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May 24, 1923 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-05-24

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- -- _.__n






on Par
ay 23-.
vices fri

IIj Scenes in old -Madrid will be I
N 1 voices ring- out once more in liar-
rIcaled oi ghtPrais cltearenle'
~ OUsetting will be perfect. M anyj
a feminine heart will receive a
[0N jqq-NOS thrill this evening as the Uni-
RYM1ENT versity Glee slabs give -their an-j
i i ! nual serenade.
I Members or the University's
SKS oldest musical organization wvilt
Assemble rt 8 o'clock 'at the
;S IAi TE1;A 1.Union and from there will make}
Ia ceolpleteo tour of the :sorority
Was lierely 1 houses and diormfitories. Due to
rt of the number of houses to be sei - 1
enaded onily a short concert cani!
be gliven at each stol).' Music I
(fly A. P.)- I rendered will include classical,
"om China to-I sentimentl and college selec-
ation e!Ccept ftionls.#
atic corps at ;
Gould Schur -_____
lster, planned . a r . ..

:019N RECOMEND rimeMiitrBnWllla i
r 1.Senior sin,; will be held this evening. T
starting at 7 o'clock and lasting un-
Li til 7:4.5. The seniors will meet in i


' i

Mu tiler W~ill Comne Before IRegents at
;e Ihed Frida~y
A recmendation to te 3Regents,
that the 192.3 Comnmencement exercisesi
be held at :Ferry ficel-was made by
the deanis at their session yesterday
morning in 11rcsilenrt Burton's office.
The action, was taken in respoinse to

"Sureness and Cocksiirenoess'" Subject
r of Prof. Shiorey's Talk to
1.'W Memibers
Alpha chapter of Michigan Phi Be-
ta IKapp a, national senior honoraryr
society, held its fifteenth annual init-
~iation andl banquet last night in the
assembly room of the Union. Profes-
sor Paul Shorey of the Greek depart-j
ment of the U.nivers~ty of Chicago, Who
is considered one of the three- fore.-{

front of we '% vest en V1trance f1t>>~ kC4I
ieal building and will wear caps and
The Varsity band wvill co-operatt
with, the seniors to make the sing a
success. Members of the land will
assemble on the campus, at the band
stand wh4ch was erected last week ini
anticipation of -the concert that wa,
to be given last Wednesday.
All attempts to hold a sing so, far
this year have been thwarted by the

Wolverine Batting Orinr s.
Sirong P'itchers' Battle

0113 comm11ission"
Ii instructions to
oft relatice to the1
ease of foreigners
inese bandits
essage came after
ars which depart-
!at a loss to eat-
e of the day withl-
cate. whether the
good their threat,
were not complied
yr government lby
Aief. It was as-
y of the prisoners
would have come
anpd it is now h~e-
idit threat vxas a

Iap.l., m re Com Idtte to h~a-e smnall.
er ffembershiip and 11 ore Power
j ' With Freshumen

a large petit~ion priesented to the deans
urgn; z-alo eiiatioliiof the cro0 wdcd con-
d citio i, which the inadeqclny of h ill
au itoritx r rcoders inevitable.
Th~e suggestion of the lactitiofl :ng
tSenors thant the graduating cxei'cise-,
b-3 held' in tvwo sections, one Comn-
Inencemnent for Seniors in the Coll~ge

Stanley Baldwi
Stanley Baldwini, who yesterday,
!\%aYs aT poiited by the king to succeed
An~drew I'lonam L w as British prima
mniister. Mr. B~aldwin was formerlyj
ninister. Mr. Bladwin was formerly
chancellor ot the exchequer. His ap-
pontm cut marks the fast time that
the labor party has risen to the posi-'
don: of his majesty's 'opposition in

