THE MIC HIGAN DAILY Y~+ rM w r.,n . ~ w __ _ _ - M ~, r i r~~... _ ~irp~lliiI' CIAt NEWSPAPER OF THE IVERSITY OF MICHIGAN M bed every morning except Monday he University year by the Board in of Student Publications senior class in this matter is one deserving of favorable consideration by the Regents for this is to be '23s own commencement. )RINXIMG AT M1C1HIA{ 'Inasmuch as the consuming of alco- IS FOUR EDITORIAL COMMENT 1~flIRET CAESAR (Daily Illini) A wise man who has observed stu- w GIFTS for holic beverages has been branded anu Members of Western Conference Editoial offense against the national consti- This is Pretty Red dent affairs pretty closely has said{ Th Ass-ciated Pre is exclusi ely en tution, it is not unnatural that the The Red Room in Martha Cook at that the ordinarily-gifted college stu- eed to the.ise for republication of all news University opposes such violation 9 o'clock on a Friday night-Dark dent had better confine his attention sptescn this paper an thelta net erwie among the members of its student panelled walls-Dusty looking red to not more than two lines of activi- j dtherein; body. Accordingly, while drinking furniture-A big flat-looking portrait ty in college if he wants to make his red' ~at -the potoffice at Ann Arbor, has been no more prevalent at Michi- of Martha leaning on the West wall mark in anything at all. That means. inc redg a ta tec od tofaicematter. b r,;,,,, Ir£in a y h n a l. Th tm a s rchigan, as second class mratter. gan than at other universities, the -Washed out blue rug-Antiseptic usually, studies and a single non- Offices: Ann Arbor Press building, May. authorities here have seen fit to at- door-knobs-Vaulted cream ceiling- curricular activity. rd Street. tempt to eliminate it as completely as a hushed atmosphere, paradoxically: You can be an athlete and a student, on o Editorial 2414 and I76-M; BUSI possible by the investigation of cases religious-A couple whispering in one or a debater and a student, or an edi- - ------ -- _ -of drunkenness and the punishment corner-The girl with the faraway tor and a student, but you can't, un- C 1,unicmtio te t ecessari o of students involved. Their inten- look in her eyes-The man in a foul- less you have unusual abilities, do pear in print, but as aa evidence of faith, tions in this regard can hardly be ard tie-Loud laughter from another these things and very much else. Mul- i notices of events will be published ini : ,I y t the diScretion of the Editor. If condemned,. but their energies are lcorner where there are several men tiplication of activities and conse-; fit ed onmia o The ailcee no - most certainly misdirected if any sat- in blue serge suits and high stiff quent failure in all of them is theI leratio. ,NO manuscript will be returned isfactory result is expected. collars-The girls nervous and giggly every day story of more than one col- dess the writet encloses postage. The Daily In the first place, the University, -An amazing creation of red dress, iege student. es not necessarily endorse the sentiments pressed in the communications, as a state institution, should stand bobbed hair- and Quelques Fleurs When you begin to look back over - - - -~ -- -for the established laws of the land. sweeps in and greets a tall dark be- the year and wonder just what, after EDiTORIAL STAFF If this is the attitude of those at- ing in faultless College Kut clothes- all, you have accomplished, it might 2.} 2 and 16.1 1 Ctempting to enforce the liquor law Will she ever come?