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October 11, 1922 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1922-10-11

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. iwt!Mvml" - --


' for himself and is a consistclt pa s
sngger, while -Bernhardt, n prodnct
cf last spring's practice, is dbing good
IONS RIO pnts to get the man receiving the
j, ~ba1.ll, Edwards, Galoway,<andiSw<an;-,
E~tl Selt3i;y, Hopling Second !son are alIso ouC for a lo ,ition at the
rindii t rsi !o LQW Scores 01,11of fie lice. 1hey ,re light, but

Vii! i

tihe grime are being distributed bry the
In1tramura department. MAOONS PREUIOTUBST
ttll; Ees vooa I
Since the elimlination of football LR I M E Y S
fromh interchass athletic's itr'ee ' y N IV YAR
ego no suitable1 game has b1eelnonde___
tak ir nlce.Socer rovd 1 1 RBX5I PROBITFA1 ONLY'
soplr r "'3au'e of the .ruleaginst N 'NRNI( O~
the use o th :e1 hands. ?Daskcitall ha 01s1C.1. :}T~l OC
alwv:ys proretid pular diring thc, A1LONZO StA'':G
winerant acominiration of the0 two
gams ntoa as, (ea gae asthe Chcago, Oct. i0.--With three weeks
1)rblcn wichconroned later nditenlsiv e drill behind them, Stagg's
1icel.bfoeteyivntdsee- ,i1roons are rounding into clhampion-
1_ aal. Th1e game is in it.isnfan m iship form. A stronhg line and fast
it islkl1htmaycagsw he hc ifleld promise-to make the team

Snappy field ruinning and wvill be a val-
uable man this season. Johnny Thonmas
jwill take his old place at full-back
and may be relieved by Zorn who hasv
been ripping up the line in good form
during scrimmage.
S Coach Norgreu has been looking
over his corps for a mxan that can
boot tile oval wvi th accuracy and con-
sistency. Jim, Pyott. Strohmeier, Car-
urso and Curley are the leading calndi-,
dlates, Pyott seeming the best of the
The squad consists of the following
27 men:j

AU ~;,ciIAULcU~le

110 ]~IlIEtLBEI{S OF S4QUA1) PRO..

mnge ttin into 1 e iterfrenc,iony
few p- lay s ihaving, gone aro und themz

11111 31WAnn Arbor. A concert at Kalamac
LI ilB m M91 ll mlay possibly be arranged for als
3i The Detroit alumni of Illinois i
ON nnv[BET 2D lanning to attend the Michgan-Ill
N nn T nois gamue in a body and wlihtl
4 1Ilinois band to lead a parade
___,_yell nos to play at the gae The c'
(13y Ass:ociated Press) Ipense:; of the trip would approxima.
Urbana, Oct. It.0-"If' the :!tudents $:1,0011, according to Director Iiardi,
of the u~nivem sity nvt their h:and to knocigtmyfedsadp
go witli t' Illini foothr 11 teami to AAnn nnuncin g a timy frind ts and p;
Arbor to lba:cthe teaim they mustrostaIamtildn bies
showsom ineres intil an my 1'. of M,. Barber Shop as always
ionit tintes i n lcplans a 111l0 So. IUniversity. J. 1R. Trojano;
nult iilinobtaining p art ot the funds ski.- Ads'.
f,,r the expenses> thait would hence.-
esslr:- for such a trip," declared Di- I- ---- '
Special rates for studenlts at Y.i
rector A. A. Harding of the Universcity C. A, ixty foot white thle swimmim
of: Illinois band.
Illini Ialumni in JDetroit aire foster- po.Av
ing the movement and ,re taking the
initiative in olannig the trip, and are
enIdearvoing Ito .arfrange1 aoncr I C. t in DRjWJS M LL
Detroit for Saturday night, Ot 28, 1 OSTEOPATHIC PHIYSICIAN
which it is expected will def ray;a por- 66FIt~t' k lg
tion of the exPCII5sa of the trip to Office Hours P~hone
9-12; 1130.5 21F
Michigan Daily and Chimes for $4.5,0.