f ~of Literature, Science and the Ar ts
TEMPORARY CHEERLEADE'r, TO and another' for those in the profes-
BE. APPOINTED) BY i'NE'XT 1'ALI,: sionial schools, Wa s conrsidered oiit
of the questionr. As a result of t10!
1Ilcoi'ganization' of thrs 'ophmomore; deans' ,action, the matter wvill or
underclass cohduct committee with, a comel before the Regents at thei:re-
new plan of mnembershiip ~and powerI ular monthly meeting Friday. Provid-
of punishment to freshimen offenders i they consider the plan fcasible
of IMichigan traditions was. discusseq anrd prvrl g the weather peri:s.1
last night at the Student council meet- the Conmment.onizent will Ibe held out-
ing in the Uniont. doors for the first time in Mtichigan':

;most classicists of the continent, gave'
thme principal address.
'Professor Shorev's subject wags
"Sureneks amid Cocksuirenless". Hje he- I
gan by giving a great ntany examples
of the cocksumreness of the a'ncient
philosophers. While his contempor-
aries were glorifying in the fact that
literature and science Nvere rnaking
such wonderful advances, Cicero was
bemoaning the fact that the scien-
tists were turning from their arit and'
becomning materialistic.
After speaking about, the modern
tendency to. argue and to offer opin-
ions at all times, Professor Shprey
said that the aincient sages had noa

weather conditions, but it is-believed I''~"" "U'~
that the shifting of the day from W~ed- -
nesdity to Thursday will result In It- seems hardly credible that i
tho weather-man permitting the sin;; baseball season is all but over, ai
to he carried out. yet, this afternoon,,. Michigan f~a
- ~Will have their last opportuni4ty
the year to see the Wolverines ina
tion on the home lot against a I1
fTen team when at 4:05 o'clock t
'with Coach Lundgren's fighting 11'
VARSITY BAN 0O tois aggregation.
Today's ganie will, in a large ilea
ure, have a -bearing on the final vi
Sy;Organization Represents, Best ;tory' in the Conference race. Illinoc
hii University with seven victories and three defeat
Spirit is far from out of the running, holdir
down third place by a more than su
NEW FFIERSC~I~ENstantial margin, while Ohio State, wi
AT ANINUAL BA NQIF F I;five wins and only one loss, has
_____ Icomparatively firm grip on secon
Tomorrow Ohio meets Northwester
President Marion L. Burton and i at Evanston i'n a game that is almo
other University officials spoke highly certain -to go to the Buckeyes ar
of the work of the Varsity. band, and should the Illini triumph over tl
predicted for that organization a year; Wolverines today the nienl from Cc
of oven greater success: next' year. ttU'wl ewti a5 'al
at the annual= hand banquet and i;the coveted title, but one half a gan
stallation of officers last night at the bhn ihgn hnteAov
Union.' IesiorevtoCoumu nxt - o