-Eighteen panes be well to consider this rule and re- at Michigan, it has been unfortunately in each of the three windows-A vista solve to live by it next year. Do MANAGING EDITOR concealed behind another issue. Stu- of a couch, two heads and an ap- i two things well, superlatively well, MARION B. STAHL dents in the University have come to proaching matromi in they Blue Room and you may be considered a sue- understand that abstaining in order --A faded tapestry over the fire- cess. You can't be everything in a .v ..aes B.,, itv..mes..Pau yu to comply with the law is overshad place-Voices from the alcove-More University where 10,000 students are ;-,isit Ckiy Editor.....J. A. Bacon owed by the danger that if they drink men come in and sit down stiffly- battling for distinction. i l Jal Cliiirmn.......E. R. Meiss they will commit acts which shall Other men leave, gingerly trying their Along some lines, it seems that iht Editor . give the University undesirable pub- legs and their conversation-Shrieks even the two things which are made Ralph Ttyers : ]T arry Hoey -. T.. j. Imr h rFer' R. C. Moiiarty licity. of laughter from somewhere upstairs the maximum are too many. They are H. A. Donahue J. E;. Mzack Undoubtedly, the problem of pub --Why the plain wb ite . Lase on the ;because they absorb the whole time a t K'tcr ..........Wallace E. Elliott licity is one which must be serionsly table between the windows? At last- of the student, and leave nothing for ornn's Editor ...........MTlarion Koch ,-r . ,uida> Aaanine I]itor ...n. A. Donahue considered by the University. The The union?- himself. To pursue activities to such h dItor r..:E.1. Ailes activities of unscrupulous reporters in THE HALIBUT an extreme is unwholesome. If you ...ucley C Robbins search of sensational news provides *:can't enter into every activity you r' Eitorial Board oweIl Kerr Maurice Berman ! an almost inescapable pitfall. But on DISILiLSION can do much by patronizing nearly allt aul- li4nstein Eugene Carmichael the other hand an institution of the (s.f (The author of this poem writes of them. If you can't take all the anley IT. Armstrong Franklin D. Tepburn size of Michigan cannot allow its that he has sat by a girl in Am. Lit courses in the University you can diney Bielfield Winona A. llibbard horizon to be clouded and its' per. all semester "who would have been immensely broaden your culture by; AKirdJ. sspectiveto be distorted by a nEBeesr- sufficient cause for a second sack of attending lectures and concerts. That C. Clark Elizabeth Liehermann evil which all others must endure as Ilium had she lived in the days of lectures and concerts are not more rit (able John McGinnis well, without'suffering serious cons-;the handsome shepherd boy and the popular areflection on lthe evel f elyn f. ioughlin M. u1. Pryor quences. warrior of the mortal heel" and that taste at Illinois. But it is also, per- , 7 ht Ep ein WRb raferty At present the.-conditions at Michi- he had just -screwed up his courage haps, an indication of our absorption S Garlirrghois T W. "wit h gan are not conducive tot the discon- tb ask her for a date when he found in activities. We can't afford to ne- alter S. Gudspeed Soil J. chnitz tinuance of drinking on the campus. .on her third left finger "not a dia- glect such things.; onald Ilalgrim The ease of access to liquor whichI mond, but worse, a plain gold band. Matthew Arnold maintained that GRADUA TION -at. rUraam's 9Joth Ends of the Diagonal Walk Look over the values in the fieds.-Adv. I - classi- I - ADRIAN-ANN ARBOR BUS (Effective May 14-Central Time) DETROIT UNITED LINE$ Ann Arbor and acks n TIME TABLE (Eastern Sandard Time) Detroit'Limited and Express Car& 6:oo am., 7:00 a.m., 8:0o, 9:05 a.m. and hourly to 9:o p.n. Jackson Express C :rs (local stops wetc of Armu Arbor).-9 :47 a.r,, and every two hours to 9y47 p i. LocalCars EastH ound- :oo a.m. ano' every two hours to 9 ;eo p. n., i r:oo p.m. To Ypsilanti only-ti1:40, i1:15 To Saline-Change at Ypsilanti. Local Cars West M3ound-17:50 a.m., 12: 1u =p. 11.' To Jackson and Kalamazoo-Lir'- ited cars 3:47, 10:47 a.m., 12:47, 2:47, 4:47 P.M. To Jackson and Lansing-Limited at 8:47 p.m1. f Bus leaves Adrian 6:00 and 11:45 a. in. and 3:45 p. m. Leaves Ann Arbor 6:45 a. m. and 12:45 and 4:45 p. in. SUNDAY-Leave Ann Arbor 6:45 a. i. and 6:45 Leave Adrian 3:45 p. mn. only. Meet D. U. R. cars at Saline both ways for connections for Ypsilanti. Wayne and Detroit.. l iU llllltIllttiiilflittithIltll iJ DOROTHY B. LOWRY CHIROPRACTOR 606 1st Nat'l Bank Bldg - ours, 1.6 p.m. Phone41. '4t1 IIIIfl tiIII IIII I I ill iU tIIi l hiaifh VICTOR ALLMENDIKNER PIANO TUNING School of Music Tuner PHIONE. 