TI 12MICHGAN UILXy _ . 1 LILY OFIILLDULLETIN [cation In the* Bulletini s aconstruttre notice to all memllbrs of rufrerslty. Cagy received until 3:30 nXlm. (11:301 a. =. Saturd~ay.) bie 3i WEDNESDAY, IUY 23, 19j 3 unher 171 Deane: re will be a conference of the IXanis on Wednesday, May 23, al M . b. BRTON. ion in Examuaton Schedule: tugh. a riisprint in the examination. sched.ules distrll)uted, a coni- curs between classes meetingb for the first time on -Tuesday at 103 sectons of French1 2 and Spanish 2. Tlie examinations for Tues- ,sseg at 10 slwauld come on Tuesday, June 5, from 2 to 5. 'The x is printed correctly in The Daily of May 17. ARTHUR G. HALL, Ra istrar. eR Studenuts ilScience: :duate students in Science who have completed at least one year ot e study and wish to take the special examinations in German andl required for all candidates for the doctor's degree may make ap- ts with me until Saturday, June the 2nd. After that dlate no 8S*IO--Zoology'3 lecture by C. Jutd y in Rtegistrar Arthur G. H IIi for am i-t Natural Science auditorium. Iefore June 10, un.d er penalty; o) THRSAYforfieting their senmeste's creittsif j Tt LiISI}'I: Ithe duty be neglected,. The mlattert :1,j--holy coca muui~n in Williams' should, be attended to at once. lemorial chapel of Harris hall. i- - ?li sntlt tiyl xt A ETTT EINprivate dlining room of the lUnion.I 4:00-BRaseball gamie, Illinois vs. l1ct- igan, at Ferry field. Dr. Leonard A. Barrett.,lpastor of} 4:15--Leietnre by 11,rIi C. .Iuday in! the First Presbyterian church of Ann room 214 of the Natural Science! Arbor, has signified his intention o)C building.k resigning that position on1 April 1 6:30- lntramxuraI aq;ociation dinner 1924. His resignation is to takee f, rin room 319 of the Union. fect 'not later than the fall of that 7:01C - King's Dauglhterg re"eption iia year. assembly hall of the Union. While Dr. Barrett has not made any A:l---Guu and BMade meeting in room 'definite plans for the future, it S Is 304 of -the Union. understood that helie s to spend< 7:30"- Veterans of Foreign Wars t.he rest of his lire in ;ri<<, an I smoker in reading room of the Un- research, andI that he will probably ion,' move to Chicago, 'where hiect n be t :30---R~publie41n club meeting inear his brother, a mniu i factr, l.r.! room 906 of the Union. Barrett's sucecessor will not be chosen 8:00-Clttsses in PMy Production Pre.~ for somtie0. sent three one-act plays in Univer- ------- S sitp Hall.TDYt;'1"DY TODA I4 1 ) I',V- 1o !;ian to Viit Pli.1rimes Today cr. '1I. li. Hoffmnan, secretar y of the stabP~ borfparmlacy, is expecteCl }t h. in towin todlay to visit the Uni- vrty parmacy depart ment. lHe wvill al-,o attendl the monthly luncheon of thatf. department ait the Union. T.)O DAY TIS ")" DAY. EAL .SALESMEN WANTED for smumer vacation. If youa area live wire you can clear $15001 this slunmer. If you are niot a live wire do' not reply. Th'is is not a peddling or can- vassing proposition, but is a he- m1-an's job with hie-man's pay. Write Box 20,. -vlichigan Daily, with telephone niumbper and sales experience. TOD1¢AY IS 1131" DAY. U -lit VIA UAL a tions will be given until the beginning of the next semnester. Literaryv freshmen are req~uested1 to payI ALFRED 0. LIB, j their dues at ince. Th e class has' Room 4, East ha~ll several