e Associated
lto the use for
tches credited
ted int this pape
itered at the
iaas secon
bscriptioni by 'c
fces : Ann Ar
pd.the sign
it in print, but
nlotices of eve
Il-hjiy It the di:
at or mnailed t da~~lliai
ation. No ma~
,s te writer enc
ri"t necessaril,
ssed in the con
ttrit City Mi
rial Poard Ch:
t.' IEditors---
lih flyers
(. l l s1u r fc~dr
I classes who have shown themselves
$ ~superior scholastically, will be placedj
-- - i together in a diff erent section to he OA
WSAPER OF T19E I known as the "honor section." Here/ i
Y OF MIIGIIIGA-N they will be able to proceed more I 'Il% %S PA( F IS
morning except Monday rpdywt hi tde n ev ET N
ity year by the Bo'ard i ailywtnhirsuis n ev
Publications into their subjects- at greater depth l.RNRE
tern Conference l;diturial Those not chosen for the "honor sec- T. ~t ieUdai
__ _ Lion" will also profit by the arrange-.I h ueFr-yrn
Press is exclusively en-!nwent, in thait their instructor will be I Folk-lore by Our (awn Folk-laureate
rrepublicastion of all newsI able better to adapt his work to their Thrwaonealtlre fi-
to it or not otherwiseI hydrant 'who was trying vainly to
er and the local news pub- needs, and the result will be more
_ efficient instruction. suppress a desire to become a gasp-"
postoffice at Ann Arbor, The "honor section"' plan is one line filling-station like the one which
d class matter.dwlonteopse u-tn.
arrier or mail, $3.50. ! of the ways in "which1 Michigan 'candwtontepoiecu-sn.
bor Press Building, May-' help to maintain, a satisfactory schol- In its terrific soul-struggle it wept
si,244 nd176M;n~i-astic standard during the period in copiously until a cruel fireman came
'which she is trying to".catch" up with aogadvcosyswkacaki
ntoexed30wrsher abnormal growth. .B ut in addition is head and turned it off. Then the
iatue~ iot ecesarlt to this, the desire to be one of those+. ltl iehdatams use
t as an evidence of faith, fo+te"hno<e ~os" il wi th tears andi'tinally blew out its
nts will be published in; chosenfoth"hno etiswl"
i5cretion (If the J"(itor, I be an added incentive to tloe student valve-gasket. And the cruel fireman,
o0 The Daily office. 17n"eunnkce i eclsl n
ons will receive no con- in 'pursuing the studies in which he rtrig ikdi eclsl n
nuscript will be returndi ened installed a fresh new gasket which
closes postage. The Daily gg..
ly e,)dorse tihe sentiments pent up its sorrow.
nniufications. YSE One day, as the fire-hydrant wai
sulking on its curb-stone, the goat
UATJ STAFF Universally knowri are those pictur- igr a bcr Voo.eiy an
2114 e~~fsque characters of vagabond life aln;nhs~a oteana lm
known as gypsies. Both in reality baeofhPnUiesa aten
ING DITR 1and in fiction they have wanderedt
N P. SAIL endlessly in their tumble-down prairie eobrvdteskngie-dan
wagons, appearing and disappearing, and, feeling sorry for it ,offered to
...a ',e11 V117rl here and there, more silently than the gati ih
.P... "Ils .ul n rbgn mr ytriuj hy "I wish to become a gasoline fill-
to..........BaconAassn oemseiul.Te
,ir),n......R. M eiss, are always reported as having been igsain"si h iehdat
In the neighborhood when a kidnap-r "I can not change your form,", re-.
Hazrry. Hoey pidHg ."uI1cntase h
1:. C. Moiiartv ping is discovered or a baffling deed pid1lgr BtIcntase h
T - w -s---:_-' mi..,.. ,ha .r t ,a rtmin powVer from the neighboring filling-
(Daily Iowan)
................. %. ,
The cust3hiary charge of .continen-
tai artists who tour this counti-y is
that the American public has no soul1
for art. The average American has
a horror of anything "highbrow."t
How many Americans, except college1
professors, can honestly sand intelli-
gently enjoy philosophy, painting or
the 'opera? Ninety percent Of all
American men would rather see Jack
Dempsey than hear Mischa Elman.