06 Office at R~es., 418 N. DId8ion St. , .; i~ : . i t 1 1. i INTELLIGENT AND INTERESTED Your bank should be sound, accurate and efficient. But that is not enough. Banking 1923 MAY 1023 1 2 3 4 '5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15)6J 17 19 19 20 21 22 *23 24 25 2'ti 28 29 '30)31 y=. FACTORY N A , WE SE LL' 1.. A -nSTRAW t - '- - HATS' WE SiiAPE HATS WE SELTI 1o FIT THE HEAD FREl' OF' C1ARME. We also CLEAN and REBLOCK Panamas, Leghorns, Bankoks, and all kinds of Strawa hats at low Prices for HIGH CLASS WORK. (No acids used) Let a "Boot-black" shine your shoes, but have your hat Clean- ed and Reblocked by a Practical .Clatter. FAPToRY NAT STORF 617 Packard Street Phone 1792 Where D. U. R. Stops at State service to be of the most use to you should be also intelligent and interested. That is what this bank tries to be. FARMERS & MECHANICS BANK 101-105 So. MAIN 330 SO. STATE ST. Ii iv dv rr ua In ac lta t#11 .CI le; I iSil (- rtisii 'rrtisi: icati' uelaia ry I oldl, i. I), n S. csA -bert prevails in Ann Arbor is a serious- 1USIFSS STAFF but surmountable obstacle. Michiganf Telephone 960 cannot expect to have a campus free. from drinking while bootleggers oper-j BUSINESS h-:A NAGER a ate unhampered in this locality, ped- ALBERT J. PARKER duing their wares from door to doorl throughout the city. At present at ng ..............Joli J. Hamel, Jr. ' least two bootleggers whose names g............Walter K. Scherer ! are well advertised, hold apparently . .....Lawrence IL Favrotl n . - ....ldward F. Conlin free reign in Ann Arbor, and are. S ..........ownsed J. lPrregular callers-liquor in hand-at .L. Beaumont Parks fraternities and rooming )louses on Assistants the campus. Evidently no attempt is 1. Hayden1 Win. TT. Good Ta unne tlyde L. Hagerman made to curb the activities of these [Taskin Henry Freud and other law-breakers. They have Putman Clayton Pur~yfolonh Armantrout J. B. Sanzenbacher operated formonths unapprehended. Ti. Reid, Jr. Clifford Mitts , Theirs is not a secrA t. ommerce; it L. Hale7er Toia M Dethen Roesser Lrui M. Dexter is an open business. Consequently,' Morton C. Wells Christie ! if a clean-up is to be effected ir the . Dryer FEdward B. Reidle md W.' Cooper matter of student drinking the ac'- -_ -- ministration might well start its ac- tivities with steps towards the arrest' Wherefore this choice bit of dog- the volume of the world's literature gerel.")r was so vast that man could not pos- Here shed your tEars, here weep for sibly comprehend it, and the best he one could possibly do would be to select Who hitched his wagon to a star- the best and know that thoroughly. Much faith had he in Emerson- A similar selection must be made in And sought to ride his sha afar. the disposal of tim'e at a University. i TnoUVI« vnry r atnILUCR hLn tU i vhlip i 5, GIFTS FOR GRADUATION DAY! I Here put your lilies on this grave; Requiem sing. Too late to learn ' The star I strove me to enslave ' Did, meteor-like, to earth return. Here, of my star-hitched cart high ' pile SThe splinters which lie scattered Neariy every stuaent can acswnat ne is now doing in less time by elimina- tion of idling. But still he must de- cide between rival attractions. Such decisions arise*daily. A little thought toward permanent values would help to nake your college life worthwhile. When you begin to plan for next, year remember not to do too much. I COMPLETE SETS or SINGLE PIECES TOLEDOANN ARBOR BUS Cars leave for Toledo 7:10 A. Mt - P. M. and ' P. M. Except Sun- day. Sundays at 8:00, 11:00 and 8:30. PYRALIN IVORY TOILET ARTICLES The Eberbach & Son Co. 200-204 EAsT LIBERTY STREET far, And write these words, old Go style, "He hitched his wagon to a sta Z * * * of these men wh-o form the true sourcet FIDAY, AY 25, 1923 - I of at least a large share of the trou- I tried out for the Daily and I -- -ble. out for the Chimes. ' Night Editcr--EDGAR H. AILES . Once again let it be made clear that chased ads for the Techni and ---'-------- ----,no more alcoholic beverages are con- chsnubed a thousand imes. A5 01 \mOo CO)MEYCEMENT suIs ed illegally at