THE IdTCiGAN DAILY i aj y' Enter Race For Senate Seat1 News From Othercr olleges L 11 ;-1 u Y Ib RY (Contiiiuedl from Page One) Eddie Gibson to perform should any-thn apnt ~vy The Illinois line-up will be similar, to that which faced Michigan in the first game, save that the batting or- der is somewhat changed. Captain Stewart, whose hitting has shourn con- siderable improvement, will probably bat second this afternoon, whereas he hit seventh in the first encounter; of the two teams. Vogel has been! moved fromn left field to catch, in? place of Dougherty, who has been declared ineligible, Kuehl has gone, from right to left field, and Durant,j who has been Captain Stewart's as-i sistant at thirj has been placed 3a the right gardens. Mlini' Heav9y Hitters Durant did some tall hitting in the 'Wisconsin game last Saturday which the Illini won by a 7 to 1 count when hie landed two hits in four trips to the plate, while Kuehl and Hellstrorn did likewise, the former joining with Jackson in crashing out a four base swat. In addition Illinois had but one error, an unusual occurrence, for the Indians have been constant oft- { fenders this year. Their heavy stick1 work against the Badgers, coupled, with their all but errorless ball, shows them to be a greatly improved aggre- gation over that which lost 6 to 3 to Michigan less than two weeks ago. It should be no' surprise to supporters of the Illini to see the Blue and Gold] come home waith a victory. Today's game, if all past indications may be taken as bases for consider- ation, may be expected to be a'royal pitchers' battle from start to finish. Both teams are set to play the best ball of the season, so it is probable that the winning team will have to depend upon the prospect of breakins down the odposing pitcher's mystic twists in order to land the ultimated victory. A win due to slips in field work is unlooked for, and spectators will probably be treated, whatever aggregation comes out on top, to the best game of Michigan's season, and a game in which the Mig Ten title is, in all probability, at stake. I1't-'k' They Pace Each faller. ILL1INOIS 3MICIlIW4AN Roettger, c.f. Uteritz, s.s. (capt.) .MtiiiiesOta-The youngest student so dicate that the student opinion rungs far discovered on the campus by the "high against the action of the dlean.1t M7innesotat Daily is Bertha Friedman,E 16. An imnmigrant from Russia in o regon".Now that the "craze for 1914, she entered the university ini setting dlance records is lapsing into 1922 and is now a second semesterI hi story a group of university womenI sophomore.; have seemingly started .a new contest,' --- { according to the editors of the Ore- New York-Selected from all parts gon Daily Emerald. This new fad is of the country, 30 college ncan: will! to arise at early hours in the morning gather here this summer to make a and hold discussion groups for the study of social conditions under the:cday's classes. The first attempt was auspices of the student departm eut o' a couple of weeks ago 'is Ci a claxs the Y.M.C.A. Among the places to! of girls met at 6: 30 o'clck and to- come under observation will hie: L- I gethier prepared for an ex,ira.nation. lis Island, Blackwell's Island, Sal Va-'-- tion Army home. for men, the Bo very. Xjincota-Three students. will corn- And Sing Sing prison. p ete here for hoosi iiga ywild( 'teer. The aFfair w;ill xw hold in con-, Detroit Junior-Mr. G. L. Michaud,,; nection -with the annual stock shout. of the department' of romance fang-jI One man claim s th at he has had ox- uages of the University of Michign i lpe r.e while a cowpuuc her, -anotia- delivered a lecture in Spanish to the or days that ho has driven a team of' E~urope, When akdrecently whlat opinion lie had flormed of thne college, said that "there are stu~dents here whio' ;1re really tini~ltng abot the prob-; emsi. that tl!e New youth ' ovceent is try"'I n to le" THE GOWN 719 EAST UNIVERSITY ,The Od Mang May have His Day Two SEASON - EN D SALE!1 ).l r' BI G RE D U C"TION ,S IN AL GOWNS ~NEGLIGES ,a _,. , . Foar Prompt Service Call Powder Puff Beauty Shop I General tawre". .Tyson SGen. Lawrence D. Tyson, lawyer and manufacturer of Knoxville, :Tenn., may be United States Senator Shields opponent for the Democratic nomina- tion' in 1924. Tyvomn favors the league of nations with reservations. Hume through as" the best man stu- dent. The Finishers scored another suc- cess when they elected Judith, Jenni- son best girl student. The election was decisive over Louise Buckley who carried the colors of the Instigators, The defeated party came back strong, however, and named, Elizabeth Hoyt most bashful girl. The position of best kidder was given to Paul Wat- zel. Success in the elections on the part of the Instigators was credited to their strong pl'atform which included such, planks as: Dedicate the new lit build- ing to Dr. Lovell; no 'seniors flunked at exams; give the Cleirents library to the VGWomien's. League; and Chris- tianize the S. C. A. f i 1 E t i t : 1 t Stewart, 3b. (Capt..) 1-ellstrom, 2b. Vogel, c. Kuehl, l.f. IHappenny, 1b. Durant, r.f. Schilapprizzi,s.s. Jackson, p. Kipke, c.f.. Ash,I.. Shackleford, lb,. Haggerty, 2b. Paper, 3b.. Blott, C. Klein, r.f. Liverance, P. ADRIAN-ANN ARBOR BU (E.ffective-Maty 14-Cetral Time) Bs leav es Adrian G: 00 and 11:45 a. in. anid 3:45 p.m.