Any ordinary college man would rath-
er see a football. game than hear
a debate, and the college girl would
rather ,#o to a dance than spend the
evening contemplating' Ibsen.
But why should the American be
expected to ie° any other than "low-'
brow?"'rThe original ancestry of the
American nation was of anything but'
an artistically creative group.,rThe
jails and almshouses of England were
drained until 50,000 criminals o1' var-
ied types: were imported into America
(Iuring the colonial ,period. One-half
of all the white immigrants to Amer.
ica were unable to pay their own
expenses. The early South was large-!
ly peopled by criminals and ne'er-do-j
wells, while Franklin said of the Ger-.
man immigrants of Pennsylvania that
they were "generally the most stu-
pid of their own nation." In the mid-!
Ie colonies, the settlers were chiefly
commercial adventurers, bankrupt
nobles, independent servants, or
mediocre bourgeoise: In the, bay col.
kinics, the land was peopled: by relig-
ious fanatics-a group of men who
came here for religious fre dom, lhut
who, after they had settled wvere the;
most intolerant and narrow-mindedsl
of' American colonists.
Immigration since the colonial lpe-
riod has not been of an especially su-
perior type. The steady, plodding im-G
migrant has given solidarity to theI
nation, ,but he has not contributed
to the development of American intel-'
ligence or to the ap~preciation of art{
andl literature. Since 1890, the rise
of industrialism and the fanatical de-~
sire to people the United States lman
I &d the government to admit thou-
sands of neasant-mniflded and igno -
Uraham '
Vior .rids 'of the Diagonal 'Wal'k
Look over the values in the classi-
fi ells.-Adv.
Ann arbor and -iaekO'n
{ (Fastern Standard li
1, Detreit Lin nted and Express Car*--
6:oo 7:00 ~ooa.m., 8:00 i-fi. 9 Q.05
a. m. and hourly to 9:~o5 p.m.
Jackson Express C- rs '(local stops
wes of Anna Arbor)-'9 :0y a.mi., and
every two 1}tJgars to 9'47_ Y,0M.
1Local Cars Ens- ~oufd-7 :oo
alu' every two ,hours to 9:00 p. in.,
i i :te p.m. To Ypsilanti only--i i :4a
I4 I.u., , i s a. in.
To Seline-Change at"Ypsiianti.
Local Cars West Bound--7:50 a.m.,.
12 1 . 1 .1,.-
To Jackson andi kalarnazoo-Lin-
ited cars 3 :47, 10:47, 12:47, 2 :47,
4:47 P.M1.
To Jackson and Lansing--Limited at
j :47 'P.m.
H .Suits With Extra
3 1 at Savings from $1!
- Cloth mnadIeby Western V
AssociaionI direct from g
Horace Chi
808. STATE
uilliiill tiII tlll~ Ii~ ttlialiti aiI lllllII1I l ii i si :iU i l
[.. P
5 to$25
Wool Growers~'
rowver to yoiu.
ive tl
I. A. Donahue J. L;. Mack
rt, ldo. .......... Calla"~F Flt
men's Editor ..... M..1arion Koch
day Mlagazine E~ditor ....11I. A. Donahue
ic' Editor...... ...1H. Ailets
iior 1?ditor ...........Iluckley C. R2obbin
Editorial Board
veld Kerr M laurice Berman
iI Einstein' Eugene Carmichael
Aley IT. Armstrong Franklin D. Hlephurr
ney flielfield W'inonia A. Hibbard
A. Billin'gton I Edra'rd J. lligginsi
ei' Brown Kenneth C. 'Kellar
C Clark Elizabeth TLiebermann
a{. Connable Inhn McGinnis
nadette Cote Samuel 'Moore
lyii 1. Coughlin M. H. Pryor
ph Epstein ' W. B. Rafferty
E.Fiske Robert G. Ramsay
n Garlinghouise T W P wit'-h
her S. Gocdspeed Sol 3. Schnitz
tiai (Coilder Philip hl. Wagner
aid Ilzirm,-___
Telephone 960
'ertisirig.............. ol.-13J,'Marne,Jr.
