THE 'MICHIGAN DAILY Retires After 50 Years Of Service D CHICAGO TO MAK Pro;. Aubrey Tealdi, head of the andscape design department, and a umber o the advanced students in iat denartment will leave tomorrow or Chicano. Thie department has lade Lrraiements for the trip in or- er that the part~y may visit a nurn- er of laces in and near Chicago hat are of special interest to stu- ents o' landscape design. Net .iaturday will be spent in'vis-' ing parks, play grounds and nurse- ies in the city of Chicago. On Sun- ay and Mondey the students will see number of the estates along the north Shore, noted for the beauty of Wer ;rounds. M ost of Tuesday will o spent, at Lisle, Ill., where the Mor- n arboretum is located. This arbor- urn is superintended by C. E. God- haWl, '21, and it is claimed that it will e the mnost complete and' comprehen- ie in America~ when present plans )r its development have been carried Th7e Sand Dune state park of In- iana.. located between Gary and Mich- fan City, will be visited next. The :udents will spend Wednesday, May , at the park and will return to Ann r'bor on the morning of Thursday, To Mei,,nbc rs of the University '+acul- ..LA MAty, and those interested in the U'n- Dodos will offer their fifth dramatic 1 bu a:nhaotei.zclr series at 8 o'clock this evening, tomar- appealed to you throught the Iichi- row, and Saturday nights when fourt gan Daily urging you to ivet your one-act plays, all of them written' by' spare funds with our) association so University faculty members, will be that we mijght help iii iversiT inmen in produced in the Dodo playshop. I need of homes. The first number will be "A Stroke Evidently you readi the appeal, were of Fortune," by Prof. Fred N. Scott, of. impressed with the wisdoin of doing fthe rhetoric department. This is a your share bu t,-mu the stress of your light comedy dialogue in which Mrs. duities,--forgot. Mary '6. Johnson and Ray Alexander, May we not ask you to lay this to '24, will play the two roles. heart in the' intercit of your tri'j.nds Professor ,Scott's "Whose Mistake{ who have made application for loans; 'Wa% It?" a short comedietta, will f ;l-! in the intereet of the Univer-3ity andi low. Directed by Amos Morris, of the; city iO well as in your ow-n interest. rhetoric department, the cast Is corn- Do this ;ct once before you re liable; posedl of Elsie Karle, '24,' and Albyin' to forget again. Sepanski, '25. I I. 1H. Herbst, Sec's- 'Written and directed by Edwin G'.. Huron Vallh;y Building & Sa Burrows, of the journalism depart- ings Asso. Imont, "The Intended Harmony" is a Adv.--21., study of labor problems. In it Mr. --. Burrows, Ray Alexander, '24. Prof. Brand 'Blanshard, of the philosophzy !:O, department;, Warren E.. Bower, of the ORS~ A rhetoric, department, and Lawrence 1~. SINKJA Conrad, '23, will take part. wr LAS- O "The Maker of Gods," by L. J. CarrJ RbDW*s PEN s"O of the sociology department, will con-'L duethe. program. Dealing With eva- olution,. its cast numbers several lead- s Ig local actors: The player are: El -_________________ jIng local actors. The players are: 'El- t 0,0'r iOUBLE ger, '23, A.- L. Miller, instructor, in disappear alter seeing, electrical engineering, Prof. E. 'S.I v- DR.'VARMO L 'rs eB'ett, of the rhetoric department, and 707 N, n e'lty Ave. George D, Wilner, instructor in pub- Phone 2M5 lic speaking. Mr. Carr and Prof. Roy W. Cowden, of the rhetoric depart- ment, are directing the drama. __________________ -- 1 ~LEEP ;A T W11ERE. IWt r The Lytton College Shop is 'a Separate Shop Devoted Exclusively to the Interests of Well Dressed College Men ..r... ...--.... 1 11 C'ol. 'Thomias t'. 