assessments to mneet immed- lately and sufflcient funds are lack- C. j ing. Send $1 to K. Morgaridge, 431 mn w~lio ar going to cabap this summer and have not had the Topo tet inoculation will report at the lealtli Service Thursday morning. Stildents of the literary college plan- JO131N A ROOKS, JR. ning to transfer next September ti one of the professional schools or Ad.uant colleges, not on the comrbined curri- -cola, should make application to thme . C. Registrar of the University before' -sicent DBrton will review the R. 0. T. C. on thme campus at 4: 28 June 1, Joduesday., Ay-sernbly will bre at the usual place at 4:10 p. Mn. Al G~. 'W. Ellis iRealty comp-any will havei s of the ft. 0. T. C. are exp ected to bae in ranks on tivae. a' representative in room 302 of the JOHN A. IIlfYCS, JR. Union at ,7 o'clock tomorrow to Adjutant.' speak to those interested in workI for the summer. Students w nishing to be conridered ' .octres for Rhodes scholarships should have Chiancey Juday of the University of Wisconsin will deliver ttbo their applications 'with all creden- ilectures: tiAls in hand not later than Satuir- ysical anid Chenmical Characteristics of Laike Waters," May 23, 4,15 s dap noon, June 2. Detailed inform- l~on~4N .,Jation, conference and -application Roount3 214 N. S. ~ May ~ blanks at the office of the Graduate' ePrdutiit o Lke,"Ma' 3,8 p. ;m., N. S. Auditorium,.chil e Biology of -akes, I May 24, 4:15 pD., m,,otom 214 N. 'I. All cla treasurers and treasurers of nfternoon lectures are scull-technic l and. of interest to graduate other student organizations are re-, s of bilogoy. Th'e evening lecture 'is of a 'popular, nature and quireod to submit their acecounts too am il--i cqi4he Cosn p~QPJ andWiches atad6 "e TE PL1ACE TO, ENTERTAIN YOUR FRIENDS 3'. li" w t. (r 1 i 6 c 9 'r I I i ilk COSILY, COMFOR ",TABLY, TEAFULLY lly~ iteresting to time public who are corially invited. ta Kaippa AntuaiBJanquet; pha Chapter, in ~Michgan, Phi Beta Kappa' will hold 4ts_ annul I t, Wedesday, May 23, at ?7:00 p. im., li the Michigan'' Union.. The al speaker will be Professior Paul Shorey of the University of ;o. Weinlev of other chapters, resident in Ann Arbor are cordially !to attenid. Reservations ma~y be miade with the Secretary. C. H-. COOLEY, President;. E . N. CAR ROLL, Seeretary._ era will b~e a imeeting, of Phi Siginia for the election or f ciers In 7 231, N. S, at 7:10 1). in. Thursda~y, Mbay 24.- L. B. WE~IDItp, tyfit B usiness Adnxi1tration: I'.ulrkc S1nmth of the Illinois Blell Telephone rcompany Neill bei 106, ECOaoxi4c Riic6ng Thursday, Mlay 24, to Interview students ted inl positions with that Company. 1 ~F iMUN1 R. 'DAY. Leotum opt Ae~rnanties: r. I rn B.Stt. 4'Aeronautl E IFngineer and builder of the firM t WINDOW SHADES Properly Cleaned ONE -DAY SERVICE~ H. S. COLLINS 100 L. pbo re _______________ _________,'I -~~~~~~~~~~~ ___________-----------"- i---"---'-''--~.- ____-I P. I : T:t. I ENGRAY[PIG y now, V I 1 r' ? PLATE AND 10 AD 3.50 A4D UP 100 CARDS FROM YOUR PLATEc $1.75 ] t 1l If s I ' ..:. i , i t Mw [- ¢A i MM YY y e1tl1 IfY fr 11NI sw mM M +M )ur N -ew p-t-Dt°Bkry ng with getsuccess. is °.316 it THI WEC A TL ash D EALR )ur Shop Runs Night and Day o make enough Goods for 0 tores. Already We Have Had C FROM OTHER S [ORES] OUR L3A',IKFD(2 GODs C I 1-1 1r'2dC'a iISTSLw'iR1taY;"'"w;,Sw:.'