Michigan than in I wrote a play and Opera, and Iany other college community of like r lecte Optic dimes- proportions. The student body as a For I said I'd be cated by members of the senior class, whole is a responsible and law-abid- And I tried to be the deans have recommended that the ing group. But if the University cares A true B. M. 0. C. 1923 UCornmuecement exercises b to eliminate whatever drinking doesA - - exist, especially on certain, occasions- held at Ferry Field. Realizing theo cts e y ert olabing QOaCh Yost saw me a score of t tl roughout. the year, it should bring adnvrflee ne countless disappointments and embar- itself round to create an environment and never faltered once. Pay Fisher tried me for two wF rassing situations which arise almost more conducive to the maintenance a stried me fs t w - ofthe rohiitin amndmet, sateand stamped me as 'a dunce eVery year because of the limited seat- of the prohibition amendment, state nd next they called me one o ing capacity of Hill auditorium, the the true Issues of the matter clearly ' Steve Farrell's "Elepunts"- new plan of holding these ceremonies and fearlessly, and seek to gain, the But I said I'd be oraco-operation of the student body. By And I tried to be out-of-doors has been approved 'by appealing directly to campus organt, A true B. M. O. C. the heads of the variou's faculties and zations and to the students as a whole; today goes before the Board of 'Re- for the cultivation of that attitude of Now if you ask me why I sob respect for law which is necessary to s e h o g-ents for final action. lift this plaintive moan, Nere it not for y I the upholding o,9 the Volstead act, It's only just to tell you Bunk* by urging students as inuividuals en. I am headed ome; mistic viewpoint held by some in re- dowed with a higher education than For the profs have closed the cl gard to all weather speculation, it the masses to set the example forh ros av rlosed the boI lzs anti remarked "nob would hardly be worth while to enu- I those who look to them for leader- j i n zs and to do the few best things weli. othic IS HONESTY THE BEST POLICY1 tr." (Indiana Daily Student) EKE Now that final examinations hover over us again, we face the same ques- tion that has confronted students and tried faculty for many previous semester -shall we cheat? If not that, shall was we quietly shield those who do? Or shall we boldly attack the infamous col- practice which at present is wide- spread on our campus? It would seem that men and women, who have reached the chronological and mental age supposed to be neces- sary for attendance at a state univer- imes sity, would realize the folly of crib- bing. Perhaps by resorting to crib- eeks bing some students receive higher e. marks from certain courses, but in f old the long run they lose more than. - they gain. It is a well known fact that brain cells atrophy through con- tinued disuse, and the student who ., .: r ' i T .'y y li! . ' 21 . -~ Y 'l ' 4, and that lass- body merate the advantages of the proposed ship, the administration may hope to' T none s t m system. There cannot be any ques. make strides towards the elimination This I sano for e tion but what a great deal of un- of drinking at Michigan. Co-operation Tug I s. I. be A true B. M. 0. C. certainty accompanies any plans for upon the part of the student body as 1iz open air exercises but the gamble is, good American citizens will solve the *This word is an anachronism. in this case at least, worth while, problem, and not obedience by themt * * * Ceraintly it may rain,-but again if in the role of cringing subordinates.' Dame Natiu-"e is considerate «of the * ___The score is now reported to us of black cloaked figures who present' Why shouldn't we have Commence- the- pastime under way at# Dexter M. Ferry Athletic field. -,It' themselves as candidates for the aca inent exercises at Ferry field? ThI demic degrees, it may not. seniors want it. The deans want it. is 4-3 in the sixth, according to the According to the old plan it would The field will have it. The auditor- report, and the lowly Illini