'ertisijng..............Walter K. Scherer
vet'ising. :..........L-arence 1lb Favrttt
liction..... ....Edward F. Conlin'
y«-riting ....T .avid J.'M'. Park
-ilation:............'Townsend H1. Wolfe
oun'ts' '........L. Beaumont Parks
rj', T-' ,Iy4dxW Win.IT.' Good
gene L. Dunne Clyde L,. Hagerman
a C. IHaskin Ihenry Freud
1. Putman Clayton Pur~ly
D. ArmaIntrout' J. 1B. $anztenbacher
lianm -II. Reid, Jr. Clifford Mitts
ola:,. Hale Tlhoma'q M ci'achien
qi-D Roesser Louis M. Dexter
an S. Mvorton C. Wells Christie
es A. Dryer Edward P. Reidle
rbert W. Cooper
THURSDAY, MAY 24, 1923
night Editor-THOMAS E. FI;SKE
Ihis ev(,ning in accordanice with the
dition, the First of the annual Sen-
sings is tob~e held.- In years gone
thtse functions havek been well at-
ided and because of the importance
d congeniality that are attached to
n, it is imperative that the attl-
stones, happy -go-lucky, a~e-nspirin ,
colorful iw~anderers of the ages.
But a new tribe of gypsies has ar .9
rived, a modern set ,of higher repute
but equal attractiveness. These mod-
ern gypsies have replaced the prairie
wagon with the autocar or some othi-_'
er machine equally well fittedt to bear'
them through life.. t1h1?.y may I*
found during the summer months. in
the northern tourists camps, and to
the winter they have'migrated to"'tbe
south. Their cars are. equipped with'
every convenience of a small apart-,
ment; they carry their kitchen ettew
with' them. Theirs is the life of the
modern gypsy, the twentieth century~
Strange as it may seem, the mecm-;
ters of this band are not inconse.
Iquential. Many families have adopted'
the auto trail as the best road to un-
failing health. Others have found it
the most economical way to avoid the
problem of high rent. Still others
have enployed it to satiate a desire 1
to. see the world and to enjoy them-]
selves in the seeing. A tourist along
the Lincoln highway to the west coast
will be surprised' as he notes the nuni-
her of "house cars" taking the same
course. They traverse the paths of.
winding canyons; they survive the
trials of heat and sand; they are the
station to you and vice-versa." So
saying, he dlid and passed on, laugh-
So the fire-hydlrant became a po0-
tential filling-station and the filling-
station gavo pur.e water undefiled by
gasoline a.4 hitherto. But neither the
proprietor nor 'the auto-owners no-
ticed that.
But it came about one dlay a laz~e
broke out*' in the corner fruit-story:
and .the firemen came and fastened
a hose-line to the fire-hydrant wich
was a potential filling-station.
Then the're was the devil to pay!
A Protest
We see be the p-a-a-a-per that the
college has; been jipped out of its
traditional holiday on Friday next.
We think this reckless smashing'
of tradlitions had better stop. First
the. Stoodlent ,;Lincil anounces that
on acct. of the unsportsmanlike attl-;
___________ '
1923 MAT 1923
1 2 3 4 a
4i 7 8 9 10) 11 1:3
13 14 Th15) 3 17 19 19
20 21 22 23 21 a tit 26
27 28 29 30 31i
ll~ ~,qWASTRAW
1lt lrv r 'i.E IIEA 1/(f ,{{1 D FRE~E OF'
Panamas;, Leghorns, Bankoks,
and all kinds of Straw Hats at
low prices for HIGH1- CLASS
(No acids u~sedt).t
Let a "Boot-black" shi%(e your
shoes, but have your hat Clean-
ed and Reblocked by a Practical
41 7 Packard stree~t Phzone IM.9
Where D. U. R. Stops at State
Your Meat Bill
Are You Paying for Poor Quality Meat-
Dissatisf~qption .and Discourteous Service?