-. Leaves Armn Arbor 6:45 a. in. and 12:45 anda 4:45 p. mi. SUNDAYZT-Leave Ann Arbor 6:45 a. m.; and 6:45 p).n. Leave . Adrian 3:4:5 p. m. only. M.cct 1l. U. R. cars at Saline both ways for connectionis for Ypsilanti, Waype and' Detroit. Try Our Bthsiness :tun's Lunc6h-e: 11:30-2:09,-- - 6 c JOE PARKER'S i I Instigatcrs Win Senior Electionsl (C ontinued from Page One) ' 4SPECIAL SUNDJAY J)INNER$ Thes Finishers came into themr own, I penniedls Orchestra when they succeeded in securing the 11:34) }-- 4:04 ('0rnwell Coal Bldg. election of Doris Clark as prettiest girl. Ruth Werkheiser was nained MATS. TUES.. THURS the most popular girl, winning over f A iI(~ id SATUP.DA "core of entries. GARRUICKU 25c-50c B3est Student Chosen 114th A'r-;*rrI Seaso~r NIGHTS:25-504-$1 Buckley C. Robbins walked away 'with the offi.ce of biggest grind, mak" H ing his own nomination speech, scour-TH BO TE E u irg the united support' of thme Insti-j InliaJlzr Yrn srliatCmd g~atrs ai hfte opposig Linte 1d New York tagc c? tiIw situation anid rushed .arnes NXT MO3NDAY - SEVFINTEEN'" Circulo Cervantes a few dlays ago. Tfhe1 goats and in that way thinks that he 2 .Sae eehn 9- talk, which was also illustrated by( is experienced for tao task but the Teehtl 9 slides, was on "Christopher Coli-I last man does not claim to have any *."* .9 _________________________________ bus." 1 asset except hisstrength and willing- "~~____________________________________ -- i ess to ride the bull. The steer will.a Minnesota--A new publication ap-{I he brought from tie range to test!r , llhIIoltiWilli]illiiM11t111111,1,lh11i161i111iIiIIIllIll 11IIIlJi1Ill1(Ul1llhI peared on the .campus yesterday call- the s~ill anld endurance of the riders. ed the "Angel's Revolt". It is an , eight pagemagazine largely filled with U~th-A few of the rules to be o- criticism and satire on the philosophy, servedl when the freshmen and the f A T psychology, and history departments, sohomores meet. in Salt Lake city LAS as well as the administration in gen- are as follows: "Every male member eral. of the University will report rain, Ne TIMES Isnow, or hail on the campus. Visitors I *Y qia rL. Harvar-Dlr. Charles W. Eliot, proy- and faculty men will not be tubbed, i BON GH ident-emeritus of Harvard university,( provided that they do not interefem eSton was awarded a golf medal last week withthe proceedings. Those arriving =~iry 2:03 andu 3:30k on which was inscribed the singlelt ilb ukd.N usn il700 ad83 word "Teacher". be allowed. No white collars, combed A national wide plan to bring thean'30 _____J hair, or necktes will be tolerated." od ninn" into his own by honoring, Oregon-."Student sentiment as 2 J-'- n~tion nl "Father's Ilay," is bein d campus. power is undergoing a severe Dh tniout--Piet Rost of the 'Un - 'a soredi by Hsary C. Meek who will test at Oregon", says a dispatch from vrsity of Lieden, one of the two vis i queOst Prsident Ilarding to prclaimi T1 le t Eugene. The controversy is centered isting European students who are at "" '"tles Day. Iwn ossib ieDs ribe Splen dors about the alleged unjust dismissal of Dartmouth under the auspices o' the- -" Coach Bohler, recently caused by Deani Round Table for the purpose of di;- I Jimmie" starts work early in the o r Count T rium phs ! Buvard. Aanymous publications, pe- cussing the New Youth miovemnent that morning for you and doesn't stop un- l titions,_as well as open comment, in- has recently sprung up inu central til he gets RESULTS. -AdvI FEW l'TIIEIIS WILL I ACET J1 E ST A ARPDE ____________ -The flamng romance of te young hnerian ad the 'Spansh 'dancer --- a nt with painted ells ad taping heels. 71 RIC AIID Jarthelmess o NJ-, * 1 n JoSpF irkrgesior3 , 3 I A tJohn SRoertsonr ~ I~jK~lK H T-E FAIRER SEX LI1I~~' IWil' Be Interested to Know- I i;- tht the shawl iss Gizsh yse,5 in tis. production is of unusual honor and val- 'ADITION experts at a cost oM$2,00.00 and pr- lluS-UT ) -seted to this winome star for ,her re- dition of the true Cuban spirit and hion-A MERMAID v - '- rd traditions. COMEDY~l After G.raduatfio faUPRCSV -1ADSAURA ONLYI ,fQUICK rise to a responsible position in the business world-or a longT C / period of training at minor work before you are fitted for an executive role? a Which shall it be? "A college trained mean, if he has earnestly applied \ As a book- himself, has acquired one of the greatest assets in life-the ability to think. It is a 5tie most popular tremendous advantage. For now you are trained to set yourself for a certain definite goal and mntan romance tb ietakd aeyuee rte.1 not e sde-rackd. aveyou centrated into an intensive one-year chosen business for your life's training course. Babson Institute, an -1 A a l~ work? If so, and if you seek endowededucational institution, is con- .