THE MICHIGSAN DAILY @f6URNiSAMFl a3r CINTIN 1.1 AN1N~i{1 -VdOW 1DELTA ET LL'LTA A i-C 1 ; .^Z DT urergame, in the interhouse ~ebal Iurnriet will be playeds iorro w ~amrfield. At 4:30 o'- cIbi in teronnDelta Dlta Dcl- wiillly lhEpio Phi. At 'clok ut ,ieh -afternoon Alpha Gain- Deha wd5 at yea rwa accomplished at a contfor- 4 o'clock today in Iarah C ll n,:;eli oce-c' .thc heads, of League house°;hall. which was c allcd by Dean Jean 11am- ilton. The installation ceremonies f'or th The revised contract which has officers of the Womnen's ea, will h bea vgeedurn i bidig fr OlCheld tomorrow afternoon, in Farah semester only h0ut it automatically re-j Caswell Angell hall. news itCelfunless the reasons for chane cme nde cetai deiniely The Freshman Girls' Glee club will ,Lrranged head~s.A satisfactory mian 'Imee, at 4.30 o'clock this after- ner of procedure in the case of coi n inBrbueymaiuc,;ti plIanshas been worked out. aiinhearbour gmnasiumth g. i asti scan Hamilton has called a sccon':iprtn ha vrymm meeting; of the .Deals of Unive rsity be present. Plans will be m-de fov houes ornex Mr~dy eenng~Atthe annual spring; serenading trip.1 1.a la ill rehecarwe at 5 o'cloc~k today Membersof Por~tia Literary society willmeetat 5:30 o'clock this even- 3ng 1'arOte fireplace for their annual ni. heyar rquested to bring tuns t coerthe bills which were 1 o) themthis week. aVC)you paid your Michigan, r, luf membership pledge? If in Qutcall1 Dorothy Wylie, 2949. All ), r_(.ts must be made by May 31.. Th 1e lie an important meeting f- 1iLmbda Theta at 3:30 o'clck this aftroon: at Martha Cook build- -.Le tion of officers for next year wl eh.eld. All memnbers are re- (ictdto be present as this will ber t' l ,,At meeting of the year. l ook over the values in the classi. A New r atter n l t SAMPLES PemaenlyonDisplay at GUY WOLFOLK & CO. 336 South State Street Anun Arbor, 31 cligan ,a, l~lDelta pa Delta.... Tau .1al hi...... is Phi .......... berry ... .. ia Gainm ), Delta. pa Kappa Gamma . ,y Barbour..... ia Epsilon Phi Leta Phi11........ 515s............ . a Gammna ........ 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 _2 2 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 .1; 1.000 1.000 .7 50 .666 .666 .J66 .666 .646 .6661 .6661 .66s6 .5001 1ARD (W IF1UBLICATIOIN ESTABLISHED AT IHNNE~SOTA F~ollowin~g the example set by the niverslty of Michigan, the Univer-. ty of ~lhnnesota has placed the elec- onl of the editors and business moan- ;ers of her student publications in eo hands of. a board. in control of udent puiblications. The board con- sts of the Presidenft of the univar-' y, the head of the departmnent' of urnalism, the dean of student af- irs, and six students, each of whom presents a college of the university, ie of the a tudoents is president of the yard. ---- IIAEU i JfMri,. C. u"E'. ilea Mrs. C. F. Hearin, of Clay, Ky., is one of thie tew womeqn in the United titate G to be vice-p resident ofa bank. When the Farmers National bank ofJ Clay was; organized in 1907, hier hus- b and, who was the cashier, naeeded an assistant so she started her banking career "just for pastime." Beginning with,' the discounts and Ilearning all the details she found that 'banking was her vocation. For ten years she filled the position of assist.. ant cashier, then jumped from her husband's assistant to the position of first v ice-presidlent. f ELECT OFFIC ERSl tbu s time .the question o authority1 between the house heads and the hzouse president will be adjusted.I ADVISORCHAIRMN APPOINTSCOMMITTE Juni r advising is a custom at Mich!- igan wh~ich began farther back than, anyonme can remember. Every year each junior who is willing to be an radvisor is giv en the names of. at least two freshmen, to whom she writes dur- ing the( su mmer to, give then the nec- ess-ary information regarding theUni- vei'ftv. She helps them to register in the fall, and is more or less r espons- ible for their tweifare all year. 'The chaairman" of j rne Hoad, '24. rrhe Sarah Caswell Angell chapter Mluinners electedl the following of- 'of the Daukhters of the American Rev- fcers: president, Lauirella Hiolis' '24; olution will have their annual lunch- vice.-president, Roszahind Freund, '24; eon this noon at the Washtenaw Colin-' treasurer, Chtarl-otte Eckert, '25; sec-]ity club. It is to be decorated in a few roery Kathryn1 Clark, '26; assistant spring flowers to add to the attractive- ,ecretary, ThleimuWegand, '24. nesothocai. Others are benefitteil by the classi-I Lose somnethig? A classified fi fieds, why not YOU? -Adv. classified ad will Bell It for your-Adv 1 - -I Mr~2ht '3 , Inci~e' . yr ,4 , k k 1S _ G't1 y9 LAST TIMES TODAY. Stag'e-ThiWeek. WILLIAM RUSSELL company in "Little York. Bonstelle Old New -IN- fooW over the values in the class!. talliy?-Ad~v. Patronvlize 't N-,Dall il avertisers. a "" " -YGIL "I LAST TIME TODAY LASS' TIME TODAY 1_7 J ;XES1. O SC L O F U L P 1 r IIX, -44 I-I '. sprme trt 11 o Sappho, the passion-oloweroadoredpbysiens '-41 theqi geVes cio -~ - - SPECIAL __-__________ K-. K.u-'l , Oy HELD O VER,- TO ACCOMMMODATE TI-JECROS!l r'll q loi -Dance, , Orc.l,,-%?-el tra -and- Mary Pl' o'l zT, f o r d -- in- I rmpz rTHESTOR C , )UNRYI SHODWS AT 2-4-7-9. PRICES: ADULTS 50c. MATINEES 30c. .IOOORROW THE )MAN FROM I -OST PRIVER"