-Ilk AIP A6F
a UkAI
XXXIII. No. 173
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IIT r IA-To Bonar Law,_Says Wenley Y MMIFFS IN
Refusai of Senate to Pursue Trhia of
Communists is Taken as
Hostile Act
Paris, May 24-(By A.P.)-Pre-
mier Raymond Poincare and his col-
leagues in the cabinet today submit-
ted their resignations to President
Millerand but the president decided'
not to accept them.
The action of the minister was the
outcome of the refusal of the ,Senate
to proceed with the trial of Marcel
Cachain and other communistst charg-
ed with illegal acts against thi French
government. -
Formerly French President
M. Poincare was president of the
French republic fol' eight years, from
1913 to 1921. He was made head of
the ministry on January 15, 1922 and
has held that position until his resig-
nation yesterday. His foreign policy
has bccn marked by especial firmness
toward Germany, one of his projects
That Stanley Baldwin who has just ay is a difficult one," Prof. Wenle
been appointed by the King as suc, continued, "Stanley Baldwin will face
cessor to Bonar Law is the best choice some of the knottiest problems that
that could have been made to* fill l any prime minister has yet faced."
the position of Prime Minister 01 In the first place he said, the do-
England is the opinion of Prof. Robert mestic conditions of England are in
M. Wenley of, the philosophy depart- such straits that some drastic meal.
ment. "He is a man who, like Bonar ures must be taken. The unemploy-
Law, grew up in commerce," he said. ment problems which face the new
"Furthermore, he is an able business premier are gradually improving, but
man, especially capable in handling they are far from. settled. "When
big business."!you take 5,000,000 men from work and!
As head of the Baldwin Iron Works, send them to the four corners of the
one of the greatest of Welsh indus- world and the five battle fronts, and
tries, he gained the experience in big bring them back you are bound to
business which will now stand him In have an unenployment problem tha:
good stead. His first position witn will baffle even the wisest. It is this
the government was that of financials social upheaval caused by the war
secretary to the treasury which he which Baldwin must settle."
held from 1917 until 1921. It was his The British commercial and eco-
brilliant work as chancellor of the j nomic unrest is but a reflection of
exchequer under Bonar Law which affairs in Europe. Once the old mar-
won him his present position. . kets in Russia and those European
"The British political situation to. I (Continued on Page Two)
MIeeting Today Called for Discislion !{unfire heard i i hauniig 11hills is
of Plans and Improvements Thought Silgn of llaitle
for Next Year with Troops I
Three Students Put on Proation for
Year; Two Banred from
Penalties ranging from expulsion
from the University to suspension of
degrees were inflicted upon students
convicted of "being under the influ-
enet of liquor" on Swing-out day and
others who were implicated in a gam-;
blng party recently reported to the
discipline committee.
o the group convicted in the Swing-
out disturbances, two were suspend-
ed from ie University until the be-
ginning of the second semester next
year. The suspension sentence takes?
effect immediately. Three others were
placed on probation for one year and
two are forbidden to take part in
Commencement exercises and will
not receive their diplomas until the
first meeting of the Board of Reg-
ents in the fall.
In the gambling cases one student
was expelled and another placed on
probation for one year. In the case
of the former, accordingato the com-
nilttee the extreme penalty was im-
I posed because the student was at the
time he was apprehended, on proba-
tion for a similar offense committed
last year.
The gambling cases were reported
to the committee Thursday afternoon
and action was taken after definite ev-
idence and testimony had been pre-
Cases against two men who had been
summoned in connection with the
Swing-out affair were voted dropped
by unanimous action.
The committee will reconvene to-
(lay when it will attempt to conclude
its investi;ations.
Engineer Tackles
.Flag Pole Climb
Before the curious eyes of a large
crowd, Harry L. Wilcox, '24E, made
for the second time, the perilous jour-
ney to the top of the campus flag
pole. Seated upon a wooden saddle,
which was fastened to the flag rope,
he was pulled to the top of the pole
by three men, carrying the 15-inch
copper ball, covered by gold leaf,
tied over his shoulder. It was found,
however, when he rea~ched the top,
that the threats in the socket into
which the shank of the ball must be
screwed, were worn, and Wilcox had
to hammer the socket until it took
the proper shape.
In doing this, the climber stood on
one foot on the swaying saddle, ham-
mering above his head. The globe
once in place, Wilcox came down for
the paint and brushes with which
he was to paint the big stick. Mak-
ing the journey up, he took with him
a camera, with which he took four
pictures, -facing different directions.