tween twosteams cho senr from thae r TO IIS S
: squad.
More than3~ men areanswering tile S[111--T11,
roll call every clay and the spirit that o 'd s la e :vil th in i ton f
the season ,has not dwvinlled _a it I IN iWOlCM ES 1URV
coaches state. Rain and disarceable
wveather bas put: a damper on the
scrimmnages with thle Varsity and thle G A 4I NIXE 1E) IBY MA TlElr;
,freshmen squad, but a scrimmage may MlTVI1ELL1 COMBNATION OF
b*, Z leld t61ight in- whith they will SOCUCER - JIASa'w L 1
A fe ofthe en hatanleoutfor Supported by nearly 'every =iatern-
the :R6sor %e originally have been ad-
vancedl to :the. Varsity, the latest two, ity and house club on te camnpus, tie1
r rack; and, Wite,, having. been pro-i ltrannral department's i ,tinter-
""oued yeste-r ay. 'rue pomiotion of4 fraternity speedball tor ie7ractill
recwrof thosethaat answered the cal
fortheResrvs seak wll or heget uinder way at 3:30 0' l thkis aft-
chan=e. ':o 1O' N advancement of ernoon on Ferry field, v 41 Atio games l
" so* os4l b Otat riema in if they con- in the first round will 4- iaed off
fiufe to improve enough to warrant All games in the Upening round are
sucl an action. scheduled to be played :off: by the lst
Hold Varsity, 13-6 of next week.
'Last Monday afternoon the Reserves Fire Leagues Arranigede
-met the second string men of the" The arrangement of the tounament
#Varsity, on wniehol were ia few of the is much the same as the interfraternity
reguma4 Competition was so fast, the basketball tournament last year. The
_Varsity= had trouble in scoring a 13 fraternities are divided into five
to 6 victory over their opponents. leagues. The winning team of each
" Lawson did some fine playing for league is determined by elimination
the Reserves in the battle, hitting the and the tournament winner is decid-
sine for five and six yards constant- ed upon after a series of contests
ly. Tracy, ran ,the team most of the among the league champions
~time and hurled. a number of good Although this is the first time that'
'forward passes, one of them going to this game has ever been used in an.
-Elliot who tooks it over for the Re- intramural tournament it is expect-
ifserve lonue touchdown. Tracy's open ed that it will be popular this season.
field running and line plunging also The game was originated two year;
drew 'attention from.n the few sp~cta- ago by Coach C. J. Mather mefd Elmer
tors Who were at the private prac- D. Mitchell, director of the T'tramur-
tice. ° al department, in answer to a demand
"Savage, another quarterback, is do- for an al-round game to '-e-'--sed in
iiig his share of the work, and has fiterfraternity and interlass contests.
showed uncanny ability for picking' It was tried out by the .1tamural
weak spt'siii the Varsity line. "Rled" department last fall in several con-
-,?Miller, one of last year's freshmen tests and was found to meet the re-
backfield stars, is going strong and quirements better than either soccer
has been giving the Varsity tackles or regular football.
"considerable worry although hindered The rules of the game bear soe
by a bad leg" resemblance to those o soccer, foot-
Backs Look Good ball, and basketball. The field has
Bennett, Fox, Day, Chapman, and the same dimensions as a football
Olson are making a gallant fight to.fheld. The game starts with a kick-
in one of the coveted sweters that off, the ball being advanced by the
is awarded to the members of the Re- eleven players by either kicking,
serve squad. All of them have been dribbling or an overhead dribble. The
giving the right kind of work and hall may be atou ched by the=hands in
hav~e always been ready to fill the forward passing, thus elimi ing one
places of their more experienced and great }jecton toa soccer, in which the
Sheavier competitors in the backfield,: hands ay not touch the baL Scor-
~Woocott, a new man, gives promise of nismd'b'rokcinthbal
becoming better as the season ad- over the cross bar and between the
vances. F. Smith has been used to posts of the goal, by kicking the ball,
considerable advantage as a fullback between the posts of the goal, or by
in the scrimmages, while Bloome, an-fowar
,;.oter bakfiel manis mforwardamepassing over the goal line.
othe bakfild an s mkin a ameBooklets containing all of the rules of
l. for himself, tearing the freshmen tQ ___________________
pieces in the battles.__________________
Linemen are plentiful ani.ng theTh
Reserves, and although lighter than Th fUficial;
their opponents on the Varsity, they CLASS TOQUES
'Ibave been giving plenty of opposition. We have a bettertoque
' Campbell, Price, and Smith have been
playing tackle for the squad and are } '
helping the Reserves maintain their Men UIE 3iJY AIT
good record. C.M n ?' 'YF
mLinemen Light J rTe ~ j'e14
Elliot,, end, has ben making a name _________________
yhere by the recommendation of rour
11rregular customers. Alll who corn s~ re
more than satisfied with our deliclous
home cooking. Try us once, you'll
surely return.
- Make use of our aight -delivery "service.

HI. Lewis (Capt.) T, 152; ll. Fleteli-

ma, de in the rules as various phases
of the game ;are shown to he awkward
or impractical.
()OS k 1- IOAN 24, iN
- Joseph ',.Dorah, '24. of Grand Rap-
ids. Mich:.wa taken to Sf Joseph's
Scta~riium y sterday morning where

theC nest ili1v~ ecars. er, T, 176~; J. 1yottH1. 167 t(; A.
The lack of a veteran quarterback,} Proudfoot, G., 191; R. King, C., 235;
however, offers a problem that remains H. Schultz, Q.S., 155; W. Daw son, T..
as yet unsolved. H-einie Schultz, 174; 0. Strohmeier. E., 174; J. Thomae
Varsity' baseball wm, has been show- F.S., 178; H. Byler, 11.13., 157; L. Mc-
ing good form of late and will probab- Masters, Q.B3.; 158; R. Curley, Q.B.,
sly be seen in this berth. McMasters 145; W, Hoff, Q.S., 156; L. Lamnpi, Isl,
and Curley are also strong c'andli- 181; F. Caruso, 11.1., 154; C. D~ickson,
dates- for the pi tion. E., 186; R. Miller, G., 182; J. Vander-
iKing and George Hlartong, are both gruff, G., 205; W. Zorn, F.B3., .176; G.
well able to hold the pivot postiion. Hartong, C., 208; M. Greenebaum, C.,