niliar withi
hiab its of

on wasexpresed iopinions,--they either absolutely knew;
were in no iumed- conduct committee at the presezit time installed to allow all those i atten. Many Wo'undied itteC StriinUgl WI~oena thing or they remained iient.
th wh~atever migh.islatoo large a bqod,,. The tentative ance to temr the addresses. C ('-sit iUth D~lluhiund
ant epbsue~ ~ whichwillbe bogt up again The deans also v-ted to refer 1%te O~il ihai~eMn xiils s
fui suroundng. for discussion next fall calls for matter of whr should be listeidr -"r
-_____spooedsiln oyo rm1 the caption "students" to the Asso- CITIZEN OF T.OWN iARMsoh ordicpnebyofrm10O , ply of information about the lives amnd
to 115 men. The nucleus of this body' ciation of American universities andlFR E PO.(TO beliefs of the ancients, Professor
K will be picked by the r udent comn- the National Association of state uni- _ Shorey gave example after' example
PEC iorde to scuregreatr T~of the, cocksureness of those menI.
fallchilethe st f te ol vit erste nore oscreg'tray2-B .whose teachings we have learned to j
fCwill lc filled by appointments of the, u-ifrntlt. TheyappomeThennlud-,took tup th e eto
Vu SNIllJ ierry eninein sphmoemittee conssting of 'Deans Lloyd. Pat- lg 1 womhan and~tnte child and from asi. ~ nen the literary mren of
and ersn, I~rgs, a~yd~nd1-lailtn t 60 to SO pers:ons were woundIed last
--lare presidents. ,'" tit' rprt tengt ofit srkn ngland. Huxley, who wrote a book,
nd serv.ices at Ann sAs physicalitpatioh andt hasobeen .014thaen or in co esbetween suli-g onoithe cocksurness of his contempor-
call and goon nexct abolished in dealing with freshmen dasadtiAscain ciadteplcacrigt h aries, was anything but, free from that
Conting nt upon the ap royal of the c ial t y l issue by the workers; .
nee with. the long-;
offenders it was t'hought necessary Ylgns h en oe o su adtc oie fault himself. The same thing applies
tofstiga ita h omte egvnte o- t to a great many of the other men of~
se ortlting sier ta hvomteeb ie h - bulletin whicht will contain "a list of The police and citizens tonight were I letters of that period, the eminent
r frtb3er to enforce the rules in some othert academic honors bestowed, prize's. o;ing a self-protection forca against ! classicist said..
be held at the re- tway. Some form of non-scholastic in-'I elections to honor' societies, scholar- the rioting element. This force is be-o ulcto f ae fsis Professor Shorey, after dealing with ,
at 10:50 o'clock ieligibilityoovspublicationiof nrmed oftshclusfeasowshipametc.
I le hre Lthra :offenders was discussed, but furth' It was decided that the admzinistra-i arebddenithcui;,asfre arms . the people of today as dlivided _Into,
ritheLuhrnjaction on the matter will be taken next tive offices of the University would be aefridnb h rnh classes said, "everybody is cocksure,4
will combine, serv-,fl.Mlany thousand strikers attended a our minds Pre open to conviction, but;
Trinity Luther .a kept open Saturday, June 16., mass meeting today in 4ortmunid, Vo- we would' like to see anybody who can
OteadW lm\ committee composed of J, 110s A The Dlaily Official Bulletin will becumanotetwsinhe iigcnvnea"
fc fl'Wm mIRice, '24, chairman, Donald W. Stekce huan thrMoincnlhemnigcovicgu
eliors are also in- te,2,adcoadAoffa,'4, ntinued in the SrninerMicia district and passed'resolutions to use f'riyer Spea.--
vice to be eheld at twas appond Toaker.omnd-MDaily as aR TCsult of the deans' deci- 4every effort to extend. the" strike t' :i Vf. hinrA ryro
PalsLohr n s~ for a temporary Varsity cheer-_____thogutheR radteie- the history departmzent opened the in-;
leader for neat year. This committee land. It is- estimated that 60,000 men itia.4ion with 'an -address to the initi-
services this year will nmake its report to. the council as ilf IlTII nrrir8 l ue quit work from the Dortmund ates. After an address of welcome, hesa src.Tetikraedmnig
be student Chris- J ibfr h otalsa~ s VNLI f~lf lbILdtrc.Te tiesaedmniges plainfed whythe or anrization had
selection for the positioi is made. a 10prceti ,es nwae e selected the men and womeni that it
The council voted to hold football ;I~ U fhQfJ LIE~ cause of the high cost of living and ,dill as members. Then he gave a brief
V' OFFICE ;pep mertings on the Friday nights he-j' U 5, Ir UIIU IIVLIlk epeito fth aiO0 h account of the history of Phi Beta
--fore thte Ohio State gamre on Oct. 20, --_. ;mark. kappa. Among other things, P'rofes-,
'23, was elected; the Minnesota game on Nov. 24, and PRcil)ET IITO iFR3X j The action against the rising cost ofa sor Frayer brouight out the fact that
Af the 1923 senior tentatively before the Marine game of PR1ESENTS MEIDAL AFTER ivigwayaentdy ntk o l.it is 146 year's since the organztion
ting yesterday af- I Nov. 10. The mieeting laset night will v .. oT'. C. INS1iPECTION Steele aind Kay, where so-called iGem ' vas founded in Virginia.'
1 Science auditor- be the last regular one to be held by _____ an coi~rassions of control muade the; Professor Chlarles Horton Cooley of
the Student council this -year. Prsdnt tonL uttnreiw ountds of stores and markets and com- the sociology department, president of '
PrsienMrin_._uronreie- polled dealers to mreduce their prices
cwith a committee j I this chapter, acted as toastmaster.
ed 3the class studentSsodieas esubr-beetilg Pot tponed ed Michigan'sn Sti8dent23soldiorstheectas-iby' hali yi more. Ocrini Pontofnecikag y.te-tririeeL..Champion, '23,3 aandE..1F.
fthe class after Saginaw club was unable to hold day afternoon on the campus before described t te striesa onmn Ramsdell,i, wer e speakers for the
ommittee is corn- elections of~ officer~ last iii11ghtas tebidng n t tists but the communist leaders sayiiits
Whit, Rber B.planeddueto he ackof aquoum. Chei~ty Iteat the workers include workers 01f l'More than 160 memb~ers attended
t, Anne Marie H-in- The election will belheld at the next saetm omlypeetdMjralIate.TeBri oenetthe banquet, including the 9~9 initiates;
IRobert Arthur, head of the R. 0. T. C. is greatly concerned over this strike
elty. meeting. untr tt i~ h ev eth t who were just taken in.
ice ,Medal which was awarded hillm a repoit on the,movenment. A number
"" some time ago by the United States of the~ newspapers blame educaton and raa m rn u ir
(n#i governm ent for his distinguished serv- "for ________ I [FIND. ISSUE r CHlIE
icr o m at ,le in the Amerfltmn Expedlitionary ______-