3MCorvey auxres Article To Japan Col. Thomas Chalmers McCorvey re- tires this spring from the University of Alabama at Tuscaloosa, Ala., aft- I P ter serving it continuously for 50 years o as professor. He has held the chair ' U of history and political science since A _...,, 0. u iJCUeCiore n HCne.was ts u~LLcLUL Well-written articles of technical and commandant. He is an alumnus of , anti uuiversal interest are contained the school, becoming an instructor b in the last issue of the Michigan Tech- urlonv his graduation in f!873. nic, teclhnic'.al publication of the en, ineigclee hc perda O the campus yesterday. Excellent il- 1111Vti 1 r ]ustrations of imminent significance V~VSLIE III& aided in 'making' the publication one' nrr fr I pinrr of the best issued by any magazine RUNEiSJVU Lflfb 1 U Ei n on the campus during the school year. d___ The mpagazine fulfills its mission ani?; in addition .includes material whichI Concert 'managers throughout the makes it entirely readable for the lay- United States have guaranteed an ag- man.ablegregate of $412,000 for the appearances Especiallynoal in the curreni of John' Philip Sousa and his band issue is the article by Elmer A.' Sperry Iduring the coming season, according of the Suerry Gyroscope company on to a. statement made in New York last "Some Observations on a Trip to JIa- iweek, by Harry Ask in, Sousa's busi- ness representative. this is the, larg- pan." It embodies .a scholarly dis.-s mutee gaate o h cussion of social, political, and scion- esteaontpeaerasrfanymusicalh tific problems of the greatest nation sonzlatoor indiidualand muscals; i~ he astrnbemsphre Th oterthe guarantees for the last tour, of ; important article by Prof. EmilParek. Lorch of the architectural college nexasesonehi 31t a tracs te dvelpmet o arhitctue ISousa s nx esn i 1ta traes he eveopmnt f achiectrehead of the band, will begin July 21, to the present day and tells of. the adwl ak p1s1thtascn tendencies in high building design,j"twitalkur. i 4t rnscn the most representative form of mod -__________ coirnaciteter fnueatrfs otiD T OT L M U ,ca arcicture.y aut numbraoushrt-! "comprise thbythefeaures.~dauniD T OI L MN SDE The cover of the publication is Charles D. Banks, '21, died in De- 0 made attractive by an airplane view troit, May 12, after a three weeks' ill- of the Lincoln memorial at Washing-' ness of pneumonia. Mr. Banks was ton. The frontispiece, although an principal of a Iektroit grade school at excellent sketch of the winning de- t he time of his death. Information sign in the Chicago Tribune building was received through his sister, Miss contest strikes the reader as being ,Genevieve Banks, '22. somewhat overpla.yed. The one excuse ! for'. the prominent position accorded New 7-room bungalowj built for, a it appears to be the article by Pro- home so everythin g is right.,Oara fessor Lorch. ? . good paved strce-t.' Only $1,000- down." Prof. R. D. T. Hollister's classes' in dtay production will present three one-act plays ait 8o'clock tonight in Uiversity Hall "The Tents of the Arabs,," by Lord Dunsany, "Between he Sou n and the Savory," by Gertrude [ennnis, and "Suppressed Desires," by Susan C spelt, are the 'plays to be given. 'Short readings will be given between. the presentation of the plays. The program tonight will be o~ne of the numbers of the course of plays and "--cital;, which is being given this 'pi'in . The final program in the ser- ,-a wil be presented next Monday when Clyde Fitch's four-act dra,"' "The Truth," will be given. STEMHPAGENCY I ic-k'vx.Tciu ,Cruiaceu--a1 i. y.. EUROPE and ORIENT Slt E. Huron St. Phone V1841 EAT AT RkX9S THlE (CL"BLVACUI l2 Arbor street .Neat State and Packard Street After, Exam S, Drop In and See the New Things for Summer, 0JU men who dress in the collegiate manner will Swant a lighter suit for real Summer comfort, a sport shoe for .tennis, or, at least,a few polo shirts. A, visit to Athe College Shop will authoritatively in- form you of what is being worn f or Summer. Assort- ments' are wide and assembled ,with consideration to- moderate expenditures. Burchfield will be here Tall Summer to help you select. A Convenient Shop in a Corner of Our. Second Fl0or I Deale rs report greater hair' net satisfaction 'to their cus- tomers thanlonl any other hair net. AWhy not ,try a few-,lr.n'o belle nets (Ind see for your- self? Bu3 Elthen by the UDojepttr.