-'a wledrhi in the commercial ducted for the purpose of training E a Broadway hit.l wordhere are facts worthy young men who are to occupy posi- to of responsibility and trust.= of your deepest consideration. T 1aoaor ehd= As a pictre- The principles of leadership in busi-The La ora orsMe ho ness are not many in number. They are Snce it is the purpose of the Babsonatrligeetin not hard to grasp. Yet less than two Insotute Course to train men for bus- ~TAINING t, _ ment. men in one hundred ever learn them. ness, all work "and al study is con-=" O w~p', 'The two chief reasons for this fail- ducted in the same manner as work is , B ~SrIESS- uire are: (1) "- lack of an all=round conducted in any regularly established (lj business experience. (2)- the diffi- buiness house. For instance, there are LErrS~lp) w cuty of drawing sound conclusions regular office hours not merely school ,t from the relatively few experiences hours. Lessons and reports are dic- ,tt - ' A TO 1 that any one person can have ated by the "student as in an office- AlIO O not written. Thus the student acquires to P + } fir flr4MO lN'O. A ~u yofL a e a mastery of business Engish and the- Through your studies thus far you ability to trasomquickly his l . .r z+7,. ,, ' iES have created for ourself a substantial thoughts in to definite trn form. ..,,- -. . +..-. background-a foundation upon which Tahn nCneec you can build high. Why not use this Tahn nC neec foundation in the largest possible way? Classes are conducted on the confer- j If you are truly ambitious for steady ence plan. The teachers, or directors as E~~!~;* .' and permanent progress, it will be well they ae mre -properly called, are ex- Im l for you -in addition to your uinder- perienced business men, successful in "f graduate work 'to consider the adv isa- their own lie. Factory inspection trips _- bility of special training which will cut are 'not long dista nce walking matches, ofyasoapetehpi h uf u esnlycnutdtusb x ness world. This training is available 'pers in' that particular industry. The . -H aintttooraieunethlas oeanardrwfrmataexei ES Nat the Babson Institute-an education- problems discussed are presentday '7 AOP 4 z1 S a . . s' of Massachusetts not for profit. ence. They are the same problems 7 a nttuonognze ne h lw nsan r rw fo culexei e d Lr.1 Every man who hopes to be a leader which over 17,000 of America's keenest thi ' e"'-"t y in the business world needs special executives are seeking aid and solution S"'oIiL training-a training that can be had from the largest organization of bus- only from actual experience. A study ness advisers in the world. The stu. "Training for Business Leader- -'asnIsiut ok n si. tdecie h ore ofth scesfu usnesmen of detaBbsnItiuewrso in detail, and gives complete in- I ofthe ucessuldwi tl'v are thoseh who have- actual cases- not hypothetical prob- formation ofthe facil t es Of ,I (1-t udmnaonweg fbs- hm n osqetl edvlp asz nttt.Yuwl er :- -~ {l)afndaenat noledeo bui" lem - an cnseuetlyhedevlos 'aofnInstitut ethXodspeculear _ tebsness a' n fve.o hpatcimtos peuires rinciples; (2) -a faculty for the thbuiesanspntovew to this institution by which men practical application of these principles ies are fitted without loss of time tdaily-business life. B sn s Clinics for executive positions. No T These tried and proven principles,this The student at the Babson Institute obligation. OFTH gift for application may now be yours. learns to do the things he will beexpect- ed to do in business by constant contact The Business o with actual business procedure. He par- I ~~~~~~~~~ticipates i the clinic instead of sitting'in n . ! * Le rin.usn s class. The training coversthe four ma- ® Babson Institute A1, ____________ tute have spent years in business re- ing and Production, Financinmg, Distribu- Sndm.W sleetlMas i/"HEi seach lboatrywokand the study tion and Marketing, and Management. a fr ithout;argLe, "aining a =- of the lives of successful men. They _If you are anxious for achievement, if, oiculars about the Babson Institute. ItP~A. VIA S)lAflhf) - YOU WILLE EJOY IT - ------------------- SCHNEIDER'S CLOTHES SHOP 604E.LIBERTY Jut Received anothier sh ipment of }those. Fast selling,: models. for young, men fUTONGHIGH ALSO 4BUTTON BROOKS *30,00 COME IN AND $91mm0 1E CONVINCED 0t