Wilcox said that he could easily see
Ypsilanti from the top nF the pole.
The danger of the task was in.-
creased by the fact that the top of
the pole is but five inches in diame-
ter and is 145 feet high, and that it
s no longer new, Wilcox's first
journey up the pole came when he
went up after the freshman flag last i
fall. -,
Sen ator Attacks
World Court Plan
Three Ind an Pitehers and Livera
Pounded in Feast
of FIits
being the occupation of the Ruhir diet-' AT. BARTWN HILLS CLUBHOUSE
Premier Poincare recently had been Two notable, alumni meetings will I
made the subject of violent attacks in be held in Ann Arbor today and to- p
the Chamber of Deputies by the So- morrow. Today a combined meeting t
cialistic element, relative to the pur- of the advisory editorial board, the't
nuance of his Ruhir policy. t
Doubts Confidence in Cabinet board of directors, and the board, of t
Poincare informed correspondents trustees of the Alumni association t
that he interpreted the vote of the Sen- has been called by Wilfred B. Shaw, e
ate as proof of want of confidence in '04, general secretary. Tomorrow, at p
the cabinet which made it impossible the request of President Marion L.
for the Ministry to act against the ABurton 50 prominent alumni will meet
communists' plots.-thr t o mis tussi lle m o e t
The Ministry remained in ofice. with him to discuss problems of the
President Millerand said that the vote University. s
was purely injudicious and without The combined meeting for today has a
political effect. been called to discuss general plans
Immediately -after the meeting of and improvements for the coming
the Senate, Poincare called a coun- year The alumni fund, which has
his~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~yer colau-prcee o usd Tipe aun ud,Anohrcpoint I
cil of ministers. A brief discussion been lying dormant, Will also be dis-1
took place and then the president and be i dxrmatll Aloe dif I
his colleagues proceeded to place to dome under consideration will be e
p resignations in the hands of the t e organization of more local alum- i
presidnt. Ini , chapters and a general develop-
ment along that line. s
Extenisive Program Arranged a
Seni2or Classes The program as arranged provides n
for a meeting at 10 o'clock at the r
Hold First Sin Unionfollowed by luncheon. In the t
afternoon a continuation of the bus-I
iness meeting will be followed by din- t
College songs made up the maor ner ;at Barton Hills Country club;.c
part of the program that was render- The business will be concluded after d
ed on the campus last evening when the dinner.
the senior classes united with the 1 Sx members of the editorial board
Varsity band in their first outdoor are expected to be present, includingi
sing and concert. A small turnout Roy a D. Chapin, '99-'02, chairman;
of seniors marred the effectiveness of land Arthur H. Vandenberg, '02, of t
the singing as not more than 150 were J Grand Rapids. Other Detroit, Port
present in cap and gown. The throng Huron and Ann Arbor men are in-
of students and townspeople that cluded on the board.
gathered on the campus walks and Arrangements are s being made to
lawns far outnumbered the seniors have 13 of the 16 directors of the ast
who took part s ociation here. These include Victor
It is thought that the late hour at Hugo Lane, s78L, president; Louis P.
which the ball game yesterday after- Jocelyn, 8h7, secretary; A. B. Pond,
noon was finished caused many to '80, of Chicago. Men from Detroit,
miss the sing. The latter affair had Chicago, New YTork, and Indianapolisc
been annouinc.Ted atartig a 7make up the rest of the membership.
been announced, as starting at ?7 Fuznd Trustees to Attend
o'clock. As the game was not fin- F T ustees te Attend
ished until 6:30 many seniors were Five r al umni.und, y- -
unabe t attnd.Thelatefinsh 1 eluding Ralph N. -Stone, newly-elect- ,
unable to attend. The late finish of ed Regent of the University, will bet
the game delayed the arrival of the on hand. It is the duty of- this board1
band more than a half hour and as to decide when and where the help
a result the concert did not start un- of the fund is needed by graduates or
til after 7:30. the University.