President lit s Frinuiks
"'the University does appreciate the
work the band is doing, for- It is one
of the organizations that makes for
the unity of the University, and rep-
resents this institution as it really is,"
the President said. In his address,
President Burton alsd scored "the min-
ority that is responsible for acts so
grossly m srepresentative of this in-
stitution. I..have no quarrel with the
nuk who in private life, gets d1runk,
for that is; his bu ;ness. I do have a
quarrel with those individuals who
publicly disgrace this University and
the ideals it represents," he said.
Kenneth P. Jones, retiring presi-
dent of the band, 'acted as toastmas-
ter. Prof. J. L. Brumm and Dr. Fred
B. Wahr, formerly faculty managers
oof the band, told of their experiences
in the early dlays of the organization.
Prof. Earl 'V.. Moore highly, lauded
Capt. Wilfred Wilsorn, director, saying
"much.-of the sn-cP,_ss of the band dar-
ing the past years has been due, to
his, 'efforts.", R. A.' Campbel, pres-
ent, faculty manager, read the names
of bandsmn who,.are to recoive the
silver and gold medals. He. also
sp)oke highly, of the work of IDm
Mfajor John P. Lawton, '24, Frank J.
Rtyan ,Jr., S. of Ml., sang two tenor soli
Oiciers Eleeted
Officers of the band next year were
installed in office at the banquet last
night. They are: Arthur MV. Smith,
'24, president; J.!E. 'Baoon, Jr., '24M,
vice-presidlent; 6arleton B' Pierce,
'24AT, manager; Nelson J. Walters, '24,
librarian; andl Quentin Klein, '24, as-
sistanmt librarilan.