- t l l , #. Largest Fine Clothing Store in the World--STATE at JACKSON, Chicago' --T---- or Good Flob Use Asuiperior founain f en ink :RIDE~R IsFEN SHlOP I j~ f. __ _Ylllitl®iiMflYiliilYlY1111I I11 M11W11W .a 11 SENIORS! Now is the time to place your ord-er for CALLIN"CRD ENGRAVED OR PRINTED 1 f i 1 . ' G ,Gr ENGINEERS HOLD OUTING'I Reports have it that the senior en-j gineering outing held at Barton d Camn was a great success. Races, a -base- 2'balIl game and a mock election took place. The team from the mechanical ~department won the centipede race, with the electricals~ a close second. The class chose G. Marston Berry as the handsomest manl; the biggest! bluffer, C. E. Procter;. best student, -William (,otten ; biggest fusser, Joe 'f'lack; most popular manl, Paul Goeb- el; most bashful min, J. MWesley Rofs; best alit-ar'ound professor, PN'of. F. Stevens; best known professor, Prof. J. Bursley; the' biggest bore, P. M. Camiene.'. "R~ollng sto'nes gather no moss," &but untised furniture gathers dust. "[C all 96 '0. A d v. '~ ! lll11!t~ lll!Il~ N tl !! If InvestigAte this a0.t oce. Mrs. (is- tinte'. .f . F-I.,2738. Adv. 0OUN TAIN PEN INK Will Improve the Action.,j of Any Fountain f 1Pen AL ~JII '1~,~ COLORS' We can also furnish you with AN'NOUNCEMENTS EIT'HER ENGRAVED 112 S. MAIN ST. OR PRINTED PHONE 14040 #1 TIlkHE, MAYELR -"SCHAiL3IRERL COMPANY mmn to i dIkeanswer T HIS is-written 'tothe man who loves to seek the unknown quantity. He is the kind of lnborn- tory worker who ventures into untried fields of ex- periment, rather than the man who tests materials. Industry has need of both type's, but of the former there is'a' more pressing demand. College men may have been discouraged from pursuing. pure research. In this highly practical age it may seem there "is little, room. for work which does not have an immediate dollars and 11 , E 1u Stalioners, P'rinters, B3inders and Eng'ravers Our *..Stni -- AR I' e, 6EALL SIZES 2 '"The I13 That Matde =2 . The Fountain Pen Possible" .-$00~ t xe T'Imam n tvehs las l t $ V.0 tlil l11 ll llg ltt1 1 t it# -:; :. Ths ee erffritat5c.Alooltog $4.00-. "' ThisSpric oe' yu annota od gat 1.u0. it by Hi-fgh-Gsr,.Cle. because it is the quickest, easiest 'Way to heat:. Wwater in your 'room, . n cam,' p be river, or :.. EGOR on a motor thip. .- DON D- M At all our sto es this week-oly 5Q cKOCH 2 c You Invest. . , ne it o Three Dollars - m..e'_K wlSi'it.;,t $ 3.50 And FashionedI Mak cents The out hii His fir but th Voli portai Publised init. A]r the interest of ,Ele c. Lavoit Mrial Development by Mer .an Institution that will last. I be helped4X~ what- laborai ever helps thewila for the application. But such is not the case. e pure research man is the pathfinder. Witlh im our fountain of knowledge would dry up. fndings in themselves 'may be uncommercial, hey :establish a field for others to develop. lta worked out the crude voltaic pile- unim- nt until other mien improved and applied ndso with Papin in the field of steam, or isier in chemistry. .n of the inquiring slant of mind, stick to your In post graduate study, on the faculty, in the %tory ofg some industrial organization, there lways bean"x" to baffle other men and call , keenest thought of you blazers of the trail. Eletri C paY McGR], LONJ -AI BLUM 8 sce Us Be fort We Can Save You Fron I II Since' 1869 mnakers and'di.sfributvors of electrical equ~ipmeWt