' All the men will stay at the Union
0 i~c WULl M ake overnight and will attend the meeting
called by President Burton for tomor-
fAppearance Today row. Other prominent alumni from
- I'different parts of the country will also,
The Michigan Optic, campus roto- confer with the President.
gravure magazine, -will appear for Saturday's program is as follows:
the second time today when the final Business meeting at 10 o'clock in the
issue of the two trial numbers recent- Union, luncheon at Barton Hills, base-
ly authorized by the Board in Cofntrol ball game, .dinnor at Union, and an-
of Student Publications will be sold other meeting following that.
on the campus. The issue will con- This idea of an annual "get-togeth
tain 16 pages of photographs of local er" of the President and the alumni
interest and will sell for 10 cents. was first suggested three years ago
The cover will be a full-page repro- by stanley D. McGraw, '90, and has
duction of the Acropolis taken from a been carried out since. Problems of ,
high point and looking down upon the the past year and those that will have
old buildings photographed by Prof. to be met in the future will be dis-
in cftinl nhotora hero f the cussed.
sao-Chwant, China, May 24---(By A.
.)-Gun fire heard near here today was
aken to . indlcate that government
roops were engaging the bandits or
iat the bandits were fighting among
hemselves as a result of a confer-
nce which was expected to take
lace today.
The foreigners, including several
&mericans, who were kidnapped by
the bandits when the Shanghai-Peking
xpress was held up recently, are
till prisoners in the Shantung wilds,
ccording to latest reports.
Upon threats of death to all pris-
oners unless that demanded ransom is
paid the government of China has
promised to pay. United States Min-
ster Schurnian at Peking has theat-
ned "drastic action" unless the Amer-
cans are set free.
It was learned today from different
ources that the government soldiers
at Taotzuku have been moved two
miles farther back into the hills. This
retirement seems to indicate that the
roops are acting under orders of
Tsao Kun, inspector general of Shan-
ung who has been told by the tu-
chun of the province to "get the ban-
dits out".'
Colleges Represented
at Franklin FIeld,
Philadelphia, May 24-(By A.P.)-
hundreds of college athletes were here
tonight for the opening of the Na-,
tional collegiate Track and Field con-
test on Franklin field tomorrow..
Nearly 900 men, representing- 53 col-:
leges, are entered in the meet. Coh-
testants from nearby institutions will
get in tomorrow morning.
Yale with a squad of 34, one of the
largest the Elis have ever sent to
I. t
7 !
DodoAs chieve
Four Sees
An attempt will be made during
the coming year by the Interfrater-
nity Coutipil to bring about a closerl
and more permanent feeling of co-
operation among the many fraternities'
on the campus.
As soon as possible next year a
meeting of all the freshman pledges
of every fraternity on. the campus
will be held. This meeting will give3
the men a chance to get acquainted
as fraternity men at the very begin-
ning of their life at the University.
It is hoped that this meeting will
foster a better spirit among the fra-
ternity men on the campus. The mem-
bers of the council also believe that,
through this feeling of co-operation,
the -housing and entertainment of a
large number of vitors. such as
were in town during the past wek-
end, will be greatly simplified.
Hobbs Leaves For
Australia June 15
the championship, arrived at noon.%ndl
went to an Inn near Swarthmore.
Dodos opened their final dramatic Harvard, Penn State and West Vir-
series of the year last night in the ginia also are quartered at hotels in
playshop with marked success. All the outlying sections.
of the four plays given were above Franklin field was closed to the
the average, while two of them stand athletes today and there were no
out as exceptionally good. 'Taking workouts today.
first honors of the evening was "The Princeton, Pennsylvania, and Yale,
Intended Harmony," by E. G. Bur- all have strong teams, and were be-
rows, of the journalism department. lieved by many to have a good chance
"The Maker of Gods," by Lowell J. for victory.
Carr, of the sociology department,;
though greatly weakened by over-f
repetition, presented an extremely L
forceful and interesting study. U
Prof. F. N. Scott, head of the rhe-
toric department, contributed two lo-1
cal comedies, both set in Ann Arbor
league houses. The fii',st was "A
Stroke of Fortune." Memorial talks on the life and work
The comedietta which followed, of Douglas Houghton, first professor
"Whose Mistake Was It?" was by far 1 of geology at the University, featured
the better. Here the old '"sister- the -last meeting during this school
brother" plot is used. When the cur- - year of the Geological Journal Club
tain rises the lights flash on in a held last night in room G 436 of the
local,. league house just before the Natural Science building.