lie is at pres4ent confined with a ser- Ailex.1Proudlfoot hias show«n fine formj
ios ieas(, of pumnmonia. Inquiry at of late a (lNdvill go in at guard. With
fhe hlospital %Ist igh lt, disclosed Aiat th~e support of Rhorke and Miller thel
a ilil oghlie is :till in a very serious cciente of the line will be a stone wall.
coniion ., Je i,' resting comfortably Daw son, Gowdy and Fletcher, one of
as~yh xetdat this stage ofl la:st years veterans, will hold thel
Li Ulesstackle positions., Otto Strohnueier will;
A brotAher of Doran is here to look take car'e of one of the wings whileI,
n jtr h im11, 4iand their pairesits at Grand 'Dickson, 1.anipi, and. *Weiss are run-
Raishave been' notifled. ping an even race for the other.
- -- --- I Jimmy Pratt will beone of the half s 3
Vorcl en :wiwiing classes att the and his running mate will be either
Y. M' . l'. uesday and Tlhursdaiy ev- Cullie Byler, Harry Thomas or Car-
enings, 8,:(*0O to 9:0O0.-Adv. uso. Byler has been doing some~

176; H3.
T., 187 ;
E., 168;

Frida, F.B., 188; F. Gowdy,
L. Rhorke, G., 183; W.,Weiss
J. Pond(elik, G., 191; 1-.
H.B., 168.h


I a



-N P)A




Fudges, Snappy Brittles, Rich Nut Caramnels,
Peanut Clusters, and Chocolates that
Melt irn Your Mouth

Whenever you desire
Serve two with
a single order










.:=* ''t1} . .kYSi''..1- te r :L.. . "(t \ ; ''+ vt~ \t ; ~~' " L1'Aa111, t 'l'j q .
": . _..., _ ....a m .w RvFnn a.
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Aa rt "-:Y'c " '' tC +
a G~ v ya}^1. ;'# y' I

~~ANY patrons feel that
Ma single order of meat
or salad is enough to'Serve
two. 'They're right; it is! So
go ahead and split singrle'or-
ders among as many as you
prefer. We'll furnish extra
pla t es at. no a~d+driti~onA1



ieak/afirse,-ed here.
daily, from 730 to 9.30




b612 Bast Liberty,






Classified Rates. TIwo Cents per word a day, paid in advance. Mini-
imumn charge for first day, 25c. Minimum thereafter, 20c. Three
cents per word per day if charged. White space charged for at rate
of 5c per agate line. Classified, charged only to those having phones.
Liner Rates: Twelve cents per line, without contract, paid in advance. I






PHONE 10'26-H


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

FOR SALE'~Buick 1921 roadster
cheap. Newly painted, six wire
whreels. Perfect running order. Call
Joe H. Mehta, 932 Greenwood Ave.
1369. 14-2
FOR, SALE-=New and second-hand
typewriters. Standard and port-
able matchines. S. A. Moran, 7111
N. University, Room 2, 2nd floor.1
FOR SALE-Nlew Chevrolet utility
coupe. Just driven from factory. A
bargain if sold'° at once. Phone
2951-W( for appointment. 15-2
FOR SALE-Ford with mahogany
custom built speedster body and wire
wheels. Theo. Osius, phone 909.
FOR SALE-Hawaiian Steel Guitar,
accessories $20.00, need money.
Freemin 1115 White St. 16-2
FOR SALE-Corona typewriter.
Call at 327 lEast William St., or
phone 76.1-
FOR SATE-Ford Speedster. Fine
shape, good tires. $95.00. Daniels
k1808-M. 14-3

LOST-Saturday -afternoon between
'corner of S. University and Wash.-
*tenaw, a bunch of keys with chain
and belt hook~ attached. Finder
please call 2282-M. 14-3
LOST1-old filled bar pin betweern
ICampus and University Hospital.
Return Betsy Barbour. 15-1
LOST-K:. N. Fraternity pin with in-
itials N. S. and '22 on back. Please
jcall 751-W. 15-1
LOST-'Phi Gamma Delta pin. C.
W.. Lewis on back. Call" 1266-J"
FOR RENT-Various makes of ty'pe-
writers. Reasonable rates. S. A..
Moran, 711 N. Univ~ Roomk 2nd
floor. 14-3
FOR RENT-Newly furnished room.
3047-11. 428 S. First St. 14-2
new paint job~, and new tires is in
best of condition and only $225.00-
319 E. -Washington St., phone 297~7-

Maple, Nut

. Special

- with
Fruit and Orange Pudding


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thne... re

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