'ines journey toUnlum.u s neJ45 ixt' WeK.
Weak at Secondl
ti Coach Fisher's men~ will bec but
incompletely recovered from the hios-
pital jinx that has pursuedl them for
the past two wveeks when they tine
up on Ferry field this afternoon.
-While Jack Blott and John Shackle-
-ford are apparently thoroughly re-
covered from the injuries that have
been han'dicapping them, the 'Wol-
verineg will in all *probability have
- a weak spot at secon~d base, for, ac-
cording to Coach Fis' her, Len Van
Dloven's right arin is in as poor shape
as George Haggerty's left and 'it is
consequently a toss-up as to' who
will start the game at the keystone
The Wolverine "m-urderers' row,"'
} which proved, wvith Liverv.nce's pitch-
inlg, the straw that broke the camiel's
back in the first Illinois game, will
be practically the same that faced the
Indians at Urbana with the possible
exception that Haggerty may be at
second and that Mike Paper and Jac~k
Blott wvill be" moved up a, notch inm
the batting order, "Ad" Klein going
ttelate in eighth position.
Liverane, Jackson to Hurl
{The choice for pitchers has been
announced as ]Toward Liverance for
*Michigan_ and "Jack" Jackson for Ii-
linois. Jackson, reputed as the best
in the Big Ten, held the Wolverinesi
to two hits in six innings at Urbana
before he collapsed along with his
support and- lost. The Indian star
f may be expected to give a~ better ac-
count of himself this afternoon.
Should he stumble Coach Lundgren
has an able twirler in Roettger, while
Coach R~isher can safely rely upon
(Continued. on Page Two)

Masques Give
Play Skillf ully zPorOFITLRNER CONCLUES'
Skillful interpretation a ld mnus- I IflIAF I IR I A


a ass iMiock rE ectzons I sAn2 1ir~pcti01ou fthe 2un1t, which1
j was in regimental, formnation, was first
_--' mnade by the r eviewing party whichi

F' reshmn C leo Club End' Year


Irful andI well-
chine, domin-
iss mock elec-
nginto office
es, as against
the riinishers'

~early when the
i on the .sceneI
'ed ballot. WVith
the leaders of:i
up the late arri- I
up solidly.
IBy Smell
ho vere led by
de a 'bold stroke
A the new office
pus and elected
leader of the In.-
xy created, post
,gle between the
hen ?Merry Wag-,
ist William Pen-
class Vamp11. Vanl
r this post by°


Hillery. Thae vote vas tunanimiou s. i was composed of President Burton.
Lawrence Snell succeeded in his M vajor Arthur, Major Shippamt, Maj-
election as handsomest man barelyorrokCp.oinat.Ior,
beating out Van Orden, who later I Capt. Loulsell, Capt. McDonnel, Lieut.
was named the biggest fussei'. Van Holly, and Cadet Colonel M. S. Hink-
Orden, who declared he would abide ! ley, '2317. Lieut. J. A. Hrolly of Fort
bsy the ,results and. not demand a re-3 Waynie who brought the medal fromi
count, reiterated is statement after$ Detroit thenr readh the citation conicern-
each election. ing the miedal and President Burton
The parties agreed on Robert D. pinned thme decoration on M~ajor Ar-
Gibson as. most popular man, cast-1 tiiiv's beast.
ing a solid vote.. Gibson appeared1 Following this the regiment passed
oan both tickets and his election was in r eview before the party with the'
assured from the beginning. In a pub- ,.0 .C adledn h rcs
'lie statement Gibson declared, "We'll lion. Cadet Colonel M. S. Hinkelcy,
split up the graft caused by collec- '34 a n cag"fth oeet
tions from both parties." ' Othun.
C. hD. E. IIn Most Baslhful Following is the citation from the
Smoothiest politician went to Fran-' United States government: Robert Ar-
ces M. Ames. who won, ov(er L. P, thur, major, Coast Artillery corps,
EBull without any difficulty. The Ini- thena lieutenant colonel, Field Artl-
stigators then placed Margaret Krause lery, (Coast Artillery corps) Uniited;
who' was elected :the biggest girl States arimy. For exceptionally mem'i-
grind, and Anna Gabler, named tihe toriotis and distinguished ser'ice in
jolliest girl, a position of great responsibility. Ho '
'I Prfio ..nli .tr.. hn . nf- f in coninanded Ct-_ 121st FMeld Artillery


Freshman Glee club closed a, suc-
cessful year with its final meeting
last night in the Union." The club
will sing wvith the Varpity in the Semi-
ior sing tonight. Pins will be award-1
ed to the 32 mnrwhvlo have reported !
for practice regularly.