arein .the The iel wil hve t. he udior-lead. Our Detroit boys are entering be impossible for members of the ium has had it long enough,-too long th n against Chicago with a four graluating class to receive more than j in fact. So say those who have gone, or five run lead to make up, The a ticket apiece, a limitation which fre- before.o. quently pi-ecludes the possibility of ;_brawny Wolverines may make it up-- either parent's presence at the Com-re the lanky Tigers probably won't. IThe Optic is here again with more' mencement exercises. At Ferry field beautiful illustrations than ever be- I n b t .t Ithere Iisiample broagh tocauracitynfor over 15,000inethseaclosedendof c ty efore. Notice that cover which was that The Freres u ston rep th taken by the newly founded publica- . stands and with the installation 'o takensbypthe newpyefounded pnbGiea- score of the -local game as 11-6 Michi-' tion's special representative in Greece. amplifying apparatus similar to that gan, also in the sixth. There is some- used in Sleepy hollow, the addresses -;thing sour somewhere, usthinks. could be made audible to everyone. "Dragging the river" is the latest * * * Parents could make the journey to means pf procuring confiscated li- All of which is only one of the an-. Ann Arbom' wnith reasonable assurance quor from the depths were prohiti noying things about this column. The that they 'would be able to see their tion officers have consigned it. ball contests start at 4:05-so do, sons and daughters as they pass out we. thinks he can "come back" and use later in life, an ability equal to his! original capacity, is disregarding this fact. At the same time he is doing in- justice to himself, the student who cribs also is taking unfair advantage! of the student who is opposed to cheating on principle and refrains fori this reason. There is small consola- tion in the familiar statement, "Oh well, he isn't really getting anything out of the course," in a place where' marks receive as much attention as they do here, and form the basis for judging both individuals and organiza- tions.. Even though the essentially honest individual realizes that he i actually deriving benefit from his work, there is little incentive to work when he sees the individuals across the aisle or in the row in front of him, or behind him, answer the ques- tions on an examination easily 'and quickly with the aid of a carefully 'constructed crib, and then receive better marks in the course. The student who cheats is little worse than the professor who sees cribbing in his classes and on his ex- aminations and makes no effort to prevent it, either from a dislike of the' disturbance such an action would cre- ate, or as is more often the case, from fear of making his courses un- popular in the future. Which is the i more contemptible: the student who cribs, or the professor who recog- nizes it and rewards it with marks asI 2- Trousers Suits X38 Late Arrivals Lots-ofcif Nelv Straws T o be sure, you can't wear the style of straw hat that some other man can wear. That's why we're featuring so many different models., Bleach- ed and unbleached; plain and fancy. $2.50 to $6.50. Ide flex- an ideal collar DEFL EX is a semi-soft collar that requires no starching. Never gets rough edges; -won't wrin- kfe; long wearing.. Neat in appearance all the - time. 35c. 3 for $1. Doughta suitcase yet? NW, wAile luggage stocks are most com- plete, is a good tilmeto buy the suit case you'll need in June. Made of fibre and leather, in black' and tan. All sizes. $2 to $18. Ila haftan shirts best T HE name Manhattan on a shirt means more than mere style; it indi- cates superb tailoring and H ART Schaffner & Marx madet h e m along the newest, smartest lines. Their all - wool fabrics mean that the style will last. The extra trousers insure double the ordinary wear. Oiter Suits, $25 to $50 Reule Conlin from the gates of -lichigan and into that other sphere where academic af- fC . , a on i'lt ,I nc.i A c% e ,P' Now the grads will begin to con- * * * sult Lydia Pinkham's almanac to see Some of the loyal Beavers will now U l