"clinch." I-re protests that he thought Douglas Houghton when 21, was as-
she was his sister. She insists that sistant professor of natural sciences
she believed him her brother. But ? at Rensselaer Scientific School at
when they discover that neither hat,' Troy, New York. His first trip into
a sister or brother the lights again go the middle west in 1832 resulted in
off and the curtain falls! Albin JI the discovery of the source of the
Sapanshi, '25, was easily the star of Mississippi river. In 1837, Mr. Hough-
the evening, ton was made Professor of Geology in
'The second presentation of the four ; the University. He wais, altlhough
k plays will be given at 8 o'clock this only 26 years old at the time, con-
evening in the Dodo playshop and the sidered among those recommended
final performance tomorrow evening. for the first presidency of the Uin!-
Admission is by memi elship card versity. From 1842 to 1844, Dr.
j only. Houghton was Mayor of Detroit, but
Senator George It. hoses t
Sen. George IH. Moses, recently re-
turned from an extended trip abroad,
criticized President Harding's world
court as but 4 back door entry into
the League of NationsĀ°
Three Wolverine ,Vayers Satrvive
First Round of Conference
Special to The'Daily
ChicgoIll., May 24-Threge of tho
four Wolverines entered in the Con-
ference tennis tournament survived
the first round of play here today.
Of the remainder of those left in the
play, Chicago has three and Ohio and
Iowa one,'Michigan and Chicago,
therefore, having an even chance to
grab the title.
Manager Merkel defeated Seiden-
sticker of Indiana 6-3, 6-2, and Thomas
of Ohio 6-0, 6-3. Merkel is scheduled
to play Frankenstein, Chicago ace,
tomorrow. Captain Rorich defeated
Palsam of Illinois, 6-3, 9-7 and Har-
worth of Indiana, 6-3, 8-10, 6-4. Ror-
ich is to play Wilson of Chicago to-y
morrow. Kline defeated Cummings of
M. A. C. and sprang the surprise or,
the day when he downed Treadwell
of Wisconsin, one of the tourney fa-
vorites, 7-5, 4-6, 7-5. Sanchez lost to
Goodwillie of Illinois 6-4, 6-4. Merkel
and Rorich survived the first round
in the doubles section defeating Bal-
sam and Davis of Illinois, 6-0, 6-2,
lbut Sanchez and Kline lost to Mould-
ing and Bennett of Wisconsin 6-3, 9-7.
By Wallace F. Elliott
There has been many an unseem-
ly slaughter of innocent baseballs
take place on Ferry field but it has
been -long, long years since the old
dope pot had its contents spilled all
over the field as they were yesterday
afternoon when a game that was ex-
pected to be the tightest sort of a
pitchers' battle developed into a slug-
ging match of the first water. The net
result was Michigan's eighth succes-
sive Conference victory, a win that
practically cinched the coveted Big
Ten title, with Illinois the loser by
the score of 11 to 7.
Excitement Tense
All through the tense excitement of
the combat, with neither team ready
to own itself down and out, there ap-
peared almost countless luminous bits
of playing, both in offensive and de-
fensiv'e, features of real action thA
k'ept one of the largest crowds that
ever witnessed a contest on the local
diamond almost compact from the
moment that Roettger lifted the long
fly to Kipke thiatopened the game un-
tJ Kuehl ended the hectic affair by a
high foul to Jack Blott.
Rilpke Sensational
Staring, as long as possible, into
the brightness of the play of the two
aggregation,, one particular spot
stands out above all others, so shin-
ing that it is .,11 uthblinding, That
spot is the mo, than sensational
fielding o Harm I Kke, who put u1
the, most reziar,.aleie dislay in the
gardens that Wolverine fans have wit-
nessed since the drys of Corge Sis-
ler, work that :tamped him '11 but
indelibly as one of the greated if
not the greatest, of all Michiigan out-
fielders since baseball had its birth
in Ann Arbor.
Nine times did Kipke scintillate on
as many oiortunitie kto get the pel-
let in the well, but on three of those
times it did not appear that the great
center fielder had even a Chinaman's
chance to reach the fast flying sphere.
(Continued on Page Six)
- An inspection of the classes; pro-
perty and equipment of the Michigan
R 0.nT. C. unit was made yesterday
by Lieut. Colonel D. H. Sillman, head
of the R. O. T. C. department of the
six corps area located at Chicago.