Ihlii wiln inlGolf,
(Chicago, Mlay 23-(By A. P.)=1131.
nois University wore over the univer-
sity of Chicago in a golf meet for
first place in the Big; Ten standing
The Urbana players wom. easily, 151
to 4. Play was at 36 holes.'

until next. Se;'temliber for most
of us. B~ut have you engazgedl
your room yet? The Daily Clas-
siled§ have many good rooms to
tell you about.

BE ULU iuiiutriuy Th~e-ih l-o -the-Wasp" a one act play
by Doris F. H-allman, which was given
______by group 5 of Masques last evening ini
Due to unavoidable delay in the , Sarah Caswell? Angell hall. This con-
press r'oost the final issue of Chimes cludes a series of short plays which
to appear this year will be put ont have been presented by that organi-
sale tomorrow instead of today as s zation from time to time throughout
originally scbedulerd. the year.
"In, Retrospect" by Robert D. Gib-, The title role was effectively enact-
son, '23, president of the outgoing ; ed by Ruth Vermilyea, '26; Ruth Mc-

Prof. Edwk~ard R. T'urner, of tim0e Eur-
opean -'hi story department,.i'eturne'd
last Tuesday fromt a six weeks 'lec-
ture tour at Johns Hopkins 'Univer-
.sity where he gave four lecture:- be-
toile the people of Baltimore on the
subject of present political situations
in the European countries.
EThe four wain lectures which Pro-

senior literary class, is the first ot Cann, '25, played the part of the poet'si
a series of features in ,which the issue wife with dignity and :assurance;
abounds. "Good Music at M~ichigam," Margaret Goodman, '25, as the Corn-
by D. E. Snyder, '25, is a review of' ish woman and Phyllis Delf, '24, as
the past nmusical- season in Ann Arbor I the maid, did commendable work.
including the M~ay Festival. Officers for the coming year have
Sports are generously treated byI been elected as follows: president;
an article on boxing by William Ru- Dorothy Jeffrey, '24; vice-president.
witch. '25, and one on golf by Carl- Velina Carter, '24; secretary, Isabell
ton Wells, coach of the Varsity squad. Waterworth, '24; treasurer, Margaret'
Anton Rowlande and Merry WagnerI Beal, '25; member at larg3, lHortense
contribute poetry besides the regular 1Head, '24. "One Thousand Years Ago",,
poem of "Youth, Sword and Bandan-, by Percy McKay is the first play that
na" by Lew Harlan. Thm'de short will be presented, by Masques next
stories appear. They are "The Law," year, the date for the production be
by Martin Klaver, '23; "Good Fellow mug Nov. 22.
Emeritius" by Wall-ace Elliott, '?c3----
and "A Certain Black Stone" by Anton SENIORS CARVINGC 1NAM1ES
Rowlande. UOT TAP 80O1 TA1BLEks


fessor Turner delivered, were: "h
Present Condition in the Briti Isles",
j "The Fascisti"," "The Rel'4tions lie~
t-%een Great Britain~ and the VUnited
States", and "Th~ie Present Situation
in Europe". Tfhese lectures embodt-
ied a conservatve attitu~de rather
than an exposition of whatl should b~e
done to remedy the Europeamn affairs
of today. These Sch;ou-lei lectures
have been dlelivered in recent year.,
by Dr. Joseph Redlichn of Vionna, Pres-
ident Lowell of Harvard, John B as;-
sett ?Moor'e of the~ State departmn! t.
I ad'by ro. llison Phillipfs of 'th,
anI by Prh1o. ThI'~

i ?


- I

t . __

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