
ens without stop.
The route to be followved by the
flier is almost a.- straight one f'rom
Houstoni to the field at MNt. Clemens
and is, approximately. 1,400 miles long.
New York, May 25.-Girls should
not marry until able to support their
husbands, United States Senator Fer-
ris of Michigan~ advistd the girls 1T~
the graduating class of the Packard
Commercial School at the commence-
ment exercises last night.
"You have -all," he said, "seen your
'mothers beg -for money fromt your

President Marion I,. Buirton, in
commeniting upon the action of the
Regents emphasized the point that the
resolutions imply no divergence be-
tween the student body and the Un-
ver'sity administration, hut rather a
conflict between a small faction who
misrepresent the University, on the one
hand and the great majority of the
students and the faculty on the other.
"Will Not Empol Spics"
"it should be distinctly understood,"
declared the President, that the Uni-
vers:ty ,nover has and never will emu-
ploy detectives, spies, policemen~ or
miilitia in its endeavor to maintain law
and or'der. Students are recognized-
generally as being of superior intelli-
gence and the undergraduate body
! orer at Michigan is for th~e mo~st
part of this charteer. W'e do not pro.-
pose to deal with them as an ordin-"
ary community; for we are convinced
that the undesirable element are in
insignificant mninor'ity. Finally, we re-
alize that -a permanent improvement
in Univer'sity 'conditions can be a-
chivod only through the power of
the student opinion. The University
intends to facilitate this opinion by
removing the obstacl.es of its dev~el-
"hnthe good reputation of, the
University is imperiled by student
functions the only course open is sin-
ply to remove the privileges which
are abused. 'Therefore, until adequate
assurance can be given that the Uni-
versity's wvelfare will not be endanger-
ed, certain functions will have to be


n: limp.lipm last weep in honor of

, ,

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