Or Do You Call.
and get
besides beingassu tred of
tule of the underclassmen in the re- ;rant persons of this country.
cent games, these will very likeI3 Thle laws of heredity are inexorable
be abolished in the near future. And and the American has run true to
then the: faculty comies right out in type. Despite the vast educational
the "open and (cleiberately abolishea, system, hie has' remained unrespon-
for no reason at all, a tradition of'sv oatadltrtr.Tebs
3 hundredl and G5 (ays standing. it's he can do is to pronounce it "lovely"
outragous., or "swell." lieI, dies, as hl has liver"
ANGRY STOODENT' essentially a "lowbrow."
fl A. R. -GFELL
223.1N. Main St.
Cars Jen ve for oleco 7:10 ..Y"I
2 P. 3T. and -) P. in. Except Siiim-
day.. Snndap's at 8:00, 1:0and
prairie schooners of the modern g
sies winding their way pictureaqi
through twen-tieth-century life.
In the days; before the Union .ap-
peared on the campus and the Vol-
stead act was still unformulated, "i
tradition, prevailed at Michigan ruling,
that every senior add his name to thE
collection on the carved tables at Joc
IParker's.' Now that the more corn.3
modious and somewhat colder Union
has become the heaven 'for men stu-
dents, the atmosphere conducive -t'o
the furtherance of, this tradition has
in a large measure disappeared. Sen-
iors have almost forgotten their right
Tostis studJiis confectis,
Nunc academiae testis
Fugi,--at nulla quies redis,
Nam timor laboris conturbat r
3 ~ (Detroit Free Press)4
From month to month andi from
year to year, it is easy for us wh3o
have the school almost under our eyes
to forget. ,hat a great and signift.
cant institution of learning the Uni-
versity of Michigan really is, and how
it grows apace and extends its in-
fluence over the whole nation an4
1 . ....__ ___ . ----__-
[Do You wanta really
! Vellem visitare lacus,
Ego solus-atque Taccus-
Utt clamaret. Q. H. Flaccus;
Sed timior laboris conturhat mee.
Ibi, claras subter stellas,'
Nocte prope fluctus, bellas
Mille osculer puellas ;
=Seri timor laboris conturb-at mne.
Miihi opus est argento
_ _-__-___ _ ra i
tu'de of the seniors this year be even to pe'petuate their names through thte tmahu ilnet
more favora toward the Sings than medium of oaken tables. Satemcumn Vanos tentoi;
in the past. ' ' ' Because the standard, location for tiolarscoubtm.
There are but four weeks remiain- soeshsbeImvdfo orl
ing until the class of '23 separates avenue to State street, and because i Tartarus est vita! Quare.
to follow' many' widely different paths. I the favorite drink is now "cherry ' ce me praecipitare
TVhe spirit o~f class unity which is coke" rather than the more potent; Protinus in imnum mar-e;
created through the good fellowship ! fluids of "the good old days," is :no' Nam thimor laboris conturbat me.
prevailing at these get-togethers will. reason for the cessation 'of interest TOMAS A. CEL.ANGl
serve to cement' the members of thie in one of the University's most highly
departing generation firmly together' cherished customs. Sad indeed would+ For the best translation of these
in, an amiicable relationship that will' be the proud inaugurators of this tra- lns h ol ilb epygae
persist despite the lapse" of years be- dition if they were to return and find flTeonytube itthts
tween the time they leave the Univer- that their idea had not been carriedlfl h nytobewt hti
i , that we dlon't know enough to tell
sity and when they next meet. Con- out with the proper enthusiasm. Sad whc1stebs rnlto.'h
tributing greatly to the oneness of the iindeed would be the fathers of our translation need not b~e rhymed, but
clss rto~ commencement, the esprit1 seniors, who in their day carved in 1
clas aftI !rhyme is preferred.
de corps which these Sings encourage 1'bold block lett~rs upon the hoards of~ The author gives one hint to p'ros-.
cannot be over-estimated. ' Joe's tables,, if their sons were to feel
I pective geniuses: the word Van os re-
This year, but two Sings at the so little respect for a custom, at one fers to Van's lunch.