Col. Sillman visited the classes of the'
military science department yesterday
afternoon, later inspecting the rec-
ords and the statstics. Col. Sillman ex-
pmessed himself as being well pleased
Alpha Nu debating society will'
its last meeting of the year at
o'clock tonight in the Alpha Nu r
on the fourth floor of University
The society is' anxious to have a 1
nuinber of visitors,as a special
gram has been arranged for then
The principal part of the.-prof
will be a debate, the questio:
which is "Resolved, That Henry
should be elected president of
United States". The affirmative
will be upheld by N. B. Johnson
R. C. Masters, '24, and John I
hoff, '26. D. D. Dunn, '26, R. I.
per, '24, and E. W. Davis, '26, wil
fend the negative.
Chitnes To Appear
Last Time Tod
Final issue of the year of Chi
will be sold today on the campus.
sale, which originally had been se
yesterday was delayed in the prim
Besides the regular collectio
fiction and poetry there appear se
special feature articles, among
being "In Retrospect," by Robe'
Gibson, an article on boxing by
liam Ruwitch and an articleon
by Carlton Wells, coach of the
sity squad. "Dust Off the Boulev
by Buckley Robbins and "Good 11
at Michigan," also appear.
Exam Schedule Correction
Through a misprint in the exan
tion 'schedules distributed, a co:
occurs between classes meeting
the first time on Tuesday at 10 o'
and all sections of French two
Spanish two. The examination:
Tuesday's classes at 10 o'clock sh
come on Tuesday, June 5, from
went hack to his work in the follow-
ing year. His death came in 1845,
when he. was drowned in a canoe ac-
cident on Lake Superior.
S aln, cad pruurv~ - -L
University. Other pictures featured
are a number of action photographs of
the baseball and track teams at recent
games and meets. -nI
Photographs of general campusmin-
terest and recent events on the cam-
pus -will be used. These include pic-!
tures of the prominent speakers who
have been here since the last issue
the Optic, groups of students, campusI
scenes, and photographs of the re-
cently elected managing editors of
With a total of almost $12,000 ac-
cumulated towards the Chimes fund
at the University of Wisconsin, to
which every class since 1917 has con-
tributed, students feel that progress
is being made towards the goal of a
$30,000 set of chimes. The 1923 grad-
-fin - l- mll-hanl onntribute
Prof. William H. Hobbs head of the Miss Martin of the State Geological ith the things that he inspected but
geology department, will sail from San The local chapter of the Order of Survey spoke on the work of Dr. was surprised at the small enrollment
Francisco on June 15 to attend the Ie Molay, junor Masonic order, held Houghton in the first Geological sus- in the courses in comparison with the,
Pan-Pacific Science Congress, which its spring convocation Wednesday ev- - vey of the state. She mentioned that I size of Michigan.
will be held in Sydney and Melbourne, ening at the Masonic temple at Hur- the memory of his work was so strong
Australia, from August 13 to Septem- on and Main streets. Both the initia- that during the world war, communG
her 4. The Congress will be held un- tory and the De Molay degrees were # cations from the United States Fuel GLEE CLUBS GIVE
der the auspices of the Australian conferred on the initiates. George El- Administration were addressed to ANNUAL SERENADE
government, acting through the, Aus- lege, '25L, master councilor of the or- Douglas Houghton, State Geologist.
tralian National Research council. d presided. Cobined Varsity and freshman
Professor Hobbs will read two pa-- The chapter will hold its annual Hall Seeks Treasurer's Repolts GCoubs arity and freaman
pers before the Congress, the first May dance from 9 to 1 o'clock tonight Class treasurers, as well as trens- Glee clubs gave their annual serenade
on "The 'Growing Mountain Ranges at the Packard dancing hall. Its an- j urers of all student organizations are beoethe lam ussandn.oro-
of the Pacific," and the second on n ual banquet, at which election of offi- required to submit their accounts to ties of the campus last evening. Pro-
"New Developments in the Coral Reef cers will take placetwill occurthe Dr. Arthur G. Hall, registrar of the teeding from the Union, the men went
Problem." Professor Hobbs also plans! eveninig of :June 1 at Willet's cafe.' University, for auditing not later -thian to the court between Newberry Rees-
Prtospend sso mebi s Ta, te oo s Tickets for both of the affairs will cost June 10 under penalty of forfeiting dence and Betsy Barbour House where
islands, New Zealand, the Fiji islands $1.25 each, and may be, secured their semester's creit if the duty he they drew a large crowd of specta-
isad New Zealan, th-through the csnhapter committees in ntors and much applause.
and1 Australia stuvin pnoints of ~eo- thouhlhe ,neglected.