.L:'lt&-.-.7 gur Henot, wAdvort'isaffie Alm= 7 WAHR Boost~r Fresh fromi theOvn to Ouritr'ad Our Cook-ies, Cake-s anz Nt-Rol Goads are Lower Th an Elsewher Quality --Considecred. am I Cal s II 1 l - oa l n il s e k u d r t e a si e f tn .h r-Society on "Co mimercial Aviation and the M odern Metal Mlono)- i, Roomi 34$, Engineering Building, W e'dne-sday, TMaS, '3, at 7_:34, lie is cordally invittEd. ' OIDON T, WAITlE. P'ident. ' nedy May 23rd, 6:00 p. i. Annual )ranque.t at.'Union, informial.' xnbhers are requested to bie prompt. Mlenmhe-rfs WhO cannot attetiAl eatod to notify W. T. Fergutsan, Phone 132$ b Wore 1:00p. Ill. i iay 24th, 7:00 p. mn. Outdoor Cd'rncert" on C;an'mpus, Wtwld .r g. loch: and march books, no unirorms.' By authority of thl Director, CARILTON B 1. .EIIRGE, Manager. __-mM MCANDIES Sixty Cents the P ound SIIIPT DAILY F!ROMl DETROIT FAC r'ORE -:;- - - -- --r- :40-Varsity band rehearsal II n In. jversity Hll.' 1 tf O INTroom iof the Union.u-r"dn 7:Q0--Quzaxterdeck meettng i.ro .__ _.. _._ _.. _.._ s 304 of the Union.I OTI'CE---Copy for this columm should;414:0- Salesmianshtip club meeting hII bQ ~I~flttO4b~ ~ ~ Iroomn 302 of the Union. the day before piRblctiat.'7 :00 -Phi. Beta KappA annual branqiuetj in assemibly hall of the Union. Prof. WDNEDAY Paul Shorey, of the University of :00---Conference of deans. Chicago, will speak.I ~O-Rotory club luncheon in CUbam- 4 :15 i-Uu'rsity Ch niber of Com,-j ber of Commerce inn. iherce cl1ub meeting In room 306 at'. kl&-fat u e 11tiih i ron. 19 of', the Unions. th', Union.7 :15--sagiaw club .meetbig in room. :1 -t~eG~nof ontn~itec il i o 323 ot the Union. nipscoolsin Othe ofice tofoPresient :t- Rt "' club nmeetingfint Law ~rnscholsIn he f~ie o Prsid~i ball. Coach Yost -speaks. Burton. ' :00-IL 0. T. C. baudI practice in d301-.etlre by V. B. Stout, in ro0011 R. O.T. C offie. '48 of the Engineering building. :00-6.0-0-Open )ouse at 1Harris haiL'7.1. 0-S tndet concil iueetlng tint Oe :10-Ase-mbly of It. 0. T. C. nteii1 Utnion, prior to review" by President 'Bur- '7r :j0-- Ante .ian legometingIn i t~. ' ~rcior 325 of the Union. iii-Lectureby Prof. C .nd in :34Ja=mdweeli service of the First rom 214 bf' the Natural Science Methodist church. roof i 217 :30Y-Final mteetlit~ and performace bd5--'flJdng.n eitl Hl al of Masques in' Sarah Caswell Ang- citorlum l hl #' ' :00-Yarsity hand dinner in room l_ MACDiARMID'S. ANN ARBOR Sl ON THlE'CA',! US NEXT ARC1( A;)' Ti11EAtRE, -ORD, E! ., . el 4? QI.AL1YY AM?' QUALITY. -M0 +S -- '+ k 0 in °¢14- ~ 4 * .~ n i~ t oI v ' LARGESTGRCRBUNE FA NANN -" k ARO I fIJ THE TRADE MARK KNOWN -IN EVERY HIOME . Q ,. > o _ - , +ed !i . i That Goes \Gut of Our Stcl'es of BUny OUpRfy GR efC A Car on Tr ack 6of the Union. TODAY IS,'"N" DAY. IN T ELLIGENT AND INTRUSTED1 Qii tis oundbrng tiaylfe 3Sores inAnAbradby Ii Your bank shoild* be sound; accurate" and. Crisp, cruuchz , golden brown toast serve4 Piping hot from the gten - uine Univer. al 'Toaster. A slice a minute. andi twelve slices with a cent's worth of current. This handsome design equipp{ d with convenient pwsh button switch its cord. Prie $7.50. Other mcdels. Including reversible $6.75 to $8.0. One of the many Universal Household Helps sold by II efficienit. But that is flot enough. Banking 'III