most will be held and it is the duty time was so highly regarded, that the;
of every loyal senior to' attend both thought of emblazoning the Tap Room ***
of these in ordler to perpetuate this' tables never occurred to them. MNE
beatiul raitinso full of senti- Those members of the graduating The music played, the dancers swayed,
ment and the spirit which fills every class who have been able to leave The floor was smooth as glass.
man and ;woman in the University. J their mark upon the annals of Michl- Their clothes were frayed, but the
gan in no other way can at least do: dancers stayed,
hONOR411? ECTINs so by respecting this tradition of And watched the hours pass.
long, standing, and putting their -mark Envoi :
According to a decision upon theyuo neo h Uintals h we'i'e off for a non-stop record!
part of the memb~ers of the literairy pn'n o 'heUio'be.We've dlanced for eighteen days;
faculty, large classes during the coili- ! Those poor hard up seniors whio Our feet still gallop along the floor,
in.g year of the University will he couldn't scrape up ten dollars for a.I Though the 40th orchestra plays.
split up for th-e purpose of creating Bill anid "aert.
, diploma fee certainly are out of luck.
"honor sections" to facilitate instruc-T hn htatr oryaso il
tiv wok. hi isa vlubleste Igent work they have to sacrifice the' We have in our hand a copy of our"
toward minimizing the disadvantages~ privilege_ of being "college grads." esteemed contemporary, the Times;
c '~ l ocretwith the over- ___________ News.
~'pwe'londti~ns nw eistng, Detroit has actually begun its clean
as t ftrd n h *s
Of he0bc~'io';offre i th pstup of the underworld. Because 75 1 It is a good paper, but a trifle tooI
U S7( i'tbe cla:sses necdaessary2.toy baloons blew up In'a. patrol wag m zetropolitan for Ann Arbor. For in-
ti nv~fy thc mo-t fndment~ on :recently William P. Rutledge, Su-. stance-
':l- :icy't ':a too ma,,ny studlents un ( perintendent of Police, has decided*
der one instructor preclude individ- that things have reached "a crisis. In the upper right hand corner we.
into foreign lands, including those'
of the orient, so that its repute isj
world wide.
But we ought to be startled into
at least momentary alertness and
pride upo'n reading that the June}
graduation class, numbering between
fift~en and eighteen hundred, is so
large that the proper handling of the
commencement exercises has b~ecome
a problem. Some wish to have two
commencement days, one for the "lits;"
another for the other graduates, whipQ
some prmopose a single ceremony,
transferred from Hill auditorium to
the big Ferry Field. Yet it is only;
a few years since Hill1 auditorium
with its five thousand, seats super.
setled old University hall accommo-
dating half that number, aid was con-
sidered a monster assembly place forr
Ann Arbor.
We are not forgetting that it is a
platitude. to say that bigness alone
amou~nts to little. Happily at Ann
Arbor, size goes hand in hand with
worth. The University never was in
better hands. The ideals of th'ose ii
charge were never higher or saner.
The standards of scholarship and the
rules of conduct were never more
Something dlicious
and refreshing?,
Let us st'rve you.
oine of our,
.. M Special Sundaes
Ann Arbor
4 204--" SOUTH
/ .. 9.
Once you 'le been here,
you 'll come again
3 ___
enlightened and progressive. And
the spirit of democracy in which ti-e
school was founded, still 'remains in
all its flavor. The University of
Michigan has grown, and is growing
by leaps and bounds so that in spite
of all that is done, its demands for
enlargement are constant andl insis-
tent, because it has the confidence
and approval of the elders, andI be-
cause its advantages of all sorts at-
tract th'e young.
In such a school, having such ex-
pansion and outlook, and conducted
jas the University of Michigan is con-
ducted, this state possesses an asset,
the value of which is beyond com,
prehension. And the future possi-
bilities of the institution, if the tra-
. ';
:.. ,
-_ . .
_ -
(. y - - j
/AF p - y
r "
A ';
; j
. r. r
= x '35, w, '
r 'zM
EnIough ,Said!
Suits Tailored at
Sold Exclusively in Ann Arbor
The Tian
nis ISHere
and bullet Proof Socks, Guaranteed
Six Pairs Six Months- All Cblors